

A group of kids were summoned to another world. They all had superior stats to the inhabitants of this world except for one boy. He was completely average his name was John. John only had two skills language comprehension and a sealed skill that was useless. Max was a bully on Earth he would pick on John constantly. Max had strength speed endurance vitality each of his physical stats were at a monsterishly superior level than the other kids. Jackson had the four basic magic elements of superior aptitude. Lucy had healing and barrier magic others had different aptitudes. However John was the only one who was average. Max was strong enough to lift a mountain with his hands while his other stats were at the same height. Max would often use John as a human punching bag while the other kids used him as target practice. Even the head mage and head warrior used him as a practice dummy for the other kids. Lucy used healing to keep John alive which was helping her to improve her control and the same went for the rest of the kids. Things stayed like that for half a year before it was decided to start real monster hunting and survival training. Which John was made into a human shield monster bait and practice for the others. John was not completely alone the Royal alchemist Royal blacksmith and Royal potion maker treated him like a person and had often given him lessons whenever they could. As a result John was skilled in those fields however he surpassed them after just a single year.

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