
The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown

Author: AbiWolf666 in fanfiction.net The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown Momonga, finds himself alone in a strange world. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? (Nazarick will arrive 10 years later.) ~ (Warning: This fanfic doesn't belong to me, I'm just reuploading it here, author, if you don't like me to upload this ff here you can post a review telling me to delete it, I'll do it with pleasure)

SopitaCx · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 56

A girl with short blonde hair was walking alone on the street, she stopped for a moment and saw around the citizens at their work. When she made eye contact with a person, he immediately turned his face around. She had beady black eyes slanted upwards that gave an impression that she was constantly glaring at others.

The name of this girl was Neia Baraja, she was a survivor in the war between the Roble Holy Kingdom and the Oceanic Empire. After the war and the rebuilding, Neia with her family returned to Roble.

Since that moment when the Sorcerer King patted her head, she felt happy for being a citizen of his glorious Kingdom. Ainz Ooal Gown was a hero for the citizens that once belonged to the Holy Kingdom.

So because of that, Neia had become a patriot. But being a patriot and doing nothing for the country did not sound good to her ear. She had traveled from the Roble Peninsula to the Port-City of Scodra that was once called Re-Lobell.

"I think I'm close."

Neia felt the wind that was coming from the ocean, she walked in that direction reaching the port. There were a lot of ships here, some arrived, some sailed away.

New land has been discovered by the adventures when they were sailing far away in the wide ocean. The adventures brough the information about a large chain of islands. The trops of Nazarick went there to make contact with the natives, but the archipelago was uninhabited, so It was fresh for the Nazarick Kingdom to conquer it and colonize it with various species.

264 islands were under the complete control of the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick. towns were built in the larger islands and the smaller ones were transformed into training camps for the new Nazar Recruits.

One of those islands is where Neai wants to go and start her training as a Nazar. Looking around, she saw a black ship that had the flag of the Nazarick Kingdom. It looked very important and there were armored beings that were waiting on the ground. Neia found out that ship was for the Nazar recruits, because there was a cabin near the ship that was waiting for the recruits.

Neia reached the cabin and entered inside, there she saw a female lizardman that was working on her desk.

"Um, hello." greeted Neia.

"Ah welcome. A new new recruit?"

"Yes miss."

Neia handed the lizardman a letter with her data and the place where she had made the application. Then the lizardman opened a register, and started to write the name of Neia, her parents, and her birthplace.

"Okay, it's all done. Give this later to the officer that is waiting. Now good luck and be strong."

"Thank you miss."

Neia went outside and headed toward the black ship. She had seen a lot of races these last years, but she never took the chance to talk with demihumans and beastman. Of course she did not hate them or anything like that, but it were they who stayed away from her.

It was her eyes that made the others feel uneasy, like she was some kind of a cold blooded murderer or just a cruel person, that's why Neia didn't have friends to go along with.

The officer was a demon wearing black light armor. That was a good looking demon, his hair was short, gray, red eyes, white skin. Two short horns stood upon his forehead, but he didn't have bat wings like most of the demons.

Neia took a deep breath and walked towards him. She has never come near a demon in her life. The officer stood there with his arm crossed staring at the new recruit. Not wasting time, Neia handed him the letter. The demon took it and started to read it while staring at her from time to time, then, he gave it back to her.

"Get on the board, we are about to leave."

"Yes Sir."

She climbed the stairs and found herself upon the deck of the ship. There she saw another demon that hadn't noticed her yet. Neia didn't know what to do for the moment, so she decided to ask this demon.

"Excuse me." the demon turned his head at her. "Hello, I am Neia Baraja and…"

The face of the demon curved into a disgust expression. "Nobody gives a shit who you are, maggot! You are in the army now, get your ass a seat."

"Ye-Yes Sir."

Neia gulped, she did not expect that behavior from the officer. She turned, and there she saw people of different races that were looking at her. It was hard to find a seat because there were too many recruits here. Neia looked on the left and on the right and saw one that was empty, but the wood elf that was near, put her bag upon that seat.

That was rude, but as expected, Neia even here was not welcomed. She didn't know what to do, if she doesn't find a seat, the officer will yell at her again. She almost walked at the end of the line and still nothing.

It was an embarrassing moment, all their eyes were looking at her and muttered. "What should I do?!" She can't go again to the officer and ask him to find her a seat, that will make him even more angry.

"Psst hey..."

Neia heard a small voice on her left and she turned. Neiahe saw an empty seat and a cat girl near. She had short red hair, yellow eyes and tan skin. The thing that separates her from the humans were the cat ears and the tail.

"You can sit if you want, nya."

Finally a savior showed up, and Neia was grateful. She sat on the seat and put her bag down, then she stood quiet. Everyone was a stranger here, so she did not want any trouble with any of them. She slowly turned her gaze to her left and saw that the cat girl was staring at her smiling.

"You have some scary eyes there, nya."

That came out of nowhere, but she knew that her eyes would get the attention of the others. There were still people around that were staring at her eyes like she was a dangerous person.

