
The Supreme Harem System

A young man with a troubled life and a lot of bad luck, discovers that he has a system that aims to make him form the supreme harem. "You have been chosen, by the supreme harem system, rejoice mortal" said the little woman, to then be greeted by bullets. "Die you fucking ghost"-That was what our protagonist said. "Hey, wait why are you shooting at me?" This was the first encounter between a System and its user. "Well you're ready, travel between universes, conquer schoolgirls, celebrities, happy wives, milfs, naive lolis, onee-sans and all kinds of women, no one will stop us from creating the Supreme Harem, Muahahahaha. "I refuse, it sounds too much trouble." "You'll also be able to get riches" "What are we waiting for, let's go build the Supreme Harem." Go along with a young man with head problems and a system that looks like a third rate villain. --------- --------- I don't speak English and I used DeepLTranslator to translate my novel. It's also the first one I'm writing, so I accept advice. P.S1: This novel may have a plot, it will focus more on the protagonist and the system; I will also try to give space to the women who enter the harem of this one. P.S 2: This novel is based on the protagonist and the system and their travels, although I will try to focus on the girls that appear.

SystemUserBD · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Should I feel happy that my two guns are pretty girls?

I sat up in bed, as I mentally prepared to open my gift package.

"Bitch, open the damn package already, you've been sitting still for over 5 minutes"-Libie shouted, as she began to get exasperated by my lack of movement.

"Hold on will you, I'm getting ready for the shit to come out of this package"-After seeing my luck in the system, I realized that I can't expect anything good out of life-"But first could you answer me one question, who are you?"

"Don't introduce me anymore, I'm Libie, you dirty mortal"-Said Libie as she crossed her arms and looked at me like a bug. It's annoying.

"I mean where did you come from and what are you good for, or did you just show up to tell me I have the system"-If Libie is of no use, I'll just find a way to get rid of her or him, or whatever Libie looks like a girl and her voice is high pitched, but that can't decide if she's a girl, I've seen people like that and they turned out to be men.

Life sure is strange.

"Well that's hard to explain, you can consider me your system and at the same time not, as far as I know the system had to be automatic, but it became conscious and I was born. If you ask how I was born, I have no fucking idea, I only know that I woke up the moment you got the system, but it had not yet started."-So Libie is the system itself, but how come you don't know how Libie came about? Did something happen in the system? -" And just so you know I can give you missions, as long as these go the way the system was created for and I can also impart to you common knowledge about the multiverse like explaining to you that they are the protagonists"- Libie said as she started to spin around me.

"Who are the protagonists?"

"The protagonists, they are the people on which the plot revolves, and that is why they are protected by the plot armor."- Plot armor? "And just so you know, you have the ability to steal plot armor from other protagonists."

"What is plot armor?"-For some reason I feel that stealing plot can get me in trouble.

"The plot is the story that takes place in the world. Whether it's a story of revenge,overcoming,love,etc. And as I said you have the ability to steal them, and by doing that, you will get a great amount of luck and become the new protagonist.Which can help you as it will save you from some dangerous situations by being protected by the plot, but at the same time it will make you will put you in danger to motivate you to improve yourself.""- So stealing a protagonist's plot armor can be good and bad, and now comes my next question.

"How did you steal a protagonist's plot armor?"

"Simple my little padawan, you must steal his opportunities, be it women, items, power, etc"- That sounded easy to steal things from others, it's something I did all my life, especially wives- "You must also be careful, there are protagonists who have plot armor around the harem, those bastards have the power to make a good impression on any woman ,and make winning the affection of these very easy, so if you target a woman with a bastard with that kind of armor, you must be careful, steal every chance she gets and don't let her show off."

I see, with everything I heard I can take it for granted that the protagonists are lucky bastards and that some of them have the capabilities to win the affections of women too easily. Really that plot armor helps you in a lot of things,now I'm looking forward to seeing how it works out.

