
The Supreme Harem System

A young man with a troubled life and a lot of bad luck, discovers that he has a system that aims to make him form the supreme harem. "You have been chosen, by the supreme harem system, rejoice mortal" said the little woman, to then be greeted by bullets. "Die you fucking ghost"-That was what our protagonist said. "Hey, wait why are you shooting at me?" This was the first encounter between a System and its user. "Well you're ready, travel between universes, conquer schoolgirls, celebrities, happy wives, milfs, naive lolis, onee-sans and all kinds of women, no one will stop us from creating the Supreme Harem, Muahahahaha. "I refuse, it sounds too much trouble." "You'll also be able to get riches" "What are we waiting for, let's go build the Supreme Harem." Go along with a young man with head problems and a system that looks like a third rate villain. --------- --------- I don't speak English and I used DeepLTranslator to translate my novel. It's also the first one I'm writing, so I accept advice. P.S1: This novel may have a plot, it will focus more on the protagonist and the system; I will also try to give space to the women who enter the harem of this one. P.S 2: This novel is based on the protagonist and the system and their travels, although I will try to focus on the girls that appear.

SystemUserBD · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3: This world is fucked.

[Welcome to World:201340]

[World Type: Themed]

[World Theme: Zombie Apocalypse]

[World Level: Medium-low level]

[You have been assigned a new identity in this world.]

[Current Identity: You are an orphan, who was put to the test in experiments of an evil organization from the day you were born, at the age of 8 an accident happened and you escaped. You survived by stealing and through other street jobs. Then you joined a Yakuza group to get money for a peaceful life, but that doesn't matter anymore the apocalypse came and now there is only chaos around you].

[You have received missions related to this world]

[Do you wish to accept them?]



I fell to my knees, as I threw up everything in my stomach. Traveling between worlds is just like being on a roller coaster, when you fall at full speed, my stomach churned.

"Blaaargh!!!"- I heard two more people vomit, I can guess I wasn't the only one who was shocked by the ride.

"You wretched bastard, why did you choose this world"-Libie appeared in front of me. I could tell by her face and her voice that she was upset-"And why did you choose an apocalyptic world, are you stupid, who in their right mind would choose an apocalyptic world to which, wait first of all you're out of your mind, no one in their right mind would have an ability called [Insanity]".

That's true, no one in good mental health would have such an ability.

"You didn't warn me, that there were better worlds to which it was better not to go"-In my defense, this stupid system didn't warn me that this world was dangerous for me.

"You didn't even let me speak, practically the moment you opened the options, you chose"-That was true, I didn't even let him speak, but like the good adult I am, I will deny my mistake.

"It's your fault useless system."

"Fuck you user bastard."

We have a healthy relationship.

As I continued my healthy discussion with Libie. I moved to support Liz and Patty who were pale after throwing up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know the trip was going to affect you"-I went into my role, as a kind person.

"Hey Oni-chan, you could at least let us know we were leaving♪- Patty continued talking with her relaxed and cheerful tone ,although I could detect a bit of annoyance and fatigue in her tone.

Yes, I screwed up. But as I said I will never admit my mistake.

"Okay, but tell me where we are now. We're not in the same room, are we?" said Liz as she looked around.

To tell you the truth, we are in the same room. If it wasn't that the system told me we were in another world, I'd think I was being conned.

"It's because it sent us to the last place this asshole's new identity was in"-Libie replied to Liz as she points her middle finger at me-"The you from this world must have been here before he was replaced."

"What do you mean by the me of this world"-That means did it also exist in this world?

"To be exact ,no, each being is unique, there will never be another being in another world, what happens here is that the system created a new being who you play, although it can only create background characters, it can't create an identity that is the protagonist of a world, since it matters with the plot and various complicated shit"-Libie flew and landed on my head after finishing her comment.

I'm surprised the system can do something like that, that means every world I go to I'll have a new life.

Then I looked at the messages the system gave me when I got here. When I started reading, I didn't know how to react when I got to the new identity part.

Even on other worlds is my life meant to be shitty?

I mean, why the fuck here my origin is to be a guinea pig for a fucking organization and then live on the streets, and then fall back into a group of yakuza.

Am I destined to be related to the yakuzas?

I decided to ignore my fucked up life and focused on the next message, to be exact the one about world missions.

"Libie, what does that mean about missions given by the world?"-I thought I could only receive missions by the System or Libie. It's complicated.

