
The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown

Author: AbiWolf666 in fanfiction.net The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown Momonga, finds himself alone in a strange world. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? (Nazarick will arrive 10 years later.) ~ (Warning: This fanfic doesn't belong to me, I'm just reuploading it here, author, if you don't like me to upload this ff here you can post a review telling me to delete it, I'll do it with pleasure)

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86 Chs

Chapter 81

The army of the Holy Alliance has been marching for days to reach the southwest of the Underdark Empire. Many farms had to work so hard to keep an army of six million marchings to war because an army won't do anything with a stomach empty.

Also, the path to go through the southern part of the Underdark Empire was mostly field terrain and the rivers had bridges so everything has gone smoothly so far. The minotaurs that had united with the other armies were ordered by their king to cut trees and create a path for the army.

The forest was the wall that separates the high elves of the Elvenor region and the dark elves of the Underdark Empire. For humanoids, it would have been a hard and long time to cut through the forest.

On the other side, the minotaurs did not take a long time to reach the army while the others had to march from a nation to another nation to come here. Their massive bodies and their strength were able to cut the trees like paper so for an entire day, the minotaurs were able to come very close to the high elf territory.

"This is disrespectful..." said Liluth while watching this massacre that was happening to the forest.

"Why is that?" curiously Ajax asked the moon elf queen.

"The trees are crying, Ajax. We are committing a massacre here right in front of our eyes."

"Why so soft? They'll grow up again in a few years. Besides, all that wood will be put to work, so it's a win-win solution."

"Right… It's a forest that belongs to the Underdark Empire anyway."

Esma made a crooked gaze and Liluth walked away to her generals. As a moon elf, the forest was very sacred, and watching it being cut down she felt the pain of the forest but she can't do anything about it and it's being sacrificed for a greater good.

"Grakus, I think it's enough now because we can see the fields of the high elves from here."

"Yeah, you are right Malkor." Grakus turned to one of his subordinates. " Tell them to stop and rest for a bit."

"Yes, your Majesty!"

For one hour, the large army was put in the line with their nation's leaders in front and began its march towards the ex-Elvenor Kingdom. No one besides the dark elves would have thought to reach the high-elven territory in a time like this where an unknown force threatened the entire world.

One of the rulers, the blood elf queen of the Egrond Kingdom, was getting more and more frustrated as time passed. Alyndra felt that something was not going as planned and the others did not show any trouble.

Every few seconds Alyndra turned her head at the Kotorr Alps to see the dragon army would reach them in time. It was promised that the dragons will be there in time when the army passes the border of Elvenor but there was no dragon to be seen.

"Hey, you!"

Alyndra's called the human noble from the western side clad in some strange armor.

Azuth noticed that all the lords were looking at the queen of the blood elves on the right side but then his eyes met her blood-red eyes. Still, he did not know who she called so he decided to speak.

"Was that towards me?"

"Yes, I wanted to ask about those damn dragons! Where are they?"

"They will be here soon, I guess…"

"Soon?! What do you mean by "soon"? We already passed the border of the high elves!"

"How should I know when I am here with you. Maybe they stopped somewhere to eat something before they go into the battle."

Azuth was not the kind of guy who spoke with full respect for the royals and he did not want to look weak in front of her. The people around him were all rulers but he did not care about their great titles and about provoking them.

Also, he was quite disappointed with this realm. Azuth is that guy that fuck any woman that he has an interest in but all the women here turned him down. He once tried to seduce a snow elf female in a bar but with all his efforts, he got cucked by a dark elf female. Nobody wanted to do a normal thing with a human, that's why he started to hate this place.

"This was not part of the plan?"

"Alyndra, we simply have to be patient."

Liluth tried to calm down the bowling blood of her northern friend but it looked like this time, Alyndra doesn't want to listen.

"Absolutely not, I am tired of this imbecile that uses a language like he is at a bar. I won't eat his lies anymore, tell me if the dragons will come to aid us or my army will return back to Egrond right now!"

Her statement was like dropping a bomb upon the group of the rulers.

