
lizards den II

As notification came infront of Ezekiel the time seemed to have stopped infront of him as he had no other option .

"Yes, I accept "

All the crystals that he had were absorbed as his rank was elevated to rank E and a new sub ability was presented in his status box.

[ Current available summon 3/10 ]

As Ezekiel read the description of the new sub-ability of necromancy skill as he then utilised his two undead goblins to strengthen his Ice blade skill.

[Use the selected undead as sacrifice

Yes / no ]

" YES"

After the skill was activated the undead goblins started to shake as they turned to a blue ball of energy that moved towards Ezekiel as these energy balls sinked into his body.

His Ice blade that was blue and had runic sigils on it started to be covered in a black aura that soon turned purple the sword length increased as the sigils turned black .

When one looked at his Ice blade it looked quite menacing as if it could cut any one who dare approch him.

Soon the time started to move again as Ezekiel jumped back and as he moved his sword forward in the direction of the lizardmen as his sword slashed through the lizardmen in half with ease.

Ezekiel looked totally amazed as his sword was dripping with green lizardmen blood as the other lizardmen looked towards him angrily.

The loss of his comrade made him go in a rage state as it lunged towards him even faster than before as this time.Ezekiel remained calm as he swiftly dodged the oncoming attack .

He then swung his sword that slashed monsters one limb cleanly . Before monster could even come to a realisation that his arm was missing.

Ezekiel launched multiple sword strikes that cut the monster into small pieces . As he looked towards the lizardmen with a calm look.

As he then took a look at the time remaining for his power up that showed a countdown infront of him.

[ 14..12...09..]

After the timer ran out a purple smoke was released by his sword as it retuned to the way it was he now looked at the carcass of the lizardmen as he now called out .

" Conjure "

Most of his mana was taken into summoning the two lizardmen as they now rose from the ground black smoke covering there bodies as soon the smoke cleared .

The lizardmen with same purple fire burning in there eye sockets that made them look quite menacing . Ezekiel asked the undead goblin to pick up the crystals these monsters dropped.

He started to think

" Theses lizard men are much more stronger than I thought especially there hide ."

As Ezekiel looked towards his summoning limit that was increased to 10.

He then moved forward soon he was able to discover a group of lizardmen that hadn't seemed to notice him as this time he devised a proper plan .

" There should be no mistakes this time ."

He now ordered the undead goblin

" Run towards the lizardmen and go forward until and distract them while I attack them from behind."

As the undead nodded and it started to run in the lizardmens direction .soon the lizardmen noticed the undead as they ran towards him . As he then ran back until their backs were against Ezekiel.

" Alright now you two go and and buy me some time so I can finish the one that remains."

The undead ran towards the lizardmen as they paired and fought with every thing they had throwing attack after attack.

As Ezekiel himself moved this time as he knew that his undead were not strong enough to deal with two lizardmen .

" Undead sacrifice "

As these words came out of his mouth the remaining goblin turned into a blue energy ball as Ezekiel body absorbed it soon his swords size increased with black runic sigils covering it and it turned to slight purple hue.

Ezekiel ran fast as his now eleveated rank provided him more speed and higher perception.he then moved in a zig zag pattern so that it becomes hard for the lizardmen to attack him.

He then went behind the lizardmen as he delivered a sword strike behind the lizardmens back that made a deep cut onto the monster's back that lead a loud shrek.


As before it could look behind to who cut it Ezekiel moved forward to finish the undead fast as now with only few more strikes Ezekiel killed the lizardmen .

This time without waiting he raised his hand .

" Conjure "

A new undead rose where the lizardmen was killed it eyes moving towards him as it waited for Ezekiel's orders .

" Attack the lizardmen who are fighting with the undead ."

As the lizardmen bowed and sprited towards the lizardmen . To Ezekiel's suprise this monster was much more intelligent than his pears .

Ezekiel took a look at the timer for his ability.

[ 8....7..]

Only few seconds were left as he quickly moved to finish the remaining lizardmen because of higher number and strong force Ezekiel was able to deafeat the two lizardmen as he now again summoned two more undead.

" With this now I have half of the undead I can conjure ."

Soon a thought came to his mind as he asked the system .

" System how was I able to get this sub-ability."

Shortly a reply came .

[ the conditions for gaining a sub- ability depends upon rank advancement as well as fullfillment of a certain requirements .]

A half answer came to Ezekiel as he came to know that for gaining a sub-ability he must advance in rank.

Ezekiel looked happy as he now moved with more determination looking forward Ezekiel's work was now much more easy as he dealt with the lizardmen by his shear number of undead that ganged up on two on one .

As he killed many with ease. he conjured more undead . he soon was able to lead 10 of them with him in the lead . After deafeating several groups of lizard men Ezekiel finally arrived at the boss room .

After reaching the room he entered as he was calm behind him his 10 undead lizardmen that were all looking forward towards him as Ezekiel looked towards the huge dungeon boss that was 4 metres tall lizard with green skin that looked more like a big lizard than a lizardmen.

Ezekiel got ready as he gave commands to his undead soon after gaining skill enhancement. He then moved with the remaining undead as they surrounded the boss while Ezekiel himself moved towards the boss monster's back.

As he then commanded them to attack the boss monster .

As the undead moved while evading any fatal injuries soon the boss monster launched its giant tail towards a group of undead attacking it's huge bodie on the left side as the tale launched one of the undead to the wall of cave .

" THUDD !"

" CRACK!!"

Many of the bones on the undead that hit the wall got shattered brutally as the cave wall had a cratter on it .as the boss itself overtime had gained many scars from the Ezekiel and his undead that were many.

"Let's take this boss down ."

As he moved at fast speeds that even Olympics Athelete could not match that was a difference Between the two . As he moved Criss cross as he evaded any strong attacks while only having minor injuries .

As he took a leap towards the boss that opened it's mouth as soon Ezekiel eyes lit as he swung his sword as he aimed at it's neck as with all his might he was able to cut the monster's neck as he breathed heavelly .