
The kiss

Beatrix rolled her eyes. "Oh, I don't know, genius.

Maybe I just enjoy handing out threats to random females who look like they want to eat you."

"You look cute when you're mad." He smirked. 

"That's it, I'm leaving," Beatrix blustered, angrily shoving him out of the way.

 "Go after your blond babes. Maybe they can have you for lunch."

"Not so fast, dear ," he said, catching her elbow and pulling her back to him. 

"I don't care about the blondes. I've a big appetite and I don't think they can satisfy me.."

"Whatever," Beatrix hissed, punching his arm when he wouldn't let her go. She had no idea why she was behaving this way when she was the shy type. She guessed jealousy was a deadly poison. 

Damien laughed and rubbed his nose against her cheek. 

"Ah, you looked really hot my darling. I liked that you defended yourself and threatened them to stay away from your man." He grinned. 

Your man. She liked that. He was hers.

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