
The supreme sovereign system

Alfonso was a historian of earth who suddenly appear in the body of Alfonso Lockheart, a fallen prince that is the Lord of a formal city known as the wasteland valley, with infertile land and losing the protection of their god, the wasteland valley is land that is destined to be destroyer by the extreme weather and the attacks of beast. Alfonso was in a despair situation; however, he wasn’t destined to fall in this land, that is because.... [The supreme sovereign system welcomes its new host, with the help of the Greek gods as your allies, you will become the new sovereign of this land!]

phamtonbullet · War
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432 Chs

This is awesome!

Alfonso was nervous, until now he hadn't face an opponent as strong as this one.

"Drakini, use your full power to boost my time power, the restrictions are lifted" Said Alfonso.

"U-U-Understood sir, P-P-Please be careful" Said Drakini.

Alfonso's power soared while he cautiously looked at Amadeus.

"Here he comes" Thought Alfonso.

Just as Alfonso saw Amadeus jumping, something… strange happened.

"?" Alfonso was confused.

Amadeus was moving slow.

Way too slow…

"No, this isn't even slow, is he even moving?" Though Alfonso.

He looked closely at Amadeus and looked closely at the sword.

"He is indeed moving, if you pay attention, you can see the blade slowly moving" 

"So, the following question is… what is going on?" Though Alfonso.

He looked at the sides and, everything seemed… slow…

"Mmm…" Alfonso thought about this for some time.