"Although it says missions given by the world, they are really missions given by the system based on the world you are in, I suggest you accept them, these kinds of missions give you good rewards, you will need them if you want to survive in this world"-So the system can do that, huh.... I wonder what else it can do- "Also, just so you know that the level of your strength would make you have an easier life in a low level world but as you are in a medium level world, surely there will be several beings that could rival you or that could treat you as their bitch, so I suggest you don't do too many stupid things that will send you to death".

After hearing the last thing Libie said, I became more determined to take on the World's missions, if only so I wouldn't die when I do something stupid.


[World Mission 1: Humanity's Hope]

[The world is in chaos, you are the only hope in this perishing world. Create a survivor camp and keep as many survivors safe.


-Build a safe base where at least 5000 people must be living a halfway decent life(0/1).

-Get 500 survivors to give you their sincere loyalty(0/500)

-Create order in your base(0/1)

Rewards: New Title,1 gacha summon ticket,New energy,1 random skill].

What kind of bullshit is this, why the fuck do I have to set up a fucking camp. I'm barely able to support my sisters and myself, and now you're asking me to support 5000 people.

Wouldn't it be better to ask me to commit suicide.

"Just your luck mate, taking care of others doesn't combine much with you, no~"- I heard Libie's mocking voice, bastard bitch-" Hey but look at least they don't ask you to conquer the world."

After what Libie said another mission appeared.

[World Mission 2:Human Emperor]

[Conquer this chaotic world and proclaim yourself as the Emperor of Humanity, create an empire that brings order and hope in this chaotic world.


-Conquer: Japan (0/1).

-Take full control of the continent (0/1)

-Conquer the world(0/1)

-Be recognized as the Emperor of Mankind(0/1).


-The world is conquered by someone else(0/1)

-Your empire is destroyed(0/1)

Rewards: New Title, 1 Gacha Summoning Ticket, 1 Martial Art Manual, Total World Authority, World Storage Skill].

Libie motherfucker, I curse you and the bastard who created you.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" - I hear the annoyed laughter of that pest called Libie, I want to kill her, but I know I can't, it's not that I don't want to, I literally can't a part of me tells me it's impossible- "Your luck sure sucks, but hey, look on the bright side at least you're not being asked to save the world."

At that moment whether to fuck with me or not, another mission appeared, the moment I read the title I started to see suicide as a good escape route.

[World Mission 3: Human Hero].

[The apocalypse happened, but it was not natural, an evil organization planned it, they want to control the world and they are the ones on top, but doing this will bring human extinction, stop them and become the hero of this world.


-Discover the name of this organization(0/1).

-Destroy the secret facilities of this organization in Japan (0/3)

-Destroy the organization's central base(0/1)

-Destroy the leaders of the organization(0/1).


-The organization eliminates you.

Rewards: New Title, 1 Gacha Summon Ticket, 1 New Ability, System Upgrade].

Shit, why does my fucking luck have to be so bad? Now I have to save this world. Don't fuck with me.

I started clutching my head tightly. Every mission was impossible for me, I know nothing about politics, management or whatever the fuck it takes to create a fucking empire.

Then there was the mission to be a hero, as for that one comes the next question can I destroy the organization, maybe, killing is something I'm good at. But I feel like if I mess with these guys my life in this world will be fucked to the end.

I know this, because my fucking left eyebrow is twitching worse than teenagers dancing perreo. It's giving me a splitting headache.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"- And the fucking laughter of this annoyance doesn't help- " HAHAHAHAHA is that look at your luck if it sucks, but hey look at least you have your health."


Nothing happened, fortunately apparently my health is the only thing I have good or that's what the system says.

While I was hesitating to believe that my health was good, another message appeared.

[World Mission 4: Harem in an apocalyptic world]

[As a user of the supreme Harem system, your duty is to obtain women, but only beautiful women or women with a strong destiny are worthy of the user. Quality over quantity.


-Earn the affections of several women(0/?).

-Add to your harem several women(0/?)

Rewards:1 Gacha Summoning Ticket, 1 random skill, other rewards can be obtained by varying the level of success of the mission]

"Hey look, the Oasis at the end of the desert"- Libie said cheerfully, though I don't share her joy.

Although this mission seems the easiest, the other missions worried, what to do?


Fuck it.

I'm simply going to seduce a woman who knows about these things. If she's beautiful, all the better.

"Hey Libie ,now where are we going"-Now that I resigned myself to my fucked up fate, I decided to just continue.

"Leave it to me"- You bring that Libie disappeared, she's sure to be back soon. And so it was, after a few minutes Libie reappeared.

