

Yang Chen, the supreme alchemy genius of a generation, was betrayed and killed by the woman he was closest to because he could not practice martial arts, and was reincarnated in the body of a waste boy who was bullied. From then on, began a period of enchanting life that shocked the world. The strongest and purest elixir, cultivating genius? No one in this world knows what a genius is better than Yang Chen. He couldn’t practice martial arts in the previous life, what he wants to do in this life is the All Heavens Martial Venerable who turns his hands for the clouds and covers his hands for the rain! Those who insult me, those who betray me, kill without mercy!

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26 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4


Yang Caidie clutched at the chest of having ups and downs, frightened complexion pale, and spoke inarticulately: "You said, you said Yang Chen talked to him again. Did someone gamble?"

"Yes, that's the case." Gu Mingyue's pretty face turned red.

She just wanted to explain, but Yang Caidie immediately covered her head, fell heavily on the bed, and asked weakly, "How much did you bet on this time?"

"Three Hundreds…" Gu Mingyue said without omission and in detail.

"Three hundred… why is it three hundred again?" Yang Caidie was very bitter. The last time he fought with the Wang Family was three hundred, and this time it was still three hundred.

Why did my younger brother get on this 300 bar?

But soon, she resigned and said: "Three hundred is three hundred, he elder sister I can afford it, you go and talk to Yang Chen. A real man, victory or defeat is a matter of victory or defeat. commonplace in battles, don't be discouraged, don't be short-sighted anymore. With three hundred Spirit Stone, his elder sister can still afford to lose."

Obviously, in her eyes, the younger brother is still the most important, Three hundred Spirit Stone, if you lose it, you will lose it.

Gu Mingyue blinked when she saw Yang Caidie's sad look: "That, Miss. Actually this time Young Master, he…"

"What's the matter? , did he bet more than 300?" Yang Caidie stared wide-eyed, she only had Spirit Stone in her early 300s left, no matter how much, she really couldn't get it out.

"No, no, I want to say that Young Master bet three hundred Spirit Stones this time, but the final result may be a little different from what you think, Miss. Young Master … Young Master he won. "Gu Mingyue said.

When Yang Caidie heard this, she didn't show a surprised expression, but touched Gu Mingyue's head: "Mingyue, you are not sick. My young brother, how many catties and how many taels , I'm the elder sister, don' t you know? Then Yang Heng, Grade 1 Intermediate Pill Refinement Master, and even our Yang Family's second Pill Refinement Master have praised him, saying that his Pill Dao innate talent is outstanding, my Younger brother, can you beat him? Are you kidding me?"

Although she never blamed Yang Chen, Yang Chen is her younger brother, what kind of thing is her younger brother, how many catties and how Many taels, her elder sister will not know?

Her parents left early. To put it bluntly, she changed the diapers when her younger brother was young. She knows her younger brother too well. But what can be done about it, that is her younger brother, no matter how useless or wasteful, it is also her younger brother.

"It's true." Gu Mingyue didn't know how to explain it, so she could only mumble oneself: "I saw it with my own eyes."


Gu Mingyue explained the whole sequence of events clearly.

Yang Caidie was dumbfounded.

She tugged at her ears: "I didn't dream."

"Should… not dream!"

"What does it mean to have no dream?"

"Because Mingyue thinks she's dreaming…"

Yang Caidie clapped her hand on the table, and then stopped for a while: "My hand hurts, I don't seem to be dreaming. My younger brother, Yang Chen, he actually won? Three hundred Spirit Stone, wa ha ha, three hundred Spirit Stone."

A surprised expression broke out on Yang Caidie's face.

Gu Mingyue's pretty face is also full of happy expressions.

Yang Caidie slapped the table again, causing the pa ta pa ta at the bottom of the table to be unstable: "Mingyue, what do you think my younger brother likes to eat? This is me today. When the elder sister does it for him . What he eats, what do I do for him, three hundred Spirit Stones, so relieved. I want to kiss my younger brother to see if he is enlightened?"


Yang Chen walked around the Yang Family for a while, and went to a few familiar places in my memory. Back at home, it was noon now, his elder sister Yang Caidie must have prepared the meal and waited for him to go back to eat .

Sure enough, as soon as Yang Chen opened the door, he could smell the tangy fragrance, which spread into Yang Chen's nose, making Yang Chen relaxed and joyful for a while. He didn't step into Martial Arts in his previous life, and he couldn't avoid whole grains, which he had to eat. However, it was the first time he encountered the smell of food with a warm feeling of home.

Yang Caidie…

Yang Chen was harmed by Hua Wanru, and subconsciously rejects women. It can be said that he is very resistant to anyone. But he couldn't reject this elder sister Yang Caidie at all. It was a true love that could not be questioned.

"Yang Chen, are you back?" Yang Caidie said with full of smiles: "I saw what your elder sister did for you today? Stewed goose, your favorite food, I Let me tell you, your elder sister's cooking skills have improved a lot during this period of time. Take care of the fat and white fat you raised, haha!"

Seeing that my elder sister is so unabashed With a smirk, Yang Chen knew that Gu Mingyue had already told Yang Caidie that he had won 300 Spirit Stones.

He smiled slightly, and tossed out all the three hundred Spirit Stones in the storage ring, then said, "elder sister, these Spirit Stones are returned to you."

"What are you doing for me?" Yang Caidie chewed on the food.

"Didn't I lose 300 Spirit Stones? You helped me out at the time, and now I'll give it back to you!" Yang Chen said.

