
Chapter 31: Regret

"Gia? What are you doing here?"

I tried to grasp the situation… No, I was already aware of what was happening in front of me.

"Uhm… Can I spend the night here?"

Gia's voice was so soft. Seeing her in this kind of state was so refreshing. Well, it would be so rude of me if I didn't respond to her in the way she wanted, wouldn't it?

"Of course.", I made a space for her on the mattress I was laying down on. "Sorry if it's cramped. My body's bigger now."

Without saying anything, she shook her head and smiled. She then snuggled on my right side and wrapped her arms on my body.

"Say…", Gia opened her mouth. "Why didn't you ask us for help? Aren't we family already?"

Shit. How should I respond to that? How could I say that I was being carried away by my own impulse and greedy for the loots and EXP? Nah, I must never let her see this side of me.

[... Pathetic.]



I was still thinking on how to answer Gia's question when Bona suddenly babbled like that. It broke my concentration and in the end, I couldn't come up with anything.

"Don't tell me you were just being a fool and let your emotions control you?"

Not a bullseye but I was grateful she actually provided the answer.

"Y-Yes… I was angry and frustrated, you know?"

I did my best, okay? Even if it didn't sound so convincing, I did my best. I then turned my gaze to Gia's face and her eyes showed her doubts and disbeliefs.

"You lied, didn't you?"

This time, bullseye.

"... I'm sorry… I wa—"

Gia placed her finger on my lips to stop me from talking further.

"It's okay.", she pulled her finger back and buried her face in my chest. "I'm just glad you came home. You must have your own reason for doing that, right?"

Man, I got destroyed by my own guilt. Why did I lie to this girl? She was being sincere and considerate. I was lost in my thoughts until Gia opened her mouth again.

"Enna, let me ask you something.", she stared at me with a serious face. "How do you feel about this tribe?"

Here came the worst question in the worst timing possible.

"Can I be honest then?"

Gia nodded her head in response.

"I can't think of you guys as family, to be honest."

After replying, I turned my gaze to her and saw teardrops begin to dwell in her eyes.

"Then wh—"

"But I do feel this place is my home, at least. I'm not forcing you to believe it, but that's what I'm feeling right now."

I didn't know if my thoughts were conveyed to her or not. I still didn't have the courage to expose myself to her, unless Bona gave her permission for me.

[No. Never. Don't even think about it.]

Yep, immediately shot-down. I knew I was being so stupid and careless knowing how much Bona had done for me.

"I see…", Gia pulled away from me while lowering her head. "Then how do you feel about me?"

I should retract my statement. This one was the worst question she asked me.

"I don't know how to answer that…"

Instead of just making excuses, I decided to tell her the truth. I was aware of my own feelings towards her. At first, I mistook it as a feeling of love, but now I realized it wasn't. I was just admiring her.

[Farenna, you're really… I thought you've changed.]

I felt sorry for disappointing you, but I also had my own volition. I was genuinely happy to have someone like Gia beside me, but that only applied if I was a normal person. No, a normal Nymph. The responsibility placed on my shoulders was much more important than anything.

"I knew it… I'm sorry for bothering you!"

Gia jumped from my side and ran towards the exit.

[I hope you won't regret this, Farenna.]

"I will. I know I will regret this later…"

[I really thought you've changed.]

I slapped myself and closed my eyes right after.


The next morning, I stepped out of my tent just to find Sue standing near the well outside. She waved her hand and approached me.

"Yo, got a time for a lil' talk?"

Hearing her serious question, I could already tell what happened. I nodded my head in agreement.


She walked away and I followed her. We went out of the tribe camp and arrived at a small lava river nearby. She then stopped and picked up a small rock.

"Farenna.", she threw the rock into the river. "You know what I'm gonna ask, don't you?"

The stone she threw bounced several times before it drowned.


I picked up a small rock and threw it into the river as well. The stone I threw didn't bounce. Instead, it made a small hole in the surface. Sue turned her gaze to me.

