
Chapter 176 "Sacred Blood" Almost Lost!_1

Translator: 549690339

Huo Yingjie, in the end, did not go out, but sat beside He Tiantian's bed, watching her, reaching out to touch her face. Feeling a bit feverish, his throat a bit dry, Huo Yingjie knew he couldn't go on and withdrew his hand.

He Tiantian, oblivious, slept soundly, even drooling a bit at the corners of her mouth.

Huo Yingjie found it amusing and took a handkerchief to wipe her clean. Suddenly, his body tensed, he couldn't help but pause, savor the moment, and found himself unable to leave.

Yesterday, the kiss beneath the big elm tree lingered in Huo Yingjie's mind and also left He Tiantian utterly enchanted.

Now there was a chance for a whole-hearted kiss, and she was as immersed in it as Huo Yingjie.

Perhaps uncomfortable lying prone, Huo Yingjie waved his large hand and rolled He Tiantian up in the blanket.

All but her two arms remained outside, the rest of her resembled a large silkworm cocoon.