
The supreme sovereign system

Alfonso was a historian of earth who suddenly appear in the body of Alfonso Lockheart, a fallen prince that is the Lord of a formal city known as the wasteland valley, with infertile land and losing the protection of their god, the wasteland valley is land that is destined to be destroyer by the extreme weather and the attacks of beast. Alfonso was in a despair situation; however, he wasn’t destined to fall in this land, that is because.... [The supreme sovereign system welcomes its new host, with the help of the Greek gods as your allies, you will become the new sovereign of this land!]

phamtonbullet · War
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432 Chs

Escape from hell-part two-

"Why is that ant here, where is Amadeus?" Though Grindergan.

"Where are you looking at!?" 

Grindergan turned and saw Lucy's kick just in front of his face.


Grindergan was sent flying.

He spat blood.

"You should know by now" 

He looked and saw Lucy looking at him from the sky.

"You are no match for me" Said Lucy.

"Fuck!" Though Grindergan.

He was 100% sure that Amadeus would kill Alfonso and the power of the red gas would be more than enough to kill Lucy.


From Lucy's hand, black energy concentrated on Lucy's hand.

"[Allure of Darkness]"

The world around Grindergan became black. He wasn't surprised though, as this was one of the most famous moves of the Queen of Darkness.

  "Even if I am a demon, I can't manipulate the darkness in this space" Thought Grindergan.