
The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown

Author: AbiWolf666 in fanfiction.net The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown Momonga, finds himself alone in a strange world. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? (Nazarick will arrive 10 years later.) ~ (Warning: This fanfic doesn't belong to me, I'm just reuploading it here, author, if you don't like me to upload this ff here you can post a review telling me to delete it, I'll do it with pleasure)

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86 Chs

Chapter 41




A lot of Kadath citizens had arrived at the refuge camp after hearing the news about the victory of their King against the Oceanic Emperor Kraken. So happy they were as they kneel on the ground praying for their God.

People of all races that lived on Kadath were there, and the refugees from Roble observed with astonished eyes how these people loved their King with all their heart, something they had never seen or done before.

This is what it means to be ruled by a God.

"Your Majesty, I'm glad you returned safe from that fierce battle." said Calca as she bowed her head.

"Umu, Kraken was a powerful foe though. That blow he gave me was really tough." said Ainz while observing his chest.

Calca saw Zesshi and Keno that has embraced Ainz tight. The queens loved their husband. Back when they saw Ainz getting hit by Kraken, both of them became furious and worried that they were about to go out and help him.

Was the Sorcerer King such a perfect husband? Calca had been trying hard to find someone that would protect and love her like a treasure. Zesshi and Keno have to be the luckiest women in the world that has such a powerful and dedicated husband.

"Well, Kraken now is dead, but the price for that was the entire destruction of Roble…"

There was that. The whole land has turned into an inferno. It was impossible for Roble to return like it was before. The only structure that has survived without being destroyed, was the Great Wall. The only reason that the wall had not taken damage, was because of the high level undead, angels and demons magic shields. It could have even killed them all, but Ainz was holding back his power because he did not want to destroy the cities beyond the wall.

It will be really bad news for the world. The enemies of the Sorcerer Kingdom, will spread news how Ainz Ooal Gown that was worshiped as God, couldn't control his power and ended up sacrificing his believers.

Not that he cared what others said about him, because soon or later he will fuck them up. But still, it will be annoying hearing rumors like that going around.

"It's… all right, your Majesty. It was something you had to do."

All these people's property has been erased from the face of earth. No mortal can walk into the land of Roble, because of the rain of fire. The spell had even activated volcanoes, and rivers of lava were flowing upon the land. Roble had become like a planet too close to the sun.

"Your Majesty, may I ask a question?" it was Kelart who asked.

"Of course."

"What was that spell you used? It was so powerful!"

Ainz thought about Kelart as another Fluder. She was really thirsty for tire magic and items.

"That was Grand Catastrophe." said Ainz.

"Grand Catastrophe?!"

"Yeah, it is a pure firepower magic that has a really long destructive range. The Demon of Great Disaster Ulbert Alain Odle, that was my comrade could use this too. We killed the previous owners to obtain it because it was the only way."

The people were listening closely with their eyes shocked. The Demon of Great Disaster sounds really powerful and he was friends with their King, so that means another God. The bards had opened their ears wide to listen to what the Overlord said, and later they will spread his words everywhere they go in a epic way.

"But it has a problem. This spell can be used once every 100 years."

Ainz turned his crimson points at Remedios that was looking at him with a cold face behind Calca. He hoped about this trick to lure out every enemy that might be hiding in the shadows. They will start their adventures against him when they hear that Ainz Ooal Gown is not able to use his strongest attack for many years.

Ainz was imagining their despair when all their efforts fell into deep abyss. He hopes for those fools to go against him, especially the Argland Council State and the Slane Theocracy.

He has plenty of YGGDRASIL gold to summon monsters like doppelgangers to do the trick but that will be kinda boring. It will be better to see and wait how their stupid plan to defeat him will go. Ainz will just sit on his golden throne like a God he is, and observe the work of those foolish mortals from his Mirror of Remote Viewing.

Now, nobody was asking anything, and they were standing in the middle of the camp like statues.

"Lord Ainz, what shall we do with Roble now?" It was the Seraph Empyrean that broke the silence.