"Well Libie,is there anything else I need to know?"- I never thought Libie would be so useful,I thought she would just be a nuisance that would follow me wherever I go.

"So, the system has the ability to detect protagonists, which means I can let you know if we encounter one"- Libie said as she shrugged her shoulders.

That's good, it means I have a radar for spotting protagonists. Speaking of which.

"Libie, how far away are you able to detect the protagonists?"

"Well 10 meters from where I am, but since I move I can go to every place and warn you"-That means I have a damn mobile radar, that's useful-"And just so you know, I'm able to move anywhere, and most of all I'm able to change my tangible and intangible form, so I'm able to go through walls."

I'm really grateful to have Libie, maybe I can get along with her.

"Hey bitch, let's get back to the main thing, open that fucking package"- Fucking bastard, I'll never get along with you.

"Fine, shut your fucking mouth ,now I'll open the package."

I focused on the system and a new screen appeared in front of me.

[Harem Supreme System Gift Package]

[Do you wish to open it]



[Congratulations: You have obtained 2 New Titles, 1 spirit weapon gacha ticket;1 Monster Cell, user compatible energy,1 martial arts manual, 1 intermediate rank space ring, Skill:Lucky Pervert, Skill: Affection Meter]

[Seeking User Compatible Energy]

[Please wait...]


[Obtained the Titles [User](10%) and [Harem King](10%) ]

[A power compatible with the user was found, based on his skill list ]

[Rasen no Chikara, was chosen based on the skill will ]

[Beginning Learning the martial art manual ]

[Please wait]


Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!- Was my cry of misery when I felt my brain being smashed.

-----------(Libie's perspective)-------

I was really surprised that my first meeting with my partner, I never thought he would shoot me; if he was flesh and blood I would have died.

But I still decided to forgive him. Because I am a caring being.

I am currently watching, as my partner screams like a pig being slaughtered.

Maybe I had to tell him that he could get an object that would give knowledge. And that it would hurt like hell.After all, even if he has skills against pain he has no skills before mental pain.

But I must say, as expected from my partner. I never thought I would get that 'energy' from the information I just got, it is one of the greatest energies in the multiverse.

Rasen no Chikara, the power to make the impossible possible.

Also speaking of my partner, I'm really glad he's an attractive person, I mean if he was ugly he would practically have to conquer women from mind control or charm abilities.

He is a young man who has blond hair, although by the black locks I can tell that he dyed it, his eyes are dark, I would give his face 10/10, but he has some scars that give him the look of a delinquent. As for his body he is stocky and his skin is pale white. A good looking guy who looks like a delinquent.

Shit come to think of it, he doesn't look like an NTR antagonist.

Shit now that I think about it, he doesn't have a fucking NTR Antagonist title. Fuck, is it good or bad that my partner is that.

Wait for me to worry, it means he has no problem stealing partners from others.Yeah that's good, very good.

Muahahahaha fear fucking protagonists for my user is the biggest terror, of overworked husbands and dense guys. Wives,childhood friends,girlfriends,sisters,no one will be spared,they will all be stuffed like turkeys in thanksgiving because a monster has just been born Muahahahahahaha!!!!!

—---------(Perspectiva de Alexander)------------------------------

After the torment I went through, I got out of bed. It was really the most painful experience that could happen to me, I thought that all the troublesome shit in my life ensured that I would no longer feel pain.

But it was worth this pain, I gained the knowledge of a martial art and the power of a strange energy.

[Ryūsui Gansai-ken(Fist of Water Flowing Rock Crushing): "Flow like a stream, and strike them like a raging river."

Martial art created and taught by Bang, takes the knowledge of the energy flow behind raging streams and tides, and recreates them in the body. A perfect martial art for offense and defense]

[Ryūsui Gansai-ken low level (1%)].

An interesting martial art. Can't wait to beat up idiots with this.

[Rasen no Chikara(Spiral Power): "The power to make the impossible possible".

