
The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown

Author: AbiWolf666 in fanfiction.net The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown Momonga, finds himself alone in a strange world. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? (Nazarick will arrive 10 years later.) ~ (Warning: This fanfic doesn't belong to me, I'm just reuploading it here, author, if you don't like me to upload this ff here you can post a review telling me to delete it, I'll do it with pleasure)

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86 Chs

Chapter 39

The gates of the City-Fortress Kadath were opened and the refugees from the Holy Kingdom arrived inside. They were astonished by this city because everything was clean and in its place like it was just built now.

The population here was fifty-fifty humanoid and demihuman. On the side of the road, humans, elves, dark elves, bafolk, goblins, zostia, armat, were doing their daily work but they all turned to see the human refuges for a moment and then returned to their work.

Human and non-human working together was unimaginable for the people of the Holy Kingdom. On the bar, all different races were chilling and drinking together. An old human and an old goatman were playing chess, a game that was brought by the Supreme Being and the young ones were watching them.

The former slaves elves, stayed most of the time together with the dark elves. Time to time they stayed with the humans, but they still had that inside fear from the past.

The elves and the demihumans worship only the Supreme Being. If someone offends their God, they will get mad real fast and might become violent. But something like that had never occurred, because the humans had forgotten their old gods, so everyone worship the God of Life and Death.

So the people of the Holy Kingdom just observed around with surprised faces the wondrous Kadath. Now, when this city was this beautiful, imagine how the capital must be…

"It's really peaceful here." said Calca looking around.

"Well, there is nothing to fear in this Kingdom. If there is a problem, we eliminate it" said Arc.

Calca and Arc, had been together on a long conversation while heading in Kadath. She finds Arc, a really wise and gentle person. It looked like she was speaking with a human.

If Ainz Ooal Gown has so many of these super intelligent servants, he could conquer this world in the blink of an eye. Nobody could match against these beings of legendary power.

"The citizens are so happy."

It was something that she wanted for her own people. Peace and happiness. But fate turned catastrophic for her nation. These people have seen hell with their eyes and can barely rise themselves.

"Truly, Ainz Ooal Gown has given true happiness to his citizens." said Calca smiling.

"It is not like that, Queen Calca."

"What do you mean?" asked Calca with wonder.

"Lord Ainz, gave the citizens what they wanted the most."

Arc turned his skull at Calca.

"He gave them a future. You see, the world is really dangerous and the people must make many efforts to survive only for the next dawn. In the past, this land was filled with corruption and barbarism. But when we conquered, our creator ordered us to purge all this plague. At first we were harsh, but with the past of time, the citizens did not fear us anymore, because we were trying to protect them. They understood that Lord Ainz was trying to give them a safe future for them and their children."

"...A future…"

How selfish she was. In all those years of ruling the Holy Kingdom she thought that she had not made mistakes, but she was wrong. Calca has just shown in public a smile to raise the morale and that's all.

She did not take part in strategy meetings when it came to dealing with demi-human invasions, or bothering to reason with the southern nobles. She had ignored everything and now she was ashamed about it. An undead king has done so much for his citizens in such a short time than her in ten years.

Calca stood silent, thinking about her failed rulership till they reached the camp where the Nazar troops trains. It was a really wide training field and the soldiers had raised tents for the refugees. They can hold several people inside.

The mortal Nazar troops were giving advice to the refugees where to enter. The people of the Holy Kingdom thought that Nazarick Kingdom only had undead soldiers, but now they were watching humanoids, and demihuman soldiers helping them.

But how can a human and a demihuman work together?

If they were in an intense battle, would a demihuman give his life to help a human in mortal danger? It was so confusing.

The humans in dark armor looked far stronger than the paladins of the Holy Kingdom. All the Nazar troops had a strong aura like they had been in countless battles. But no, it was the hard training that made them look like veterans.

"Attention please! Come in the line to get some food!" shouted a dark elf boy.

All the humans did as the Nazar warrior said and went to get food. They all got bread and beans. That was the food of the army. Finally the people of the Holy Kingdom can fill their bellies and eat in peace. It took a long time to feed one million people, but in the end they did it.

