
The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown

Author: AbiWolf666 in fanfiction.net The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown Momonga, finds himself alone in a strange world. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? (Nazarick will arrive 10 years later.) ~ (Warning: This fanfic doesn't belong to me, I'm just reuploading it here, author, if you don't like me to upload this ff here you can post a review telling me to delete it, I'll do it with pleasure)

SopitaCx · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 45

Orc Kingdom

The capital of the orcs Gromoz, lies on a field that was surrounded by dense forests. There were a lot of paths that connect Gromoz with the other cities and villages of the Orc Kingdom.

In the past they were really primitive and did what the Dragon Lord ordered them to do. Their souls belonged only to him, but when Gothrag showed up and killed the Dragon Lord, the orcs started to become more civilized because of the new ideas that Gothrag brought.

The orcs saw Gothrag as a deity when he passed away and his children as demigods. They kept his ideas to heart and worked hard to create a great Orc Kingdom.

In his time, Gothrag did no allow slavery, but hundreds of years later, the orcs started a trade with the Beastman Kingdom and they brought slaves to the Orc Kingdom. From that time, slaves became really popular.

With the human slaves, the orcs built the walls of their cities to protect themselves, because they had made a lot of enemies over the years.

The Republic of Et'hem was the home of two humanoid races like Wolfmen and Kitsunes that looked like humans but had wolf or fox ears and tails, sent their assassins to destroy some orc villages as a message to not transgress in their lands.

But the orcs as always, did not listen to the warnings from their enemies. They just did it again and again like peevish children, leading this into a never-ending war.

Of course, the Republic of Et'hem was not strong enough to declare an all-out war against the Orc Kingdom. Just the Orc King Gothrus or his brother General Gothzur were enough to destroy the Republic of Et'hem because they were powerful demigods.

But if those two brothers do this, different armies from different nations beyond the Kotorr Alpes where the Republic lies, might arrive and destroy the Orc Kingdom. The Orc King did not overestimate themselves because they had the blood of Gothrag. The enemies might have their secret weapons too, so they have to be afraid in some aspect.

Upon the walls of the city, an orc soldier was walking. He was watching over the city and the forest if there was something wrong.

"Guh, I'm hungry."

The bodies of the orcs were massive almost the same size as a troll, so they need to eat a lot of food to be in proper form.

"Oi Gumo."

Gumo turned his head in front and saw a fellow orc warrior walking towards him.

"Oh, you look angry. Did I do something?"

"No, No Behar, it's nothing."

Gumo turned his face at the forest and just saw the large mountains beyond.

"So, how are the little ones?" asked Behar, just to have a little conversation to forget the boring day they have all the time.

Their duty was to guard the walls and the city. They really wanted to go with the other orc warriors to fight different enemies. Staying all the time in the city was boring.

"They are fine and growing healthy everyday."

"Oh that's great." said Behar.

"So, are you planning to make children?" asked Gumo, turning his gaze at Behar.

"Well uhh… I don't know… umm, soon I guess." said Behar while he laughed tiredly.

"You must hurry up my friend. She might do it with someone else before you are ready."

"Hey that's rude, my wife is loyal."

"I'm joking, haha oink!" he grunted while laughing.

Both the orc warriors continued talking about their daily life. Sometimes they stared around if some higher up's came, because that will put them into trouble. It was not allowed to blabber with each other, because kitsunes assassins might climb the wall and start murdering citizens silently.

Behar turned his head at Gumo's belly, because it released a sound.

"Oh, Gumo you-"

"Yeah, yeah i'm hungry, go ahead, make fun of me."

"N-No, you can go and eat something if you want."

"What about my post?"

"I'll check it for you, don't worry." reply Behar with a smile.



Suddenly Behar heard something and turned his head at the wide forest, even Gumo did the same thing. Both of them saw an orc running towards the gates of the city. But the way that orc was running was strange, like he was wounded.

Behar ran at the orc warriors that guard the gate of the city.

"OPEN THE GATE!" shouted Behar.

"Wha-What's going on?"

"DO IT NOW!" he shouted again.

The orcs did as Behar said and opened the gate. Gumo arrived too and they both went to take the orc that was running towards them.

"Oi, are you alright brother?!" concerned Gumo asked.