It is a power that represents humans and any life form. This power is the embodiment of will itself. It can improve strength, health, endurance and even obtain immortality, the power to evolve and go beyond].

[Warning: You are advised to be careful with the use of this power or you may be noticed by the An#$-!!#$$!$al Entity ]

[Has been included to the system 'Energies']

[Energies:Rasen no Chikara (1%)]

[Energies: Supernatural powers that you can obtain or inherit examples: magic, ki, Hamon, magi, deep energy, etc.]

It was really worth that torment. And most of all I'm surprised that there are so many supernatural energies.

"Hey, how are you feeling"-Libie asked me as she sat on my head and took strands of my hair and moved them around.

Her actions remind me of the movie I watched with my sisters long ago that was about a rat and the chef.

"I'm fine, but why didn't you warn me that this might happen to me"-I would have liked at least a warning.

"You didn't ask"-Said Libie as she continued to play with my hair.

"Well anyway, hey tell me what is this Monster Cell thing"-It was something I got from the package, but I don't know what the hell it is and what it's for, I was currently holding it in my hand and to be honest it looks like a piece of meat, it's purple in color and I feel like it's moving.

"I don't know, hey, how about you eat it, let's see what happens"-Libie really thinks I'm stupid to do it, Well the truth? I'm not stupid, but curious.

I put the monster cell in my mouth and started chewing, it tasted just like rotting meat, how do I know what rotting meat tastes like?

Did I already said that my life was shitty?

After chewing it for a while I decided to swallow it.

And then.

Nothing happened.


"Hey, that shit is a scam. I was hoping to at least hear you screaming like a pig again "This shitty system wants to see me suffer or what.

But before I could answer you, I felt my heart start to beat faster as my brain seemed to snap, you sadistic fucking system. Why all the shit he gives me is painful.

I gritted my teeth as I refused to scream, unlike before this pain felt more physical than mental. All the times I was beaten and the times my organs were damaged did me some good.

Yes, no doubt my life sucks.

"Come on scream, bitch"-I'm starting to hate this bastard.

After several minutes of agony, she finally stopped.

Today is not my day.

I started checking every part of my body, looking for any malformations or extra limbs I might acquire, but I found nothing.

I feel cheated.

[Unawakened Lineage absorbs monster cells and evolved].

[UnAwakened Lineage(15%)]


[New Title acquired: Pre-Monster(10%)]

[Gained the skills Low level Devourer(1%),Low level Psychokinesis(1%),Evolution(1%)]

Shit, I got 4 skills and that Lineage thing evolved, but what caught my attention the most is that Madness increased and bloodlust. That's bad, maybe.

My left eyebrow didn't twitch. Well that means being crazy, it's good.

"Hahaha, as expected from my partner you already got a title and several skills just by eating something with dubious provenance"- This bastard is happier than me" Hey try to see what the new titles you have are about, just think about the title"- As always this thing's explanations are bad.

[Title: Pre-Monster(10%): "I am the path to true evolution".

You have started down the path to becoming a true monster, according to some these beings are the path to true evolution. This title represents that, and will continue to evolve along with the user on their path to becoming a true monster.


-Some monsters will feel hostility towards you for not being a full monster.

-Women hybrids between monsters and humans will feel attraction towards you.

-You will get the ability to evolve in every fight].

Is that good or bad?

My left eyebrow didn't twitch, so I'll take that as a no.

[Title: User(10%): "What reincarnate in another world with a system?"

It's a title only given to system users, possessing it means you are officially recognized as one.


-You will be hated by any being in the multiverse if they discover you are in possession of this title.




[Insanity(75%) skill succeeded in blocking the effects of narcissism, lust and stupidity].

What the fuck is this? This title is no more bad than it is good. I really appreciate being crazy.

Besides what's this about being hated by the multiverse if they find out I have this title. If so I must find a way to hide this title or get rid of it.

[Title: King of the Harem (10%): "My dream is to become the King of the Harem president".