"That's a good question."

Ainz opened a giant gate in the middle of the camp. All the people stepped back from the back void. Sure, everyone will be afraid of the unknown magic of the Sorcerer King.

"I want a group of people to come with me." said the Sorcerer King.

Everyone looked at each other with wonder. Claca herself chose some paladins and citizens to go with the Sorcerer King to whatever place he wanted to go.

"Good, pass this gate."

All of them went towards the gate. Ainz went after them, but on the left side of the line where the people were standing, he saw a young girl with short blonde hair and with some really weird eyes that was looking straight at him.

"That's one scary kid."

Ainz passed near her and that scared the girl a little bit, but Ainz just patted her head and went to the gate with the others.

The girl just stared at the back of the Sorcerer King with a red face, because she never thought that he would come near her to pat her head like a father. After the Sorcerer King disappeared from the camp, she noticed the other kids staring at her. She just lowered her head and went to her tent.

"Hi-His Majesty just patted my head!"

The girl now was lost in her imagination.

"Thi-This is?!"

One hundred ex citizens of the Holy Kingdom came out the gate and some guards of Ainz. The location where they appeared was upon a hill, but their eyes were seeing a familiar place.

The Great Wall.

But there was a horrifying view behind the wall. A black storm had enveloped the territories of Roble completely. Entering there will be like a journey to the underworld. The only light that could be seen from that land was that of flames all over the place.

Ainz went some meter forward and stopped. The mortals were staring at him with curiosity.

[Super Tier Magic]

Suddenly, a magic circle that was shaped like a dome and roughly ten meters in radius, sprang into existence. Ainz was in the center.

The magic circle glowed a pale white, and translucent symbols appeared across its length and breadth. The sigils changed with kaleidoscopic speed, shifting between runes and letters that nobody had ever seen before.

All the people gasped out in surprise, especially Kelart. Her eyes were sparking like stars in midnight from the shining magic circle.

"What, What, What is this?!"

"This Miss Kelart, is called Super Tier Magic. It goes beyond the 10-th tier magic."

No words were coming from Kelart. 5 and 6 tier was serious and no mere mortal can reach it. And here was this immortal being that can break the laws of magic like a sand castle. Just how powerful is he?

Ainz stood like a statue for some minutes without saying anything. It was kinda embarrassing for him with all those people watching from behind. He could use a cash shop item, but he will not waste it in a work like this. Those items are needed for big things and not on something like this black storm.

Now Ainz felt the spell ready to go. Ainz opened his bony arms and shouted the name of the spell.

Go now - [Cyclone of Eternity]

A white aura spread like a shockwave from the Sorcerer King and headed towards Roble. Well, the white aura spread but what is next? The people were noticing nothing, but something started to change.

Black storm that released rain of fire, started to fade away and were replaced by another ultra large storm that invaded the skies of Roble.

After the black clouds that were caused by the Grand Catastrophe disappear completely, it started to rain. It did not fall upon him and their heads, but beyond that wall.

The earth started to shake for a moment, but Ainz told the citizens to calm and stay together.

At that moment, a part of the wall got destroyed, because of a tree that came out from the ground. That shocked all of them, even Ainz. He had never used this Super Tier Magic, because it was a waste of time.

In the black lands of Roble, the flames disappeared completely. Roble was being enveloped by a green forest. The trees just pop out from the ground like mushrooms and the grass kept invading every corner of Roble.

What the citizens were beholding, was not just a God of Death and Destruction. Not this time. The angels had their hands in a gesture of prayer. Praying to the God of Life and Creation.

This Super Tier Spell had another speciality that Ainz did not want the others to know. If the rain falls upon the mortals, it will give them unlimited lifespan, and even turn old people to the young age.

Which mortal wouldn't want to be immortal, especially the humans. But for some people, immortality might not be a gift, but a curse. So Ainz did not want to do such a thing to them, that's why he kept them upon this hill away from the magical cyclone.


