
The Sweet Facade

He was a billionaire and a person with such a cold attitude that would make you think he's from Antarctica. He can have anything in a blink ,except her. The chase grew his interest and he finally realized he love her. He was swooned over her, Like a puppet. He was whipped. He liked her smile,her dimple,her frown , her laughter even her care. He started investing his emotions on her and for the first time he was dependent on a stranger , he met at a cafe. But, what if it was all fake? The girl that she claimed to be, was already dead. She was just here for revenge, to ruin him. She was here to take the greatest assets of his life . Read out the whole story, THE SWEET FACADE, to find out if the girl succeeds or the destiny has another plan for them? Was it really HER facade?

Bhumi_Gupta_7515 · Urban
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17 Chs

Meeting her again!

|Some moments are just meant to live||

"Deep apologies, Mr. Saith, for rescheduling this meeting but i want some changes in this contract. " He kept the file, he was checking earlier, on the table. Mr. Saith just nodded.

"First of all, i'm not going to fire any of my employees just because you dont want them. Second, i wont date your daughter. If you want it still then ,we will cancel this merge. Third and the last. We will not have equal Profit ratio. I want it 3:2, in my favor. " He stated.

"For first, You, my boy, have less experience than me. I have been here for 30 years of my life.I know who is capable of doing what--" He cut Mr. Saith in mid, not able to bear his bickering anymore.

"I may be too younger than you and have less experience, Mr. Saith but our balance sheet speaks something else. The profits of our company is double than yours. So, its only fair if we get the cream." He smirks as he sees the colors fading from Mr. Saith's face.

Never in his life, had he thought to recieve such an answer.

He opened the drawer of his side and took out a bundle of papers . He kept them on table before returning his gaze to Mr. Saith. "These are the contract papers. Sign it or You know where's the exit."

Mr. Saith's face twisted in defeat and he picked up the pen to sign it.

The smirk in His face just turned bigger.


"All the securities, off today." He ordered via his bluetooth. Its been a week and he still felt watched. He would have ignored it but now that the person is trying to manipulate his staff, he cant bear it. Thank the lord that his staff was loyal to him or he would have lost millions in a second.

"But sir, its unsafe." His security head informed.

"I'm your boss and you are expected to follow my orders. Not advice me." He told rudely. He knew he should not have talked to him like that but he can't help it as his head seemed to burst out. Sighing deeply, he cut the call.

Maybe he should have a coffee. An idea struck to his mind and he smirked. "Lets have some fun."

He drove to the same cafe he visited some days before. He wanted to meet that Fiesty waiteress and have some real fun. She was fun to be around. Different from others. Who didn't threw herself on him.

He entered the cafe, once again ignoring the lustful and jealous stares by the humans inside and walked to the receptionist.

"Good morning , sir. How can i help you, Sir." She bend as she said 'sir' the second time in her seductive voice but not making so obvious for someone who would see them from far.

He rolled his eyes at her and put on a tight smile. "Prepare a table and book a specific waiteress for me. "

"Sure si--"

"I'll choose her." He cut the lady in mid. "And the next time i enter and i see you flashing your treasures to me, i'll make sure you quit this job. Understand?"

Feeling embarassed and insulted ,she looked down. "Yes sir." She passed him the book of the current staff.

His eyes wandered through the photos until he caught that face. "Mishti Sumetra." He mumbled as he read her name. He found it a little familiar but shrugged it off.

"This one." He left for the table he sat last time. At the corner.

Time is money and money is power. With this thought, he decided to go through some files , his p.a. earlier sent.

"Sir, your order." His lips curled a little as he heard her voice. He looked at her. She looked same. Except she had a forced smile this time.

A frown formed in his face."What's with that expressions of yours, sweetie." He asked as he took the cup and sipped the coffee.

To say it tasted heaven, would be an understatement. Unlike the previous time, the coffee was much more tastier. The vanilla essence worked magical while the coffee powder was at its right content.

"I was literally sent here Forcefully. To serve you." She said gently but the taunts in her tone was still visible.

He chuckled. "Don't worry. You'll have a great tip."

She put on a fake smile while batting her natural eyelashes. "Oh really, sir? Thankyou so much. You are truly a gentleman, sent from heavens." She rolled her eyes. "U dont expect this reaction from me, do you."

"Hahahah...No" He was laughing out loud. It was exactly how girls would treat him. But this girl, standing right in front of him, is too blunt. And he liked it. "Well, sweetie. Whats your name?"

"Dont act as if u dont know, Mr. Egoist. I know you have seen my profile." She said narrowing her eyes at him.

A smirk formed his face. She is really fun to be around. "So Ms. Mishthi Sumetra. I guess u need to have almonds. Your memory power is not so good."

A confused expression crossed over her face. And seeing that, his smirk widened. "I told you, i'm not an egoist."

She closed her eyes still convincing herself to not pull his long silky hairs out of frustration and wipe off his smirk of his face. He was her customer. She nodded.

This time his smirk disappeared and a frown took its place. He expected her to argue with him a little more before giving up. "So, who made this coffee?"

"A human" she told in poker tone.

"Which one?"

"Standing right in front of you." She said rolling her eyes.

Sipping the last of his coffee, he got up and walked to her. He could listen her heart beat rising and to say he liked this effect of him, on her, would be an understatement. They were close. Too close for her liking.

Just like the last time, He put off a hair strand from her face behind her ear and leaned over it. "It was delicious."

Her heart beat paused as she felt him dropping a light kiss on her earlobe. She was controlling herself to not show him his effect on her but knew, she failed miserably. She closed her eyes.

"And my name is , Karan. Karan Kundrra."

At an instant, she felt cold. The warmth of his body disappeared and she opened her eyes only to find him exiting the cafe. The bill was paid.

"You can't let him affect you like this." She mumbled to herself.


Late in night.

Karan was sleeping peacefully when he felt a hand tracing his upper body in lust. His eyes shot open and he pushed the lady back making her fall in the ground on her bottom.

She was one of the maid in his house who was admitted just a week ago. The girl looked ashamed and tried to justify herself. She plead him to forgive her but he could not bear it.

"RAYA!" He shouted.

A woman in mid fifties ran to his room and entered after she knocked.

"Make sure this girl, will not be seen anywhere near my building. And for your help, appoint someone who has self respect and some dignity."

Raya nodded and the guards picked up the maid to throw her out.


Hey,pretty souls. How are you all?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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