

Yang Chen, the supreme alchemy genius of a generation, was betrayed and killed by the woman he was closest to because he could not practice martial arts, and was reincarnated in the body of a waste boy who was bullied. From then on, began a period of enchanting life that shocked the world. The strongest and purest elixir, cultivating genius? No one in this world knows what a genius is better than Yang Chen. He couldn’t practice martial arts in the previous life, what he wants to do in this life is the All Heavens Martial Venerable who turns his hands for the clouds and covers his hands for the rain! Those who insult me, those who betray me, kill without mercy!

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chapter 14

Chapter 14

Gu Mingyue can also see one or two of Yang Caidie's doting on Yang Chen.

Who does not know Yang Caidie's love for Yang Chen in the entire Yang Family? Even if Yang Chen has a little scar on his body, Yang Caidie can feel heartache to death. Yang Chen grew up under the protection of Yang Caidie when he was a child.

If you say that Yang Heng, you will dare to ridicule Yang Chen. At most, you will be betting on pill concocting. desperately. Even if Yang Heng's father was more powerful than Yang Caidie, he would definitely don't dare provoke Yang Caidie , because this woman couldn't stop her from launching her tiger power.

In one sentence, if you dare to bully my younger brother, either you will kill me or I will kill you.

If Yang Caidie really gets up, the Nine Headed Bull won't be able to pull it back.

Gu Mingyue also doesn't know whether Yang Chen has such a sturdy elder sister who protects him so much, is it a good thing or a bad thing.

Yang Chen is now fully devoted to secluded cultivation, and doesn't know what's going on outside. He has already refined the Gravity Pill, took the Gravity Pill early, and now officially entered the state of refining medicine pill into the body, and the Martial Arts Cultivation Base is increasing step by step.

For Yang Chen, the Gravity Pill couldn't be easier to make.

As long as there are materials, Yang Chen can guarantee that the medicine pill will work.

It's just a pity that there is only one red fruit. If you can refine a few more Gravity Pills, even if you take one Gravity Pill, the effect will be greatly reduced, and it will be no problem to keep him entering the Body Refinement Realm Third Layer.

However, it is completely feasible for a gravity pill to support Yang Chen to enter the Body Refinement Realm Second Layer, and even have a sign of impacting the Third Layer.

About one hour, Yang Chen's complexion gradually returned to normal. At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and his breath suddenly changed greatly compared to the past. It is not difficult to see that after the tempering of Gravity Dan, he has already entered the Body Refinement Realm Second Layer from the Body Refinement Realm First Layer.

At this moment, he has more than 500 pounds of strength.

Body Refinement Realm First Layer, one hundred pounds of strength.

Body Refinement Realm Second Layer, four hundred pounds of strength.

After that, increase the strength of 300 pounds for each weight.

The current Yang Chen is in the middle and late stages of the Body Refinement Realm Second Layer. As long as he can break through the 700-pound mark, he can even enter the Body Refinement Realm Third Layer.

"The whole body is full of power. This feeling is never seen in the previous life." Yang Chen sighed and sighed in his heart.

In his previous life, he was an ordinary person, and a hundred pounds of strength would be as heavenly ascension for him, let alone five hundred pounds of strength now.

What does 500 jins of strength represent?

It means he can smash boulders with a single punch.

Yang Chen muttered: "Unfortunately, the materials for making Gravity Pills are limited, so I can only enter the Body Refinement Realm Second Layer at most. Moreover, the equipment I have for pill concocting is really rudimentary. There is no strange fire and Life Source Fire, and the pill furnace is also the most common pill furnace. There is no special pill room."

The strange fire and the pill furnace are all treasures that help pill concocting.

Fire control is a very important part. If you have a strange fire, you can double the results for half the effort. And a precious pill furnace, even more so.

Both are things that may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, especially strange fires, which are the most rare. In Yang Chen's previous life, there was a strange fire called 'Taiyuan Golden Fire', which was an outlier among the strange fires. In this life, I don't know if there is a chance to meet Qihuo again.

A super Pill Refinement Master, Qihuo, is a must. Moreover, Qi Huo is the status symbol of Pill Refinement Master.

"This strange fire and the pill furnace are both necessary items for the Pill Refinement Master, but unfortunately, these two are impossible to obtain in a short time. To reduce the burden of pill concocting, Let pill concocting twice the results for half the effort , only use the second grandfather's training room." Yang Chen laughed again and again.

With his alchemy level, the probability of a Gravity Dan becoming a Dan is definitely 100%.

But the benefit of refining pill room is what every Pill Refinement Master wants, because refining pill room can make the process of pill concocting easier.

"Looks like there is a chance, I have to visit Second Master Yang." Yang Chen thought to himself.

"gu gu…"

"Uh, I'm a little hungry." An embarrassed expression appeared on Yang Chen's face.


Although he has set foot in Martial Arts, he can avoid whole grains only if he has reached the expert level of Lingwu Realm. prepared. At most, it will last longer than the ordinary person. But without eating for three consecutive days, Yang Chen was still hungry.

At the dinner table, Yang Caidie had already prepared the stewed goose properly, and there was a table of side dishes prepared by her and Gu Mingyue.

"Eat quickly, eat quickly. You haven't eaten for three days, you must be starving." Yang Caidie's pretty face was filled with worry.

Gu Mingyue's big eyes blinked and blinked. Although she didn't speak, her meaning was similar to Yang Caidie's. Seeing that Yang Chen had been cultivating in the house for three consecutive days, staying at home, she was worried and panicked. . You know, Yang Chen has never been so diligent before.

