
The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown

Author: AbiWolf666 in fanfiction.net The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown Momonga, finds himself alone in a strange world. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? (Nazarick will arrive 10 years later.) ~ (Warning: This fanfic doesn't belong to me, I'm just reuploading it here, author, if you don't like me to upload this ff here you can post a review telling me to delete it, I'll do it with pleasure)

SopitaCx · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 79

The army of the Slane Theocracy was making fast preparations for the siege. The city has been turned upside down by the army trying to get any man that can fight and remove other civilians from the near wall.

Also, the people that worked as slaves were taken by the army with a promise that they will be free when the war ends. The only people that were still working were the smiths and the woodworkers.

The reason for this was obvious, they had to work nonstop at forging swords and arrows for a part of the army that was not equipped with weapons. Hundreds of soldiers were transporting bags filled with arrows up to the walls for the archers.

Two warriors of the Black Scripture, the 5th seat Quintia, and the 6th seat Kolthrus, were heading towards the wall where they were greeted by the commander there.

"How are things going, commander?" asked Quintia.

"We are working fast, sir. We also took everything from the farms outside the city."

"Did you also order your men to burn the farms so they won't be of use for the enemy?"

"Of course, sir!"

"Look there, Quintia."

Quintia followed Kolthrus and he had pointed his finger at the ruins of the Vittoria Fortress. It was very far but they were able to see clearly the army of the Nazarick Kingdom forming up. Right now the army looked small but massive numbers of soldiers kept coming out from the ruins.

"Seems like we will have them soon here, huh." said Kolthrus.


"Say Quintia, don't that army look weird to you?"

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

"They are a bit far from here and my eyes might lie to me but don't they all look mortal to you Quintia?"


Quintia tried to observe the army carefully with his eagle eyes and found out that Kolthrus was right about the mortal army. There were no dreadful creatures in their ranks but it was weird because… it was the Sorcerer Kingdom, a nation that is ruled by an undead king and has a powerful undead army that can crush nations like nothing.

"You are right Kolthrus, I don't see any undead creature there, but I think it's early to have a final answer right now because their army is forming up."

"Mhm, I guess you're right. So what should we do now?"

"Now… we wait."

The knight squads of the Holy Alliance were able to pass the border of Lorestir-Nazarick Kingdom without facing any skirmish on their way. This squad was not a very big one but a strong one. There were ten human knights, ten dark elf knights, five draph knights, and five snow elf knights.

Each squad had a leader of its own race so there won't be any misunderstanding by those who don't want to take orders of a leader from another race and country. The four leaders would make their plans in private until they approved the mission.

"We are getting close, captain!" a female voice was heard.

"Make sure to look at your surroundings for any surprise attack!" another female on the horse spoke.

This one was a beauty with white skin, long blonde hair, blue eyes full of bravery and she wore silver armor. This young woman was a noble called Constantina from the Holy Celestial Empire. Since she was a child, she dreamed of becoming a knight, and because of that, her father, who was a knight too, trained her until she reached age 15. After that, she went to the Imperial Knight Academy where she completed her training.

As a knight, she has fought in only two battles. The first battle was with the dark elves where she saved a frontier village and her name became famous to the other knights and the second was the last battle against the moon elves of the Lorestir Kingdom on the island of Yoka.

The rest of the human knights were all females and one male. They were also friends of Constantina from the knight academy and magic academy. The male was a young man with short brown hair and eyes. His name was Kosta and many male knights are jealous of him because he is part of this group of beautiful female knights. They always thought that he has a harem but those rumors are all false. He was just a good fellow knight and sometimes an errand boy because he did whatever the girls told him to do.

The dark elves were an all-female group led by a dark elf with short white hair, golden eyes and wore a black armor with an exposed belly, also all her comrades had the same armor as her. The name of the leader was Iri, she was a bastard child of the Dark Empress but she does not know about it, some of her comrades too, are blood-related and again, they don't know about it.

