

Yang Chen, the supreme alchemy genius of a generation, was betrayed and killed by the woman he was closest to because he could not practice martial arts, and was reincarnated in the body of a waste boy who was bullied. From then on, began a period of enchanting life that shocked the world. The strongest and purest elixir, cultivating genius? No one in this world knows what a genius is better than Yang Chen. He couldn’t practice martial arts in the previous life, what he wants to do in this life is the All Heavens Martial Venerable who turns his hands for the clouds and covers his hands for the rain! Those who insult me, those who betray me, kill without mercy!

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26 Chs

chapter 12

Chapter 12

As soon as it came, Yang Chen put down his anxiety and followed the two Li Family Old Seniors into the guest room inside the Li Family Chamber of Commerce.

The two elders of the Li Family, when they saw Yang Chen's speech and conversation, were so generous, their eyes showed appreciation without any shyness. They saw from this youngster, what the proud and arrogant youngsters of their Li Family did not have.

The two sides each had their own thoughts, and soon, they sat down.

"Young friend Yang Chen, sit down." Li Youyan said with a smile.

Yang Chen spoke calmly: "The two seniors can take their seats. Yang Chen, as a Junior, would dare to sit on an equal footing with the two elders."

Martial Arts world, respect powerhouse is more orderly. This is a rule, and Li also said that the two of them, whether in age or strength, are stronger and older than his previous life and this life. He still has to talk about this rule. Otherwise, it will inevitably be looked down upon.

Li Youyan saw that Yang Chen knew the whole thing so well, and said with a big smile: "Okay, little friend Yang Chen, the old man is liking you more and more. Listening to those wind and snow dances The suitor of the old man said that you used to be a coward, but the old man didn't see where you were."

You know, a young man who can face his aura is still so indifferent, but Very few. In addition, Yang Chen is not arrogant at all, and has a respectful attitude towards his elders, which is even more useful.

It's a pity, it's a pity that this child is not a child of his Li Family.

"Senior, everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Junior did make mistakes back then, but Junior thought, temporary success or failure can't be my Heart Demon." Yang Chen handed over and preached.

"Well, it seems that the person you lost to Wang Family is the real one, but you're right, the momentary success or failure is nothing." Li Youyan stroked his beard without concealing the admiration in his eyes. color.

This made Yang Chen sighed in relief. It seems that the two have no ill will towards them, and indeed they are. These two people have nothing to do, what are they doing to trouble themselves?

Li Youyan quickly and straightforwardly said: "I heard that Yang Chen wants to do business with me in Chamber of Commerce. The old man is very curious, what business does the little friend want to do with our Chamber of Commerce. Yes?"

Yang Chen slightly startled, laughing dumbly, he really has the intention to do business with this Li Family Chamber of Commerce. But they didn't report much hope, just didn't expect these two people to take it seriously.

Thinking in his mind, Yang Chen couldn't help but say: "The two seniors, it's not too late to talk about this business later, the two seniors should first talk about what they are looking for with Junior today. So as not to panic in Junior's heart."

"Haha, you kid." Li Youyan said amiably: "As elders, we will not bully you, since you have spoken. Then I will directly to Let's go to the point. Young friend Yang Chen just expressed it outside, in fact, we two Old Guys are looking at it, Young friend Yang Chen, is it a medicine doctor?"

Yang Chen heard this, in his heart A moment, suddenly realized.

It seems that his identity as a medicine practitioner has been exposed. At least the two elders of the Li Family are in the Li Family Chamber of Commerce, and just saw their masterpiece today.

It's not surprising that these two people can urgently 'invite' them in. After all, the identity of the alchemist is too appalling. You must know that in the outside world, the medicine pill is also rarely seen.

"The three spiritual medicines I prescribed might be the practice of a blind cat hitting a mouse? How can the two seniors be sure that I am the medicine doctor?" Yang Chen said curiously: "After all, the entire wasteland There is not a single medicine practitioner in the clan."

The two elders of the Li Family looked at each other in blank dismay, and then Li Youyan said: "Frankly, the two of us are also holding Doubtful attitude. However, there are no absolutes in everything. In case, Yang Chen is really a medicine doctor? Now, we invite Yang Chen to come here, and we also want to ask Yang Chen's answer."

Yang Chen burst into laughter in his heart.

If you say that you are not a medicine doctor, then Feng Xuuewu's mother is fine, didn't you shoot yourself in the foot?

Simply, he didn't lie, and said straightforwardly: "The junior has a chance, I told the two seniors today, and I hope the two seniors must help the junior to conceal this. In fact, Junior looking for two seniors to do business is also related to Junior's status as a medicine doctor."

"Oh? So, Yang Chen has admitted that he is a medicine doctor?"

Yang Chen touched his chin and said indifferently: "That's true. A year ago, Junior got a dilapidated book. This is the record of the method of alchemy. I think it must be a senior of Alchemy who left something in the wilderness. Junior got it by chance. After returning to comprehend, he was really fascinated by the way of Alchemy. It was just this year that Junior Dao of Alchemy was completely abandoned. It's just that there is a tragic loss in a gambling fight with the Wang Family !"

