

The Earth thrived at the beginning of Interspace Era but soon almost got extinguished by the intergalactic wars as the humanity were plotted against each other and are supplied with Essence weapons by the alien races....and the result was the disintegration of the Ozone layer. The Earthlings could move to another life planet given their rise in technology but the disintegration of the Ozone layer had brought earth-shattering changes leaving the entire Milkyway galaxy and the universe with the mutation of life... Beings which called themselves GODS, DEMONS, TITANS and various mystical races invaded the Milkyway galaxy from the outer space in search of something and initiated the great wars which led to chaotic era... In the middle of these chaotic times where wars were being fueled by Anger, Jealousy, Hatred, Greed and Despair... A being unknown to Human, Demon, God and various Organisations and Races was born into the world, who was doomed to bring terror to them... The unknown being...A unique existence...A prime... Will he disregard everything to bring destruction... ....or Salvation to this chaotic world. Follow our MC to find out what kind of difficulties he has to go through to vie over supremacy of the Bai Hai Universe and discover the secrets of his unusual life experiences... I, GOLDEN SUN RAYS, SHALL SHOW YOU HOW IT FEELS LIKE WHEN A PERSON KILLS THE GODS, WHEN GODS OBSTRUCTS, KILLS THE BUDDHAS, WHEN BUDDHAS OBSTRUCT.

golden_sun_rays · Urban
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17 Chs

A Price for a Meeting.

A huge Battleship was traversing alone in the space from the galaxy to galaxy in a flickering speed...

~alarm~ ~alarm~

Red lights were lit and alarm sounds were buzzing off everywhere in the Huge spaceship.

A man who was in his forties and wore a standard white military uniform was monitoring the huge screens in front of him which showed the footages of turmoil and destruction happening on the earth.

He was amazed when he saw the person with monkey-like features using his strength to restore the earth from its heavy damage. He pressed a button on the comm watch on his wrist.


"Commander, I need you to find out the full details on what`s happening on the earth right now...I need a full report on why no one had responded until the problem had escalated to this situation...also keep an eye on that monkey-like person and get me his details. I will give you a full double hour to finish this task." ordered the man.

"Sir. Yes Sir" replied the commander with a deep voice from the comm watch.

"Just what is happening on Earth right now? all the strong combatants of earth had gone to the excavation of ancient ruins in 42 sector galaxy and this happens right now...is it a coincidence or was it someone`s doing?.... Also, who is that monkey-like person? he is capable of such a big feat? Is he a god of creation to be inadequate?" The man sat in his chair as his brain was churning with deep thoughts.


"Hello" the man quickly answered his comm watch.

"General Wang... It`s me, Tao Fen...I need you to attend the meeting at the given coordinates within 15 minutes...be prepared for the worst consequence if you don`t come..." The voice broke the connection as the comm watch blinked with space coordinates.

The man who was called General Wang shuddered at the voice from the comm watch.

He sat on his chair exhaustedly as he suddenly felt like he aged a lot and his face turned pale. He looked at his comm watch for a while as he hesitated for something. After a few seconds had passed he had resolutely pushed a button on the screen in front of him.


"General?" a voice sounded from the screen.

"Commander...Prepare me a space pod immediately." ordered General Wang with a dejected look and a pale face.

"Yes sir" replied the commander.

5 minutes later, General Wang arrived at the internal space station in the battleship along with the commander.

"Sir, is it an emergency?" asked the commander.

"Yes" replied General Wang as he slightly pulled down his cap to cover up his emotions on the face.

"I see...Sir, then please take care of the families of the soldiers."The commander did a formal military salute as he handed General Wang a stack of papers and a crystal memory stick.

"Y-you knew...I see...You have done an excellent job till now commander." said General Wang as he returned the salute.

"Sir, I only ask you to not use our sacrifice in vain...The papers contain the password for the access of the system and the crystal memory stick contains the updated consciousness of the soldiers." said the commander with determination written all over his face.

"Don`t worry, I will use my full authority." replied General Wang as he turned around and entered the space pod.

The space pod got ejected from the main battleship and traveled toward another direction from the battleship.

General Wang took a good look at the main battleship from the nano screen for a while before pressing a button on the control screen of the space pod.

"Sir...access is denied without the password." an AI voiced out from the screen.