"Queen Alyndra, this is childish behavior." spoke the draph emperor with a reproaching tone. "We have come so far and now you want to leave just because an ally hasn't arrived yet?"

"I beg you to reconsider your decision, Queen Alyndra." Malkor also tried talking to her in a friendly way but females like her are very stubborn and won't move from her decision.

"We don't mind if you leave but when we come back victorious, you better hide behind those walls, blood elf queen."

That was obviously a threat coming from the dark elf female that ruled the entire dark elf army. The Dark Empress was nowhere to be seen so her right-hand servant had to do the job. Well, it was not a surprising thing to say to a person that is literally betraying or abandoning their allies that they vowed to fight alongside them.

"That won't happen and we will not allow that to happen." Ajax interrupted Esma. "The blood elves are our allies and friends. We should not act like clowns to amuse him, If we turn against each other right now, the evil Sorcerer King will have an easy conquest in these lands. Come on, we can't just break up the alliance now, Alyndra."

The blood elf queen had nothing to back up her decision. If she goes home, this will have a very bad impact on the relationship of Egrond with the other nations. She had let her anger out rashly making her an unfaithful ally.

But their small hassle will come to an end after the rulers heard the sound of a horn coming towards their direction.

"They came back so fast… did something happen."

"Maybe they encountered some enemies…"

They had sent a group of scouts to check the area around if there were undead forces around. Sending the paramilitary to the eastern side was thought to be a good plan so they can distract the enemy but that plan doesn't mean that it will suck all the undead forces to the east of the region. The enemy might be roaming around these parts and attack in ambush.

"What is it, soldier?"

The soldiers went down from his horse and bowed before them.

"My lords, we just noticed a great army marching towards this location."

"How many?"

"I'm not sure, your Majesty because there were too many of them. They will be here soon."

This is not a good thing and it was not meant for our battle to happen here.

"This seems fishy to me, I thought we would be the surprise."

"Now this doesn't matter Izmir, we must take that hill over there right now so we can have the high grounds."

"That's a great idea Ajax."

The army was alarmed by the new order and the cavalry went first to take the hill. This land did not have trees around and it was filled with a sea of grass.

"Ajax, isn't it strange that we are the ones that were caught in surprise?" the emperor of the Mythen Iska Empire asked in confusion.

"I don't know but I assume that some of the paramilitary knights must have gotten caught by the enemy and were forced to give our plans to the enemy."

"That... ninety percent of that might be possible but we also haven't gotten any message from the Et'hem Republic. It's like they totally forgot about the plan and want to stay out of the war."

"That's just impossible Vorrdar because the Republic promised to fight for the alliance. They must be fighting the undead forces on the other side of the alps right now."

"I would love that to be the truth but we know nothing of what is happening on the other side, at least a group of messengers must have come to report about the situation or something else. Things are not going as planned that's why queen Alyndra has the right to protest, Ajax."

"It's too late to protest now, Vorrdar. The behavior of queen Alyndra is that of a coward. You can hear clearly her armor shaking."

"It's better to fear the unknown power, Ajax. What if it is the Sorcerer King leading this army."

"Doesn't matter to me, the alliance was formed purposely just to slay him and his henchmen. I as an Emperor will not outlive my Empire, that's why I will fight to the end to save the world with or without the help of any of you."

The brave statement of the Holy Emperor moved the heart of the Emperor of the Mythen Iska Empire. He was young, ambitious, and with a great sense of justice that will make thousands of swords rise to fight for him.

Also, it was really an idiot idea to back off at this moment. This is the greatest alliance that has ever been formed in the history of this continent. Vorrdar knows what it means to be conquered by terrible powerful beings like the Greed Kings. He is the last of his entire bloodline just like Ajax so he had to make sure to protect his people and legacy.

"Damn it, first the Eight Greed Kings and now this Sorcerer King. Just what makes these people become so covetous?!"

The news about this new threat made Vorrdar worried about the safety of his people. He does not want his people to suffer as they did five hundred years ago.

"I heard about that realm that it has a lot of demon lords…"

The Mythen Iska Empire once sent a fleet very far away in the ocean until they reached a new land that shocked the Empire. They landed on an island nation called the Valerian Kingdom which was also inhabited by snow elves.

