

Yang Chen, the supreme alchemy genius of a generation, was betrayed and killed by the woman he was closest to because he could not practice martial arts, and was reincarnated in the body of a waste boy who was bullied. From then on, began a period of enchanting life that shocked the world. The strongest and purest elixir, cultivating genius? No one in this world knows what a genius is better than Yang Chen. He couldn’t practice martial arts in the previous life, what he wants to do in this life is the All Heavens Martial Venerable who turns his hands for the clouds and covers his hands for the rain! Those who insult me, those who betray me, kill without mercy!

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26 Chs

chapter 10

Chapter 10

The Jade Man Syndrome is not a big problem for Yang Chen, but he still hasn't said that.

Even so, that shopkeeper Zhao Xiaowen was completely anxious.

What is this?

He went to curry favor with this Feng Xuewu and belittled Yang Chen, in order to get involved with Feng Xuewu. Who is Feng Xuewu? Feng Family's outstanding genius, one of the three golden hairpins, and the future senior executives of Feng Family, if he can lead a line with Feng Xuewu, then for him, a trifling Chamber of Commerce shopkeeper, it is naturally enough to achieve success.

As the shopkeeper of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce, he is a shopkeeper in a good way, a watchdog in a bad way.

In the end, who knew that he provoked Yang Chen, but in the end, he didn't get on the line with Feng Xuewu, but this Yang Chen, who was degraded to nothing by himself, got on the line with Feng Xuewu.

This made Zhao Xiaowen anxious, and hurriedly shouted: "Miss Feng, you must not believe what Yang Chen said, this Yang Chen is one of the famous jerks, idle and playful all day long. In life, if you believe him, you will definitely regret it."

Feng Xuewu originally thought that Zhao Xiaowen was persuading herself, but when she heard the word 'regret', Feng Xuewu Wu suddenly became angry.

The beauty was furious, but she really had a different charm. Feng Xuewu said in a cold voice: "Shopkeeper Zhao, I am Feng Xuewu doing things, whether it is right or wrong, I have my own judgment. It is not Shopkeeper's turn . Zhao's interjection, please also ask the shopkeeper Zhao to respect himself!"

Feng Xuewu's remarks made those suitors behind them want to interject, but seeing Feng Xuewu's heart is so hard. After Yang Chen thought of helping, he stopped thinking about it.

They looked at Yang Chen with cold eyes one by one, and they didn't know how Yang Chen was confused about the symptoms of Feng Xuewu's mother's disease just now, and won Feng Xuewu's trust.

The current Feng Xuewu has completely listened to Yang Chen's words.

"Damn, it's too nasty." Zhao Xiaowen was reprimanded and was angry.

Isn't he shooting himself in the foot?

Feng Xuewu didn't please and offended Yang Chen.

Fortunately, Yang Chen is not a big role after all, and if he offends him, he will be offended, but he can handle it.

At the same time, Feng Xuuewu hurriedly led Yang Chen outside the Chamber of Commerce.

It turned out that Feng Xuewu's mother was resting in the carriage outside the Chamber of Commerce, and Feng Xuewu rode the carriage all over the city to help her mother find flamingo fruit, in order to help him mother solves chronic ailments.

When he saw this, Yang Chen appreciated Feng Xuewu a little more. After all, a person with filial piety can never be bad no matter how bad he is.

"mother!" Feng Xuewu came to the carriage, and when she saw the complexion pale middle-aged woman, her face showed a sad expression.

Yang Chen followed Feng Xuewu and naturally saw the appearance of this middle-aged woman. When he saw the middle-aged woman clearly at this moment, he also confirmed his thoughts. This Feng Xuewu's mother was indeed suffering from the 'Jade Man Syndrome' as he had expected, and it was already terminally ill.

"Xue Wu, this is…" Feng Xue Wu's mother said gently and kindly.

Yang Chen said with a slight smile: "Auntie try not to open her mouth to speak now, Miss Feng, you come out with me."

Although I only glanced at it, I understand Feng Xue Mai mother's illness was enough for him.

"Yes." Feng Xuuewu heard Yang Chen's words, and hurriedly went out with Yang Chen for the carriage.

"Xue Wu, how is Auntie?"

"Yes, how is Aunt's condition?"

The suitors behind this Feng Xuewu are one by one Preaching diligently, for fear that whoever is late will be questioned by Feng Xuewu.

Where does Feng Xuewu have time to pay attention to them now, a pair of big crystal clear eyes are placed on Yang Chen, and she can't wait to ask: "Yang Chen younger brother, my mother's condition…"

"I didn't dare to say in the carriage just now, frankly, my mother's condition is not serious, and it only takes a few minutes to solve it, but the key reason is the red fruit!" Yang Chen was extremely dissatisfied. Yue said: "Although I don't know why Miss Feng asked my mother to take fiery red fruit to solve the problem of jade man's disease. But I guess, most of them are abusing Dao of Five Elements and consciously make Tang jade man's disease a cold syndrome. It is necessary to use fiery red fruit, the real yang energy of Yang Fruit, to wash away the cold symptoms. But in fact, Lingtang is a woman. Moreover, Lingtang has not set foot in Martial Arts, and his body is weak. He is impacted by the two forces of Yang and Cold. , with his body, how can he bear it?"

When Yang Chen said these words, one of the handsome pampered young masters among Feng Xuuewu's suitors was not happy.

He was the Wang Family suitor who ridiculed Yang Chen the most, named Wang Yunkai. After hearing Yang Chen's words, his face suddenly became ugly. Because, it was he who proposed the method of flamingo red fruit to wash away the cold symptoms. He learned the principle of Five Elements from the book of pill concocting, and he thinks that he is smart and thinks that medicine is the same.