"I found several spots to go to, but the one that catches my attention the most, was a high school that is nearby, there is a lot of 'Destiny Energy' coming from that school"- IF so I really have to go there, anything to rob the protagonists of their chances-"I suggest you move fast as it seems the chaos is already starting, I saw how a grown man ripped a child's throat out".

Alright no time to waste, but first.

"Liz, Patty I would like you to turn into your weapon form, for a while"- I prefer to have them ready to attack and besides I don't want anyone to see how they transform into weapons, I feel it will bring me trouble if our strange abilities, drawing attention is never good.

My left eyebrow twitched as if answering that it was true.

"Okay, but be careful about damaging us, if we are damaged as weapons, our physical forms will also suffer"- Liz said, seriously to prevent me from doing something stupid.

"Well Onii-chan, always remember to aim for the head~♪♪- Patty showed me a sinister smile while saying that, shit the most cheerful is the most sinister.

I like her.

Liz and Patty transformed into white light, then appeared in my hands as two Beretta MP9 pistols. Then I started to pick up anything useful from this room.

I just noticed that my clothes had changed, before I was dressed in a black suit which was pretty beat up due to my job, now I'm dressed in a blue sportswear, I feel it's pretty generic.

When I searched my pockets what I found was energy bar, an empty wallet, my ID, a knife and ... a box of condoms.

"HAHAHAHA you're even poor in this world"- I heard Libie's fucking laugh.

"It's really kind of pitiful, hey really, can you keep the deal? " said Liz.

...Wait, Liz said?

The perpetrator became an asshole or I'm starting to hear voices.

I looked at the gun Liz had transformed into.

"Can you talk?"- I may sound my question stupid, due to hearing it, but it's never bad to check.

"Sure Onii-chan, even if we look like this we can still communicate~♪" This time Patty spoke.

"Well that's amazing, but I'd also like you to avoid talking only when we're alone"- In what way do I explain that I have a pair of chattering guns.

"Don't worry, just remember not to hurt us"- Liz said dryly.

"Alright, I promise now let's go shoot a bunch of idiots."

"Count me in Onii-chan~♪" Patty replied cheerfully.

" Like my sister said" Liz replied apathetically.

Forming a relationship with Patty will be easier she seems more approachable than Liz... I have a lot of work.


A long time ago I saw a zombie movie and I was wondering if I could survive one, no, that's a mistake, I could sure and I could even give 100 reasons why I could survive, although a lot of them would just be a bunch of stupid shit from me and complaining about my shitty life.

Back to the topic.

When I watched the movie, I was never disgusted when I saw people being eaten or having a body part ripped off. Well, I had seen worse shit than that.

Why am I talking about this? Well, I realized that there is a lot of difference between fiction and reality, or well thinking about it, this is real isn't it, I mean, a lot of what happens doesn't make sense.

Girls transforming into weapons, with the ability to devour souls. Me with a system for picking up women that has an annoying personality ... .

None of this seems real.


"Help me!!!!

"Dad, mom please help me!!!!!"

As I doubted my existence , on the streets and watched some people being eaten alive I really realized the difference between fact and fiction.

"What the hell are those things?"- I could hear Liz's panicked voice .She must be shocked to see how some people are eating each other.

"Hey come on schoolgirls, hot teachers, sexy nurses are waiting for us"- Meanwhile Libie was urging me to move forward.

And so I decided to move forward.

As I made my way to the school I decided to explain what those things were, as I learned from the movies.

"They are zombies, humans who are infected by some disease that makes them eat human flesh and at the same time infect others" - It really gives me chills to think of being eaten ,I mean, he preferred to be eaten by some bastard's wife.

"You don't seem too weirded out, you already fought something like that"- Patty asked me.

To tell the truth it was shocking at first but then I got used to it. Nowadays I'm also shooting any bastard who tries to transform me into his food.

And I realized something, and that's how convenient Liz and Patty are, I mean I have guns in a zombie apocalypse, and I don't even need bullets.

I could hear some people asking me for help. But I ignored them, I'm not a fucking hero.

Not if I don't get anything in return.

"Kyaaaa!!!"- As I was approaching the school Libie was taking me to I heard a woman scream, but seriously Kya? .

Who the hell screams like that?

"Shit a sexy teacher is going to die, we have to save her buddy"- Libie didn't give a shit about raising her voice and getting the attention of the zombies, but back to the subject when I could see the entrance I could see how a beautiful mature woman, in black uniform , was currently on the ground while a zombie was in front of her.