Yang Caidie blinked: "Let me tell you something, Yang Chen, you only need to understand one truth now. You are the only man in our lineage, to put it simply The point is that there is only one handle below, and it will depend on you to pass on the lineage in the future. Therefore, your elder sister's is yours, yours, or yours, and you don't need to give your elder sister to me."

Yang Chen was stunned.

What's the point of this?

Is this ok too?

"It's not the elder sister…"

"I said it all, I don't want it. Hurry up and eat the big goose." Yang Caidie instructed.

Yang Chen was full of embarrassment, and then said: "elder sister, in fact, I have something to discuss with you today."

"What's the matter?" Yang Caidie blinked blink.

Yang Chen picked up a piece of goose meat and found that the taste was quite good, then chewed and said, "I want to practice martial arts!"

"No way!" Seriously.

Yang Chen patted his head, as expected.

The memory of this body, Yang Chen, was digested just now. It can be said that this Yang Caidie never thought of letting his younger brother cultivate martial arts.

Sure enough, Yang Caidie put the chopsticks on the table, then wiped her mouth: "I tell you, Bao. You elder sister, you know, the number one genius in Yang Family women Just the black wolf who bullied you in the Sun Family , isn't that powerful? Equivalent to Body Refinement Realm Third Layer, your elder sister will be killed with a single blow. Just pill concocting, that thing won't suffer, you Xiuwu, Xiuwu suffers a lot, suffers a lot? Every day I practice sweating all over my body, if I bump into it, your elder sister won't feel bad?"

"But, I don't practice martial arts. , how can I protect myself?" Yang Chen tried to convince this Yang Caidie.

Yang Caidie frowned: "I will protect you."


Yang Chen said angrily: "elder sister, You should think about it carefully. In the future, I am going to marry a wife and have children, and the two of us are impossible to live together forever. Can you take care of me and protect me for a lifetime? Well, even if you can protect me for a lifetime, my child, you have to Protection?"

After hearing Yang Chen's words, Gu Mingyue, who was sitting on the side to eat, felt that what Yang Chen said was very reasonable.

She is a maid, with different masters and servants, so she can't eat at the table. Yang Caidie also told her, but she thinks it's a rule and she can't break the rule. So every time they eat, Yang Chen and Yang Caidie come to the table, and she leans to the side. But she could hear the conversation between the two clearly.

Yang Caidie listened to Yang Chen's words, blinked her big eyes, she was playful and cute, she seemed to think that what Yang Chen said was reasonable, she thought about it for a while before she made up her mind: "I said. It makes sense, otherwise, you are not yet an adult, wait for the coming-of-age ceremony 3 months later at first, when you become a human, your elder sister will marry you. That way, I can protect you for the rest of your life."

At first, Yang Chen thought that with his three-inch tongue, he finally persuaded him, the elder sister who was stubborn to a certain extent.

But soon he found out.

Gosh, he's so naive.

My elder sister is really not an ordinary tiger. In order to protect herself, she is even willing to marry herself.

Yang Chen knows it works.

Because, Yang Caidie was not his elder sister, but was picked up by his parents, but he didn't know what his background was. Of course, he also knew that he couldn't take it seriously, because his elder sister had said too much nonsense.

Maybe it was Yang Caidie who perfunctory him.

But there is one thing he sees.

To spoil.

This is simply doting.

Yes, Yang Caidie's love for Yang Chen is indeed doting.

He now finally understands why Yang Caidie, the younger brother Yang Chen, is so useless, how can he not be useless? With such an elder sister who spoils to such a degree, it would be strange if his younger brother was not a coward.

Yang Chen's martial arts aptitude is actually not bad, even better than Yang Heng, but Yang Caidie is afraid that Yang Chen will suffer. Instead of letting Yang Chen practice martial arts, let him learn pill concocting, because pill concocting suffers for not practicing martial arts arts, but what is the result? 'Yang Chen' has no alchemy talent.

So much so that this 'Yang Chen' found out that he can't practice martial arts, and neither can pill concocting, and finally he gradually embarked on the road of dandy, but he, the elder sister, does everything with Yang Chen.

This made Yang Chen, who now has this body, take a deep breath.

He also knew very well that Yang Caidie's doting was really distressing for the younger brother, but he couldn't let it go and move towards a vicious direction.

Thinking of this, he said, "Sister, are you serious?"

"Uh…you shouldn't practice martial arts anyway." Yang Caidie said seriously.


Yang Chen slammed the table and said fiercely, "I'm going to practice martial arts today, elder sister, my own way, I want to go by myself. Even though there are 10,000 truths in what you said, which man have you ever seen who let a woman stand in front of him to protect him? I, Yang Chen, will definitely not be the first man to hide behind a woman."

"Since I am the only man in our lineage, then I have to take the responsibility of the only man!"

After these words fell, Yang Chen turned his head and left.

He wasn't really angry, but he had to act swiftly and decisively. If he was still weak and timid about this matter, then Yang Caidie would only treat him as a A child who will not grow up. He has to let the other party know that a man is a man!

Yang Caidie was really frightened by Yang Chen's attitude. To be honest, it was the first time she saw her younger brother showing such a manly attitude.

"Ai, Mingyue, did you see it?"

"I see..." Gu Mingyue wiped her mouth vigorously, as if she couldn't believe it.

Yang Caidie also gulped, "My younger brother just seemed to be quite manly."

Yang Chen hanged himself the last time, did he feel remorse?

"Where is it like? It's there." Gu Mingyue said.