
The Sweet Facade

He was a billionaire and a person with such a cold attitude that would make you think he's from Antarctica. He can have anything in a blink ,except her. The chase grew his interest and he finally realized he love her. He was swooned over her, Like a puppet. He was whipped. He liked her smile,her dimple,her frown , her laughter even her care. He started investing his emotions on her and for the first time he was dependent on a stranger , he met at a cafe. But, what if it was all fake? The girl that she claimed to be, was already dead. She was just here for revenge, to ruin him. She was here to take the greatest assets of his life . Read out the whole story, THE SWEET FACADE, to find out if the girl succeeds or the destiny has another plan for them? Was it really HER facade?

Bhumi_Gupta_7515 · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

New Friend in the bay!

Dragging her own bags, mishti moved inside the staff cottage. She could see her reflection in the white-shining floor. She feared if she would ruin its purity with her shoes. As she looked around she could not help but admire the interiors. It was simple. Yet jaw-dropping.

Unlike what she had seen in movies, it had vibrant colours that could lift anyone's spirit in the morning.

"You must be the new maid?" A young girl, near her age , spoke.

Mishti nodded with a warm smile and introduced herself offering a handshake. "Mishti."

"Lexi." The girl spoke reciprocating the gesture. "Well, let me tell you. We'll be partners here. We will be the new chefs for a month as Andrew has taken the leaves for some personal reason" Her foriegn accent came out beautifully as she spoke confidently.

Andrew. The one she pushed. An unknown guilt formed as she wished to apologize for her childish behaviour to him. But right now , she needs to focus on her work.

"Sure lexi. "

"Wait..lemme complete . and..besides that, my friend, you might have to handle some more works that consists of handling the sir here." Her lips curled in a smirk and mishti could guess the reason.

"That jerk?"

Lexi laughed lightly, throwing her back while nodding. "You got me, girl."

"Finally!" Mishti sighed. "I got someone whom i can complain about that arrogant asshole. You are my type."

"Am sure, we'll prove to be great friends." Lexi winked with a snug smile.

"I bet."


"I need a coffee, in my office, right now." Was the direct order from Karan, in a cold voice.

Mishti stomped the telephone in anger at such rude behaviour. But who she was talking about? The great fucking Mr. Egoist.

"Is he always this rude or only i'm special?" Mishti asked lexi after sitting beside her in the yellow couch and stuffing her mouth with some pop-corns. Trying to focus on the movie, ignoring the laughters echoing in the room because of Lexi.

"Exactly my reaction." Lexi told trying to stop her laughters. "You won't believe, i even asked Raya if he was borne in the middle of Antartica as he is always so cold. And you know, in all the time i spent here, that is a year now, i never saw him with the same girl. I wander if the girl leaves him after being fucked by his sexy body just because of his behaviour"

"Oh shut up, lexi." Mishti got up and walked to the kitchen. Not wanting to lose this job as it paid her good. "You sound like a gossip girl."

"I am."

"Indeed!" Mishti yelled back. "Now come here and guide me where the indregients are!!"



Wiping her hands in her dress, one more time due to anxiety, she knocked in karan's office door. A slight voice of him telling her to come in and she walked inside.

To say her mouth dropped with the view in front of her, would be an understatement. The roof top ceiling shining bright with white, pink , purple and blue lights surrounded with whites, made the room bright with a positive aura.

She was here for second time now but in the first place, she never got to look at the interiors. She looked around for more.

The closed windows covered lightly with the chocolate brown curtain, giving up the glimpse of the view it holds , created the curiosity within mishti to look at it but then, she remembered why exactly she was here.

She cussed herself mentally as she pressed her lips tightly in a thin line, giving out a forced smile . She looked at him and her cheeks burnt with embarassent written all over as she saw the man leaning back in his chair with a smirk printed in his face.

He got up and opened the windows before looking back at her. "Come have a look, Mishti." A proud smirk at his designing skills was all his face could convey. "The city looks best from here."

For the first time, Mishti really wanted to listen him and see the view that had made her stomach curled in curiosity , minutes before, but decided against it. She knew she would be teased like hell after.

She turned back to leave and run away from his burning gaze. She tried to unlock the door but it looked like it was jammed. She tried harder only to listen a mocking laugh behind her.

She turned back and saw Karan , laughing mockingly at her, as he sat back in his chair with a remote.

"You came here by yourself but will go, only with my persmission. And i want you to stay. "

She closed her eyes as she let out a deep breadth to control herself from giving him a sassed reply.

As she opened her eyes back she looked at karan, taking big yet slow steps towards her. Her heart beat increased with every step of his and she prayed God for his mercy.

"You okay?" That was completely foreign to her. She never expected karan to ask if she was okay when he had the reasons to tease her more.

The frown in his forehead only told, how serious he was, at the moment. He drew random circles in her left cheek as the weary expression took over.

Not able to find the voice within because of the tingles his touch made her felt, she nodded.

"Why are you not being yourself, then? Did the staff here overworked you?"

She looked at him confused. "No they didn't. " she tried to stop herself there but her tongue betrayed . "And they better don't, because the world knows handling you is not an easy task."

Karan chuckled with her response. "Now u really are okay."He took back steps before turning back to sit in his chair back. He sipped the coffee and hummed contently with the taste. "Its cold now. I like hot coffee"

"Oh, i should have known this before. I would have freezed it in the freezer before bringing here." She said sarcasstically. Gaining her lost confindence.

"Tomorrow, some guests are coming so make sure, everything falls right in its place. Its your duty to make sure of it, alongwith Raya." He said coldly , ignoring her remark. Her eyes not sparing her a look but focussed in a frame, kept beside his table.

She wandered whose frame it was? His family? Girlfriend? But didnt lexi told, he never holds into one? 

Maybe its his some old best friend? Like in movies. ....Or may be a cr--

She was broken off her thoughts as he heard him growl. "I dont like being ignored, Mishti. Answer me when i'm talking." Came his authoritative tone as he pressed the button in the remote and the click sound was heard, indiacting the door was unlocked.

Says the one who just ignored her as if never heard.

She nodded and cussed herself. "Yes, Sir."

She took back the empty cup and turned to leave but not before smirking. "Maybe it would be more pretty if you put red roses mixed with white instead of Just plain white." And she left.