They wouldn't even care at some point because the dark elf knights outside the bloody wars live a very good life. They have lands, castles, slaves, and their personal harem with even different humanoid female races which they are put in the slave category too.

The snow elves were led by a male with long white hair, blue eyes, and clad in white armor white while the draph leader was very tall with black hair, black eyes, curved horns. He only wore a breastplate so he could wave his war-ax with no problem. The names of the draph leader and the snow elf leader were Monan Nuzivrin and Zerzow Drerdagir.

"I believe the village of Revalin is behind those two hills, captain Iri!"

"Yeah I know, I have been in this area some years ago! We were able to kidnap some high elf from Revalin Village!"

A human girl with green short hair up to the shoulders was annoyed how the dark elves spoke about kidnapping others like it is a normal thing to do.

"Such imbeciles!" she must not say that out loud.

Her name was Felnnora, a noble female from the city of Oseth that was located on the eastern side of the Holy Empire. Felnnora had some skills in using the sword but she had a talent for magic, so that was the path she chose.

Felnnora also loved to read books about the history of the nations, different cultures, and races, etc. Her favorite nation was the Elvenor Kingdom because she had gone there in the past as a bodyguard for a noble and she was amazed by the high elves and the cities.

Now that beautiful kingdom is under the tyranny of the monsters that come from the far west. With this war, she believes that the holy alliance will drove the undead hordes away from this beautiful realm.

While this mission plans to pull the undead forces to the eastern side of the Elvenor, there are possibilities that she might not survive. Most of her comrades are sure that they will make out alive but she was the most anxious, well it was obvious because she was right now inside hostile territory.


Felnnora kept looking left and right for an ambush while they rode up the small wide hill that was only covered with grass. The whole area had no trees and the forests were far away on the right side.

All of them reached the top of the hill and stopped there for a moment. The knights were able to see two hills on the left and the right side and the village of Revalin was in the middle of these two small hills. But below this hill where they were standing, the high elves had their fields.

"Let's move!" ordered Constantina.

All the knights started to ride down the hill.

A high elf female was working a piece of land using a hoe. Her child was playing around the field as he always does.

Comparing elven children with human children is kinda funny because this elf child was 55 years old. In human years this kid would be an old guy, that's why many humans are shocked when an elf child tells them his age.

For all kinds of elves, it was not a surprise when they heard about the age of a human. They would more like look down on them or with a simple thought "eh, humans, what did you expect?"

It is a bit unfair for humans to grow up and die that fast but they have to accept the reality, some are born with great skills and stuff, some are not.

Like all the high elves, this child has the gift of immortality and his mother will have to protect him for more than two hundred years. But those were rookie numbers for the high elf mother. Her husband and a lot of other males were sleyd and some young females were kidnaped by the dark elves when the village was attacked on a summer night.

The elf mother always lifted her head to see if her son ran far from her. Since the loss of her husband, she had become very protective.

Suddenly her long ears twitched and she stopped working. She turned around towards the hill.

"No way…"

Her strong hearing sense did not lie to her. She saw a group of riders coming in her direction. Her body started to shake for a moment but her attention went instantly to her son.

"Mama, who are they?"


She grabbed her son's and both of them started to run.

"Mama, why are we running?!"

"It's alright dear, just run with me and do not look behind!"

The village was not far away from her land but those riders were faster than her. The sound of the hooves smashing the ground were heard as they approached very close.

And at that moment, someone outrun them and blocked the path. Immediately, the mother hugged her child to protect him like a shield from these ridders.

"Elf lady, we need to talk!" spoke a female.

"I will not let you hurt my son!"

"Why losing time with her?! We should be storming the village right now!" spoke the dark elf captain.

"She could tell of how many enemies are in that village."

The elven mother overheard the conversation of the riders. She was just a mere villager, if she decides to foolishly attack them, she and her son will be killed by these unknown riders.

The only thing she could in this situation was…


The riders were caught in surprise when they heard that pitch scream coming out from the high elven mother.