"We-We mu-must go to the city! They-They are coming?" said the orc as he spilled blood from his mouth.

Behar and Gumo did not ask him more in the middle of the field, so they helped the orc to reach the city to heal him.

"Bring some water, NOW!" shouted Berhan.

"Cl-Close the gates! They are coming!" shouted the frightened orc.

The two orc guards stared at him for a moment and went to close the gates of the city.

"Brother, you are wounded?!"

They saw the orc on his back. He had a massive cut like someone had slashed his sword on him, and the orc was spilling blood again on the ground.

"What's going on here?"

The Orc King Gothrus with his brother General Gothzur, arrived to see what was happening near the gate of the city. Both the brothers wore heavy plate armor and held magical greatswords.

Berhan and Gumo immediately bowed their heads in front of the demigods.

"Your Majesty, we saw him running wounded." Gumo reported to the King.

Gothrus came closer and saw the wounded orc. He was sweating and shivering because of the loss of blood. The King took a bottle made of animal skin and it had wine inside.

"Drink this warrior."

With shivering hands, the wounded orc accepted the bottle with wine and drank it. Something was not right with this orc. He was in a really bad condition.

"What happened, warrior? Who did this to you?"

"We-We were ce-celebrating the coming of the spring, but-but our village was attacked by- guuoouuuthhh!" the orc spilled blood again from his mouth and nose.

If they had orcs that use magic, they would have healed him immediately, but nobody had that talent.

"Stay strong warrior!" said Gothzur, giving courage to the wounded orc.

All of them were starting to understand that he would not breathe for too long, but they had to know who attacked them. General Gothzur was worried for a reason because his son has gone patrolling the villages in the west these days.

"The-The enemy was too powerful. They sl-slaughtered everyone… even the children."

"Where they from the Republic or from the Elvenor Kingdom?" asked the King.

"No-No your Majesty, the enemy was un-unknown to us. They were mo-monsters that we have never seen before."

The others stared at each other with worry. A new enemy was unpredictable, because they had their own ways to fight. It will put them in a really bad situation.

Again the poor orc dropped blood from his mouth. His condition was terrible and the time to die was coming fast.

"Stay alive!" shouted the king.

"They are… coming…"

The orc released his last breath and slowly closed his eyes forever. The King touched the chest of the poor orc in a sign of respect.

"Father what is happening?"

The young orc prince arrived to be by his father's side and he stopped when he saw the dead orc where his father was standing.

"Son, there is no need for you to be here. Return home."

Gothrus raised and approached his son.

"Yo-Your Majesty!"

The King turned his head to know why his guards shouted, but his eyes went wide by what he saw. The orc that was dead on the ground a moment ago, was standing now on his two feet like a normal orc.

"Warrior… are you okay?"

The orc lifted his head, and the others saw that his eyes had changed color from brown to completely black as the night. He released some weird sounds from his mouth and his teeths were out clashing with each other like he was hungry.



The orc growled and started to run fast at the King. Everyone was captured by the confusion for a moment. But Behar quickly blocked his path and put his hands upon his shoulders.

"What is wrong with you?!"

The orc pushed Behar on the ground and was trying to approach his mouth at his face. Disgusting fluid was falling from his mouth upon Behar's face. Gothzur quickly took out his greatsword and cut the body of the orc in two parts. The two parts of the orc were lifted in the air and fell a few meters away.

"Go wash your face with water right now. This might be an infection." said the General.

"Yes-Yes General."

Behar was helped by Gumo to rise on his feet and went to do what the General told him.

Gothzur and his brother approached the dead body, but both of them stopped.

"By Gothrag!"

The dead orc was still moving and crawling on the ground towards the brothers. Just what could have happened to him? The orcs had never seen something like this in their life. It looked like a devil had possessed his body like a puppet.

The Orc King raised his greatsword and then thrust it inside the head of the orc. In that moment, the orc stopped moving forever. Many orc citizens had come out to see what was going on at the gates of the city.

"Do not let them come near, and bring the elder here." ordered Gothrus.

"Yes, your Majesty!"

The orc warriors went to tell the others to not come near the gate. Two other orcs went to inform the elder about the situation and the need of his wisdom. The young prince Lorgoth, stayed by his father's side to learn how the King managed the situation.