"Here captain, eat something?"

Said a paladin as he gave Remedios her ration. She took it and observed it. In truth, she did not want to eat it. This was the food given by the enemy, it will feel like poison if she eats it. But there was no choice, she was really hungry. Her innards were screaming for food.

"Captain, what do you think about these Nazar warriors?"

While eating, Remedios observed the Nazar troops with an gloomy and angered face.


"Huh?" the paladin raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"They all got brainwashed to work for the undead."


The paladin turned his head away in disbelief. He had really respected her before, but after seeing how she almost put the lives of people in danger for a stupid reason, he started to bealive that she was retarded.

"I'm going to see our people if they need help." said the paladin

"I'm coming with you." said another paladin.

They took their plate and walked, leaving Remedios alone. But in reality, they just wanted to stay away from her and eat in different places. If they start a new conversation, she alway was like "undead evil, undead bad, undead this, undead that". They were tired from her bullshit.

Arc, Calca, Kelart and Gustav were observing the well being of the citizens. The Nazar troops, walked around for any problem, if the refugees had. Most were humans and the elves because the refugees were afraid of the demihuman soldiers.

"Well, this place is perfect." spoke Arc.

Calca stared at him with wonder. The place here was very wide and the refugee tents on the right and the left side were away from where Calca was.

"Sir Arc-"

The queen stopped speaking because a really large dark circle-like void appeared a few meters away from them. This attracted the attention of all the refugees and observed it with wide surprised eyes.

Suddenly, from that dark void appeared a lot of powerful creatures. All of them were different from each other but the only thing that they had alike was their power beyond imagination.

Undead Generals, Dragon Lords, Demon Gods, Holy Angels. All these beings were coming out from that void that was like it connected another world. All the refugees were holding their breath in shock when that last being came out from that portal. His aura was that of an absolute ruler. This was the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown and behind him were his two wives, Zesshi and Keno.

Arc and all the Nazar troops kneeled before their God. Calca stood frozen and watched as the Supreme Being approached. Never in her life she had imagined meeting a being like this. As he came closer, his form became bigger in the eyes of Calca.

There was no choice. She could not resist his dominant aura. Calca kneeled in front of the Sorcerer King and that shocked all her people. After seeing their queen, Kelart the one that felt the aura of the Sorcerer King more than any mortal here, bowed immediately and next was Gustav.

The citizens stayed with their heads low and watched the being that had their life on the palm of his skeletal hand.

"You all may rise."

Everyone heard the deep and dominant voice of the Sorcerer King and did what he said.

"I am the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I-I am Calca Bessarez, the Queen of the Holy Kingdom."

"What happened to the Holy Kingdom was really tragic. My sincere condolences."

Calca thought that he would speak to her with a mocking tone as she was a defeated ruler, but no, the Sorcerer King was being very polite.

"Your Majesty… Thank you for everything. You freed our people in Abellion Hills and now you are helping us from this disaster. You are a magnanimous person. Again, thank you for everything." Calca bowed her head.

"Saving someone who is in trouble is common sense, Queen Calca. I will do everything to ensure the safety of your people."

These words were coming from a being that has no heart and soul. A being that it was known to hate everything that lives. Her people were trained to slay his kind and now his kind was protecting them. How ironic...

The people of the Holy Kingdom had nothing to say and kept their heads bowed. Remedios on the other hand was looking at the Sorcerer King with angry eyes. She did not want her queen to kneel in front of an undead creature. For her, even the Sorcerer King was another mere undead that needs to be destroyed.

Ainz walked and observed the refugees. They all bowed their heads when he passed near them. They were heading to a building that was used by the drill instructors of the Nazar Corps.

"Arc, do we have reports from the border?"

"Yes my Lord, our troops have been killing a lot of these Octaman that are trying to pass our border. The dragons informed us that a large army of them that could be millions, are heading at the Great Wall."

"Are these creatures suffering from overpopulation?" asked Ainz.

