
The supreme (English version).

Daoistwo3aK4 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 03

Andréia on:

The next day I arranged everything at the bottom of the house, because our trip was postponed until next week and as today is Saturday, we would leave at the beginning of the week.

Today my parents left and Ana came to give me a news and obviously I'm going to put her to help me fix things, I hope the news is really good or she doesn't help me

Ana - Let me talk, then you tell me the rest of your dream. - Complains irritated that I interrupted her.

- Ok say. - I shut up raising my arms in surrender.

Ana - I AM GOING WITH YOU TO CALIFORNIA! - Shouts jumping on top of me and we almost fell together on the floor.

- OUR ... - I speak smiling - But where will you live? - I ask remembering that she lives alone after the death of her adoptive parents.

Ana - My mother left a house for me there, you know, inheritance. - Says lowering my gaze and the atmosphere gets heavy.

- Oh friend, it's okay, she would love to see you taking the attitude to go there, it will be good for you to be distracted. - I try to help her by raising her mood.

Ana - I also think it will be very good. - Agrees giving me a smile. - Now tell me how the dream was this time. - Reminds me.

- I was again in that lake and I lay down I was almost asleep, when suddenly the same wolf comes and lies around me, since compared to him I am very small, he sniffed me, licked my face and we slept like this, when I wake up I feel so happy, but I remember it was just a dream and a tightness in my chest invades me right away, you know? - I say putting my hand on my chest. - It was so beautiful and so romantic that I almost cried when I woke up in this house again.

Ana - Calm friend ... - Hold my hands. - I know that this dream is something very good that awaits you. - He says with his famous positive side (did you feel the irony?) And sits in front of me since he was standing watching me finish packing the last box in my parents' room.

- My mother said that I will die serving them, I don't know what awaits me and that it won't be long before I arrive, but if it depends on my parents nothing will happen. - I remember last week.

Ana - This is a lie, if I could have taken you out of here with divine help, but wait for us to go to California, you will live with me. - Affirms determined.

- You know it's not like that! - I look at her and smile slightly.

Ana - Now it is, and don't argue with me, you know that when I put something on my head, it is hardly ever taken off. - Faces me defiantly.

- Okay, what's the plan? - I ask curious finishing finishing everything in the house and going to pack my things.

Ana tells me how she will act. She was going to take my things home with hers, and when I get to the pack that is the supreme, I will distract my parents and go to her house.

It's insane? Lots of! But to get out of this slavery is worth the effort. There would be no problems with the distraction, Ana taught me to fight and defend myself since I couldn't take classes like this at school and I trained a lot.

Everything was ready, now I just have to wait for the longed-for day of my freedom.

* Author's note *

One more chapter for you, comment and give your opinion, it will help me a lot.

Beautiful kisses 😘