
The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown

Author: AbiWolf666 in fanfiction.net The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown Momonga, finds himself alone in a strange world. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? (Nazarick will arrive 10 years later.) ~ (Warning: This fanfic doesn't belong to me, I'm just reuploading it here, author, if you don't like me to upload this ff here you can post a review telling me to delete it, I'll do it with pleasure)

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86 Chs

Chapter 18

Arwintar, Baharuth Empire

In the middle of the mighty capital of the Empire lies the Imperial Palace. This palace is the home of Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix, The Bloody Emperor. He took the throne at the age of twelve and purged many nobles that tried to oppose him. After that, he strengthened and enriched Empire making it one of the most powerful human nations.

Every year, the Empire declared war against the Kingdom and they fight in the cursed land of Katze Plains. Three years ago, something mysterious happened at the fortress that was protected by the imperial knights. The Emperor had sent knights many times but none of them returned back alive. Because of this, the Empire and the Kingdom still fought each other in Katze Plains but closer to the border of the two nations.

Jircniv was staying in his throne room, reading some documents. His two Imperial Knights, Baziwood Peshmel and Nimble Arc Dale Anoch were there to protect the Emperor from anything that might be dangerous.

Jircniv was worried because he had sent 500 knights again at the fortress. It had passed a week and a half and no reports have arrived. Many families had asked about the return of their husbands or sons and the Emperor's knights sent a letter to them that they lost their lives protecting the Empire from monsters.

...Maybe it was not a lie, maybe there is a monster that had invaded the fortress and it's killing anyone that approaches. It was impossible for the soldiers of the Kingdom to do that because they were not as strong as the trained imperial knights, so it was sure that there might be a powerful monster there that it's killing the knights.

Suddenly someone knocked at the door and it was a royal guard.

"Your Majesty, Lord Vermillion has arrived."

"Let him in."

Loune Vermillion entered the room and respectfully bowed his head in front of the Emperor. On his hands, he had some documents and Jircniv hoped to be a report from the knights.

"So what do you have for me Vermillion?" asked Jircniv.

"Your Majesty, from 500 knights that went to take back the fortress, only one has returned alive."

Jircniv couldn't believe it that after three years someone managed to return back.

"Where is that knight? I want to honor him." said Jircniv.

Vermillion lowered his head, which made Jircniv confused. Something bad must have happened to that knight.

"Your Majesty… after he gave us some information about the monster that attacked them… he killed himself."

"So it was a monster after all."

Jircniv closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was expecting something like this, then he opened his eyes and looked at Vermillion.

"What was that monster?"

"That knight told us that the monster that attacked them was a bulky undead warrior in black full plate armor with a huge shield and a strange sword."

The face of Jircniv paled and a chill run down his spine. Years ago, he had heard a description like this from Fluder. A monster like that appeared before and killed a lot of knights, but there were survivors that live to bring the report for a powerful undead. If Fluder and his magic caters wouldn't have been there, then the Empire might have been in a really dangerous situation. That monster was brought here in the capital for experiments and was held deep underground in a prison.

"Your Majesty, could it be that…" It was Baziwood who spoke worriedly.

Yes, the description is the same. That monster must be a Death Knight.

Nimble and Baziwood shocked when they heard the name of the legendary undead. A monster like that can slaughter an entire nation alone. The only one who can defeat that monster was Fluder with the help of his students, the Dragon Lords, and the heroes of the past. Sending an army against that thing is suicide.

This undead must be slain at all costs. Jircniv thought that the Empire or the other nations were somehow lucky that the Death Knight hasn't attacked any of them but stayed in Katze Plains for three years.

"What should we do, your Majesty?" asked Nimble.

"Bring here Fluder, now!" demanded the young emperor.

After an hour, Fluder Paradyne arrived at the Imperial Palace. The man was very old, he possessed a magnificent white beard, had snow-white hair and wisdom could be seen in his eyes. This old man was known as the strongest wizard in the human nations and the trump card of the Baharuth Empire.

Fluder entered inside the throne room and respectfully bowed his head to the emperor. Jircniv didn't allow him to kneel because he knew well that Fluder was very old and it will not be good for the body of the old man.

