
The Supers

Schools have been closed and most of the families in town are traveling back to the village to spend the Christmas holidays with their loved ones. Junior, his mother and Wendy head back to Kisumu to their grandparents. Junior is so excited about this but Wendy isn't. She claims she has no friends there and that she hates the rural life. Elizabeth, Junior's mother has been away from home for over two years and is anxious about going back. One evening, Junior, his friend Felix and cousin Sam head out to play at a field called Alango, a place surrounded with bushes with only a single path leading to it. They get bored from playing soccer and decide to play hide and seek. Sam and Junior get too deep into the forest where they find a tree with fruits. They eat it and that's where their lives take a turn. Strange things start happening to them, Junior can move faster than usual, fly and even move things with his mind. Sam is able to read people's minds and is incredibly strong. But with power comes power hungry people, and creatures. Can they stay alive, live like normal kids and save the Myozolans?

tontezh · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter Six

I was worried. That day was the biggest day in the whole country and the world at large, yet there we were, lying on the soft beds while our parents were worried sick about us. Sam was already awake and with Koyala in his office discussing whatever it was they were discussing. I had gone to the room Maya was in to check on her. It is not everyday that you get to see who has been stabbed survive, far worse that was a sword. They said it was an alloy of some metals and steel. Steel was bad for their health as it poisoned their blood making it clot. The team doctors had worked tirelessly on her not to lose her. She was Koyala's favorite and everything had to be done to keep her alive for him. Koyala had watched the whole operation from scratch till it came to an end. He just stared into the room through the glass wall. He was afraid she would not make it. There was a point her heart stopped beating and he found himself clenching his fists almost about to strike the wall when she started breathing again.

The mission was a success but because Maya was hurt,no one dared celebrate. He would never allow it.

Sam was sent to my room immediately he had had finished with Koyala. He seemed happy, almost as if nothing had happen to him. I suspected that Koyala might have erased his memories but as always, he knew what I was thinking and was like, "Hell no. Why would you think of such a thing? I'm fine."

"Get out of my head you dumbass. Don't answer anything unless it comes from my mouth."

We both burst out laughing.

"Junior, it was really bad. I thought I was going to die. There were so many other creatures like him," pointing at Kran, "with chains around their necks and legs. They were made to work with whips raining on them like no man's business. The only break they had was once in a day, just for a meal. A meal that could barely fill my stomach. I thought I was dying. That mean doctor offered me food that I had never seen before, so I refused to eat it."

"Sam, the good news is that you are here and you are safe. I was worried about you. You know we should go home, our parents are getting worried about us."

"About that, I'm told they are making arrangements so we can leave anytime soon."

After about twenty minutes, Koyala walked in on us and told us that it was time to leave. I asked him about our safety and he assured us that they are always watching us, that we needed not to worry about that. We nodded and before he flashed a bright light on our faces, he said "we'll be in touch." then off we went.


Maya came along with us. We were back at the path path to Sam's home.

"So there is something else you haven't known. Four days have gone by here and your time here had to be compensated for. There are two of us there playing your roles. Wait for them to come out them you can go, but wait for my signal. We good?" That came from Maya.

"I don't understand,how do you mean playing our roles," Sam asked, rather confused.

"Don't worry, just a minute or two."

Just then, our lookalikes came running from my home toward the direction we were in. Cool, isn't it. Seeing you standing infront of you. When they reached where we were they transformed back into their original forms, the three eyed creatures. Just like that, they vanished.

"Cool, transmogrification!" Exclaimed Sam.

"What can't you people do?" I asked Maya but she never responded, she just vanished in the thin air.


"I told you you would not find it. Better luck next time,"came mom. We did not understand what she was saying. We just smiled and asked for food. God,I was so hungry. I had missed the sweet meet grandma always prepared on Saturdays. We got inside and after clearing our plates, Sam headed home. I wanted to see grandpa, I really missed that old man, and his cow too. So I went to the backyard and found him milking his cattle. He had someone to do the work but when it came to milking this particular cow, he wanted it done by himself.

I just went and stood next to him watching how milk was oozing out of the udders. Curiosity got the best of me and I started touching the cow. I think it noticed that the hands were not the owner's and so it kicked and down went the jug from grandpa's hands.

I stared at it as it neared the ground, I was so scared. I didn't want to make grandpa angry. I don't know what I did but the jug just hit the ground in an upright posture and nothing spilled out. Not even a drop of the milk. I was relieved. Not wanting to cause more chaos, I just headed in to the house to watch the tv. I missed the cartoons. Hotel Transylvania was my favorite. I found Wendy watching the soap operas and you know the rest.


"Well, today you are early, Mr Ronaldo. You didn't enjoy the game? Come on." Kevin always knew how to make Sam laugh even when he did not want to. Even though they fought most of the time, Sam loved his brother.

Sam's twin sister had passed away about a year ago and Kevin was the only sibling he had left.

"I'm just hungry, bro." Sam simply replied. He did not want to start reading his brothers thoughts again. He had a lot to think of.

"Go get seated. I'll be there in a minute."

The door to the house was shut. Sam just held the knob and gave it a slight pull. The door came with a force towards him and hit him hard. He was shocked. When he tried to let go of the knob, it was squeezed until it almost lost its shape.

"I can do that!" He whispered to himself.

The bang caught Kevin's attention and he came running to see what happened to his brother.

"Now what, did you have to do that?"

He tried explaining himself to the brother but he insisted that he must have hit the door knob with something. "Wait till dad finds out. You are in trouble, boy."

Musa loved Sam so much he would never hurt him. In fact he did not even punish him. He blamed it all on Kevin. Like, couldn't he just go get his brother food then continue with whatever he was doing?

The next day Sam came to place rather earlier than usual and I knew something was up. He was accompanied by Felix. I really missed that boy. He explained what had happened to him. He said he wanted to go talk to Koyala about it. "Junior, the door hit me and I felt absolutely nothing,"he exclaimed. Felix did not quite get what we were talking about, but I was sure Sam had told him everything even though it may all have seemed to him as scam. That was his confidant, what did I expect? I told him to relax. Christmas was just a day to go and I could not miss the enjoyment it brought with it. I could not let the Myozolans do the enjoyment for me, never.

I managed to convince him to stay calm and to my delight, it worked. He then left for home with his loyal friend.

Preparations for the D-Day were at its peak as we were getting ready to open the gifts and eat. Oh my, my favorite part was the latter. Moustafa had already slaughtered one cow for the day. Mom had also gone to town to buy some sodas and gifts for the day. Like really, how on earth could I trade that for a trip to The Rebel headquarters. Grandma on the other hand had refused to let her chicken be slaughtered so uncle Musa gave out twelve of his for the celebrations. It was indeed going to be a great family get-together.