"No your Majesty, they just want to eat us. Their Emperor attacked the Holy Kingdom for no other reason than that." said Calca.

"Hmm, I want to see what this Emperor Kraken looks like."

Calca and her bodyguards opened their eyes in surprise, because the Sorcerer King brought out of nowhere a mirror that was about 1 meter in height with oval-shaped bronze frame covering its sides and edges.

Ainz sat on his chair and the territory of the Holy Kingdom appeared in the mirror. Ainz waved his skeletal hands and zoomed where the capital Houburns was located.

"He-He can see the entire world with that?!"

Kelart was astonished by this magic item. This was the perfect item for spying on an enemy territory.

"Your, Your Majesty, what is this?!" asked Kelart with a trembling voice, because it was the first time she spoke to the Sorcerer King.

"Ah, this is a magic item called Mirror of Remote Viewing. It allows me a live view of the entire continent.


A magic item of this caliber was never heard before. Kelart wanted to ask more about the item but she held herself because something appeared in that mirror.

"Well, that's a big squid." said Ainz.

Except Ainz, all the others were shocked when they saw the creature in the mirror.

"What is that thing?" asked Zesshi.

"That is the Oceanic Emperor Kraken... The one who destroyed our nation." said Calca while looking at the mirror. It sent a cold chill down her spine when she saw the monster that brought destruction upon the Holy Kingdom.

Ainz was just observing the monster with great curiosity. Kraken stood upon the ruins of the royal castle and was devouring plenty of human corpses. Those tentacles were so long that they could reach the end of the capital.

"I have never heard about this creature before. It must have lived under the ocean for a long time." said Keno.

She had lived for a very long time, but the information about a creature called Kraken had never touched her ears before.

"Actually, there are myths about this creature."

All of them turned their gaze at the Deep Darkness Dragon Lord that was staring at the window. His body was large and could not fit inside.

"What can you tell us, Zigur?"

"Only me and Platinum Dragon Lord know about this Kraken, my Lord. Nobody knows how old he is, but this monster comes up on the surface after thousands of years of slumber. Hundreds of Dragon Lords had fought against him but they all disappeared under the ocean... Even the Dragon Emperor feared him."

The heart of Calca was pumping very fast. Her body was shivering from fear. She did not know that her nation was dealing with an ancient creature that can slay Dragon Lords like nothing.

"So this guy, just sleep, come to surface to eat and then returns to sleep again, huh." said Wrath with his arms crossed.

"What should we do, my Lord? We can not stay calm with a creature like that around." said Seraph.

"Attacking him with weapons might be impossible because of those tentacles, but attacking with high tier spells from afar, we might defeat him." said Kuro.

"With all that body, he might be slow like a turtle." said Thanatos.

All the subordinates were giving their opinions of the monster and how to defeat him. Ainz was just staying silent looking at the mirror, paying them no heed.

"Interesting..." murmured Ainz.

Indeed it was a really interesting monster and Ainz wanted to know how strong he was. It has been a long time since he hasn't fought someone and this monster filled Ainz with excitement. The mirror disappeared and Ainz rose from his chair.

"All right, this Kraken needs to be destroyed." said Ainz.

"So, we are going to overwhelm him with numbers, my Lord?" asked Angmar.

"No, I will fight him alone."

Silence fell. The subordinates were staring at him with wonder. Calca and the paladins too, were staring at him with surprised eyes. Zesshi and Keno put their hands upon his skeletal chest…

"My love, there is no need to go alone!" said Zesshi.

"Please don't go!" said Keno

Both the queens were worried. They did not want their husband to be hurt by that monster. They know Ainz is strong but that Kraken should not be underestimated.

"No." Ainz was about to go outside.

"My love, I will go with you!"

"I said no!"

The deep voice of Ainz caused the paladins to shiver. A powerful being like the Sorcerer King will allow no one to take his trophy.

"You will only get in my way. Kraken is more powerful than any of you here. He is on a level of a World Enemy."

Except Wrath, nobody knows what a World Class Enemy was, but it sounded very dangerous.

"What's a... World Enemy, your Majesty?" asked Calca.