Being part of the same race, the King of the Valerian Kingdom allowed the Mythen Iska Empire to create a small colony and that was the free ticked for his people to escape if the Sorcerer Kingdom defeat the alliance and take over the continent.

But that land also has its demonic nations like the Zolgarath Empire or the Great Mir'god Empire. He does not know much about the two nations but there are many battles there happening at this moment and these two were the main reason.

He doesn't know if that continent is perfect for his people to live in but at least the colony is sat on an island which more than half of it is ruled by the Valerian Kingdom and the Vargrod Islands Alliance. The Valerian Kingdom had a good relationship with great powerful nations around like the Yliath Kingdom and the Varnith Empire which is the largest nation of that continent.

"No, It's just impossible for that nation to get invaded unless beings like the Greed Kings show up."

That continent is just ultra-large that can even be divided into northern continent and southern continent because they were separated by the Lumnora Sea.

The Mythen Iska Empire was not very liberal to inform the other nations about this new world so they kept it hidden only for the empire's benefits. Vorrdar always kept a teleportation scroll so when he gets into serious mortal danger, he will use it and teleport to the Valerian Kingdom. He still didn't want to use it because an emperor like him must not abandon his people.


"Hmm, did you say something, Ajax?"

"You just went silent all of a sudden."

"Ah, forgive me…"

The hill was taken over by the alliance army and the legions were put in the formation. All of them did not expect the army of the Sorcerer Kingdom to be marching here right now. The soldiers were looking at the Kotorr Alps if the dragons were coming to help them but there was no trace of them anywhere.

Ajax and the other lords observed at the army of the alliance. The jodak halfling queen of the Heloring Kingdom Isaris felt so small looking at this six million army. It was such a surprise that when an enemy that threatens life would make nations coming together to defeat such a threat.

"So-So is the Sorcerer King coming too?" Isaris did not say much when she stood around the other rulers so she struggled a bit in her confidence.

"We don't know it Queen Isaris but there are possibilities that he might be here."

That made it even worse and the dragons haven't arrived yet. What she had learned about the army of the Sorcerer Kingdom was absolutely unreal. An army of halflings would look like ants in front of the Nazarick army.

The army of the alliance stood proud and each army held the flags of their nations.

"Seems like we are about to confront the enemy, your holiness."

The priestess Astrida was standing near Jeanne d'Arc and in front of the army. With this holy knight here, the army of the Holy Celestial Empire was not afraid of whatever monster that will appear on top of the hill.

"I hope he's here."

"Who, my lady?"

"Ainz Ooal Gown."

"You told me about that the other day, but why?"

"I want to ask him about something personal, It has to do with the past."

Astrida raised her eyebrow in confusion "About the past? I-I don't think this to be the ideal place to ask him about the past."

"I'll just try in a way or another because this will be my last chance to save the holy land from that bastard."

Astrid knew that she was powerful and would definitely survive in a battle but would the Sorcerer King even want to hear her questions. That would be very difficult because Jeanne was an enemy that has trespassed into his property with an army of six million. Also, she can't imagine how this battle would end and who would come out victorious.

On top of the hill, two unknown figures appeared riding on horses. Ajax was able to see for the first time the enemy. The two enemies were two… beautiful warriors. The one on the right was a female clad in black armor also her horse had armor too. The face of this woman was that of a goddess but what took her away from that post were the two white horns meaning that she was a demon.

The other one was totally different compare with the horned female. She had the aura of a true golden queen or a true SAINT. Her blue and silver armor, her golden hair and crown, her facial appearance, and her tallness were to be worshiped.

Ajax was completely out of words to describe this woman but the bad thing was that she was not on the side of the alliance. By the holy aura, she was similar to the holy maiden Jeanne d'Arc. Many of the soldiers were mumbling, how can such a beautiful maiden be with the enemy?

"Another fallen queen, I guess... Just how many rulers have you manipulated Sorcerer King?"

Meanwhile, Jeanne was observing the two female warriors in surprise. "There is no way these two to be from this world… That equipment, that beauty, and their powerful aura are absolutely superior compare to the female warrior of this world."