"Is, Is that a compliment?" asked Neia, she hoped to be a compliment.

"Yes nya, when we complete our training, with those eyes, you will make the enemies run away from you, nya."


Neia returned again in her lonely mode. It seemed her eyes again might attract attention. She thought that she would be treated better here, but it turned out to be more difficult.

"What's your name, nya? Mine is Çikly Abby." she introduced herself.

"My name Neia… Neia Baraja."

Both the human and the humanoid shook hands together. The cat girl had a childish behavior which looked kinda weird to Neia. Maybe it was her race that was like that or just Çikly as an individual… Or it was just Neia that was not socialized with anyone

"Hey nya, why did you join the Nazar Corps?"

Now Neia was surprised for the reason that the cat girl wanted to keep the conversation going.

"Well, I love the Kingdom and I want to protect it."

"Same here nya, I was once a slave but his Majesty rescued us and gave us a better life that we could ever wish for. So I want to be strong to protect my nation and my rights, nya."

"That's a sacred decision." she said to make the cat feel proud.

As Neia and Çikly went deep into conversion, but suddenly, the demon spoke.

"Alright you maggots listen up, we are heading to the island of Samara. If any of you here make loud noises, your ass gonna drop into the ocean, you understand that?!"

"Yes Sir." they shouted all as one.

Why was he so angry? Neia couldn't comprehend that. In the Roble peninsula, she has seen Nazar troops patrolling with pride, being more superior than the paladins of the past. Young people stopped them to take some advice and information about the Nazar training. So Neia had heard them talking about how great the training was, making her excited to be like them, but she never asked them about the people that train them.

"I think I'm in danger…"

Katze Plains…

Wrath has been doing some work in the Kotorr Alps. The demon and the undead army were invading all the southern natural wall. The intelligent monsters that lived there like the Drakes, Salamanders were subjected and those who had only animalistic senses like the giant Tarantulas, were slayed.

These monsters attack the army of the Sorcerer Kingdom out of nowhere, but with high level demons and undead around, they had no chances against them. The bodies of the Tarantulas were perfect to create high level undead.

The nation they discovered in the Kotorr Alps, was the Empire of the Harpies, but they easily got invaded. A surprise thing happened between the demons and the harpies, and that was marriage. Both the races took a partner as a wife, it was a bizarre thing but the Sorcerer King approved this.

This made the race of the half demons to rise, because the urge for sex from the harpies side was too damn high. The harpies were allowed to travel into other cities, but if they tried to hurt the citizens, they would be executed, but nothing like that has happened because they were able to adapt with other foods.

Wrath entered inside the palace but he encountered two demon girls. They looked like elves with dark skin, but had bat wings, horns, and snake-like tails.

"Rin, Ren… What are you two doing here?" asked Wrath with wonder.

"We came to see mother." reply Ren.

"Aha, okay then." He started to walk away.

"Hey, yesterday we had a parent meeting at the school, we told you to come but you didn't?"

"Damn… sorry girls, father was on some business, I had some orders from the Supreme One."

The twin daughters could have just asked their mother to come but she was pregnant again with Wrath's child. These two, were not her actual daughters, their biological mother was Edström and nowadays she was still giving birth to other half demons. Wrath didn't care about her, so he just took the twins that belonged to him.

"If it is Lord Ainz, then okay."

As Wrath was about to walk again, Rin spoke.

"Father can you give us some money to buy new clothes?"

"Uh, sure Rin."

From his bag, Wrath gave them plenty of money. "Father this is too much." said Rin. "Use it to buy other stuff and be careful."

His daughters went outside and Wrath walked through the halls of the palace. There he stopped in front of a door and opened it. Two other twin children were living here. When the daughters saw Wrath, they jumped upon him.

"Father is back! Father is back!"

"Hey you two have grown up lately. What are you doing?"

"Playing tea party papa."

"Oh, can I have some tea too"

"Yes papa!"

The girls were full of energy and filled a cup with tea for their father. Wrath carefully grabbed the cup, his hand was big and strong so he might break it. He quickly drank the tea in one succ. "Mm delicious, can I have some more please?"

The girls happily filled the cup again, they did this many times till there was no more tea and the girls were tired so Wrath put them on the bed. "Father can you tell us a story?"

What should he do? Wrath had never done this before. He could just respond that he has work and has to leave but that felt kinda bad.

"Ummm okay." Wrath coughed two times and started. "Once upon a time, there was a demon lord that wanted to conquer the world. He was feared by all the humans and the demihumans because of his power. One night, with his demon army he attacked a kingdom that was a great enemy. But all the soldiers of that kingdom were massacred by the demon lord himself. His power was so great that he pushed deep into the territories of that kingdom till he reached the stronghold of the queen. There he destroyed everything on his path and the queen decided to fight him, but was not that strong, so the demon lord grabbed her by the legs and used her as a weapon to kill her own soldiers. The army was broken completely by the horrifying scene and run away like chickens-"

Wrath saw that his little daughters had closed their eyes and were sleeping.

"Sleep my little devils."