This title represents your way to become the king of the harem, remember the king of the harem has women of all kinds schoolgirls, celebrities, wives, onee-sans, tsundere, etc. Catch them all.


-You will find it easier to win the affection of schoolgirls.

-It will be easier for you to win the affection of the milfs.

-It will be easier for you to win the affection of the lolis.

-It will be easier for you to win the affection of the onee-sans.

-It will be easier for you to win the affection of the teachers.

-It will be easier for you to...]

What about all these effects? It doesn't help me win over all kinds of women, regardless of race or age. And what ability is that to win the affection of lolis, why the hell would I want to win the affection of some brats.

"Some titles eh... among all I prefer Harem King"- Libie said while picking his ear.

"Hey, now use the gacha and then let's go from another world, at this rate we'll spend our whole lives in this damn room"- Libie was right,a part of me is already wishing to embark on his journey to form the Supreme Harem. But I would never admit it.

[You have used 1 Gacha Spiritual Weapon Ticket]


I really know my luck sucks but I hope to obtain a weapon that will help me on my journey.

[Skill:Lucky Pervert activated]

Shit, is that good or bad?

[Congratulations, you have obtained a demonic weapon].

After that in front of me appeared two silhouettes formed by a whitish light which was gradually taking the shape of two girls.

Shit, is it good luck or bad luck that my weapons are women. I mean it sounds bad but I never saw myself attacking others with a person.

Well come to think of it, I once hit an adult with a child, it's the same thing, only this time it's two people and they're women.

With that wouldn't I be imparting gender equality, since I would treat these two girls the same way I treat the child. Yes, it is simply gender equality, equal treatment.


Equal treatment.

As I was thinking about gender equality. A lot of knowledge entered my head.

This time, it didn't hurt like before. because the first time it hurt but the second time it didn't?

Now about the information I got from these two girls or rather demonic weapons, demonic weapons are people who have abilities to transform into weapons you have the ability to devour souls, but they can't devour souls of innocent people or they will turn into demons.

That's problematic, for me. I mean, I won't go around killing innocent people, but it would be nice in case I go too far, they can still eat their souls. At least I could be of use to them.

-Where the hell are we?" While I was in my thoughts, one of the girls reacted and I concentrated on seeing their appearances, since the materialization process was finally over.

The two women are attractive, but strange, I'm not saying that because they have another extra limb, I'm referring to their clothing. They are both dressed like cowgirls.

And from what I see maybe they could be sisters, because of their similar appearance.

One of the girls has waist-length dark blonde hair and light blue eyes, wears a tight sleeveless shirt with a turtleneck, a white tie, black cowboy hat and boot, and wears dark jeans.

(Note: Elizabeth Thompson from the Anime Soul Eater)

Physically she is very attractive, she looks quite young, maybe my age.

She seems to be the older of the two because of her height.

The other girl is the same as the previous one only her hair is light blonde, short to her neck and her eyes are dark blue. Her clothes are the same, but instead of jeans, she has a pair of bloomers shorts. She also has a cowboy hat.

(Note: Patricia Thompson from the Anime Soul Eater)

You can tell she is smaller than the other girl because of her height. But something surprises me and it's her breasts, they both have big breasts but the short one has bigger ones, what should I say, genetics is cruel?

Who the hell are you?" said the tall blonde, as I wondered how genetics worked.

"Calm down please, I'm not someone dangerous"- I said while raising my hands and behaving like a good samaritan.

It always matters the first impression, I must give the impression of being someone kind. They are my demonic weapons, it would be bad if they refuse to obey me. So I will make them let their guard down believing that I am a good person, then I will make them fall in love with me, and then I will make them obsessed with me to a point that they can't deny anything I say even knowing that I am scum.

How do I trust this plan?easy, I've done it before.only once did it backfire, and now I have a crazy woman out for revenge.

Patty gun!!!" said the tall blonde.

Yes~♪♪!!!- Said the short girl I'll call Patty.