These two warriors were just like her… NPCs. There was no other way to describe it.

"Wow, I've never seen such faces before..." said Astrida.

But there was more, what they saw behind those two warriors was an army that was marching on top of the hill. It was really huge and Ajax understood why the scouts couldn't tell how many they were out there.

Other strange figures approached where the two female worriers were standing. One was a female with long silver hair clad in a strange blood-red armor and holding a weapon that might be a lance. Next was a tall insectoid monster, he gave the aura of a true warrior because of the way he was built

There was another one that arrived in the middle of the two female warriors. He wore a dark armor with a cruel structure that looked like it was forged in the darkest pits of hell. His head was completely fleshless and two crimson points shone inside his empty eye sockets.

"No way… Ainz Ooal Gown?

Jeanne d'Arc was not able to resist such a powerful aura that was spreading from the body of the Sorcerer King. She just stared in shock because she is the only one that knew the truth about this being.

"That power is like the one… no… my kings are no way near to compare with this kind of power. The Sorcerer King is on a totally different level.

Jeanne turned and looked at Ajax for a moment and he did not seem scared at all but stood proud in the middle of the other rulers. Well, he should not give a frightening appearance because he is the one that was the most pro for this war.

"You have doomed everyone Ajax…"

Will these soldiers return back to their homes, back to their family, or will they vanish in this land. This dangerous decision stand on the hand of the Holy Emperor and the other rulers.

"I assume that armored skeleton is the Sorcerer King, right?" said Izmir.

"That must be him or a general."

"That army might have the same size as our army… This tells me that someone from the war room in the Helorin Kingdom must have sold us out."

Isaris shiver when she heard the name of her kingdom and was afraid that Alyndra will put the blame on her.

"Whoever that scumbag is, it doesn't matter now. The enemy is in front of us and they won't give us time to find out who betrayed us."

Ajax turned to see the undead army, he was trying to find someone and hope for her to be here. Then he notices a female clad in silver armor with long black hair and pointy ears standing near the group where the Sorcerer King was.


"You noticed her too right?" Lilith and Vorrdar noticed Alea easily because they have met before.

"She looks angry for some reasons." said Vorrdar. Her reaction was like she wanted to scold them all.

"She must be angry for the reason that she has to fight for that monster. I understand, worry not Alea, soon this will be over and all things will turn to normal."

Ajax just wanted to run a take her away from the undead but reality won't give him such favor. If he wants to take something or someone, he must fight for it.

Suddenly they noticed the Sorcerer King with his subordinates riding down the hill and this brought confusion at the alliance side.

"I think he wants to talk."

Actually having a meeting with the enemy leaders before the battle was a common thing so Ajax and the others started to move too and not just the rulers but Jeanne, Astrida, Azuth, and Zooey also followed after the rulers. Jeanne did not care about the safety of the rulers, she just wanted to see Sorcerer King from a closer distance.

Only her holy aura was able to resist the aura pressure of this otherworldly being. A silent and invisible battle was occurring between the Sorcerer King and Jeanne and nobody was able to see or feel it.

"He's holding back making me look weak!"

Jeanne was inside a sphere that radiated the holy aura and Sorcerer King was in the middle of a dark sphere that radiated an unholy aura. The holy aura should triumph against such heretical power but the dark sphere was much bigger and was trying to devour the holy aura inside.

The pressure became more strong as he approaches. Both Jeanne d'Arc and the Sorcerer King have noticed each other's power.

Then the group stopped their horses at fifty meters distance and went down their horses so did the alliance side. The subordinates of both sides stood in the line and the leaders walked toward each other. Those who had a weak heart like Isaris had trouble while being near such a monster of brutality but everyone has come this far so she has to be strong. She had a warrior spirit but even she knows that her strength has a limit so being in front of the Sorcerer King is surpassing that limit.

The skeletal being stoped and observed the king and Emperors for a moment. After a silent moment, he turned right towards Isaris. Her instinct told her to run like a rabbit but if she does that, she will be seen as embarrassing by her soldiers. Having a coward ruler was not a good feeling so she tried her best to have a royal appearance.