"It's good to see you again, my dear boy."

"How is your health gramps?"

Jircniv knows Fluder since he was a child. The old man has raised and taught Jircniv like he was his own son. Fluder always believed that this young man is the mightiest emperor in the history of the Baharuth Empire and the one who will lead this nation to a golden age.

"I'm really good, your Majesty. What can I do for you?"

Jircniv gave Fluder a document to read it. His hands started to shiver and his eyes went wide while reading the document. When it comes to magic and undead, Fluder was always interested and won't stop to speak about it.

"Another Death Knight!?"

"Yes gramps, only one survivor returned and described the monster but he later died."

Fluder stroked his beard while looking at the document.

"Let me go and destroy the Death Knight, your Majesty."

The old man was truly excited about this and it worried the emperor because this legendary undead was really powerful, who knows, the old man might approach that thing to study it. He might even suggest bringing that monster in the capital like the other one.

What will happen if that Death Knight frees himself from the prison? That monster will go on a rampage and massacre everyone in his way. That will be the end of the Empire. One day, Jircniv will order Fluder to kill that thing once and for all.

"That's why I brought you here gramps. Leinas Rockbruise and two thousand knights will come with you."

"That young lady?"


All in this room knows very well about her. Leinas Rockbruise was the only female member of the Four Imperial Knights and the least loyal among them. She prioritizes her own life above all else. But Jircniv feared about Fluder too. Because of his obsession with magic, he might betray the Jircniv and the Empire will lose their ace in the hole.

Jircniv raised from his throne and spoke.

"That creature is a walking disaster and we should not let him roam around easily. Fluder Paradyne you must destroy this Death Knight that has killed our knights for such a long time."

Fluder bowed his head in front of the Emperor that adored as his own son.

"It will be done, your Imperial Majesty!"

Katze Plains, after a weak.

Two thousand knights of the Baharuth Empire were marching in the cursed land known as Katze Plains. Many knights did not felt good that they were selected to come here, but the stronger wizard Fluder Paradyne was there with them so they felt a bit relieved.

Fifty magic casters that were selected by Fluder were here to support him as they did years ago to defeat the first Death Knight. Leinas Rockbruise, a woman with blonde hair that covers her right side of her face because of a curse and wearing a plate armor was riding alongside Fluder. She was a young woman that did not like to talk very much so Fluder didn't disturb her.

On his left side was a young girl that was 16 years old. She had blue eyes and short blonde hair that was cut to a length barely reaching her shoulders. Her name was Arche Eeb Rile Furt.

"It was really hard to find you, child."

"Sorry master, but when the emperor stripped away my family's nobility, I had to drop out from the Imperial Magic Academy and find a job because my parents are heavily in debt."

Even when the emperor decided to strip her family's nobility, they still continue to live in a prodigal lifestyle, which constantly puts the family into financial trouble every single day. Arche has to work day and night to bring money home and pay the debt.

"Child, that job is kinda dangerous."

Arche was forced to become a worker. That job is similar to an adventurer but the workers receive and complete requests on their own without going through the Adventurer's Guild. They can even do dirty jobs without being strictly bound by the rules of the Adventurer's Guild or a respective country. Workers do not have support from the Adventurer Guild so they had to take jobs with great risks that might end their lives.

"I know master, but I had to take it." Arche lowered her head.

Fluder felt bad for her to have such stupid parents. Just because some nobles were incompetent, their children might have been somehow different from them, but the emperor had to do what was better for the Empire and Fluder respected what the young emperor did.

"Child, I will help you."

"Ma-Master, there is no need to trouble yourself!"

"My child, you have the potential to eventually reach my rank. I can not let a talent like you go to waste."

Arche is a 3rd tier magic caster with an innate talent called the "All-Seeing Eyes". She was even able to see the tier of a magic caster. In the future, she might be a second Fluder and great potential for the Empire. If the emperor finds out what she is capable to do, she might have a place in the Imperial Palace.

"Thank you for everything master!"