The Holy Queen's kingdom was destroyed by this being so she wanted to know what this monster truly was.

"Immensely powerful monster that can destroy this world single-handedly, Queen Calca. I am the only one who can defeat him."

"I see…" Calca kneeled on the floor. Her paladins did not understand why she was doing this.

"Your Majesty, I Queen Calca Bessarez announce the Roble Holy Kingdom, territory of the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick. The remaining citizens belong to the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown."

Kelart and Gustav open their eyes wide in surprise when they heard the queen. There was no other choice. Even if Ainz Ooal Gown kills Kraken, it will take years to rebuild everything from the beginning.

"Are you sure Calca? Will the people accept me as their ruler? Will the Paladin Order fight for my nation?"

The paladins inside kneeled and put their sword vertical on the floor.

"We swear to fight to death for his Majesty, the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown!"

Their voice echoed inside the large room. Calca took the crown from her head and gave it to Ainz. The name Roble Holy Kingdom will cease to exist. Now the territory belongs to Ainz Ooal Gown.

In fact, the plan to take over the Holy Kingdom was to start a civil war between the north and the south, but things turned easier for Ainz. In his mind, he thanked Kraken for speeding up the process.

"I accept your allegiance. Rise as citizens of the Nazarick Kingdom."

All the paladins raised, but suddenly a loud voice was heard at the entrance.

"I won't accept this!"

Everyone turned their heads where that voice came from.


Calca could not believe it. The crazy women did it again.

"Lady Calca, you can't do this. Many people have given their life for the Holy Kingdom and you're giving it away to this undead creature!"

"Remedios enough! Please!"

The body of Calca was on tension and pressure. This woman did not understand that she could not protect her anymore because she was not a queen.

"Who is this?" asked Ainz.

"She-She is Remedios Custodio, the leader of the Paladin Order." answered Calca shivering.

"Miss Custodio, may I know-

"Fuck you undead!" shouted Remedios.

When she finished that line, at her neck were a lot of weapons that were about to cut her head. Cold chill ran down her spine to her feet. Kelar was looking worried at her sister that was about to be executed. What can she do? Remedios brought this upon herself.

"I warned you before to keep your mouth shut. Now die for your foolishness!"

Said Arc that was about to move his arm, but Ainz raised his skeletal hand to stop his servants. They pulled their weapons and moved away from Remedios. Ainz came near her and he spoke.

"You seem to hate me very much. May I know why?"

"You are undead!" she screamed.

"Yes of course, I have been called like that from others, thousands of times. Another reason?" asked Ainz with a bored tone.

"Yu-You are evil." she screamed again.

"Hoo, what evil have I committed?"

"You… You… What you did in Katze Plains was evil!"

Ainz turned his gaze at Wrath. The demon lord waved his finger near his head meaning that this woman was stupid as hell. And she is the leader of the Paladin Order...

"You know that, that was war, right? Re Estize and Baharuth fought each other every single year there and nobody bats an eye. I put an end to that stupid war, and that makes me evil, huh. That's a big brain energy, you got there, miss Custodio. Can you tell me another reason why you hate me?"

Remedios felt uneasy. The demons and the angels had turned and were giggling also the Dragon Lords outside. She understood that she was making a fool of herself. Nobody was taking her seriously from the beginning and the only thing she did was lowering her head in shame. Who knows, the Sorcerer King might kill her now and her beloved "friend" will do nothing to save her.

"Good grief, never go full retarded next time girl."

Ainz shook her left shoulder with his hand, and head outside. Again she was called retarded. By two rulers! Where was she wrong? Remedios was loyal to the Holy Kingdom but now this nation does not exist. She will not raise her sword for an undead, but for her friend Calca. But even Calca was against her ideals. She was lost...

"My love, are you sure about this?" asked Zesshi worried.

"Do not worry about that Zesshi."

"It just feels wrong to let you go alone, my love."

"I promise that I will come back victorious."

Zesshi and Keno embraced him for a moment. After that they parted and Ainz disappeared with teleportation.

A battle of gods was about to begin.