While they were looking at her, Constantina turned her head toward the village. From the village came out five figures and they were running in the direction of the fields.


"Shut the hell up, you damn high elf!" shouted Iri.

"Ca- Captain, what should we do?" asked Felnnora.

She and Constantina were the ones that noticed the five figures coming. After hearing Felnnora, the other surprised knights pulled out their swords

The beings coming towards them were fleshless monsters that wear elaborate breastplates and were armed with different sorts of weaponry.

"Should we attack them now?" asked Monan, who had his ax ready.

"Well, that was the plan, wasn't it?" said Zerzow.

They wanted to make sure if all of them were ready to attack those skeletal monsters.

Those five stopped a few meters away from them. "Let them go!" he spoke.

The knights were confused about where that deep menacing voice was coming from. The elf mother did not wait for an answer from the knights so she grabbed her son and started running with all her might.

"Thank you!"

That was the last thing she said when she passed the Old Guarders. Now the knights were staring at the skeleton knights waiting for who will attack first.

"What were you trying to do to her? Don't know who this land belongs to, mortals?"

The knights did not respond to those questions. They were not here to have a conversation with these monsters.



The young knight knew what her captain meant and she pointed her staff at the skeleton that was in the middle.

[Fireball] !

The spell was unleashed from the magical circle and went to destroy the monsters. But the speed of the fireball was not that fast to catch the monster so he and the others jumped on the sides and then rolled.

The old guarder did not waste time and took the bow from his back and immediately shot an arrow. Felnnora was caught by surprise because the arrow was coming towards her.

[Magic Shield] !

The arrow hit the magical barrier but it got snapped into two parts. That was the first dangerous encounter she had faced in this realm and it made her body shiver.

"Stay behind and assist us."

"Yes, captain!"


The well-trained knights went to attack the five monsters. While they were just five of them, the knights did not know the strength of these monsters, and also, they did not resemble the description of a Death Knight.

Captain Iri was the first of the line and the most excited one. She rode towards her opponent in a way for him to get crushed by the powerful body of her horse but the old guarder stepped on the right side.

Iri was sure that he would do that and tried to hit him with the sword. The old guarder raised his triangular-shaped shield and Iri's attack was blocked but the old guarder had another idea. On his other hand, he had a broadsword, with which he chopped one the horse's leg.


"WOAH! Damn IT!"

The horse released a high-pitched sound from the pain of losing a limb. This horse is absolutely dead unless a magic caster heals the leg at the right moment but they are on a battlefield right now.

"Captain Iri, are you alright!"

"Damn right I am! Tch~ that horse was my favorite one."

Iri had no injuries on her body because a fall like that was not a problem.

Constantina jumped some meters high leaving her horse after understanding how dangerous these monsters were.

[Martial Art - Ability Boost - Rhythm Strike] !

The body of Constantina looked like it was shining because of those martial arts. The way she held her sword and body was in a high stance. Her speed was pretty fast and the monster was about to take the blow.

Unexpectedly, the old guarder did not take the shield from his back but grabbed the tip of the sword with his left hand. The sword in a horizontal defensive mood and the other in the attacking mood clashed against each other. That clash blew away the vegetables that were around.

"You are still standing!"

Constantina was quite surprised by this monster that was able to block her attack. From that blow, the old guarder was pushed five meters away. The human knight tried to push down her sword so the sword of the enemy might break because her weapon called Sharp Feather was known to break weapons.

But there was something weird about his broadsword. As an undead monster, Constantina thought that he would have a weak rusty weapon but it was the opposite.

"You must be the commander here, huh?"

The old guarder did not respond and suddenly Constantina saw lightning appearing on the surface of his weapon.

"Magic Weapon?!"

The undead was winning ground and now it was him pushing Constantina back. The martial art [Rhythm Strike] can consume a lot of stamina and it will make her body unbearable.


