
The Supreme Overlord of Immortals

A mysterious Primordial being out of boredom unknowingly creates all of existence and somehow gets within his own creation as a human named Avarion. Follow Avarion on his journey through the worlds to become the strongest being in existence......the supreme overlord of all Immortals...

chaotic_overlord · Fantasy
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12 Chs

how the hell did this happen

I dozed off while moving.... I think that was a mistake... a terrible one at that.....now I am hearing sounds...strange sounds... I feel like I am being pulled while something sticky is all around me.

I was in total panic but most importantly I feel different I mean I am still having the eternal infinite and it is strange because my body feels small from the outside but infinitely large on the inside...

This farce of me being pulled continued for some time and then it happened..... well I was out of the sticky surroundings but what dazed me was the outside.... it was bright...

I was inside a cubic structure with a rectangular hole from which the light was coming. ( room with a window)

But this was just the beginning of craziness....there were other "beings" here, so I was not alone eh... I was scared and tried making sounds like those beings around me.. well it was just a cry but they started jumping with happiness.

And that was how I was born... surprising...yes.... crazy.... extremely

but here we are and apparently the beings here measure time so in their saying 5 years passed from my birth