Arche was happy because she will be able to take her twin sisters with her and she will not send money anymore to her parents. She will let them taste the reality that they are not what they used to be in the past.

As the army march, now they were passing in a place that looked like a canyon on both sides. All of them were vigilant and kept looking if the undead monsters will ambush them. Skeleton warriors will attack them immediately because they will kill every living being they see, but intelligent undead like elder liches will make plans to attack a large army like this.

Leinas was observing around. There were no movements on the cliffs. If the Death Knight appears, she hoped that Fluder with the magic caster will attack the undead immediately. Leinas valued her life more than anyone and she did not want to go against that monster. She will let everyone die here and save herself.

"That bastard!"

Leinas grinds her teeth. The emperor might have done this on purpose. Because she wasn't loyal, he wanted to get rid of her. She felt the anger that was boiling inside her heart. She has decided, if things get ugly, she will abandon everyone and escape with all her might. The Death Knight was a being that she can not fight.

This place is too dangerous. She should have never accepted to come here and for this, she cursed the emperor. Leinas turned her gaze at the horizon and saw that they were about to pass these cliffs but…

"Everyone STOP!" ordered Leinas while waving her hand for the army to stop the march.

The reason why Leinas ordered them to stop, was because of the two figures that were coming slowly towards them on horses. All the knights had their weapons ready and the magic caster was about to hit them with spells.

As the two figures approached, Leinas figured that both of them were females. One had short blonde hair, her skin was pale white and she was wearing bikini armor. Her curvy body and delicate features made Leinas clicked her tongue. If she didn't have this curse, she would have been as beautiful as her.

The other one was a beauty of darkness. Her skin was dark purple and was wearing an elegant dark armor. On her breastplate was the figure of a wolf. She had short pure white hair that almost covered one side of her face and the color of her eyes was yellow. Her long ears that looked like the ears of an elf had some golden earrings. Leinas thought that she might be a dark elf but someone like her in this place was weird. Even their horses were weird because they had horns on their heads.

The two females stopped some meters away from the army and they were looking at Leinas and Fluder, then the woman with blonde hair spoke…

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? The strongest wizard of the Empire and one of the Four Imperial Knights."

"Who are you?" asked Leinas.

Both the women looked at each other and later turned their heads. Leinas felt that aura of these women was dangerous. Her instinct was warning her to run away.

"My name is Clementine~"

"My name is Nualia."

"What are you looking for here?" asked Nualia. Her voice was serious compared to Clementine.

"There is a dangerous undead wandering here that we call Death Knight. We are here to destroy him." replied Leinas.

"A Death Knight you say? Boys!"

Up in the cliff on the left side, appeared hundreds of bulky undead warriors with tower shields. Leinas felt a chill that was crawling down her spine. She imagined her soul leaving her body. They were all Death Knights and a single one of them can destroy this army like it's nothing.

Noises of metal could be heard because the knights of the empire were shivering in fear and the faces of the magic caster were terrified. But on the right side of the cliff, appeared hundreds of other undead warriors. They had the same height as the Death Knights but they were not bulky. They wore black full plate armor from head to toe and were equipped with black gothic bastard swords. Each one of them was using as mount a skeletal horse and a shining aura covered the bones of the beast.

"Soul Eaters…

It was Fluder who spoke. Leinas turned at him quickly.

"What did you say?!"

"Tho- those horses are Soul Eater… Woah HAHAHAHAHA!"

The strongest wizard was laughing like a crazy old man. No one has seen this side of Fluder before and it didn't fit for a person like him. Leinas didn't have time for this. They had fallen into a trap.

"Paradyne we have to…

"Did-did you summon these magnificent undead beings, my lady?"

The eyes of Leinas shocked. The old man has lost his mind, and it was not hearing her words.

"Well, I am able to summon them, but these Death Knights here belong to the Supreme Being."

"Supreme Being?! May-may I meet him please?"

What in the world is this old fool thinking? Leinas was screaming inside. Did he really think that they will let him alive? They were surrounded by walking disasters, and he was screaming in joy. She wanted to run away but she was afraid that the Death Knights will chase her.

"Of course, old man."