Kosta has left his horse to help his captain from the monster that was turning the table in his favor. The undead notices the human knight coming at him so he pushes Constantina away from him and jumps back.

"Die you bag of bones!"

Iri with two other dark elves had an undead surrounded. The old guarder did what's best to use his shield. The blows that he blocked were strong but when the dark elf called Iri hit him, it was different.

"Ora, ora, ora~! What's the matter?!"

Iri landed blows on his shield pushing the undead back. As she was about to hit him again, the undead decided to thrust his blade into her throat.

[Impenetrable Fortress] !

A green barrier blocked the blade on the spot. A giant ax came out of nowhere and cut the bony arm of the undead warrior. He saw that the one who did this was the draph captain Monan.


Iri landed a kick on his breastplate sending him flying a few meters away. The undead warrior got surrounded by the dark elf knights and they ganged on him.

"Don't stop, just continue to hit him!"

The undead warrior had only one arm now, he was able to block some of their blows while lying on the ground but that was all he could do, his entire body was in a critical situation. Monan showed up again and hit the undead's skull and ended up being crushed.

After that, his whole body stopped moving.

[Fireball] !

The other old guarder was out of options and had to face the fireball with his shield. The undead backed up by the explosion, and the shield was not destroyed, but his HP has fallen very low.

"Take this!"

[Martial Art - Grand Power Strike]

The sword of the snow elf clashed with the hammer of the old guarder. Zerzow was in shock after all that blast, this monster was still able to fight as nothing happened.

"Very impressive, for a monster!"

"I have more to show you, mortal!"

The undead warrior deflected the sword of the snow elf. His blue eyes widened when the hammer was enveloped with lightning.

"This is bad!"

He had no time to block the attack and the hammer landed upon his breastplate.


"Captain Zerzow!"

The powerful attack sent him flying and then falling on a field of cabbages.

[Fireball] !

[Holy ray] !

The old guarder was caught by the two magic spells. The blast turned the undead into nothing but ash leaving only his magic weapon behind.



The undead blocked Kosta's sword and next, he hit his pretty face with his shield. Kost stepped back with a bloody face. Everything that Kosta threw at this monster was useless, he was just strong then him

[Magic Arrows] !

The undead used his speed to run away from that magic attack and clashed with another human knight called Paloma.

"Go down now, monster!"

[Martial Art - Piercing Strik] !

Paloma struck him with her spear. Having no other ways to escape that attack, the old guarder allowed himself to be stabbed on where is supposed to be the stomach.

Paloma smiled when her spear pierced his body but she got cocky very quickly. Out of nowhere, she got hit by the gauntlet of the undead on her left cheek. Paloma, the beautiful girl with long blonde hair fell on her knees covering her left cheek with her hands because it was hurting like hell.

"But I stabbed him… wait…"

She observed her enemy. "Damn skeleton!" she cursed.

The undead continued to walk towards her without caring to remove the spear from his body.

[Martial Art - Heavy Blow] !

Constantina's sword crushed the skull of the undead warrior. Her sword even cut through his armor cutting the upper part of the body in half.


Iri killed the last undead and she felt really proud of ending this one fight.

"Hah, five bony guys, not a problem at all."

"Yeah, but they also did some damage to us, I guess." said Monan.

Two from the human squad had minimal wounds but Zerzow was hit very hard by one of those monsters. His comrades were trying to lift him up.

Captain, how do you feel?!"

His whole body was very numb right now, his comrades were surprised by the hole on his breastplate. Zerzow then was healed by the priest of the snow elf squad.

"Oi, these are all magic weapons."

"Huh, why would they give these monsters such powerful weapons?"

"I don't know, but I guess they might have a lot of these to afford."

That was very strange because magic weapons are not things to be given to anyone. Those knights that come from a royal family, noble family, or other families with a high status are the only ones that can possess them. These here were just monsters that protected a single village.

Constantina walked toward Kosta to see his face.

"Are you alright Kosta?"

"I'm-I'm fine, captain, nothing to worry about!"