I could see how Libie lunged towards the zombie and knocked it down, she really comes in handy.

[Mission: Save Mistress Sexy] [Mission: Save Mistress Sexy]

[Description: Teacher Kyoko, was at the entrance mainly along with other teachers. Unfortunately one was infected and the others followed, currently her life hangs in the balance, save her and then add her to your harem after all a Harem King needs a sexy teacher right?

Success requirements:

-Save Mistress Kyoko(1/0).

-Win her affection (1/0)

-Add her to your harem(1/0).


-Die Master Kyoko]

I didn't even read the damn mission that came out in front of me. I just concentrated on saving the teacher, alright it's time to be a hero.

—------------(Perspectiva de Kyoko)---------------------------------------

My name is Kyoko Hayashi, I am 30 years old, I work as a teacher and I am currently single.

(Nota: Kyoko Hayashi de la Franquicia de High School Of the Dead)

As for my life I couldn't complain it was just like anyone else's or at least I guess so. Although a part of me, I hate my luck when it comes to choosing a partner. I've been in 5 relationships in my entire life and we always ended due to them cheating on me.

Ignoring my luck when it comes to men. Today should be a day like any other or so it was supposed to be. But I don't know how I ended up like this.

In front of me was one of my co-workers, a physical education teacher Teshima Yoshida, who was attacked by a stranger who we thought was some random drunk.

But it wasn't, the person attacked Teshima by biting his arm. after that Teshima started acting strange and attacked the others by biting them.

I just did not react, I did not understand anything about this situation, I wanted to run but I could not.

After the other teachers were bitten and others escaped, it's amazing how the other teachers who were bitten went for the other teachers while ignoring me.

But I couldn't rejoice my luck because one of them stayed here and came to me ,Teshima, the first teacher to be bitten.

I already knew I was going to die. As I backed away, I ended up falling as I saw Teshima approaching, I just screamed as I closed my eyes waiting for my death.

I really regretted my life, at least I would have liked to get married.

While I was waiting for my death I could hear a woman's voice.

"!!!NOOO TO THE SEXY TEACHER!!!" - I don't know where it came from I just thought my mind trying to deny reality or something.

I could hear a thump.

When I opened my eyes I could see how Teshima had fallen to the ground as if someone had tackled him.

But still that didn't stop him from heading back towards me.

When I could see his hand about to grab me. I heard a young man's shout.

"I won't let you!"

Then I heard a gunshot, to see Teshima drop dead. I didn't understand what was going on.

All I knew was that I was safe.

"Are you okay miss?"- I heard a warm voice calling out to me.

When I turned to that voice. I could see a blonde-haired teenager with some black locks. But what caught my attention the most were his black eyes in which I seemed to get lost in them.

But I could feel warmth, why was he like that?

As I got a better look at him I could see he was wearing blue sportswear. I could tell he was stocky seeing how his clothes seemed a bit tight. He also had two pistols in his hands.

So that should have killed Teshima. I should be scared to see an armed stranger, but oddly enough a part of me says I'll be safe as long as he's here.

"Don't worry"- His warm words woke me up from my stupor- " You may not trust me but I promise you, as long as I'm here everything will be fine."

I could feel my heart start to beat faster as I looked at him. I didn't understand what was happening to me.

"Come I will take you to a safe place"- He gave me his hand and I took it.

I don't really know who he is... but I don't think he's someone bad. Plus he's quite handsome.

I could feel my face getting hot.

When I looked at him again, he just flashed me a warm smile as if he was trying to calm me down.

I didn't notice but he started to address inside the school.

"My name is Kyoko Hayashi"- I decided to introduce myself as I followed him.

"That's a nice name, mine is Hiiro Kinoshita a pleasure to meet you"- He said as he continued to smile at me.

Yeah, I don't think he's a bad guy. Maybe he and I...

I had always heard those stories where a knight saves a damsel and then they fall in love, I always thought it was silly. But now I really wish it was real.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I couldn't hear what was going on around me.

"MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA all according to Keikaku."

—---------------------------(Perspectiva de Alexander)-------------

And just like that guys, you win a woman's heart while in an unstable state, after being close to dying.

It really was easy, being a hero.

But honestly for me it's kind of annoying, but at least the result is worth it. Currently I'm heading to the rooftop together with Kyoko, she didn't ask me why we would go there, she just obeyed me, that makes my job easier.

As we were going up I realized something and it's why the hell no one reacts, I mean no one heard the damn gunshot, are they deaf in this school or something?

