
The Supreme Wolf

Agility, Strength and Cunning teamwork. Those traits make up a Wolf, but, what if there was a Wolf that had more? What if it could see things others did not? What if it could understand the forgotten? What if it had an ever growing intelligence that would aid it many a times in the future? Wolves are Leaders. Wolves are the rulers of the Forest. Wolves are Cunning. Created by Ancients, defying fate, fighting if he so desires, watch him fight and rise! Also, here is the link of a drawing of a friend called 'The Tempest', it is the drawing of the base form of the MC. I think that it looks really good. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/469201063551959060/505890662747734027/20181027_194800.jpg Our discord serv: https://discord.gg/Mja6jam I do not own the cover as it belongs to the artist that drew it.

Wolfy_Charles · Fantasy
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21 Chs


The Wolf was getting very desperate after not finding anything for one more hour. He cursed his luck for not finding anything. Yes, he was cursing his luck. He found out that he knew some things since his birth but didn't think about them since he didn't need to think about anything because he had everything he needed,food and water. Well, that was until he had to travel in search for food.

He finally saw what seemed like a silhouette of a Human.

The Human was female and had a very strong presence. The Human instantly felt the Wolf staring at her and looked back as a result.

The Wolf was only a bit more than a week old, but, he already knew what being he was staring at. It was a female woman, a strong one at that.

The Woman was relieved when she felt the Wolf not having any malicious intent against her. So, she moved closer to look at the wolf. She was very dumbfounded.

She was dumbfounded because she never saw a Wolf like this one. It was the first time in her life and she knew that she had seen many things in life, but, nothing was as special as this Wolf.

The Wolf had White fur with nine faint small strings of red color Horizontally moving around his body. The small strings were actually moving. They also radiated a strange kind of heat while the white fur was emitting a cold aura.

She moved closer to the Wolf to look into his eyes.

What she saw once again dumbfounded her.

Those eyes were boundless. They had no end to them. They seemed like they would swallow her up if she looked at them any longer than this.

She quickly retracted her gaze and found herself drenched in cold sweat.

It was rare for her to have been that nervous since she even fought whole kingdoms single handedly and still won. She was very fascinated and snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a very loud 'Growl' from the stomach of the Wolf.

She then took her backpack out of the air and, surprisingly, there was food. It smelled very delicious. The Wolf even drooled just by smelling it.

The Female then said "Eat it, you're hungry, after all." She didn't know why, but, she felt that the Wolf had a very heavy Aura, although small, it was there. Even though it's Aura felt a bit too young to have that kind of presence, it was like this. Also, those eyes.... she truly wondered what kind of Wolf it was.

The Wolf was happily eating since he finally got something to eat. Looking gratefully at the female, he pushed a bit of the food to her direction.

The female laughed "You don't need to share, your stomach clearly isn't full yet". She said this since she was still hearing his stomach Growl every once in a while. She thought things like 'He must have starved for a long time…'

The Wolf began to eat again after hearing her. He found it weird since he could understand, but, not talk with her.

She began to think about the eyes again and found herself sweating cold sweat again.

But one couldn't blame her. Those eyes seemed like they would be able to kill even deities by just looking at them once, even though the Wolf just looked at her normally, without any killing intention.

She thought that she maybe shouldn't get involved too much with the Wolf. She had a great talent in knowing when to retreat and when to advance. That is why she survived and won against the kingdoms she fought against.

Her feeling was telling her to run away at her fastest possible speed when she looked into his eyes. She was scared, but, she felt attracted to them. As if they were the eyes of divine beings. She also felt her soul cultivation improving from looking into those eyes.

She didn't know whether to leave the Wolf alone or not.

She saw that the Wolf was already done and subconsciously gave him more to eat.

She was once again surprised. She was just thinking about something and found herself not being in control of her body for a very short moment.

She thought that this Wolf was very interesting.

Maybe she thought that the Wolf was too dangerous, since it seemed like he did that to her, but, he didn't look like he did it. He was just happily eating the food.

However, she confirmed her doubts after the wolf finished his food again.

The Wolf's eyes were shining brightly before she couldn't control herself again. It looked like he did it without knowing that he controlled a body that was not his.

'This Wolf can be dangerous, but, he doesn't seem evil in the slightest….'

The female was thinking about what to do now. She confirmed that the Wolf could control her with his eyes, but, she didn't know if he could do it like he wished, thus, controlling her to his wishes.

She didn't know whether she would be able to flee or if she would fail at the attempt and enrage the Wolf by abruptly trying to leave.

She decided to leave her food to him and run for it.

She took out all her food "We will need to part ways now, I have to go now" She quickly said those words in case she could say that she would get caught. However, the Wolf just looked gratefully at her.

The female heard her mind ring and heard a young childs voice saying "Thank you very much for the food, I was starving like never before. I won't forget this debt."

She was shocked to the core. This was already an understatement though, she already started sweating again. She got scared and excited at the thought of the Wolf telepathically talking with her.

The Female looked back into the direction where she met the wolf and only saw his silhoutte from very far away. She had good eyes and saw the Wolf looking into her eyes when she turned around.

She was scared when he looked at her like that and thus decided to run further until she didn't see any trace of him.

She decided to ask her Master about the Creature that looked like a White Wolf with with weird lines moving across his body.


Meanwhile, the Wolf was quickly finishing eating the food after the female left. He didn't know why, but, he felt that the female was scared. He was truly grateful to her giving him her food without asking for anything while being scared of him.

He decided to repay the favour if he got the chance.


The female was finally reassured enough to write a letter describing the Wolf's features and what happened to her. After she did that, a portal opened and she lay the letter inside. That portal was very small, only the size of an arm. It was opened using a treasure her Master gave her for Notifying him in case of emergency. She also had other treasures but didn't want to use them since they all had a limited amount of times when they could be used. Even the treasure with wich she opened the portal was limited. It was able to open that portal 10 times, and she used it for the first time now.

This could already tell about the importance she felt about asking her master.


In a Mansion in a country far far away.

A very old man felt something and opened a portal with a wave of his hand.

He took out what seemed to be a letter of the portal and read it.

He had many expressions while reading the letter. The letter was written by one of his youngest disciples. However, she was the most talented of them all and had usually a very bold character. What she wrote in the letter shocked the Old man to his very being.

He knew what being she met on her journey to get stronger.

He knew it because he was already a few thousands of years old.

'It seems like they suceeded in their plans first step...' He thought, still shocked and surprised that his youngest disciple met 'it'.

Second chap is ready :) I will try to write the third one now. Don't expect too much, but it will come tomorrow at latest. Have fun reading (¬з¬)

Wolfy_Charlescreators' thoughts