The beautiful captain touched his cheek, making Kosta blush. Well, who wouldn't get like that if they are being touched by the most beautiful girl in the group? He felt like he was being healed by the warmth of her hand.

"Paloma, does it still hurt?"

A priestess with short pink hair approached Paloma to see her face.

"Yeah, that bastard caught me off guard. I forgot that these monsters were made out of bones and I should have had a bludgeoning weapon to crush him."

"Well, don't worry about that for now."

[Heal] !

The red stamp she had on her cheek disappeared and it returned as she was before."

"Thanks Ania."

Ania was smiling and felt happy that her friend was fine but then something happened.


The priestess saw blood on Paloma's face. For a moment she thought that her friend was hurt again but then she realized that it was her own blood. Ania saw that her chest was penetrated by an arrow.

"Ania… Ania!

The priestess fell like a puppet whose strings had been cut upon the armor of Paloma. She let out some vague sounds before her last breath.


"Captain Constantine!"

Constantina went quickly to Paloma, she was crying while holding the lifeless body of the priestess. Ania was shot on the back and the arrow had pierced her heart causing her instant death.

"Ania…" Not only had she lost a friend, but an important member of the group that was needed to heal those who get wounded badly.

Constantina looked around to see where the enemy was but she didn't see any monster.

"It must have come from the village!"

"Yeah, her back was in the direction of the village! Let's storm the village and kill the rest of those monsters!" said Iri.

"Right, but we must do this fast and ride near the border again."

"Understood, let's move."

As they were about to walk, someone was standing at the front of the village. He wore dark leather armor and covered his head with a hood. All of them stopped on the spot after they saw this person.

"Who the hell are you?!" asked the angry dark elf female.

"It should be me to ask that question."

The person lifted his head a bit and they were able to see his face. He was not like those skeletons but had the face of a young man. The only strange thing was his unnatural eye.

"You have trespassed into the land of the Supreme One, scaring the villagers and killing five of our soldiers."

"This land belongs to the high queen Alea and not to your master. You are the one occupying this land and we have come to bring the high elves freedom.

"That's so heroic but you're wrong, my dear. Her highness belongs to the Supreme One and the high elves love their king."

"Stop spitting lies with that poisonous tongue."

"Denying the truth doesn't matter to me. Now you shall be punished for causing havoc here."

From the village came out other monsters that did not look like the early ones. Some of them wore silver armor draped in tattered red cloaks holding bastard swords and some others were equipped with shiny, golden, full-body armor, and held lustrous spears in their hands.

They were thirty of them all ready to attack the mortal knights. They couldn't believe how the situation turned worse so quickly. But it didn't matter now because a situation like that believed that it might happen and here they are.

"The rest of the priest and the magic casters stay back and cover us and summon angels!"

There were at least four priests and five magic casters, they stepped back and took a position. Four Archangel Flame were summoned by the priests to help the knights.

"Are you all ready?" Constantina looked at the other captains.

"Damn right I am!"

Again the hardhead dark elf went straight forward to battle and the other followed her. The small army of the undead saw the mortal coming at them and so they charged. The firsts in the line were the angels but they were not a problem at all.

The master guarders used the spears to kill the four mere angels and they vanished from the sight.

"Tch~! So they are stronger…"

The first in the line from the knights was a dark elf female that was about to go against the ones with golden armor but…

"You're mine!"

[Martial Art - Ability Boost - Cutting Edge] !


She was almost landing her sword upon his shoulder but the long golden weapon penetrated her stomach.


The undead threw her body off his spear and killed another one. The captains that were holding the elder guarders were shocked when they saw those monsters slaughtering the rest of the knights.

[Martial Art - Divine Skill Single Flash] !

The snow elf captain activated this martial art to make a blinding light to confuse the elder guarder but he did not know that martial art does not affect this undead. Zerzow still thought that he was blind for the moment and tried to cut his head but the bastard blade went straight at the hole on his chest that was caused by the old guarder.