At that moment, I could see how Patty's body transformed into a white light and went to the left hand of the remaining girl. And then a gun appeared, to be exact a Beretta M9.

Shit, he really did turn into a weapon. I expected that, but it's still amazing to see it in person.

You, talk or... Ahhh!!!!!!- The girl couldn't finish her sentence because she started to scream in pain, the gun she was holding turned back into light and then she became Patty again and started screaming with it.

Shit, what happened here. I didn't do anything.

At that moment Libie, who was hiding behind me, said to me in a low voice.

"They are being punished for trying to be hostile, to you mate. Look you bastard this happened if you oppose my partner Muahahaha- Libie started laughing like a third rate villain, but going back to what he said.

It means they are forbidden to act hostile towards me, it's almost like a slavery system.

That benefits me. It's easier to have their obedience that means I have to charm them.

[Mission: Two Guns, Two Maidens

Description: Elizabeth Thompson and Patricia Thompson, have been summoned to be the user's personal weapons, they had a tragic life and don't trust anyone but them, that's why they will oppose the user. You as the one who possesses the supreme harem system must win their affection and add them to your harem.

Conditions for success:

-Win the affection of Elizabeth Thompson(0/1).

-Add to your harem Elizabeth Thompson(0/1)

-Win the affection of Patricia Thompson(0/1)

-Add Patricia Thompson(0/1) to your harem.


-Elizabeth Thompson hates you(0/1)

-Patricia Thompson hates you(0/1)

-Death of Elizabeth Thompson(0/1)

-Death of Patricia Thompson(0/1)

Rewards: Multiple weapon form abilities for Elizabeth and Patricia Thompson,2 couple rings,1 gacha summoning ticket ]

Holy crap, they are really giving me a mission to conquer these two girls. Well as you would expect from this system right, and then their names are Elizabeth and Patricia.

But what is this summoning Gacha Ticket and what the hell is this about couple rings, I'm not going to propose to them right.

I don't want a damn engagement, but a part of me wants the gacha summoning ticket out of curiosity to know what it is... since, I'll leave this ring problem to my future self.

It was only a few minutes after they started yelling and gave me the mission, I quickly got into my Samaritan idiot pape....

"Please calm down. Don't think of hurting me or you will suffer pain" I said in a tone sounding as concerned as possible and managed my facial expression to show pity.

"You're scum... but I like you, keep it up"-I could hear Libie as she was still hiding, but for some reason I don't feel happy about what she says.

"ghh"- The tall girl which I think is Elizabeth looked at me, and seemed to make up her mind as she started to regulate her breathing the other girl, Patty or Patricia also did the same. Her expression which was distorted by the pain started to normalize. It's a good thing they listened to me, it would really give me a headache if they were both stubborn.

After a few minutes of waiting I could see how they were already well.

Seeing this, I decided to continue with my role.

"I'm really sorry"-I bowed my head in apology mode like a good Japanese-"I know, you won't believe me but I didn't do that to you, it was something unintentional."

Shit I feel uncomfortable acting like this, but all for the rewards.

I could feel the gaze of the two girls. And then there was silence, that was until it was broken when Patty spoke.

"Excuse me, but you are the user of the Harem's supreme system~♪"-She said with a relaxed tone,but I wonder what the hell she is talking about,do they know about my system?

I raised my face and looked at her confused,after seeing me like this Elizabeth answered me-"Before we got here,we were 'busy' when we heard a voice congratulating us for being chosen to be the personal weapons of the supreme harem system user"-I could feel the displeasure in her words,harem is frowned upon by women.

But from what he said apparently they were brought in by force, what a piece of shit....

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring them against their will, I thought I would just get some normal weapons not demonic weapons"-Those were my true feelings. I never thought that my first weapons that this system would give me, would be girls that transform into weapons.

And that's why I felt sad, it's easier inert objects without will, maybe seeing me depressed Patty tried to cheer me up.