"The password is @#$%&**, start the self-destruction of the main battleship within 15 seconds." ordered General Wang.

"The order cannot be taken back once issued, are you determined?" AI voiced out again.

"Affirmative." replied General Wang as he fell to the floor as if he was paralyzed.

The moment he issued the order he felt as if he aged a lot.

~The Self-destruction process is starting~









The main battleship exploded into dust with a huge sound as the force carried the ash of the battleship far away into space.

"Damnit...Damnit...I will definitely take revenge for you guys." cried, General Wang while gnashing his teeth as he pounded on the floor of the space pod.

The space pod traveled at its maximum speed towards its destination carrying along with it the grief of General Wang.


"Heh...not bad, you still remember me after this many millennia...I had missed you so much after our battle at the demon trail...Shall we have a little bout after all this time..." a voice sounded from the lightning sea.

The rampaging sea of purple-black lightning condensed into a huge body of human shape but it had a shark head in the place of a human head.

Compared to this huge human-bodied and shark-headed creature, Sun Wukong was so tiny that he could only measure up to that creature`s ankle.

"You really are Lei Mo...kid, not bad, you had grown up into a splendid demon." spoke Sun Wukong with a pale smile as if he had met an old friend, but the thoughts inside his head are..."Oh my god....oh my god...why of all this time...my body is so tired that it can`t get tired anymore...it`s good that I could even stand straight before him...Let`s hope he will not chase after me and beat me up like a mad man.."

"Heh...you still have the habit of uttering nonsense every now and then huh?" said the demon named Lei Mo.

"When we first met you are a great expert at the peak stage of Dao Yuan Realm and I was a small Royal Immortal stage demon....after tens of millennia I have reached the initial stage of God King realm equaling you in strength, but you?...even after all this time you can`t go any higher huh? What heaven-defying talent...What great sage equal of heaven...laughable...you are just a mere circus monkey who couldn`t know its place." said Lei Mo with a smirk on his face.

"This SENIOR had met you just before 500 years damnit... you are unjustly discrediting me...you are unjustly discrediting me." thought Sun Wukong with a bitter heart.

"Heh...you must have taken a shortcut path to obtain your current strength right? after all, your aura is not much stronger than a Dao God realm expert, it`s even so unstable that makes me wonder if your strength is regressing." smirked Sun Wukong but inside his head " cr*p I just messed up and showed up my temper...how I can evade this disaster...he will not stop even after beating me up after all I had shamed him very badly back then...I need to think of a way to deceive him."

"Look kid, I don`t have time for all your nonsense, ok? I need to go and meet a great expert to deliver him a pack of soy sauce, I need to hurry so as to not make him angry out of shame for making him wait longer, got it?" said Sun Wukong as he quickly made his way towards the earth star.

Sun Wukong flew for a while and looked behind him for the trail of Lei Mo but couldn`t find any." Strange, how come he hadn`t stopped me with that bad temperament of his? Anyway, this is a good ending, I can barely hold onto my consciousness...I need to return faster since waiting longer will present unknown accidents."

"Stupid Monkey how long will it take to reach your destination, I am bored you know...let`s play a game till then, shall we?" sounded a sneering voice from above the head of Sun Wukong which made his heart go cold.

"Cheh. The bad luck star really won`t let me go..." thought Sun Wukong as his eyes turned sharp and his body emitted ice cold pressure.

"This Senior has forgiven your life even though you had created such a big mess on the earth because I had met you after so many years and didn`t want to kill you at the first sight but you don't want to be thankful, huh?" snorted Sun Wukong as he searched for the aura of Lei Mo with the divine sense in his surroundings.

But suddenly, purple-black lightning surged on his body, scorching his body everywhere.

"Aaaargh" Sun Wukong roared in pain as his body convulsed and he almost lost his consciousness with his body surrounded by purple-black lightning.

He tasted something sweet and copperish in his throat as he violently coughed blood which clearly showed how seriously injured he was...

"The taste of my own blood huh?...how long has it been since I was defeated by Lord Buddha...My senses really dulled since then...I don`t care anymore...If I am going to die, I will die a heroic death after giving my all in the fight." thought Sun Wukong as he chanted the sutra given to him by Lord Shoora to its limits.

A strange strength flowed through his entire body as his body started giving off strong pressure, which in turn twisted the space surrounding him.