
The Sweet Facade

He was a billionaire and a person with such a cold attitude that would make you think he's from Antarctica. He can have anything in a blink ,except her. The chase grew his interest and he finally realized he love her. He was swooned over her, Like a puppet. He was whipped. He liked her smile,her dimple,her frown , her laughter even her care. He started investing his emotions on her and for the first time he was dependent on a stranger , he met at a cafe. But, what if it was all fake? The girl that she claimed to be, was already dead. She was just here for revenge, to ruin him. She was here to take the greatest assets of his life . Read out the whole story, THE SWEET FACADE, to find out if the girl succeeds or the destiny has another plan for them? Was it really HER facade?

Bhumi_Gupta_7515 · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Young bones!

As the light flickered her eyes, she snuggled more to her pillow which radiated the sweet warmth. She could smell some lavender scent and a soft smile graced her lips. It felt heaven. She felt the grip on her waist tightened and pulling her closer, if that was even possible.

Frowning at the movements, she opened her eyes and gasped as she saw the face of her pillow. Karan. She looked at their position and a feeling of horror rushed making her heart run in a marathon.

She was laid partially on karan, her hands wrapped around his torso and legs tangled over his. His hand too laid at her waist and struggling to it and face resting in the crook of her neck, his breadth fanning her skin, sending a shiver ran down her spine.

"H-How?" She wandered how she ended up being here? In his arms? In his room?

She closed her eyes in frustration and all the events snapped at her. As she opened her eyes, she looked at his face. Eyes closed and mouth slightly parted as he slept. Like a baby. Completely opposite to what she saw last night.

Her hands seemed to have mind of their own as her fingures traced his eyes. The images of him being vulnerable could not left her.

Being orphan, she'd often breakdown in her bathroom. She was a teenager who cried whenever she saw her classmates leaving the school happily with their parents. Everytime she was asked about her parents, she would have no one as answer and the tears would well up on its own.

Every PTM when her classmates feared to bring their parents, she craved for that fear. The caretaker of her orphanage would give her ,and all the orphan children, the love that they should get. But she craved for the sweet banter. For the sweet scolding. For the sweet pacifying session. And she'd often end up crying behind the four walls of her bathroom.

Yesterday when she saw Karan in the devasted state, the images of teenage-her flashed. She wanted to help him because she wanted to think that she is helping her ownself. She knew he still had Raya with him but She wanted to do it.

"Hmm..." She heard karan moaning in sleep as he snuggled more to her. His lips directly touching her neck crook making her breadth hitch.

She realised that she did not made any attempt to get up. She should not be a lazy jerk and with this thought, she started escaping from his grip. Careful to not wake him up.

"Stay" She heard the deep whisper from karan but his eyes were still closed.

The same conversation, from last night, invaded her when she said 'she will'

"I can't. Karan get up, i have to go back to my room before someone wakes up." Her voice came out as a whisper. But it was true indeed. What if she went late in her room and lexi asks where she was? Lexi was a heavy sleeper and mishti knew she won't wake up before 8 but it was...what time?

Her eyes wandered at the clock and she gasped. It was 9:37 a.m. She started pushing Karan. Damn, she is far way late. Lexi will surely bombard her with questions.

What will she say to her?

Meanwhile, as soon as the words left Mishti's mouth that she has to go before someone wakes up, realisation dawned Karan. Last night was not a dream. Mishti was really there. To see him vulnerable. To see the side which wanted to remain unseen. Ofcourse, Raya was well aware about the episodes aftermath his specific guests dinner for she there with him from starting.

But Mishti seeing him in that state, was impromptu.

As he felt her attempting to escape his arms, he himself jerked up. And without sharing a word to her or even looking at her, he went in the bathroom. The safest place to avoid her.

A sigh of relief left Mishti's mouth as she looked at karan going in the bathroom. She won't have to meet him. But a part wanted to. It wanted to look at him and tell him that its fine to show your weak self. To share your thoughts. But again, she was no one.