"O don't be depressed Onii-chan, I'm sure you didn't mean to♪ - This girl is too relaxed, she shouldn't keep her guard up in front of a stranger. Why is she acting like she doesn't care-"Hey Onii-chan, you wish for us to be your demon weapons~♪♪"

"Don't even think about getting the idea of us being your demon weapons"-Elizabeth, she looks like the most mature one is keeping her guard up and doesn't trust me. That's the image of someone cautious.

Many will give up on spending their time to convince her, but I am a foolish and above all greedy guy, I want the rewards.

"Tell me what can I do to turn you into my demonic weapons?"- Let's go down the path of desire, first with a deal to relate to each other, then I will start seducing them so that they forget about the deal and wish to continue with me.

No doubt I'm scum .

The room fell silent as Elizabeth seemed to think of what to ask for, while Patty looked around curiously.

"Money,food,clothes and a dwelling; in return we will be your demon weapons"- Elizabeth answered me, speaking for herself and Patty.

So Elizabeth and Patty want that eh... maybe I could get along with them.

No, because they want that, why should I give it to them.

For some reason an awkward silence arose. Elizabeth seemed to look at me rather strangely, what's wrong with her, why is she looking at me like that, why, why, why, why, why, why...?

At that moment Patty broke the uncomfortable atmosphere.

"Oh, I want to eat cakes and sweets~♪"-Patty looks too childish, she reminds me of my sister.

Back to the topic, I have to answer, if I am able to give them what they ask for, that will be a problem for my future self.

"Okay I'll give them that, but it must be my demonic weapons while I start my journey through the multiverse"-I really need a vacation.

Elizabeth kept looking me in the eye after I answered. Maybe she wants to see if I will really do what I said. It's a good thing I have acting skills to fake my expressions.

After a few minutes of watching me not falling for my facade, she decided to believe me.

"Alright then my younger sister Patricia Thompson and I Elizabeth Thompson, will be your demonic weapons, in exchange for what we ask of you"-I'm glad we can end this easily, without trying to kill each other, I'll ignore how Elizabeth tried to point a gun at me.

After saying we shook hands to finalize the deal.

"I hope we get along well onii-chan~♪-Patty is a really relaxed person-"So, you can call me Patty and my elder sister Liz."

"Okay, let's get along Liz and Patty"- Elizabeth or now Liz seemed to want to say something, but seeing me call her like that and seeing how her sister happy, she just kept quiet.

A weak person to her sister.

"Hey wait onii-chan, what's your name, you didn't tell us your name"- On second thought I never introduced myself.

"My name is Alexander Walker, you can call me Alex, and I also wanted to ask something, they are Japanese"- Patty called me Onii-chan and they speak perfect Japanese, but they do not possess features of a Japanese person, rather they look like foreigners.

"Well before we were here we lived in New York and we were born there too, we have never been to Japan"- Liz said dryly, while looking around the room.

I see, so they're American, but why the hell do they speak Japanese. They speak too fluently, is it because of the system.

"Hey, old man don't ask questions and just enjoy yourself"- Libie said as she patted my head. The bastard stopped hiding and sat on my head.

"'What the hell is that?"- I heard Liz's panicked scream.

"What thing?"'- I looked around but there was nothing.

"That thing that's on your head"- a pale with fear Liz pointed to Libie who was on my head, oh now that I remember neither of us saw her, due to her being hidden.

"Wow, it's a fairy~♪"- Patty unlike Liz seems curious about her.

"I'm not fairy, girl, I'm the great and powerful Libie"- This broad is narcissistic still with her arrogant tone, but back to the topic- "Liz why are you so afraid of this broad".

I mean, Libie is arrogant and sometimes annoying, but she's not scary her appearance is like that of a woman.

"She's a ghost?"- Liz asked as she looked like she was seeing a scary monster, wait do you think Libie is a ghost?

Come to think of it, I thought Libie was a ghost, I mean her appearance is like a ghost, she looks like a woman, she's transparent, she's white and she floats, she just needs to say some scary shit, like Where are my kids? or something like that.

