
The supreme (English version).

Daoistwo3aK4 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 08.

Matt on:

As soon as I woke up in the room where my little girl was, I immediately looked at the bed and realized she was not there, I went to the bathroom and looked for her all over the hospital, but I didn't find her, the doctor said I didn't see her and reception staff said they saw her go out and walk straight into the forest, I looked everywhere in that forest and I didn't find her, frustrated I turned and let out a desperate howl in the middle of the forest because I needed to find her, my wolf was desperate and he felt the pain of loss.

Scott - We need her, she can die without her now that we find her and we've already connected even though she's not very strong yet, you know that by letting go of this dominance she can die as soon as she finds it and already wants to lose an idiot? - Alert me concerned with the strength of my howl.

- I know scott, but we have no other choice I didn't find her we look everywhere and I can't think if someone caught her after she left the news runs fast by now everyone knows I found my mate, I don't know if she's well, i'm worried about her.

After saying what he felt Scott was silent, because he shared that same feeling inside him, the days went by and my despair only increased with my dominance over the whole city that got far, I was two weeks old and I felt weak using so much not to mention that I can't eat properly with the sleep that doesn't come every night, I haven't found her yet and my wolf is so sad that he doesn't talk to me for a while I think that about 5 days, I don't know what I am anymore or do so much to find - as well as to comfort my friend, I try to occupy my head with work not to think about it but I can't help it because it comes stronger and stronger in my head with probabilities of what may have happened to her, the worst of them is that she died.

The day started to suck as I couldn't sleep at all and went to the office leaving there only when I realized it was already dawn, I went to the company, but I had nothing to do because trying to find something that I didn't remember, I finished until next year's projects, so I leaned back in my chair looking up at the ceiling when I heard my door being opened violently and a woman of apparently 19 years old appeared with my secretary clinging to her arm, since Angel since she learned that her sister was gone isn't eating and is not feeling well so replace her for a while until she can go back to work, I watched those two in anger.

- What's going on here? - I question my secretary.

Xxx - You shut up and sit down now, and you. - Says pointing to Cloe my secretary who is holding his arm. - Let go of my arm, turn around and go to your table before I rip your head off like it's Styrofoam. - She continued clinging to her staring wide-eyed at that woman looking very irritated. - SAAII !! - He shouted at her who left her in fear and very scared left, and she looked at me with palpable anger.

I sat down and pointed to a chair in front of my table and she came over, but she didn't sit as she had indicated and I could smell her perceiving she was a wolf.

- How brave to come to see the Supreme that way. - I speak looking her in the eyes and her anger increases.

Xxx - I didn't find any other way to see idiots, first that I wouldn't have to spend my time with you if I weren't so dominant throughout this city. - He took a deep breath - I came to ask to stop it and it's better to enjoy it while I'm being polite. - Said looking with pain in his eyes.

- I could even if I wanted to, but I haven't found my mate yet and ... - she interrupted me.

Xxx - I am not even paying attention to your greedy will and your tireless search to find anyone, why not gather your dogs that are not few and go look for her? Has it ever crossed your mind that you're hurting other people? - Clap your hands on my table and I watch your eyes go dark and all the leaves on the table start to fly.

- Calm down first - I ask getting up from the chair and placing my hands on the table watching her close her eyes breathing deeply until the wind stops. - Now tell me what happened. - I ask again seeing you calmer.

xxx - Since we heard your howling it all started and this dominance was the main pillar for me to be here for someone else, my friend has been in a lot of pain and it was only getting worse I would come here earlier, but when I went to get my keys at side of your bed. - Speak with your eyes still closed and I see tears come out of your eyes falling on my table. - She took my arm and looked at me trying to stop me from coming to you, but then she passed out from the pain. - He opened his eyes and looked at me with red eyes from the trapped crying. - Her pulse and her beats are weak, please end this dominance I cannot let her die she is the only family I have left. - Says begging for help.

- It's all right. - I said then turning into a wolf watching her bend over me and howling as loudly as I can this time, I quickly return to my form because Scott doesn't want to be exposed and I see her smile. - Come on I help your friend, after all because of me she passed out. - I say and see her nod still crying. - I will only stop by a friend's house to help us if I need to. - I mean referring to Angel who is also a witch.

Xxx - Okay, by the way my name is Ana and I moved out a little while ago. - She introduces herself and leaves my room and follows her, leaving there I see Cloe looking at her with a frown and she looks back. - Are you hungry dear? Did you eat something that you didn't like? Or did you want someone to please you? - Talk with a little smile for her - I'm sorry dear for ruining your plans, but see the positive side. - Get close to her. - You're still breathing, thank the heavens for that. - Say and leave.