Zerzow's body stopped when he saw the blade that had pierced through the flesh. For the last time, he stared at the elder guarder.

"That skill does not work on me, mortal. You have been fooled."

The elder guarder pulled his sword out off the snow elf's chest leaving him to fall lifeless on the ground.

Monan that was as tall as the golden undead, did his best to put up a fight with him. Every strike that he landed on him got deflected by that golden spear.

"I've seen powerful monsters in the part but I never thought that I would fight with something like you."

[Martial Art - Strong Assault - Strong Strike - Smash]

The master guarder held his spear in a protective mode and faced the incoming strike of the draph captain. The battle-ax and the spear clashed, spreading hundreds of sparks around. The master guarder was holding his ground pretty good because the level of his opponent was low compared to him. He even got hit by a fireball and still was able to stand strong.

Those martial arts had consumed a lot of his stamina and were making him feel foggy. The undead warrior kicked him with his knee three times on the ribs. Monan was not able to hold anymore and the undead went on his back quickly and put the spear around his neck.

"Agh! I can't breathe…"

And that was not all of it, two elder guarders that were near, stabbed him two times and was left there to die slowly.

Constantina was thinking about escaping this hell but their horses have left this field and running will not do anything well. She blocked a strike coming from the elder, then another one. Even using her strongest martial arts was impossible to cause some damages to his body.

"I can't even scratch him!"

She got hit by the spear of the master guarder on her breastplate making her fall. The undead had his spear ready to kill her but at that moment, Kosta stepped in front of her.

"Kosta nooooooooo!"

The spear and the blade of the bastard sword were supposed to go through her body but instead, it was Kosta who got double penetrated.

"I… did… my… best…"

His body fell upon her. "Kosta, wake up… wake up!"

The boy did not respond, those two wounds had taken his life really fast. For the first time, Constantina fell in despair as she saw all this horror that was happening before her eyes.

"How could this happen?!"

Literally all her comrades had been massacred by the undead monsters. The magic casters and the priests had a blade near their neck because some other old guarders had caught them from behind.

Felnnora and Constantian looked at each other for a movement. The eyes of Felnnora were telling Constantina to save her but it was impossible. The old guarder cut their throat and fresh blood spread on the field.


The noble girl from the Holy Empire was beyond scared and did not believe that she could go against them anymore.

"Please I beg you, stop… huh"

Constantina saw Iri with the remaining dark elves kneeling in front of the undead warriors for mercy. It appeared that the hardhead Iri was even more scared and desperate to survive.

"We are very sorry about this, please forgive us!"


"Capture them!"

The undead grabbed the body of Kosta and threw it away, then he grabbed Constantina by the hair.

"St- Stop, it hurts!"

"Enough mortal, and move!"

More troops arrived at the village with carriages to collect the dead bodies. Constantina was crying how they dropped the bodies upon the carriage like sandbags. Not long ago they were her comrades but now.

"Please, sir, at least let me open some graves for their bodies to rest in peace."

"Huh, we don't have respect for an enemy like you, take them away!"

"No, don't do this."

Suddenly Constantina saw someone that she remembers to have seen back at the camp of the alliance. It was a moon elf girl that did not dare to look at her.

"But, but you are… you are Arwen!"

The moon elf acted like she did not know what the human was talking about and tried to ignore her."

"Arwen! Arwen Vasha! Arwen Vasha please I beg you, tell them to…"

The master guarders took her away from here

"What an annoying woman." said Ken, looking at Constantina with a bored face.

"Sir, what is going to happen to them." asked Arwen

"There are some possibilities that I know that it will happen to them but there is no need for you to know."

"O-Okay, sir!"

Constantina and the dark elves walked into the village as the residents stared at them with angry eyes.

"What's with those eyes?! We wanted to free you from these undead."

It appears that the high elves did not have a problem at all being ruled by a being that was not a high elf. Her group of knights had only disturbed the peace of this village and got what they deserved...