The undead extended his hand and… "I am the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown."

So he wanted to greet them but still, that did not make Isaris feel good. This monster was her worst dream turned to reality.

"I-I am the Queen of Helorin Kingdom, Isaris Gradrey Danster."

Isaris extended her arm and shake hand with the Sorcerer Kind, then he moved to the next ruler. Coldness ran down her spine by his huge dominant form but she was relieved that did not mess up.

"Ainz Ooal Gown."

"I am King Malkor Dragobia of the X'eryus Kingdom."

"I've heard that your kind is called Zelves, am I right?"

"Yes, that's right."


The Sorcerer King moved on to the next ruler who was a tall and muscled humanoid.

"Ainz Ooal Gown."

"Emperor of Drogthoran Empire, Izmir."

"May I know the name of your race?"

"I am a draph."

"A draph hmm… Oh, now I remember something about the draphs. The male ones grow very tall and the females are very short."

"That's a true fact also a common question from the non-draphs."

"I see, so that's some stereotype thing."

And he moved on to the next ruler who belonged to the most common race that he has seen.

"I am Ainz Ooal Gown."

Ajax stared at the Sorcerer King who extended his arm but he did not want to shake hand with this creature so he just stood proud looking at the skull of the monster.

"As expected." The Sorcerer King passed the Holy Emperor without knowing his name and moved to the next ruler witch was a red-haired beauty with red eyes clad in leather armor.

"Ainz Ooal Gown."

"I am the Blood Queen of Egrond Kingdom Alyndra Errieth."

Both of them shake hands strongly like they had respect for each other and the Sorcerer King moved on to the next female ruler.

"Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown, greetings." he extended his arm to the beauty with long straight blue hair.

"Moon Queen of the Lorestir Kingdom Liluth Faekian."

Lilith was kinda curious at the thing the Sorcerer King was doing. Asking about names is normal but this is thought to be catalytic brutal was between holy and unholy.

Ainz Ooal Gown continued to the next ruler and now he confronted a dark elf female. He could tell that she was from the neighboring country.

I am Esma, the right hand of the Dark Empress of the Underdark Empire Dragomira Eidrith Azamus."

"And why isn't the Dark Empress here?" the Sorcerer King's tone sounded like he was being disrespected by the absence of the Dark Empress.

"That was the decision of her exalt majesty and that decision is absolute."

"A very brave decision."

Disappointed he moved to the next ruler who was a thin tall snow elf with long white hair and blue eyes but he was the same as the human, he did not want to shake hands with the Sorcerer King so he moved to the last ruler who happens to be the only demihuman here and his name was Grakus, the king of the Minotaur Kingdom.

Ainz shake hands with this minotaur and returned to his position facing the allied rulers.

"That halfling queen looks she has lost her way here." Ainz could tell that she was the one who was not able to hide her fear and anxiety. She seemed like a good person compared to the two other rulers that did not care about a handshake.

"Well then… hello again ladies and gentlemen, I am the Sorcerer King of the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick. Now, can one of you explain to me the reason for such a great alliance?"

"To defeat you and your demonic kingdom!"


It was the young human emperor that answered Ainz. He could see from his eyes that Ainz was really hated among these people.

"I'm sorry but what did my kingdom do to your country or your country..." Ainz pointed his finger to each one of them. "We never even made any contact in the past and you just bring an army in my land to kill me...

"This is not your land!" the snow elf interrupted Ainz.

"Exactly." the human continued. "This land does not belong to beings of un-life like you but to the high elves. The High Queen Alea Nylaathria is the rightful ruler of this land and you are an invader.."

Ainz remembered he made an announcement that he and Alea got married and later spread the news to all nations. SHE IS MY WIFE! Ainz screamed inside his head at these people that looked like they didn't understand how royal marriage works.

"I think there must be a misunderstanding here, people… Alea is my wife and our marriage united both our kingdoms. I did not invade Elvenor nor did I have any intention to invade it but a little accident happened which ended up with me and Alea getting married."