An undead being was floating in the sky. He was wearing a black robe and was holding a large war scythe. This was the image of a grim reaper. Fluders and Arches eyes were wide open because they can see the overwhelming aura of the undead being in the sky.


"No, no, no, old man. I am another of his servants. You, the other magic caster, and the female warrior will come with us to the Supreme Palace."

"What about the knights?" asked Leinas.

In truth, she didn't care about them, but she had to ask.

"They will stay here."

A black void that looked like it was sucking the light appeared behind Clementine and Nualia and entered inside the black void.

"Get inside that gate now."

Fluder was the first to go and then Arche followed him. Leinas gulped and started to walk toward the black void with the other magic caster. She looked behind and saw the knights for the last time. They looked like they wanted to say "Don't leave us please!" But she wanted to save herself and didn't have time for them but she still felt pity. As she was about to touch the black void, Leinas closed her eyes and went inside.

Thanatos looked at the remaining lambs.

"Kill them all boys."

They appeared at the doors of a grand castle. They didn't know where they were teleported but it looked like they were in a city because they can see behind countless buildings and heard the voices of the citizens. The grand door opened slowly by two undead warriors.

"Follow us." ordered Nualia.

As they entered the castle, they were amazed by the architecture. It looked like they had entered a fantasy world. The floor shine from the cleanliness and the ceiling was painted with undead beings that were praying to another undead being that might be a god.

For Fluder this was a sacred place. This was impossible to be built by the humans. Everywhere they went they saw guards and maids doing their job.

Now they reached another grand door that was carved with two undead warriors that looked like they will attack anyone that approaches.

"Where are we?"

Leinas didn't understand, where in the world was this place, and the most important, she was afraid of what will happen to her. They might have angered the lord that rules this place and because of that, he might execute them all. She hoped that the old fool will not start to scream like an imbecile again.

"Behind this door is the throne room. His Majesty, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown is waiting for you. Show him respect."

They all nodded and waited for the door to open. Two undead warriors in full plate armor opened the door. A wide, high room appeared, enough for several hundred people, with a high ceiling that had numerous beautiful walls were decorated with golden decorations as highlights. This was a piece of art. The house of a God that was sitting on a golden throne.

The king was surrounded by demons, angels, and undead beings that were looking at the humans.

"He is...

The entire body of Leinas was shivering and one can tell from the metallic sounds of her armor. The one who was sitting on the golden throne was a being that humans might call a God. He was wearing a dark majestic robe and his chest was exposed showing his clean white bones and a red orb under his ribs. On his skeletal fingers shined the beautiful rings and on his right hand, he was holding a shining golden staff. With his dreadful eyes, he stared at the mortals.

Fluder immediately kneeled almost kissing the floor not caring about the pain on his back. The others did what Fluder did and all of them were kneeling in front of the Sorcerer King.

"My master~ these are the mortal that has entered the Sorcerer Kingdom."

"Rise your heads." spoke the Sorcerer King.

All the mortals obeyed the dominant voice of the Sorcerer King and raised their heads. They were all sweating from fear.

"Tell me your name, old man." demanded the Sorcerer King.

"Yes, Oh Mighty God of the endless magic. This lowly human is called Fluder Paradyne.

The way he spoke, pleased the subordinates of the Sorcerer King. That's how lower life forms like humans should address the Supreme Being.

"Tell me Fluder, what is that you desire the most?"

Leinas didn't think that he would ask Fluder like that. She thought that he will shout at him for entering his territory.

"My dearest desire is to see the abyss of magic and become stronger!"

"Is that so? In that case, what will you do for me... if I fulfill your desires?"

"Everything! I will do everything for you, Oh God of Magic! I will sacrifice the entire Empire for you! My faith lies in the god that rules and presides over magic!

Arche couldn't believe that her master was screaming like this. This was not her master, he was a completely different person. He was not anymore the caring old man, but someone that will sell his soul to the devil and sacrifice anything for his goals. This was the true face of Fluder Paradyne.

"Then kill that young girl that is standing by your side, for me."