And also Libie disappeared after Kyoko started following me the last thing I heard from her was her fucking laugh. I honestly don't care about that little bastard, I feel like that thing will never leave me, I don't mean that in an affectionate way but in a literal way, a part of me tells me that getting away from her will be impossible.

Fuuu... I need some alcohol...

Back to the topic, I also realized something when I saved Kyoko, there was a black haired student watching everything. For some strange reason when I saw him I felt a strange emotion, no, I didn't fall in love or some shit like that I know my sexuality very well. But I felt a sense of discomfort. I didn't know how to explain it.

<You figured that out mate>- At that moment I heard Libie's voice. When I looked around I didn't notice anyone except Kyoko who was looking at me strangely that I stopped out of nowhere.

I decided to continue, while trying to think if it was my imagination.

<No mate, it's not your imagination. And if you wonder who I am, I'll tell you that I am the great Libie>- I heard again the annoying voice of the little bastard.

Is he talking to me by some kind of telepathy or something?

<You could say something like that mate, but let's talk about that later, now let's talk about the guy you saw before>-I decided to focus on what Libie would say-<Who you saw was a Protagonist, the reason you felt that discomfort could be said due to you being a system user, I mean no system user gets along with a male protagonist, only if it was female and big breasted currently would you get along with them>.

What kind of bullshit is that? Just because I'm a system user I wean male protagonists.

<Even if it's also because of your title NTR Antagonist, I mean you practically feel dislike and even take pleasure in stealing women from the main characters, but don't worry even being that kind of being I will still recognize you as my partner>- I don't feel happy with anything what he says.

After arriving at the rooftop, I told Kyoko to wait here while I let the others know what was going on.

She seemed reluctant to let me leave her, but agreed after I promised her that I would never leave here without her. Apparently she developed a dependency on me, that's both good and bad.

I don't want to be inconvenienced.

When I came down from the rooftop, I headed to the infirmary to get medicine, as that is always necessary. As for helping others, for me it's not my problem, they can die. Rather if the women put themselves in danger better for me, I would just have to play the hero and that's it.

<Hey, listen I advise you to prepare yourself for what you will see in the infirmary, it might make you doubt if there is god>- I didn't understand what Libie was referring to, but I was curious what was in the infirmary.

"Hey Libie, where are you?"- Libie hasn't shown up yet, I don't care if she dies but still losing a radar is important.

<Don't worry, I'm right now investigating every part of the school, I've found several women with a great ́ destiny', and I even found the protagonist you saw and others>-I'm really surprised how this thing works.

<With this information it will be easier for you which women to target while abandoning the others, HAHAHAHA I can already imagine their faces as they are devoured by zombies while you inseminate every girl they like HAHAHAHAHAHA>- this bastard is cold.

When I got to the infirmary, I prepared myself for what would be inside, I imagined a torture room where there could be several teenagers with their nerves cut.

But when I opened the door nothing I thought could have prepared me for what I saw.

Two large mountains attached to a blonde woman, with a naive look on her face.

I don't know how but I realized I was about to kneel before what I saw.

Maybe there is a God.

Only a divine being could create something like this.

"Hey... Excuse me, who are you?" was what the blonde woman in front of me asked me.

I woke up from my stupor and went back to my blue knight image, while ignoring looking down.

I will not look, I will not let myself be tempted.

[Will(100%) has evolved to Unbreakable Will (1%)]

And my will evolved.

I also realized that there was not only this blonde but also an albino and a brunette.

(Author's Note: When I say brunette I mean hair color not skin color).

"Excuse me but you have to pick up everything important from the infirmary, you may not believe me but something very bad just happened."

"What happened, did an accident happen?" the blonde asked adorably.

Shit she is too adorable, maybe coming to this world is not a bad idea.

All right now I'm motivated.

And I also realized, this woman reminds me of a girl I met in my world her name was Fujii Megumi she was also a blonde with big breasts.

Only she doesn't look naive and she certainly isn't.

While the brunette was looking at me suspiciously. So I decided to introduce myself and explain the situation that was going on outside, I don't want to play the game of taking them and then they find out later that people are killing each other, I hate drama.

When I introduced myself the other women also introduced themselves the blonde one is named Shizuka Marikawa, the one with brunette hair was Kei Misumi, while the albino one who was expressionless her name was Chizuru Tachibana.

