
Chapter 1 : The Beginning

By the time you found this letter, I am probably dead. Let's just assume that I have been eaten by a brojah. You know, the beast that looked like a frog but bigger? Maybe I am being myself and just slipped into its mouth or something.

Anyway, what things do I have to say in these many-page letters? Well, nothing much really. I just wanted to tell you the story of my life. But be prepared though, it is quite a ride to have.


It started in a small village called Reyna village. I was born in a very humble family in a harmonious village. There were farmers planting some crops on the left and there was a small marketplace on the right.

You could also hear the horse clacking their hooves from afar.

My house was at the top of the hill, where I could see almost the entire village. That's how small we are.

I was born in the village when my parents were still in their early twenty. For goodness sake, they were having too much fun, weren't they? What if they didn't have enough support for me and left me hungry all the time?

However, that never happens. They were young, but my father was working his butt off for our family.

Ahh... What a fortunate son I am. My mother was a very caring and gentle person. She kissed me every night on my forehead before I was going to sleep. She also sings a folk song that she learned from her father years ago.


And it continues until I am 8 years old.

"Simon! Let's it's practice time. Let us sharpen your sword technique. Who knows, maybe you could be the next royal guard, you know?" My father shouted from outside the house.

"Just a second father... I am still sleepy..." I who just woke up from bed are just too lazy to move right now. Just why the hell are we having sword practice so early in the morning? It still has the same result even in the afternoon.

"What the hell are you saying? Don't you wanna become a royal guard? Come outside now."

"Ahh fine..."

Even though I feel sleepy, I forced myself to walk down the stairs leading to outside.

That's right, I am gonna be a royal guard. The royal guard was the chosen guard by the king of Buija Kingdom himself. The royal guard was rumored by everybody to have infinite wealth and unrivaled power.

As I was walking the stairs, I slipped.

At the very last moment, just before my head hit the floor, my mother caught me.

"Simon! are you okay?" Asked her.

"Yes... I am alright, mother. Thank you for saving me." I smiled at her to make her feel relieved.

However, that did not seem the case.

She hugged me tightly.

"What happened, Milanjo?" My father came from outside, running after a huge thump sound he heard.

"Zachary, our son fell down the stairs!"

"Again?! Just how clumsy you could be? It was like 3 times already this month. Is he okay, Milanjo?"

"Yes, somehow I managed to catch him before he fell."

My father sighed in relief.

I just grinned at both of them. I do feel bad for them. As they said I am a clumsy person. I fell down the stairs, I break the plates, I almost cut myself with a sword one time.

It's almost like a curse.

But every time that happens, my mother and father were there with me.

I stood up from my mother's embrace and asked my father to keep practicing me to become a swordsman.

He smiled at me and both of us walked to the front yard.

Mother looked worried, despite that she continued to wash the dishes.

I will not let my clumsiness be an excuse for me not to become a royal guard.

After I become a royal guard, I'm gonna let my parents live in a big house where they don't have to work anymore.

Well... Maybe I could fetch myself some beautiful wives for me to marry... hehe...

As I was grinning to myself, my father was throwing a wooden sword at me.

I immediately caught the sword and proceed to be in my battle stance.

I charged at my father at full speed.

Today I will defeat him!

But that didn't happen.

He knocked me out cold in one hit.


As I woke up, it was already in the evening.

I looked around and I realized it was my room.

I must have been carried by father again to my bedroom.

'Ah... I failed again...' I thought to myself.

'But rest assured! I will defeat him... One day... Probably...'

I walked downstairs to apologize to my father.

However, halfway down, I heard my father and my mother was arguing in the kitchen.

"Why did you keep training that boy?!" Said, mother.

At that moment I didn't hear it properly, so I walked closer to them.

"Why Milanjo? Why are you so mad about him chasing his dream? Let him be whatever he wanted to be. Why are you so angry?!"

"Because he's clumsy! He shouldn't even be holding a sword!"

Well... I know I am clumsy...

I know why she said that.

Not that I am too young to understand that.

Even a kid understands what she is saying.

But why... Why did my heart hurt so much...

Why are my tears keep flowing?..

Ah... Yes... I know the reason...

I'm just... pretending that I didn't know it...

The fact that the reason why I want to be a royal guard... was the reason why I can't be a royal guard... hurt me so much...

With tears still flowing through my eyes, I stepped in front of them.

"Simon..." My mother looked at me while calling my name with a voice crack like she was about to cry.

My father looked at me with such sad eyes.

"I'm sorry... Mother... I... will not be holding a sword anymore... As long it will make you happy..." I smiled at both of them.

I knew I couldn't become a royal guard.

Let alone a swordsman.

But... why...

My tears keep flowing down my cheeks...

I must hold it...

Otherwise, my mother will know I'm sad...

At the time, my mother just stood there while her tears keeps falling down her cheeks.

Father couldn't look at me. He already knew that I am incapable of reaching my dream. There wasn't anything he could do except comfort me.

But he didn't.

Neither did mother.

They probably felt guilty about what they just said.

Probably they couldn't find any word to say.

However, at the time, I didn't understand.

I thought they didn't love me.

So I ran out of the house immediately.

"Sim..." My mother tried to call my name, but she didn't make her voice heard. She couldn't.

I ran into the forest.

It was already dark outside.

It was cold.

But at least I didn't have to look at them tonight.

That's what I thought at that moment.

But if I knew that was the last night I will see them...

I would have told them I love them.

Thank you for reading :)

Vainerdcreators' thoughts