After a few minutes, the two orc warriors brought the elder. He was a tall old orc with pure white hair and a long beard. He had put his hand on the shoulder of the orc warrior because he had lost his vision a long time ago. An orc can live for 120 years most, but rumors say this orc was far older than any elder in the Orc Kingdom.

"Sorry for troubling you elder." apologized the King.

"Nothing to worry about, King Gothrus, son of Gothborg." spoke the elder with a deep raspy voice.

The elder could not see, but Gothrus still hit the chest with his hand and bowed. This elder should be respected by every orc, no matter who he was, king or royal blood.

"We need your wisdom, elder. A few moments ago, an orc arrived here, and was wounded badly. After asking him what happened, he died, but later he came back to life again and tried to attack us. My brother cut him in half but he still was moving. When I stabbed him in the head, he died for good." explained the King.

The elder stroked the beard with his hand. But his face told the King that this was something serious.

"His eyes and his blood… what color do they have?"

The blood of an orc was red, but they did not notice the dead orc had black blood. Gothrus opened them and saw that his eyes were black, totally different from a normal orc.

"Everything black elder. This is really strange… He said about the attackers that they were powerful monsters and are coming here."

"He did not come back to life, my King."

The orcs warriors stared at the elder with confused faces.

"Then tell us elder."

"We are dealing with an enemy that does not eat… or sleep, because they are not living beings. Have you ever heard about the legend of the Silent City?"


"It is located in Beastman Kingdom. Many souls lived there peacefully, but one brightful day… a tragedy occurred. The sky turned dark… the wind was colder than a winter day and they appeared in front of the city."

The way the elder told the story, it sent chills to every orc that was listening to him. They felt like scared children from a scary story told by their mothers before going to sleep.

"These unliving monsters attacked the city and slaughtered everyone. Their only purpose was to end life."

"How do you know this elder?"

"Because I am one of the survivors, my King."

Everyone was surprised by the elder. He had never told them about this, but the orcs forgot about this, because they saw dark clouds forming in the sky, and they could feel the cold wind that arrived with the dark clouds.

A sound of a horn was heard in the entire city, that meant that the enemy had arrived. The mothers took their children inside their houses, and all the warriors climbed upon the walls.

The King ordered an orc to send the elder back to his home. He and his brother followed the orcs to the wall.

"Father, I'll fight too."

"No son, go back to protect the palace and your mother."

"But father-

"No but, go now."

Lorgoth lowered his head and went back to the palace. Gothrus and Gothzur nodded, and went to the wall to face the enemy. When they reached there, the wind was even stronger and colder, that it looked like the winter had returned.

The Orc King observed the wide forest. There he saw someone on a horse wearing a black robe upon his body and his face could not be seen.

"No… No it can't be! My son!" shouted General Gothzur with a desperate voice.

The dark raider was holding a spear on his right hand, and on top of the spear was impaled the head of a young orc. That head belonged to Zugoth, the son of General Gothzur.

The General was growling wrathfully, and wanted to take revenge. The King tried to calm his brother who was about to jump from the wall and kill that strange person.

Seven other dark raiders came out from the forest, and after them, an entire army of darkness appeared behind them slowly from the border dividing the forest from the field. Because of the dense forest, it was impossible to tell how many of them there were, they just kept emerging like an endless flood.

The tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. Some of the orcs gulped, others breathed in deeply.

"Warriors! Do not fear our enemy! The mighty Gothrag will protect us! We will defeat the enemy in his name!"


Countless roars shook the surrounding. The orc warriors were in high spirits, and no one felt uneasy anymore. They will protect this city no matter how strong the enemy is, because their families live here, and they will give their lives for them and Gothrag.

But that was all… From the dark forest appeared a figure that sent chills to everyone. He wore black plate armor and had an iron crown-mask with spikes upon his head. So frightening this being was, that put fear again upon the orkish ranks.

The Witch King Angmar, has arrived in front of Gromoz city to bring death and destruction upon the sons of Gothrag.

Angmar raised his arm and pointed his finger at the wall.

[Meteor Fall] !

All the orcs turned their gaze upon the sky. They saw an unimaginably large rock in fire falling from the sky with shimmering light.