Arche felt like someone stabbed her in the heart when she heard those words. He was ordering Fluder to kill her. She saw her master rising on his feet and turned to her. The eyes of Arche were shocked because when she saw the face of her master, there was not even a bit of mercy there, but he was smiling because he was about to reach his dream. The images of her sisters that are waiting for her to return home showed up in her mind. She was about to be killed by her own master as a sacrifice for the Undead God.

[Dragon Light…


A voice of a female was heard. It was the voice of one of the subordinates of the Sorcerer King. Fluder wasn't able to move a muscle.

"What is happening?! The God of Magic gave me an order and I have to obey! I want to see the abyss of magic!"

"Enough Fluder, step away from her!" ordered the Sorcerer King

Fluder now was able to move and kneeled. The arms of Arche were shaking and they barely were keeping her from collapsing completely on the floor. Her face was in despair and tears were coming out from her eyes.

"Good job Fluder. It was true that you will do anything that I order you to do. Even killing your apprentice. Excellent!"

The Sorcerer rose from his throne and approached Fluder.

"I don't know if this will work. I have never summoned an undead on a living body. I hope I don't embarrass myself in front of everyone." thought Ainz.

Ainz raised his skeletal hand towards Fluder and activated his skill.

[Create High Tier Undead - Overlord Wiseman]

Flude saw how the black liquid enveloped him and he made some sound like he was drowning underwater. After that, his body began to twist and change. Then the black liquid fell from his body and what appeared now was a skeletal undead being that was wearing a pure white robe adorned with golden edges.

I- I finally can see it! The abyss of magic!

"What? Does he have his human memories? Well, damn!"

"Stop Fluder!"

"Ah yes, my lord!"

"It's not that I want to stop you to feel joy but if you do that, you will activate your death aura and will kill them all."

"Thank you! Thank you for granting my wish! I Fluder Paradyne will serve you for eternity."

The level 100 Overlord Wiseman kneeled and wanted to kiss the feet of his master.

"Now, what is that you desire, child?"

Arche's body froze at that moment. She didn't think that the Sorcerer King will ask her this question as he did with Fluder. He might be undead but he will grant her wish in exchange she serves him for eternity. She had to take this chance or she will never see her sister again.

I-I want to be stronger so I- I can take my sister away from my parents!

There, she said it. She thought that the Sorcerer King will find this reason foolish.



[Create High Tier Vampire - Ancient Vampire]

Red liquid covered Arche completely. Then the red liquid entered inside her mouth. Arche saw her skin was paler and she had sharp nails that can cut a human-like paper. Arche now was a level 85 Ancient Vampire that can use the magic of the highest tier. She bowed deeply in front of her master.

"Thank you very much!" said Arche with tears in her eyes.


"What, my lord?"

"Go and bring your sisters in my kingdom."

Arche wiped her tears and went outside.

"Fluder, take your students with you, and grant them immortality."

"Yes, my lord! Now, my children come with me, we have to serve our Lord!

All of them went out following Fluder. Now only Leinas was standing on the floor bowing and she heard the steps of the Sorcerer King approaching.

"Raise your head, miss." he ordered.

Leinas rose her head and looked at his eyes. He reached out his hand and removed her hair from her face. He was observing the cursed side of her face.

" A curse, right?"


"So, do you want to serve me? I have grand plans."

"Yes, I will do everything for you. But please, I don't want this curse anymore on my face!"


[Create High Tier Vampire - Blood Empress]

As it happened with Arche, the red liquid covered her body and then entered her mouth. The Sorcerer King gave her a mirror, so she can see herself. Tears started to come out from her crimson eyes because she saw that the disgusting green curse was not there but her normally beautiful face.

"Thank you, my lord! I Leinas Rockbruise, swear that will serve you for eternity. Everything that I have, belongs to you."

"Umu, now give Leinas a room."

A maid came and took Leinas. She now will enjoy her beauty for eternity and… will kill everyone that wronged her.

"I think this turned out good" thought Ainz.

"My love."

"Hm, what is it Zesshi?"

"It's time for us to have some fun. You promised me."



Nualia is a Death Empress and if you want to know how she truly looks like, just search on google Queen Nualia.