But how could he know that the medical method is hundreds of times more difficult than Dao of Alchemy. In fact, a simple Five Elements can be summed up?

It's just that he admits that it's his own fault, isn't that the same as slapping himself in the face?

Wang Yunkai shouted: "Yang Chen, you are full of nonsense, how long do you want to fool around?"

Feng Xuewu listened to Yang Chen's words, she was not angry with Wang Yunkai at first In the first place, she actually hated that there were so many attentive people behind her, but she really needed more people to give advice to save her mother. This is why I can't bring a group of suitors, I hope there will be a little turnaround.

However, she didn't know that her choice was almost harming her own mother. What's the use of bringing a group of mob?

Hearing Wang Yunkai's words at this moment, Feng Xuewu said angrily: "Wang Yunkai, my mother is still resting in the car, are you making such a loud noise to scare my mother?"


"I…" Wang Yun's face turned red with anger, and finally he could only stare at Yang Chen coldly.

Yang Chen didn't take Wang Yunkai's anger seriously at all, he said directly: "Now Lingtang takes too much fiery red fruit, and the muscles and veins in the body are seriously damaged. The jade person syndrome is also terminally ill. It's already impossible to use ordinary solutions! At least Miss Feng can see that Lingtang is now weak, and since taking the fiery red fruit, his body and bones are getting worse day by day."

"This… Yang Chen younger brother is right. It's just my mother." Feng Xuewu finally bowed her head and said sincerely: "What good plan does Yang Chen younger brother have? If it can solve my mother's stubborn ailment, it should be the right thing to do. The elder sister owes the younger brother a favor."

The Young Master Junjie on the side was extremely angry, gnashing teeth in his heart, the favor of Feng Xuewu, how many people can't get it in their dreams. This favor can be said to be the best way to approach Feng Xuewu.

Now they just want Yang Chen to show his fox tail quickly, when the time comes he looks good.

Yang Chen fell into deep thought when he saw Feng Xuewu in such a hurry.

To be honest, Feng Xuewu's mother's condition was not difficult for him to solve. It can even be said that with no difficulty, even if Feng Xuewu's mother is now terminally ill, it is still fine for him. It's just that at such a young age, Feng Xuuewu's mother's illness has been resolved, and it's really amazing to say it.

But after thinking about it, and seeing Feng Xuewu's urgent filial piety, Yang Chen sighed and said, "Miss Feng, it's not difficult to solve this 'jade person syndrome'. It takes three spiritual Medicine. The key is to use the right medicine . These three spiritual medicines are called honey flower, money grass, such as cloud fruit. If Miss Feng can gather these three spiritual medicines, boil them into soup for Lingtang to drink. In half a month, Lingtang's illness will naturally recover completely."

"Yang Chen, which of the three spiritual medicines you mentioned is not a precious medicinal ingredient and is difficult to find? Did you deliberately make Xue Wu embarrassed to find it? Don't use spiritual medicine, so you can shirk your responsibility." Wang Yunkai shouted.

Yang Chen's face gradually became ugly when he heard this: "Miss Feng, I just want to say one thing, I will help you, and I never did anything to you. On the contrary, today I can pretend I don't know this . Why do you have to go through this muddy water? But I still look at your filial face and help you, but I don't want me to help Lingtang and have to look at other people's faces. Because you know, I don' t have to. Help!"

Yang Chen's remarks undoubtedly made these pampered young masters behind Feng Xuuewu extremely angry, what does Yang Chen mean? This is clearly referring to Sang scolding Huai.

A trash who was notorious some time ago, dare to do this to them?

Which of them is not the genius character of their patriarch?

Wang Yunkai said angrily, "Yang Chen, let me ask you a question, if Feng Xuewu mother took the soup made from these three spiritual medicines and her condition did not improve, what would you do?"

"Does this make me share the responsibility?" Yang Chen was happy: "Miss Feng, I don't know if the words of this Wang Family person can represent your words, but I help you, not He. If possible, please shut him up. If he can represent you, then very good, Miss Feng, you can pretend that I didn't say those words just now. Lingtang's condition, please be brilliant."

Just kidding, when did he suffer from such stuffiness when he was practicing medicine? Even if those great characters invite him to ****, which one is not well-behaved?

Feng Xuuewu also became furious at this time.

This is her business, but these admirers behind him are targeting this Yang Chen in every possible way. Don't they take her seriously?

Fengxuewuqi's face was warm and red, and angrily shouted: "Wang Yunkai, right or wrong, I have my own choice, and my mother's affairs, I will handle it myself. If you still interrupt here, Talking sarcastically, I will explain it to my father. When the time comes, if something went wrong with my mother, I believe my father will go to Wang Family in person."

Hearing this, Wang Yunkai's whole body was covered. With a shudder, Feng Xuewu's father, that is a well-known signboard, with such strength, his parents would not dare to provoke him, how could he dare to make trouble?

Feng Xuuewu was already threatening him by saying so.

Thinking of this, Wang Yunkai can only hate Yang Chen with a pair of sinister eyes, apparently thinking that the initiator of all this is Yang Chen.

Feng Xuewu's pretty face was full of worry, she looked at Yang Chen with a bit of hesitation, and the meaning of her charming face was too obvious.

Yang Chen is also a character who has lived ten-twenty years, how could he not see Feng Xuewu's anxiety, he said in a stern tone: "Miss Feng, I know you can't believe me. I don't care. I can guarantee that, if the soup made from these three spiritual medicines really doesn't work at all, I welcome Miss Feng to come to Yang Family to ask me for guilt at any time."