- Cloe I won't come back today, when you finish your schedule you can leave. - I say going after Ana, without waiting for her to answer, her voice irritates me.

Ana got in her car, because she said she would follow me on the way to Angel's house, I drove with her behind me, the way was calm since there was not so much traffic at that time and when I got to Angel's house I saw Ana leaving the car and stopping behind me, when I rang the bell I saw Henry open the door with a confused look seeing a woman with me.

- She is there? - I ask looking at my brother.

Henry - yes, come in and wait a minute. - Said and we entered while he went to get Angel, she goes down and as soon as she sees Ana she opens her eyes wide as well as Ana and runs to hug her.

Angel - Ana how nice to see you, what are you doing here? Do you know about Andréia? When did it arrive? Where do you live? - Shoot to ask everything at once and I am curious, because I did not know that Ana knew my companion, Angel watches me and seeing my face of doubt she of continuity. - Ana has been friends with Andréia since she was 3 years old, they have always been inseparable. - Conclude and I see Henry next to Angel with the same face I did, she said that and I looked at Ana who had a smile on her face and a hope appeared in my chest to find my little one.

Ana - Calm down, I'll answer each question, I live here for almost two and a half weeks, I arrived a day before her family, I live in the middle of the forest and in relation to Andréia she would come to live with me as soon as she came here because of from her parents, but she took a while and didn't show up until the next day at my door, I thought she knew or that she had told you. - I widen my eyes staring at her like everyone else in the room. - Apparently I didn't know, she arrived and told me why it took so long we heard a howl since then she started to feel a lot of pain in her chest, after two weeks I couldn't stand to see her so she was pale and without strength and I came after the cause of all this. - He looks at me with a fatal look. - But before she passed out and her pulse became weak as well as her heartbeat and he offered me help after ending that dominance and almost ending her life. - End looking at Angel who looks at me angrily.

Angel - Matt my dear brother-in-law, come here. - Speak softly, I'm afraid I go to her and when I get close she hits me hard on the head. - You imbecile, you could have killed her if that happened to me, I don't care if you are a supreme idiot I would end up with you the same way I end up with cockroaches in my kitchen. - She threatens me and everyone laughs at her except me, girl with the heavy hand.

- Oh, you crazy one hurt, because you're hitting me. If I hadn't, you wouldn't know where she is. - I mean trying to defend myself.

Ana - And is it almost killing her that you want to find someone? Want to find what? A corpse? - I get another slap on the head only this time from Ana and oddly enough they have the same strength, in short it hurts the same way.

Angel - She would call me for sure, but I didn't have the strength to do it because of you and your dominance that was killing you little by little. She snarled at each word and tried to jump on top of me, but Henry held her as I quickly walked away from her. - Henry my love, let me go or you will never touch me again, you understand me? - Threaten and Henry releases her on the spot.

Henry - I just think that before you hit my brother again, we better go check on Andréia. - Says defending himself

Angel - It seems like a good idea. - She speaks and turns to me pointing her finger right in my face. - We will take care of her funeral later, if she is not well I suggest you start making your will. - Says and leaves in anger being accompanied by Ana.

Henry - This is my wife. - He says all proud.

- You're screwed. - I leave laughing at his face.

Henry came in the car with me while Angel went in the car with Ana since he refused to go with me we followed them on the way to Ana's house, we were in absolute silence since I was too agitated to find her who does not leave my thoughts. I notice their car stopping at a store and the two of them signaling for us to wait in the car.

After almost half an hour they leave with four bags and got in the car following the path, I realize that as soon as we entered the forest we stopped exactly in the center where there was a simple two-story house very beautiful, next to the house there was a lake shining with light from the sun, we go down and before we enter they give us a bag for each one.

- What's that bag for? - I ask looking inside it and seeing a beautiful yellow dress with lace with the naked back.

Angel - Today is Andréia's birthday, since she didn't know she is forgiven, she is turning 19 and her power will be released. - Say and I'm curious.

Henry - What power? - Ask me before.

Angel - Andréia is a witch just like me and she is the chosen and protected one of the phoenix, I hope she chooses to be a white witch and doesn't let the darkness dominate her. - she says and goes up worried.

We went up and when Ana opens the door of the room where she was, we were unable to enter, because there was a white barrier on the door, we watched her lying down with all white clothes on, she opens her eyes, and gets up facing the door and look in her eyes that are yellow as fire and I feel them calling me, I walk past them and I walk through that white barrier without any difficulty, I stand in front of her and she jumps out the window with me going to a garden, I look to the side and they are all there , suddenly a huge bird on fire appears from the sky and I lower my head to see the Phoenix, while Andréia looks directly at the bird that lands in front of us and lowers her head towards Andréia.

''What is happening?''