Kelart was astonished by the Super Tier magic. The Sorcerer King has turned from a destroyer god to a creator god. This is beyond reality, she felt like she had entered into the realm of myths. Her faith was slowly changing and has begun to accept Ainz Ooal Gown as her God.

Kelart imagined herself as a priestess in the church of Ainz Ooal Gown, standing side by side with the holy angels and praying to the Undead Lord. Before meeting the Sorcerer King, her heart was that of a devil, but now after witnessing Ainz's power, her heart has become pure.

Kelart hoped for her sister to change her ideas. If she stays with the old ideology, she won't live long. Ainz might be a merciful king, but if she insults him again and again, he might show his other side, that Kelart did not want to see…

"Well, it's all good now. Thanatos, you will inform the elder lich's to get the skeleton workers and start to rebuild everything." said Ainz while turning.

"It will be done, my Lord." Thanatos bowed his skull.

"Umu, I should cancel it now, because it will go like this forever."

Ainz waved his skeletal hand, and the sun started to appear and shine again upon Roble. The first animals like the birds, arrived at the grand forest to start a new life. The ex citizens of the Holy Kingdom, soon will start a new life like these birds under the rule of the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown.

Beyond the Kotorr Alps...

In a natural hot spring , there were several figures. All of them were women with long ears and white skin like the snow. They were all beautiful, but there was one that surpassed them all.

She had long black hair, purple blue eyes and a big bosom. She had the face of a goddess that would make every man fall for her.

Some of these women were standing near her enjoying the warm water and some other women were serving fruits and wine. They were all smiling, but the goddess had a bored face.

"Your Majesty, shall I make this mandarin ready for you." said another beauty that had long blue hair.


"But you haven't eaten anything since we arrived here."

She sighed.

"Fine, give it to me."

She took the mandarin and peel it, then she started to eat it. The fruit was very delicious.

The queen stared at the alps, wondering what lay beyond there. Well, she knows there is an Orc Kingdom that was an enemy, but she wanted to know more about the far west.

She only had two enemies that had been fighting after the fall of the Greed King that ruled this land for a short time.

The Underdark Empire and the Orc Kingdom.

These two nations did not give her some peaceful time. Her villagers get captured as slaves by those dark elves and who knows what the orcs do with them. She knew that her army was far more powerful than the army of the Underdark Empire, but her nation was too peaceful and did not want a grand war.

And there was another problem… she was lonely. She has ruled the Kingdom of the High Elves for 497 years and nobody was worthy to become her husband. That was the reason why she was always sad and bored at the same time.

"Your Majesty, a gift was sent by the Empress-


The harsh words of the queen sent shivers on her body. She bowed her head and went to do as the queen said.

When will that bitch leave her alone? That dark elf empress, was the most hated person in the entire continent.

80% of the Underdark Empire population was female and and 20% male. Why is that? Because they practice an ancient elvish magic that reproduce without the need of the dark elf males. It was disgusting in her eyes. The males were used as foot soldiers or labor force. There were rumors that the Empress was a demon, that's why she was feared and nobody dared to attack her nation.

The queen had accepted a lot of dark elves refugees that arrived at her doorstep for salvation. The Kingdom of the Moon Elves, Blood Elves and the humanoid beastmen did not accept them because of their bad history with the Underdark Empire.

"That lesbian slut- Huh?"

She stopped her words, because something happened in the far alps. On ortec was falling. Her eyes were powerful and could see it very well from afar. But at that moment, all of them fell under water, because of a powerful shockwave that hit them unawares.

They all came out from the water shocked. The female warriors took their swords and came near their queen to protect it from whatever threatening force.

"Your Majesty, are you hurt?!"

"No, I'm fine, but that was really scary."

"Shall we send more troops at the border, your Majesty?"

"That shockwave came from the Orc Kingdom. Yes, deploy more troops and protect the villages."

"Yes, your Majesty!"

That shockwave was truly scary and sent chills down her spine. What or who could have caused that?

"Why am I so unlucky?!" Who knows what is arriving.