Taking a deep breadth, she got up and walked silently to her room. All the way making a key point to not face Lexi. She sighed at her success and grabbed her clothes for the day before entering the bathroom.

She looked at her hand and her eyes widen. The wound on her hand was remained unattended. That also meant that his would would also be the same. Luckily to her, the wound was small and had not bled since the time she had wiped it off with the alcoholic strips before cleaning his room. But his?

His remained unattended. What if it got infectious? Shaking off her thoughts, she started stripping to take the shower, making a note to check on his wound later. And that's when her gaze fell on the bloody marks at her top. It was where his hands were. His wound kept bleeding.

Gulping the lump in her throat, she started with the shower.


"Uggh..Raya.." She called Raya who was busy making something in the kitchen. "Where is lexi? I have not seen her from morning." She asked once Raya turned to her.

Raya smiled brightly befkre answering. "Oh, she was awake before you and asked me the same about you. "

"Having nothing to reply, i told her that today she and you have a day off. So, you must have gone somewhere. Your phone was also in your room so she could not ask you where you are. And Now, she has also went somewhere to meet her friends." Raya added further.

"Ohh. So, is it really our day off?"

"Hahaha.., you both can have one." Raya laughed. "But remember to come home at time and help me making the dinner."

"Oh yeah, Old bones i see." Mishti said giggling.

"yes, young bones." She grinned. "So any funny business last night?"

Mishti stopped giggling at this. "Wha..What? Funny business?"

"Oh, acting innocent, are we?" Raya said narrowing her eyes. "You should know that i have the access to karan's room, apart for him. And maybe you in sometime. I walked in his room early morning to see if he's fine, and what i saw was surely young harmones."

A red crept her cheeks as she reminded the position they must be in when raya walked. 'I..I..He asked... me to..you know."

"Yeah, i know Ms. Stuttering Mess. Now shoo..and let me make my poha for breakfast."

Not saying anything further, she decided to leave.

"Uggh, Raya."

"What, now?"

"Can i also go to meet my friends?"

"Ofc, you can, young bones."

Shaking her head at Raya's teasing tone, she walked back only to be bumped by someone.

"Sorry." Both muttered while Mishti rubbed her nose.

"You fine?" Karan asked in concern. And mishti nodded. Before she could leave, her hands were grabbed by him. She looked at him confused.

Her eyes followed his and she found that the man was checking her hand.

"The cut is not deep, but why is it undressed? You would have caught the infection.." He said making her eyes narrow at her.

She grabbed his own injured hand examined it in the same manner before copying his tone, "The cut is deep, and is still undressed. You must have caught the infection, you idiot."

He chuckled at her antics. Cute. Was all he could think. "The cut is not deep. Plus i have not caught the infection."

"Yet." She finished. "Lets get it dressed. " she dragged him to sit at sofa. And bought a first-aid kit from her room.

She dipped the cotton in dettol and started cleaning the would.

"Ahh.." came a hiss from him.

"The cut is not deep." She said in a funny voice, mocking at him.

"Alcohal burns." Her mouth twisted at his stupid remark.

After dressing it, before she could get up, karan held her arms. "Yours has to be dressed as well." He copied her movements but she did not hissed.

An idea crept his mind and he smirked before pressing a little in the wound. "Aghh." Mishti hissed.

"See, Alchohal burns." He smirked.

"No, you idiot. You pressed it knowingly."

"Blame me all you want." He said as he draped the final dressing.

"Idiot." He heard her muttering under breadth.

"Raya..." He yelled making her snatch her hand from his. "I'm Hungryy" He spoke, his gaze not leaving mishti's.

"Yeah, big boy." Raya entered with the dishes and Mishti skipped to her, to help.

"Karan?" Raya called out. "Do you mind me giving lexi and mishti a day off?"

"No, ofc no. You know it Raya."

"Didn't you already gave us a day off and lexi went to met her friends?" Mishti asked with a brow raised.

"Formalities, my dear." Karan rolled his eyes at Raya.

"So, i'm also leaving after the breakfast." Mishti announced and the other two nodded before starting their breakfast.


