
The Supers

Schools have been closed and most of the families in town are traveling back to the village to spend the Christmas holidays with their loved ones. Junior, his mother and Wendy head back to Kisumu to their grandparents. Junior is so excited about this but Wendy isn't. She claims she has no friends there and that she hates the rural life. Elizabeth, Junior's mother has been away from home for over two years and is anxious about going back. One evening, Junior, his friend Felix and cousin Sam head out to play at a field called Alango, a place surrounded with bushes with only a single path leading to it. They get bored from playing soccer and decide to play hide and seek. Sam and Junior get too deep into the forest where they find a tree with fruits. They eat it and that's where their lives take a turn. Strange things start happening to them, Junior can move faster than usual, fly and even move things with his mind. Sam is able to read people's minds and is incredibly strong. But with power comes power hungry people, and creatures. Can they stay alive, live like normal kids and save the Myozolans?

tontezh · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter Three

"Can somebody please turn off the lights! God, why is it so bright in here. And what is that beeping sound, mom? Can't I just sleep peacefully,please," I complained. The room I was in was all bright and I could sense movements all around me. There was one bright light right on top of my face, as I was lying with my front side facing upwards. I assumed it was our room at grandma's place. The place seemed busier than grandma's house. I tried getting our of bed but I could not. I could feel neither of my limbs no matter how much I struggled.

"Take it easy, it is alright," came a voice out of nowhere.

"Who is there and where is grandpa?"

"Relax," the voice replied, "it is going to be fine," and with that I had it whisper some things in a language I could not comprehend. Then all over sudden I was flipped to my side and some cold liquid injected in my spine.

"We shall talk when the twenty minutes are elapsed," and with that I fell in a deep slumber.

I then woke up, opened my eyes and tried moving my legs. I could feel them but I was strapped to the bed. I struggled to let myself loose but I could not so I just lay there. Then a short guy wearing a white robe that covered him to the tip of his toes and face covered in a

white mask walked in and unstrapped me then pointed towards the door as if telling me to head out. I hurriedly got off the bed but I could not stand up straight, my legs were too feeble to let me. I fell down but before I could hit the ground, a force from nowhere just lifted me up and there I was, floating in the air. "Wow, how is this possible," I yelled in my mind. I could not resist it. It took me to a door then dropped me down. The building seemed old but also kind of modern. The rooms were partitioned using clear glass, and even though I could not see clearly what was happening in the rooms because of the brightness in them, I could tell that they had expensive equipment in them. Immediately I hit the ground, the door opened and a force pulled me inside. I wondered if it was a dream, and if it were then it was a weird dream. A voice from the corner of the room then spoke to me. "Pardon the reception." Immediately I turned my face to see who was talking to me and my, this guy had longer ears than the normal ones. I couldn't see his face because he was busy looking for something in the cabinet facing the opposite direction.

"Junior, how are you? I know you have a lot of questions but I don't think I can answer all of them. I just want this to be done with and have you sent back to your home. Have a.."

"Wait," I interrupted him before he could continue any further. "Who are you people, what do you mean send me back home, and why are you short?"

He seemed to be offended by my question because the moment I mentioned short he immediately turned to face me, and Lord, I did not like the sight. He had two green eyes, no opening for a nose and a slight crevice in the lower part of the head for a mouth. Was I in hell?

"No, you are not in hell," he answered. "Look, you ate what you should have never eaten, it should have not been there in the first place. I am Koyala, the leader of this crew you see here. And yes, we are short. We come from a planet called Myozola and we are here on a mission." As if I pissed him off he shouted to some other white guy in a foreign language and immediately a flashing light was shone at me and with the words "go home" from him I passed out.

The noises around me could woke me up. I found myself lying at the side of the field. Sam and his friends were busy in the field playing. Wow, what a dream.My head was aching like crazy and my stomach was complaining as fuck. I just got up and headed straight home. I could not even remember when and how I got to that field. I just had the weirdest dream ever. When I got home, I met mom at the gate. She was heading to town to collect some mails from the post office. "Oh hey, how was the sleepover?" Confused, I just nodded and proceeded into the compound. Grandpa was busy tending to his cows, he particularly liked the black and white one. He named it after his late daughter, Judith. Grandma was in the chicken yard feeding the chicken. I just rushed straight into the kitchen to look for something to put in my belly. I was starving. There was a pot of food on the stove. I wanted to eat from the pot but I remembered grandma would kill me if she learnt that so I started looking for a plate. Sadly, the plates were all in the cabinet on the wall, somewhere too high for me to reach. I wanted to climb onto the sink to get to it but even so, I could barely reach it. I tried calling grandma but she would not respond so I just stood there looking at the plates in the cabinet through the glass door of the cabinet. I stared at it desperately and wished I had powers to just make them come to me. Then all over sudden the cabinet opened, and all the plates started coming out floating in the air coming towards my direction. I got frightened and started screaming. Suddenly they all fell to the ground and into small pieces, they broke. When grandmother got to me, I could see how scared and furious she was. Scared that I could have been hurt and furious that I broke her plates, the ones she specially kept aside for her visitors. "Oh no! look at what you have done. Are you okay?" was all she asked then told me to go outside when I nodded. Later that evening I was punished for breaking the plates. They accused me of climbing onto the sink and trying to get the plates out and no matter how much I tried to explain what had happened, nobody would listen to me. They said I should stop watching movies. "What if he got hurt?Children?!" That was grandma At least grandpa was the only one that seemed to not be shouting at me so I went and sat next to him till I fell asleep,after the whipping got its way on my back.