Ainz did not want to tell the full story because it embarrassing to talk about and was waiting how the rulers gonna eat this.

"A little accident huh? You mean to manipulate her mind?"

"What are you talking about?"

"We won't eat your lies Sorcerer King! Do you think we don't know your true intentions? The people of the other continent have told us about the atrocities that you have committed against innocent civilians and brainwashing their rulers to become your puppets! This world has suffered enough by greater evil like the Greed Kings and the people managed to come together to eliminate evil and we will do that again today."

When Ajax brought the Greed Kings into this as evil beings, it triggered Jenne very much, every word he said caused her to grind her teeth. Sure those words are heroic but right now it was the enemy who was saner.

"While it's true that I have killed a lot of people because war is not a war without casualties but I have not brainwashed any rulers, I do not need to brainwash them because a defeated ruler does not have power anymore to harm me."

"You even speak like a true demon king full of lies and corruption. Who in the world would want to be ruled by you or even marry you, undead."

"The hell is wrong with this human?"

The human sounded like he had the most issues here. Ainz did not understand where this strong hatred was coming from? Was Elvenor Kingdom an important region that everyone desired or was it something else? Also, the thing with Alea being brainwashed was the most confusing one.

"Who in the world would marry an undead, huh? A question that I have asked myself many times. Well, it's true that nobody would marry one but I stand out."

Ainz did not want to explain in detail because there's no need for that. If they want things to get bloody, he will destroy them all but hearing this human and their cause made the reason for this war worthless.

The Sorcerer King touched his skull on the right side and… "Tell Alea to come here for a moment."

The leaders of the alliance noticed the well-known high elf queen coming towards them. She left her horse under the care of the undead servants and continued to walk to her husband.

Looking at the real high elf queen and not some painting of a merchant astonished the eyes of the Holy Emperor. The queen clad in armor was so beautiful than those paintings and even surpassed Ajax's imagination.

Ainz noticed how the facial reaction of Ajax changed when he saw Alea coming closer. There was something going on here and Ainz did not like that face looking at his wife.

"You called me, my lord?"

"Yes, do you know this person?" Ainz pointed at the human.

Alea turned her eye at the alliance. "Well, since he is the only human, I guess this is the Holy Emperor of the Holy Celestial Empire, Ajax Norx d'Armadus...

"Yes… Yes, that's right, Queen Alea, this is the first time we see each other, great to meet you!"

"...Great to meet you too, Emperor."

Ajax sounded like the guy that proposes to a girl that he is in love with for the first time.

"What is it dear?"

"Alea do you feel anything suspicious since the day we got married? Do you feel like you are being manipulated by me, used by me, forced to be my wife?"

"Huh… dear, you know it was me that proposed, right?"

"Yeah but that guy over there won't accept the truth and think that I am brainwashing you."

Alea was surprised and confused at the same time by these words. She turned at Ajax and stared at him weirdly. Why would this person believe that she is being brainwashed? She loves Ains like a madwoman so this was a blatant lie coming from this man.

"Emperor Ajax… I don't know who told you this but this is a misunderstanding... I am not brainwashed or corrupted...

"That's impossible!"

Ajax did not want to believe such words coming from the girl he loves. There must be some dark magic over her head cast by the Sorcerer King to corrupt her words. The Holy Emperor observed the face of the Sorcerer King carefully.

"Someone like Alea would never be in love with that face of true evil incarnate. I can see through your plan Sorcerer King but you won't fool anyone this time."

"I don't believe that the High Elf Queen of the Sun would want to marry the king of darkness." intervened Vorrdar. "We have met many years ago and I knew that you wanted to get married but at the same time, you did not want to because nobody was perfect. So why this monster that has no love but hatred?"

"My-My husband is not like that, Emperor Vorrdar. This is just o-overreacting and-and also it's no one's business who I want to marry." Vorrdar retreated because what she said was reasonable but even so, he still was against believing this. He strongly stood at the side of Ajax.

I see her face is turning red over questions like this. Can't find the right words for her, Sorcerer King?"

The undead was not spitting a word out of his skull leaven the mind-controlled queen to calm the situation and make the leaders look fools for the reason of this war. Ajax simply did not want Alea to suffer anymore from this monster, he had to save her as quickly as possible.