He covered them and went outside the room of his daughters. When he started to walk again, Wrath felt the presence of someone… someone that was really strong.

He turned his head and behind him, Wrath saw a person that was smiling dressed as a gentleman. Wrath found out that this person was a devil because of his tail and his ears.

"You are a very soft Evil Lord."

Said the devil while walking towards Wrath. "Well uhhh, I am with my family, but not with the enemies of lord Ainz."

"I see, I see."

Wrath knew the mind of the devils, but this fellow was a strange one. "I don't remember seeing this frog looking guy around, unless... "

"Anyway who are you?" asked Wrath.

"My name is Demiurge, the Guardian of the 7th floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick." the devil introduced himself with a grin on his face.

"So this is the guy huh." Ainz had communicated with Wrath via message about the coming of the floor guardian.

"Oh, welcome son of the Great Demon of Destruction Lord Ulbert, It's a pleasure to meet you."


Demiurge got confused when the Evil Lord said that. He is just a mere creation of the Great Demon, he would never declare himself as his son.

"Well, aren't you? Lord Ainz has told me that you are his son."

That moment Demiurge smiled happily. His master recognizing him as the son of Lord Ulbert filled his pure evil heart with infinite joy.

"By the way, my name is Wrath, I am the commander of the Demonic Army. So what can I do for you Demiurge?"

The devil and the demon continued to walk in the hall of the palace. "I would like to see the work of the Sorcerer Kingdom demons. Can you guide me?"


That was not a problem for Wrath because he was heading there. Both the demon and the devil walked to the end of the hallway. It didn't have a door, but Wrath pushed down a candle that was on the left side of the wall and the wall before them lifted up.

Wrath went inside and Demiurge followed him. They were inside an elevator that worked with magic and it started to go down. The elevator stopped at the last level of the palace. The door of the elevator opened and Demiurge could see a grand dungeon similar to those of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

It was pretty dark, the smell was disturbing and screams of agony echoed through the dungeon. But it was nothing to be disgusted, Demiurge felt like home again.

"This is the prison where we keep the "sheeps" Demiurge."

Demiurge figured out the "sheep" part quickly. Of course, those filthy creatures who opposed his master deserved to be called like that, nothing but sheeps to be sent to the butcher.

Demiurge followed Wrath to explore all the rooms of the the first room he saw a demon that was forcely pulling off the teeths of a person with a plier. On the other he saw a human getting his arms and legs sliced bit by bit with a machete.

"Pleathe no morehhh!" the former noble begged the demon to stop.

All the nobles that had been captured were all fat like pigs, but over the years they have lost weight by the hellish tourture and not getting feeded well. All those years living like gods above the peasants, having nothing to worry about. Those were the days, but all the wrongdoings that they had caused returned back to them.

The nobles were told by the demons that they were dead and this was hell and they can't do anything to take their souls back. Eternal tourture, pain, agony, suffering, that was all that awaited them every single day.

In another prison room, the demon had wrapped a noble with wire and a rod was inserted inside his ass. The demon rotated it upon the fire like he was cooking bacon.

"Now that is funny don't you think Demiurge?" asked Wrath.

"Hmm, that is a very interesting tourture technique, I like it." Demiurge with his arms crossed studied the demon doing his work.

He really liked the way some hanged humans that had a hook inserted in the armpit. Their cries for mercy brought him nothing but joy. These were the scums that offended his master. All those who try to fight the Supreme Being will end up like this.

As they went more and more deeper in the dungeon, the painful screams of agony started to change. Those sounded more like femine moans. He wondered what was going on inside the last room.

Wrath walked before Demiurge to open the door and they went inside. A lot of interesting stuff was happening here.

This place was full with women and they were getting raped by demons. "This is the breeding room, Demiurge. Tell me what you think?"

"So this is how Lord Ainz creates half demons, It's very fascinating but these human females do not look like they are in pain."

"They have been here for years now and have succumbed into pleasure. It is better this way."

They saw how women were getting gangbanged by many demons. Some of them were about to give birth to another demon and they will continue to do this till an order to dispose of them comes.

"Hey, who's child is this?" spoke a demon that was holding a newborn half demon girl.

"She has been getting fucked by many of us. How are we supposed to know who the father of that child is hahahaha."

The demon left the child upon a table that was close to the fire to warm her. It was not just her but many other newborn children here that not too long has come to life.

"Dicks! Give more dicks!"

"It feels so goooooood!"

The human females begged for more pleasure and the demons gave it to them with no problem. Some females here got turned into vampires to experiment if they could breed with demons and that experiment was successful.

"I think we should insert some suffering to them." said Demiurge.

He did not like this kind of tourture. It wasn't a tourture at all. He wanted to see them crying, screaming and begging to end their miserable lives.

"Nah Demiurge, we prefer them like this. Hearing them crying is kinda annoying. You do what you want with the males, but these women have given us an army of half demons so yeah they are important."

"I see, that's reasonable. Alright, I will bring some of my subordinates and start to skin some nobles alive. I want to do some experiments with their skin.

"I hope you have fun my friend."

Both of them went about their own business.