The King grabbed his brother and jumped from the wall. The meteor made impact with the wall and created a burst of explosion. A lot of orc warriors died getting crushed, and others were sent flying because of the shockwave. The meteor almost flattened the entire frontal wall and all the buildings that were near.

"All legions march forth. Slay them all."

Everyone heard the order of the Witch King. The Undead Berserkes and the Death Knights started to march forward. Every step they made, means that the end for the orcs was near.

Gothrus and Gothzur managed to survive the brutal impact even with those massive bodies they had. They felt hurt in their soul seeing all these orc warriors dead on the ground.

Your Majesty!

Other orc warriors arrived in front of the king.

"Retreat! I said retreat!"

Gothrus shouted to everyone. He can hear the sound of the iron foots. The enemy was about to get inside the city. All the orcs helped the King and the General to go first and protect their backs.

From the black smoke that was caused by the large meteor, a massive warrior in full body armor showed up. On his hands, he was holding a double bladed battle axe, and like a beast he rushed at the orc warriors.

"Protect the King!" shouted an orc.

The first orc that tried to block the beast, was cut in two parts in an instant and the blood fell upon his comrades. Everyone held their breath, the monster before them was too much for simply orc warriors.

Gumo and Behar, who were on the last line, stared at each other. The question was "Are we going to survive this?"

The dark army arrived inside the city and started to spread to every place where the orcs lived. The warriors that tried to resist the invasion were slayed on spot. No orc could cause a little damage to a Death Knight.

The Silver Skeletons climbed upon the buildings, and started to shoot the orc warriors with arrows and one by one they dropped dead on the ground. The vampire warriors went house to house, and butchered the women and the children. The orc women and children screamed as the vampires cut their throat and drank their blood.

The entire city was being turned into a slaughterhouse. The windows of the buildings were dyed with the blood of the innocent civilians. Why was this happening to the orcs? Did their mighty God Gothrag abandon them?

[Martial Art - Strong Strike] !

The orc warrior attacked one Death Knight, but his sword was blocked by the tower shield. The Death Knight swung his wavy black sword and cut the head of the shocked orc warrior. There was nothing they could do, their Martial Arts didn't bring anyone down from these monsters.

A Silver Skeleton was running on the street, and was shooting a lot of orcs that were coming at him. He was not as massive as the Death Knights and the Undead Berserkers, so the orcs tried to target him. From jumping house to house, the Silver Skeleton had gone beyond into the enemy line.

"Die monster!"

An orc was about to attack him. The Silver Skeleton took an arrow from his back quickly and shot the orc warrior without even looking at him.

Now at him, was running a massive orc warrior with an axe. The orc looked like he had gone crazy and was releasing a war cry. The Silver Skeleton shot the crazy orc on his left shoulder, but he still was running at him. Again he took another arrow and shot the orc near the stomach, and again the beast did not stop his rampage.

He had no more arrows so he took out his broadsword.

"Come at me orc!"

The Silver Skeleton was ready to face the massive orc.


The orc roared with all his spirit that was left in him. He was about to land his axe upon the invader. The Silver Skeleton was faster and jumped on the left side, the axe hit the ground creating a small crater. Weaken by the two arrows on his body, the orc was not able to lift his axe. The Silver Skeleton used this moment and swung his broadsword down cutting the head of the orc.

An Undead Berserker arrived there and saw his comrade looking at the headless orc.

"What happened brother?" concerned he asked.

"His neck was thick!"

"Haha, you should stick with your bow, brother."

"Yeah right."

If he had more arrows, of course he wouldn't use his sword. The Silver Skeleton followed the Undead Berserker to be more safe, because who knows, there might be some strong orcs around that might damage him.

Gothrus and his brother Gothzur couldn't believe the image they were seeing in front of them. All these orc warriors that had fought against countless of enemies in the past and emerge victorious, now we're being butchered like lambs on the streets by terrifying monsters. The blood of the warriors was flooding like a river everywhere

"Our citizens are dying brother!"

They looked at each other in the eyes. That was one last look, both of them were ready to die. The orc brothers shake their hands together as a farewell.


Both of them released a powerful cry of war and started to run at the enemy alone. Inspired by their lords, the other orc warriors followed them to the end.