Yang Chen looked at the stewed goose in front of him, then glanced at Yang Caidie and Gu Mingyue, and a stream of bitterness flowed into his heart like fine water, causing him to sigh softly.

Looking at what he looks like, can you look at Yang Caidie again? Her elder sister's skirt was dirty, and she didn't know who she was fighting with, and the corner of her clothes was ripped. As for Gu Mingyue, since he knew each other, he rarely changed his clothes.

Yang Chen has met many women in his previous life, and it is nature that women love beauty. What woman doesn't like to dress up beautifully? But what about Yang Caidie and Gu Mingyue? Don't they both love beauty? No, they kept better conditions for themselves. He dressed handsomely and handsomely, but he suffered these two people.

Observing these details, Yang Chen clenched his fist and made up his mind. If the woman around him can't make her live a good life, what's the point of his Yang Chen being reborn here and not being reborn?

Yang Chen already had an idea when he thought about it.

At this moment, Yang Caidie said cautiously, "Chen, elder sister has something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Yang Chen is quite curious.

"Well, stop cultivating martial arts, okay? After three days of seclusion, your complexion is not the same as before." Yang Caidie said in a distressed tone.

This made Yang Chen sigh lightly: "elder sister, you always persuade me not to let me set foot in Martial Arts, but these hardships, didn't you come one step at a time?"


Yang Caidie shook her head like a rattle, earnest and well-meant advised: "Baby, we are not even the same in nature, you elder sister, I started practicing since I was a child, but the truth is, To practice martial arts , you must start to hone the foundation when you are young. You are already at this age. If you practice again, it will be difficult to catch up with the pace of the same period."

Yang Chen laughed dumbly. : "elder sister, that's not necessarily!"

"What's not necessarily?" Yang Caidie blinked.

"Actually, in the past three days, I have secluded cultivation, and I did not gain anything." Yang Chen said with a smile.

Although Yang Caidie is stubborn, she is not stupid. As soon as she understood, she opened her mouth and said, "Three days, can you produce anything from cultivation?"

You know, Xi Martial It is very important for an artist to lay a foundation. Often many four or five-year-old children start to lay the foundation and hone Martial Arts from a young age. They can only enter the Body Refinement Realm First Layer at the age of seven or eight. If they can reach the Body Refinement Realm Second Layer, that is Genius.

The more you go, the more difficult it is. Generally, reaching the Body Refinement Realm Ninth Layer or the Body Refinement Realm Peak requires a forty-fifty age. As for the breakthrough Body Refinement Realm reaching the Spirit Martial Realm, it depends to a large extent on chance. In fact, there are not many Spirit Martial Realm in the Yang Family, which shows that the comprehension is rare.

Although the Body Refinement Realm is not as rare as the Spirit Martial Realm, it must have been established since childhood, and it can only come one step at a time. Yang Caidie really didn't know what her younger brother could achieve in the past three days.

Yang Chen smiled calmly and calmly: "elder sister, Mingyue, you two come with me to the yard."

Speaking, Yang Chen laughed loudly and stepped Come to the yard

This yard is filled with stones of different weights. These stones are referred to as 'practice stones' by Martial Artists, and are often used to practice qigong. Another function is to test the strength of a Body Refinement Realm. If someone can lift a 300-pound boulder, it means that he has entered the Body Refinement Realm First Layer Peak, which is not far from the Second Layer.

The 'adult club' of the Yang Family also relies on 'practice stones' to test the current strength and achievements of these youngsters in the family. A genius like Yang Heng will probably test every day.

As a female genius of Yang Family, Yang Caidie will naturally have these in the hospital.

50 catties of stones to 1,500 catties of boulders are available in the yard.

Yang Chen is standing in the yard with his hands on his back at the moment: "elder sister, I will use this practitioner to test my current strength, you two can just watch."

Yang Caidie said worriedly: "Bao, don't be too far-fetched, start with the 50-pound one! Cultivating martial arts has to be done step by step…" A bunch of words, but Yang Chen seemed to have not heard a word, and walked forward from the 50-pound boulder, and then. One hundred catties, one hundred fifty catties, two hundred catties…

"Little…Miss, Young Master he." Gu Mingyue couldn't stand in a hurry.

Yang Caidie was dumbfounded, she didn't know what Yang Chen was going to do. In fact, Yang Chen can lift a 50-pound boulder, and she can definitely jump up in surprise, because at least it means that her younger brother is a genius. In just three days, it is already about to enter the Body Refinement Realm First Layer.

However, my younger brother didn't even look at the fifty pounds.

What is this situation?

Yang Chen, on the other hand, stopped beside a 500-pound boulder all the time.

He wasn't gearing up like others, he just clapped his palm, hugged the boulder, and then shouted loudly: "Get up!"

In an instant, the five-hundred-pound boulder As if it was no longer 500 pounds, Yang Chen raised it above his head in a daze, and placed it high.

Next moment, Yang Chen threw the boulder on the ground with a bang.

500 jins, successfully lifted.

This made Gu Mingyue's eyes opened wide, her mouth slightly opened, and she said seductively, "Little…Miss, did you accidentally put 50 catties and 500 catties in the Wrong place?"

"No, it's not wrong…" Yang Caidie confirmed this time that she really did not put it in the wrong place, because the movement of the boulder thrown on the ground was not 50 pounds. Stone can do it.

She was no less surprised than Gu Mingyue. At this moment, she had ups and downs on her chest, and the pair of proud twin peaks evoked many thoughts.

Gu Mingyue said not knowing what to do: "Then Young Master, how did Young Master do it?" , after a while, he gulped down a mouthful of saliva: "My younger brother…should be a genius!"