"Get away from me!"- I heard Liz scream, when I focused on her I saw how Libie's bastard started to float to where she .

"And what are you Libie-chan?"- Patty doesn't seem to care what happens to her sister.

"Nothing Libie-chan, I'm Libie and just so you know I'm the same system"-Libie spoke again with her arrogant tone.

Hearing that, Liz seemed to hear the voice of god, for from her pale complexion she returned to normal, as if nothing happened here.

"That means you're not a ghost"-Liz seems to feel safe knowing that Libie is not a ghost but the system or maybe she wouldn't have cared what the hell she is, as long as she's not a ghost.

At that moment Patty spoke to me and explained the reason for her sister's fear.

"Onee-chan is afraid of supernatural things especially ghost, that's why she was afraid of Libie-chan♪"- That's surprising.

I mean a girl who can transform into a weapon and devour souls, she's afraid of ghosts, you wouldn't expect it.

This world is really strange.

"I already said don't call me Libie-chan, mortal"-Libie continued her role as a third rate villain.

"Hey, partner already move your ass, since you opened the starter pack, and since you have weapons it's time to start your journey through the multiverse."

" Alright, don't get exasperated"-Now it's time to move.

"Traveling the multiverse?" Liz and Patty look quizzical.

Shit I forgot to explain.

Well I'll explain in a nutshell.

"I have a power that allows me to travel to other worlds that exist in the multiverse, in which I can obtain in each world power, money, relics, fame, glory and women"- After that everyone reacted differently.

"Other world~♪"- Patty seemed excited to go to other worlds.

"Money"- while Liz seemed to be interested in money and I swear I saw her eyes turn into dollar signs.

I won't wonder how it's anatomically possible for something like that to happen.

"Alright mate pick your first world already"- Libie hurried me off on my journey.

"Ya, ya wait, tell me what I have to do."

"Just think about looking for other worlds"- That's a bullshit explanation.

But I still tried to work with what they gave me. And I succeeded.

[The space travel subsystem of the Harem Supreme System was opened.]

[Choose which world to travel to:




-Martial Arts

-Terror ]

Out of all of them, the apocalypse one caught my attention, I remember a long time ago watching a zombie movie. I always thought I could survive in that kind of world because of the life I had...

Now it's time to check it out.

"Now I recommend you start with a futuristic or martial arts world because your strength is..."-Libie was interrupted when I chose the world to go to.

[You've chosen apocalyptic world]

[Good luck]

"!!!Bitch!!! That world is beyond your capabilities"-Libie panicked when she saw me pick that world-"Abort, abort, why the hell am I not able to abort the trip? I'm the fucking system!"

It looked like Libie was having a panic attack as thousands of little screens appeared in front of her and she seemed to try something but from what she said, she didn't accomplish anything.

"Hey calm down, maybe it's not that bad"-Maybe to fuck with me, at that moment my left eyebrow started to twitch.

But I knew it was different this time, it was the same as the time I faced that crazy woman who almost killed me.

Shit just remembering the state I was in afterwards made my whole body tremble with fear. It was the first time I literally got to see what my organs looked like.

"Abort, the trip I don't want to go anymore"-I regret my decision. I hate my desire for money and my fucking curiosity.

"You fucking bastard, I regret having a fucking user like you"-Libie seemed to give up on aborting the trip and decided to curse me.

Meanwhile, Liz and Patty were watching this whole scene.

Alex yelling for them to abort the trip and Libie cursing Alex and 10 generations of his ancestors.

"Hey Patty, do you think we'll be ok?"- She didn't know why but Liz felt that following Alex would get her in a lot of trouble.

"Kyajaja~ I think it will be fun♪"- Patty replied as she continued with her cheerful attitude.

At that moment, they saw their bodies being enveloped in light just like Alex and Libie.

"!!NOOOOOOO¡¡¡"- It was Alex and Libie's combined scream before disappearing.