
his techniques and skills to start off with in gintama

he was now the age of 13 he had perfected the techniques Dragon Hammer Flash, Dragon Hammer Flash: Disaster, Dragon Coil Flash, Dragon Coil Flash: Wintry Wind, Dragon Coil Flash: Storm/Tempest and Dragon Coil Flash: Hair Whirl, Dragon Coil Flash: Wintry Wind, Dragon Coil Flash: Storm/Tempest, Dragon Soar Flash, Dragon Hammer-Soar Flash, Dragon Nest Flash and Dragon Nest Flash: Gnawing. (if you want to know about these techniques then copy and paste this link https://kenshin.fandom.com/wiki/Hiten_Mitsurugi-ry%C5%AB#Techniques ).

he will not be learning Earth/Land Dragon Flash as it is a technique to knock out the opponent.

he is learning the Nine-Head Dragon Flash which will take him about 3 years to learn and 2 more years to master and after that he will learn Twenty-Seven-Headed Dragon Flash which is the Nine-Head Dragon Flash 3 consecutive times that will take him like 6 month to learn after he perfects the Nine-Head Dragon Flash after that he will be learning a technique that is said to be the strongest of the Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū style Flying Heaven Infinity Slash.

I don't think he really needs the Battōjutsu techniques because

1. that's to much to type and remember

2. im pretty sure there weaker than the normal techniques except one or 2 which happen to be secret techniques he will learn but thats for another time.

the next chapter he will start his journey you will see the ups and down of his life his depression and happiness so stick around and please tell me what i could do better.