"What did you say to Gia?"

"I only told her the truth."

I immediately replied to her as I kept throwing stones into the river.

"I see… Okay then."

"Huh? Didn't you take me here to scold me or something?"

"I have no right to judge you, and I don't wanna butt my nose too deep into someone's problem. I was just curious after seeing Gia run away from your tent while crying."

She was surprisingly thoughtful, compared to anyone I met in this life.

"She became softer after meeting you, and that's problematic.", Sue tapped my shoulder. "This tribe still needs Gia, at least until we can survive without the Chief."

I widened my eyes in shock.

"You… You know Lilith's condition?"

"Well…", she smiled wryly. "I also know you have your own mission or something similar."

This girl was the scariest of them all. How could she perceive everything correctly just by observing slightly? Calling her a muscle-brain was a terrible mistake.

"You're so easy to read, that's why."

Fuck! Now she just read my mind blatantly! What the fuck should I do then!?

"Farenna, your face told everything. Hahaha…", she laughed while continuously tapping my shoulder. "You should focus on your own mission. Let me handle Lilith and Gia."

I was touching my face with my hands as she winked and walked away. That was the first time I ever admitted that someone was so cool and dazzling.


After talking with Sue, I didn't directly come back to the camp. Instead, I was heading to the deeper floors to hunt.

[You're running from Gia, aren't you?]

"Ugh…", I groaned while keeping up with my own pace. "If you know it already, can't you just let it slide?"

[You even forgot to bring your spear.]

I stopped my legs and fumbled around, searching for my beloved spear.


I couldn't say anything when I realized I really didn't bring it. The next moment an idea flashed in my mind.

"Wait, isn't this a chance to level up my Weaponize skill?"

[...That's surprisingly bright, coming from you.]

"Ah, come on! Don't ruin my hype!", I grunted and prepared myself. "Weaponize: Talons."

Not long after, long black claws appeared in each of my fingers.

"This is surely nostalgic…"

I then continued running. I hunted everything that came into my way as I kept striding aimlessly. I didn't even bother to devour the remains and just kept hunting and hunting.

Minutes turned to hours. Hours turned to days. I was so lost in my own world until I heard Bona speak to me.

[Isn't it already the time for you to return? You've been hunting for 3 days non-stop.]

"3 days already…", I turned my gaze to my hands that were smeared red with blood and fats. "Status."

The usual panel appeared in front of me.




Name     : Farenna

Race      : Lv. 38/100 Calamity Nymph (EX)

Status    : Unsealed

Sync. Rate: 20.01%


HP: 1400/1400    MP: 900/900

SP: 1200/1200


STR : 82   LUK : 15

AGI  : 90   DEX : 85

INT  : 42    VIT  : 43

Unallocated pts: 190

Bonus pts: 218



[If you're wondering why you only leveled up once, I've already told you that it's difficult if you're an EX race.]

"Then why did I level up so fast when I killed those cretins!?"

[Humans are a good source of EXP, since they have actual blessings and skills.]

"Damn it!"

I was so mad after knowing I almost got nothing from these 3 days. I didn't even devour any of my prey.

[Come on, let's go back to the camp. You haven't told Lilith and Gia about you leaving the tribe, have you?]

I didn't reply to Bona and walked away from that place.


In the distance, I could see smoke coming out from the camp.

"Are they feasting again? This tribe is sure living in luxury."

I smiled slightly and ran towards the camp, in hope to be welcomed by warm smiles from the residents. But then…

[Farenna! Don't get in there!]


I was startled to hear Bona's scream and couldn't stop my legs. I entered the gate and saw something I never expected to see.

"Oh ho, what do we have here?"

There, a man wearing a white cloak stood arrogantly. A pair of ornamental daggers were hanging from his belt. His right hand was inside the pocket, while the other one was strangling the neck of a figure I knew.

"A new variant, I see…", that man smirked. "This place really hides a lot of surprises, doesn't it?"

I was at a loss of words seeing the whole scene in front of me.

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