
The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown

Author: AbiWolf666 in fanfiction.net The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown Momonga, finds himself alone in a strange world. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? (Nazarick will arrive 10 years later.) ~ (Warning: This fanfic doesn't belong to me, I'm just reuploading it here, author, if you don't like me to upload this ff here you can post a review telling me to delete it, I'll do it with pleasure)

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Chapter 34: The awakening of the beast

Somewhere in the ocean…

Before the port city of Re-Lobel fell in the hands of the Nazarick forces, Raeven managed to reach it before them. When he arrived at E-Rantel, Raeven did not wait for the King or the other nobles.

Why should he?

The Kingdom was doomed and he did not want to waste time sitting and doing nothing. That otherworldly powerful army was at their doorstep and will not stop till they invade the entire Kingdom.

He took another horse and traveled, city to city, town to town till he reached his domain. He should have gone first to the second Prince Zanac, and inform them about the dangerous Kingdom that was coming.

But he didn't do that. Raeven went straight to his family to hug his son and wife. He ordered his men to gather all the necessary items and leave the Kingdom. It was a cowardly act, but he had no choice. His family was far more valuable. The Kingdom can go to hell, he thought.

With some of his men, they arrived at the port-city and he was glad that the forces of Nazarick had not invaded it yet. But he ordered his men to look up in the sky if there were any dragons coming.

These men had stayed in Raeven territory to protect it and did not participate in that war. They were shocked when Raeven told them about the army of darkness that had dragons in their ranks. Such an army was unimaginable to exist, but these men believed their lord.

In the morning they board on a sailing ship and sailed far away so they could not be seen by the enemy. Their destination was the Roble Holy Kingdom, that was located Southwest of Re-Estize Kingdom. There was a way to travel there in land, but the road was dangerous because of the demihumans that roam around in that area.

But... was the ocean safer than land?

In the depth of the ocean might live dangerous monsters that can be more powerful than a Dragon Lord.

Why? What can there be more powerful than a dragon?

The Dragon Lords had to deal with the monsters from the other world and that weakened them. But the monsters that lived in the bottom of the ocean did not have that problem. They lived for thousands of years and grow more powerful. They only had to fight against the other sea monsters for territory.

The day was nice, the sky was clear with no clouds around and the sea was calm. The ship was navigating with no problem and many people had come out upon the deck to see the beautiful panorama the ocean offered.

Finally, Raeven felt good. Now, he was far away from the new territories of that Nazarick Kingdom. He had to go quickly to the capital of the Holy Kingdom and tell the Holy Queen about the dangerous nation that was invading land left and right non stop.

Can the Holy Kingdom do anything against such a foe? Raeven had to remember that the enemy had armies of millions. Meaby… meaby an alliance with all known nations, humans and demihuman, fighting together against an evil force, can be effective. But such a thing will not happen, because the Holy Kingdom and the Slane Theocracy hate demihuman nations.

"Tch! Can't they think about the future?!"

These animosities should be left in the past and united against a dangerous immortal enemy that hate life and want only to spread death upon the land.

But, Raeven was one man and he can not change the world by himself. He really hoped for the Nazarick Kingdom to stop their advance. If they decide to invade the Holy Kingdom, there won't be any more places for Raven and his family to hide.

"I have to protect him, no matter what the danger is. Papa will do anything for Rii-tan."

He saw his son on the deck running around playing. He was just a five years little boy. He is too young to understand this dangerous world. Humans are weak creatures, Raeven wants his son to be smart and supasse his father, but with the appearance of this new enemy, he wanted his son to get strong because being weak will do nothing good.

Raeven want his son to protect himself and what he loves. That will be Raeven's goal. He hoped for a bright future for his son.

He and his wife observed him as play around the deck with a cheerful smile on his face. A smile that he will protect, but…

Something came out from the water and fell upon the deck. They were grey thick tentacle things. The other passengers were shocked when they saw them coming out of nowhere

"RII-TAN!" shouted Raeven.

His son did not understand what happened and why his father was shouting, but those tentacles crawled over his body. Raeven run fast to free his son, but it was too late for him.

The tentacles pulled Rii-tan in the air for a moment. "RII-TAN! RII-TAN! NOOOOOOO!" The only thing that could be heard from Rii-tan, were his screams for his father and that made Raeven and his wife to go mad.

...The tentacle did not stay anymore in the air, and it pulled Rii-tan under the ocean in an instant.


Raeven and his wife had captured their hairs with their hands and were about to tear them off. The only thing that had stayed behind from Rii-tan, were his shoes.

Tears, sadness, madness, despair, had captured the couple. They never imagined this to happen. And to who? Their only son. Raeven was hitting the floor with his fist like a crazy man that has lost his coolines.

What can his do? He failed to protect that sweet smile. His son now was dead inside the belly of the strange monster.

But this is not over…

A few meters away from the ship, many tentacles started to come out from the water. A cold chill run down the spines of everyone on the board. These tentacles were even thicker than those who captured Rii-tan. The water started to shake around and the ship too. That was a signal that the monster was about to come up into the surface.

And he raised from the water. The creature had blocked the sun because it was a colossal being. The giant dragons that Raeven had seen in that battle were nothing compared to this thing.

It was like 400 feet tall… and it might be even more under the water. It had an exoskeleton like an armor even on his tentacles and had thick muscles. When he showed his face, the sharp teeth like swords could be seen and both hands had four fingers.

It was terrifying. It was an absolutely terrifying monster that put fear into all the humans that were on that ship.

The monster raised his hand and hit the ship completely destroying it under water. Raeven, his wife and all the people on that shit, disappear from the world.

The monster released a roar that sent shockwaves everywhere and could be heard miles away. He looked at his hands, his mega-large tentacles and his massive body.

Hahahaha, after thousands of years, the Emperor of the Ocean has awaken! These humans taste better than mermaids. There are plenty of them in the land, hmhmhm. I should go there and bring destruction to their stupid cities and dye the lands with their blood!

His era has come again. The rise of the Emperor of the Ocean Kraken, will bring death and destruction over the land.

Who will save the world now?