Three vampires were in front of them, and they saw the avalanche that was coming toward the warriors of Nazarick Kingdom. The vampires were not afraid and went to attack the orcs.

"Out of the way, you bastards!"

The Orc King raised his greatsword and hit two vampires sending them flying inside a house. The General did the same thing with the third vampire. The orc warriors were amazed by the power of the two demigods. They felt the mighty Gothrag inside their hearts giving them strength to fight the enemy.

Now the monsters with tower shields and axes were coming in great numbers, but the orcs did not stop their advance. The two armies continued their advance and were about to clash mightily.

But at the peak of their might, the Silver Skeletons appeared on the ceilings of the buildings, and started to release a rain of arrows upon the heads of the orc warriors. This slowed down the orc advance, but the two brothers did not stop no matter what was coming at them.


The Death Knight raised his shield to protect himself. The two brothers landed a blow on his shield and pushed him back. But that did not last long, the brothers were being pushed back now.

King Gothrus was lvl 50 and General Gothzur was lvl 45, but the Undead Berserker were lvl 60-65, and there was a whole army of these monsters devouring the city. Every strike from an Undead Berserker, pushed the brothers away.

Damn bastards! Shouted Gothzur.

He hit the shield of the Death Knight, but did not do anything. The Death Knight was quick and stabbed the General on his left leg.

"GUUHHH!" he released a sound of pain.

"Brother!" shouted Gothrus while running at his brother.

His brother was being pierced by countless arrows. Many of them were deflected by the armor, but the Silver Skeletons managed to find the soft point. Gothzur could not resist anymore, and his body fell lifeless on the ground.


As Guthrus mourned his brother, the undead army surrounded him on the wide street. He was the only orc warrior that was alive. All his army has been destroyed by the Nazarick Kingdom's army.

Gothrus took his greatsword and stared around at the immortals.

"Come on! Fight me, you bastards! Are you afraid? Come on!"

None of the undead warriors seemed to be interested in fighting him. But the dark raider appeared in front of the orc King. Gothrus with a shaking breath, pointed his weapon at him. The Nazgul saw him like a poor animal that was about to die.

He dismounted from his horse and took out the sword. Gothrus released a war cry while activating his Martial Art, and went for the kill. But the Nazgul deflected his attack and hit Gothrus on the back of his neck with the hilt of his sword.

Guthrus felt like lightning had fallen upon his body. He fell on his knees and could not raise his sword again. The hands were shivering and could not move, like he was paralyzed.

The Witch King Angmar arrived with someone on his side. Tears were falling from the eyes of Gothrus. Angmar had brought his son Lorgoth in front of him.

"No… please spare him!"

Angmar didn't care about his feelings, and put a dagger near the throat of the orc prince.


Slowly, Angmar cut Lorgoth's throat. Fresh red blood came out, and Lorgoth fell on the ground shivering like he had cold till his life went away from his body.



The broken King cried and cried. He had lost everything that he loved. His son, his wife, his brother and his entire kingdom. How can this end be so ruthless? What did the orcs do to deserve such a tragic fate?

The Nazgul raised his sword and cut the head of Gothrus, putting an end to his sufferings. With the death of Gothrus, the Orc Kingdom ceases to exist... forever.

"Your son is suffering in the eternal darkness, so are you, hahaha."

Angmar laughed evilly. There were many high level undead servants that had negative karma to maximum, but nobody was like the Witch King. His evilness went beyond the limit. But still, he will act like a good undead with orders from the Supreme Being.

"Gather all the corpses and bring carriages. All these corpses will be sent to Katse Plains."

"Aye Sir!"

Now that the genocide was over, the soldiers of Nazarick Kingdom get to work. There were orc corpses all over the places, but it was not a problem for the tireless undead. All the work will be over in less than three hours.

Two vampires were heading towards a really large building that was not controlled by the others yet. The building was made out of wood and it looked like a storehouse. The two vampires, one male, the other a female stared around and saw no Death Knight here. It means that nobody had checked it.

"Do we enter?" she asked bluntly.

"Well, yeah I guess."

The male vampire opened the door and they went inside. It was dark, but that was not a problem because as undead elf vampires, they had night vision.

The two vampires observed around and at that moment their eyes went wide.

"By the Supreme One..."