
The supreme sovereign system

Alfonso was a historian of earth who suddenly appear in the body of Alfonso Lockheart, a fallen prince that is the Lord of a formal city known as the wasteland valley, with infertile land and losing the protection of their god, the wasteland valley is land that is destined to be destroyer by the extreme weather and the attacks of beast. Alfonso was in a despair situation; however, he wasn’t destined to fall in this land, that is because.... [The supreme sovereign system welcomes its new host, with the help of the Greek gods as your allies, you will become the new sovereign of this land!]

phamtonbullet · War
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432 Chs


"What is this…" Though Alfonso.

"This hunger…"

"I feel so hungry…"

"I feel like I have a hole in my stomach!"

"Give me"

"Give me"

"Give me"

"Give me"


When Alfonso heard the cry, he suddenly felt a small pain his head.


Alfonso looked up and saw that his mouth was covered in blood.


He went back and noticed a strange… flavor in his mouth.


He touched his teeth and saw a small piece of flesh.


He felt his stomach revolting.

"What did I… Chrono… that fucking kid!" Though Alfonso.

"Chrono!" He shouted.

However, nothing happened.

Alfonso waited for some seconds, however, nothing happened.

He felt his soul power and discover… that only his own soul power was inside!

"What… no… impossible" Thought Alfonso.