(Note: Shizuka Marikawa from the High School Of the Dead Franchise)

(Note: Kei Misumi from the Okusama ga Seitokaichou! franchise)

(Note:Chizuru Tachibana from the Nande Koko ni Sensei ga Franchise)

While going into the main topic of explaining that there is an infectious virus that made people go crazy and eat each other, the school's communicator rang.

"Attention all teachers and students! Serious incidents are currently occurring inside the school! All students stay with your teachers and follow their instructions!!!Please remain calm and-GAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"- The communicator was cut off.

What a drama buddy, I mean you couldn't die silently, I know how the schools communicator works, you have to hold down a button to be able to talk, and everything was heard that means the bastard was being eaten while still holding down the button.

I don't know if I should admire him for his willpower to keep pressing the button or I should hate him for not dying quietly, now he will draw the attention of the infected to this school.

"Alright I think we should start moving don't you think?"- I said as I turned to the three nurses.

Shizuka, Chizuru and Kei came out of their stupor after hearing the message and started packing everything they could.

I like that quick mind, at least they didn't panic and freeze.

While they were packing I started thinking about what I should do next. Should I try to save some schoolgirls and then leave or should I leave now with the people I have and start looking for shelter.

The first mission I had said that I had to fix in my harem 5 women. With Kyoko, Shizuka, Chizuru and Kei there are 4, one more to go. There are also Liz and Patty but it's better to be safe.

"Excuse me Hiiro-san, it may be inconvenient but my sister is still in class, could we go get her?" - The one who spoke to me was Kei.

I honestly don't want to save anyone, but the moment I heard she said sister and not brother I made up my mind.

It was as if my non-existent luck kicked in. Only one girl was missing to complete the 5 and a sister would appear.

Isn't this too convenient?

"Don't worry, we'll go pick someone up first and then look for your sister"- Let's wish his sister was just as attractive as Kei.

Those who say the outside doesn't matter is bullshit, if it matters simply what they say that bullshit are either scum or ugly.

And I'm scum.

After that we start heading to the rooftop.

But my bad luck certainly acts fast. Infected started to appear to get in my way and above all the worst thing is that by strange coincidences some of them seemed to dodge the bullets as if the bastards had woken up on the right foot.

As I was cursing m

Crap. I started to increase my speed while making sure no one would be left behind.

When we reached the rooftop I could see the locked door.

I knocked as hard as I could.

"It's Hiiro ,please open up."

Then I waited, I could hear a small argument from a guy saying don't let us in we might be infected.

Son of a bitch, I just hope the one talking is the infected one, otherwise I swear you both die here.

But to my good fortune I could hear Kyoko's voice, saying that I saved her and if they don't open to me it would have been better not to open to them.

Apparently saving her certainly helped me, especially since the looks of the women in the back seemed to be different now. It's like they trust me a little more now, that's good.

I'm really glad I saved her.

Then the door opened and we all walked in, I could see how Shizuka greeted Kyoko and Kei and Chizuru started to check on those present.

Meanwhile I started to look at the three new members. One girl with brown hair almost orange was quite beautiful and her body is well developed, honestly what did they feed her to grow like that.

While the other two are the black haired boy I saw before and the other boy looked sickly I realized that he was the one who was infected because of the bite he had on his arm.

But what caught my attention is that the girl seemed to see the future zombie boy as her mate, but I could see it well, there was no real affection. I know because I saw a lot of women like that before when they were dating other guys they didn't like because of threat or to make other guys jealous.

And I know it's the second situation because I can see how the girl seemed to see the black-haired boy from time to time, while he looked uncomfortable it's clear that he likes the girl, but something prevents him from saying it.

The story I believe based on what I see, is that the girl went out with the boy to make the black-haired guy jealous so he will confess to her, but because the black-haired guy is dense he thinks the girl loves the other guy, and the girl must think the black-haired guy doesn't love her or is stupid.

What a shitty love triangle. We're in a zombie apocalypse or some drama, there just needs to be a girl who's in love with the main character, but I don't think that's true.

My left eyebrow started to twitch, what the fuck is really wrong with this world?

At that moment I could see how the guy started vomiting blood, everyone focused on this, I knew it this guy was already going to transform but what caught my attention was the other guy's expression as if he was making a decision.

<This is when the guy tries to play hero he killed the guy and then he will comfort the girl, stop him to fuck you> Although Libie's voice sounds mocking this time I could tell his seriousness.

Yes I knew this was a scenario that was created where all these women are the actresses and the spectators.

The protagonist is the hero and this is where I come in to steal the role.

I started to concentrate thinking about what I should do to steal my thunder. It's all about the money.