"I understand the situation, Queen Alea."


Alea did not understand what Ajax meant by that. He keeps looking straight at her eyes like a creep and that felt very uncomfortable.

"Sorcerer King, why aren't you saying anything, hmm? Are you trying to hide something from us?"

Alea steered at Ajax confused and turned at Ainz to know the reason for that sudden change. Ainz had kept his skull low for a short time listening to these people.

"Hmm well, it seems I've been exposed, poor me."


"It's okay Alea, you may return." he kissed his wife on the head and she left.

Ajax was disguised by that and even jealous. He believed that she was more hurt by the hardness of that skull. Undead trying to act like a loving husband looked absolutely ridiculous.

"So, Emperor Ajax and all of you, is Alea the reason why the alliance was formed?"

"No, the alliance was formed to free all the people that were invaded by you your undead armies."

"I see, I see, but do you really believe that you will achieve anything with just 6 million? Where is the dragon army? I heard they were supposed to be here."

Ainz won't be getting an answer from any of them this time. The absents of the dragon army was a huge letdown so the only answer Ainz received was silence.

"What about the Slane Theocracy or the Et'hem Republic, where are they?"

Again, Ainz didn't receive any answer from them. Seems like they were expecting so much from the dragon army but they have no idea what happened to them and their nation.

The leaders lifted their heads and saw some dragons flying towards the two armies. They thought hope was back but… the dragons landed at the side of the Nazarick army.

"You got your hopes up, didn't you? Well, I also have a dragon army to protect the skies of my kingdom."

"You think we are afraid, Sorcerer King?!" Emperor Izmir shouted.

"Of course not, you lot are the heads of your states, it will be a shame if you were afraid but… bravery means nothing when you are standing against an invincible absolute power."

"Bravery is the greatest weapon in this world and those who think like you will have a horrible death just the Eight Greed King and all those who tried to destroy peace!"

"I've heard a lot of stories about those guys. They took over the world so fast but all that glory went down into chasm when their friendship got cold. But that is obvious, eight kings, can't live together in one castle. Only one is supposed to stay on top that will bring a new order in this world... and he is…

The Sorcerer King opened his arms witch means that is the one that will rule this entire world.

"We will never allow you to take over the world, monster!"

"The Platinum Dragon Lord was right, you truly are another Greed King."

"I don't care you call me like that but now we should end this meeting so I have a proposal. Let's have a duel, me versus all the kings, queens, emperors, and your strongest knight."

"Huh?!" That was an unexpected proposal and why did he bring that up when both armies have the same numbers.

"Why should we do that?"

"I'm 100% sure that my kingdom will be victorious if our armies fight but are you really gonna throw away the lives of some farmers that you took from the villages. Look at my army and at your army, Emperor Ajax. My soldiers have one purpose and that is to protect me and this kingdom. If it dies, nothing will be lost because another one will easily take its place. But for your soldiers, there are wives, sons, parents waiting for them to come back home. It will be a very grim day when they learn that their husbands and sons have gotten completely massacred and will never ever find at least a peace of their dead bodies. As that old word says, better as a free crow than a dead eagle."

The leaders of the alliance looked at each other thinking that this was a very good offer since the dragons won't come to help them. But should they really stay with the conclusion that they are lost? The Sorcerer King sounds very confident in his victory.

"What if we win?"

"I'll perish from this part of the world and leave all of you alone, also I'll free Alea from the mind-control." Ainz said that with a boring voice but it seems from the Emperor's reaction, this was working.

"That...That's reasonable! Alea will be free so that means, me and her…"

"And what if we lose?" asked Alyndra, interrupting Ajax's thoughts.

"All the countries that supported this alliance will bow before me. It's not my fault, you all brought this upon you. But rest assured, I will not punish the innocent or this army.

This really turned out in a way they never expected to happen. All this army and in the end, there will be no clash between armies. Some days ago, the soldiers were excited to fight the undead but when they saw an army just as large as their army, there were some mixed bad feelings that this won't end as those bards said.