This statement, Yang Chen naturally made up after thinking about it.

A statement like this is so persuasive that it's hard to suspect anything.

Moreover, as soon as he revealed his identity as a medicine practitioner, Yang Chen's dialogue with these two people also gained momentum. After all, in the eyes of these two people, they are the Yang Family's medicine doctor, that is, the Yang Family's baby. If you dare to touch yourself, how could the Yang Family not fight with their Li Family?

How could they know that the Yang Family didn't know that they were pregnant with the Tao of Medicine.

"Oh? It's true, there is such a good thing?" Li Youyan turned pale in fright.

A method of getting started with medicine pills, this is a major event for the hundreds of tribes in the Great Wilderness.

Yang Chen was shocked when he saw Li Youyan, and hurriedly said: "Today I came to the Li Family Chamber of Commerce, and I actually want to do business. It is related to this method of getting started with medicine."

When Li Youyan heard this, he could not wait to grab Yang Chen's hands. The surprise that Yang Chen gave him was overwhelmed by one wave. The way to get started with medicine? That is a priceless treasure for a remote place like the Great Wilderness Hundred Clan, where there is no alchemy medicine.

And Yang Chen is willing to use this thing to do business with them?

Li Youyan resisted being too excited, but the companion beside him was obviously not cultivating enough. The light in his eyes showed his desire to get started with medicine. .

Yang Chen was happy, and he also guessed the two people's desire for this medicine. And the fact is that he really has the intention to use the method of getting started with medicine pills to exchange some resources he wants. After all, medicine pills are everywhere to cure diseases and save lives. There are no medicine pills in the Great Wilderness Hundred Clan. His approach can be considered a good thing for the Great Wilderness Clan.

Of course, it is difficult to learn the Tao of Medicine Medicine, and he dares to sell it, but if he really wants to learn the Tao of Medicine Medicine, he will never get started in ten or eight years.

"Young friend Yang Chen, are you sincere?" Li Youyan was shocked: "If little friend Yang Chen is really willing to share this medicine with our Li Family, then the Li Family Chamber Of Commerce will definitely be grateful, Spirit Stone and other Heaven and Earth Treasure, our Yang Family will not be stingy."

Yang Chen was waiting for Li Youyan's words, he said: "Senior Li has these words, I'm relieved."

"Then I don't know how to get started with medicine pills…" Li Youyan became hesitant to speak and then stopped.

Yang Chen carefreely smiled, and then said: "This method of getting started with medicine medicine is quite obscure. After Junior learned it, he was instructed by the elders in the family to incinerate it, so this method of getting started with medicine medicine is very easy to learn in Junior. It is recorded in my mind. If the two seniors want it, they will prepare an empty white jade Jane, and let me help the two seniors record."

Li Youyan didn't dare to be vague on this matter, and hurriedly found out An empty white jade Jane was handed to Yang Chen.

Yang Chen took the jade slip, took out a brush with him, and wrote on the jade slip.

The way to get started with medicine pills is naturally made up by him.

He really wants to sell this method of medicine medicine, of course, from his experience in medicine medicine. His wealth of knowledge is more valuable than any medicine method in the world!

With his experience in medicine pills, is it not a matter with no difficulty to fool these people from the Great Wilderness?

Yang Chen wrote it casually, with dozens of large characters, which contains some basic knowledge of medicine medicine. These things are not comprehensive, but they are not completely useless. At least, it is indeed feasible to let the people of the Li Family know some basics of medicine medicine. But if you want to learn the way of medicine from medicine, every ten or eight years is very difficult.

This is not because Yang Chen is stingy. His experience in medicine medicine can indeed lead people into the way of medicine medicine, but if he wants to learn medicine medicine, how can he learn medicine without innate talent? Even if there are not many alchemy doctors in the whole Beishan County, it is not the reason why there is no alchemy medicine to learn, but it is related to innate talent.

In this world, pill concocting is eager to learn, but medicinal medicine is as heavenly ascension.

"Two seniors, please take a look!" Yang Chen said calmly.

Li Youyan couldn't wait to grab the jade slip, his eyes gradually lighted up, and it can be said that he was very happy with what Yang Chen described.

"The old man has been out of the wild, and he has seen a medicine doctor treat a disease, and I was fortunate to hear him talk about some medicine basics, but it is almost the same as what Yang Chen said. didn't ' t expect Yang Chen Xiaoyou actually has the innate talent of alchemy medicine, and in just one year, he has reached the point where he can cure diseases and save people, which is really rare." Li Youyan couldn't hide the shock in his eyes.

He knew that he had to befriend Yang Chen.

The way of this medicine is precious, but no matter how precious it is, it is nothing but a ready-made medicine.

With his rich experience, he is very clear that it is very difficult to learn this medicine.

Those who can learn the Tao of Medicine and Medicine can no longer simply use 'genius' to describe each other.