
The Supers

Schools have been closed and most of the families in town are traveling back to the village to spend the Christmas holidays with their loved ones. Junior, his mother and Wendy head back to Kisumu to their grandparents. Junior is so excited about this but Wendy isn't. She claims she has no friends there and that she hates the rural life. Elizabeth, Junior's mother has been away from home for over two years and is anxious about going back. One evening, Junior, his friend Felix and cousin Sam head out to play at a field called Alango, a place surrounded with bushes with only a single path leading to it. They get bored from playing soccer and decide to play hide and seek. Sam and Junior get too deep into the forest where they find a tree with fruits. They eat it and that's where their lives take a turn. Strange things start happening to them, Junior can move faster than usual, fly and even move things with his mind. Sam is able to read people's minds and is incredibly strong. But with power comes power hungry people, and creatures. Can they stay alive, live like normal kids and save the Myozolans?

tontezh · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter Eight

I got home exhausted. The day was long. I was not even in the mood to talk to anybody. Our car got a puncture just when we were about to leave the supermarket. That was not even it all. We had looked for Wendy in the mall for over two hours. I insulted her when we found her taking pictures of herself at the topmost part of the building, and it resulted into a fight. It's normal for siblings to fight. I was not even in the mood for food. I just rushed to my bed and within no time, I was asleep.


Koyala's mind was not at peace. How could it possibly be that the Force still got access to that robot? How did they know that it was to be released that day? Something was not adding up. The only answer was that they were compromised. Some of them were working for the Force. "But who could it be?" He asked himself. It was either the information leaked from the technologists or one of the soldiers was selling information to the Force. The leak had to be blocked. He would find a way to do so. One single leak could lead the whole operation crumbling down. He wasn't ready for that. Not after what had happened.

Of all the people, he certainly knew Maya would never do such. She hated the Force with her life. He had had a broken rib the other time they had gone to rescue Sam but he never showed anyone. He didn't want anyone to feel sorry for him. He was the leader and he had to show strength.


I woke up from a nightmare in the middle of the night. I was all shaking. I was being chased after by two huge sea monsters. One had three eyes and four limbs. No matter how much I tried to run from him, I couldn't escape. I woke up when it almost caught me. I was not going to sleep again. I needed someone to talk to but I couldn't wake Wendy up. Not after what happened earlier. I wished Sam or Felix was around. The way Sam was controlling that boy often made me laugh. I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't catch any sleep. So I just sat in bed, idle. Since an idle mind is the devil's workshop, I thought of a plan. What if I tried making things float in the air like I did the other day.

I jumped out of bed and to the socket on the wall to switch off the light trying to look for something to work with. There were socks on the floor, I think they were Wendy's. I tried staring at them to see if they moved but nothing happened. I tried looking at them while squeezing my head from both sides but nothing happened again. I tried looking at them while whispering to them to move. "Silly me," I thought to myself, "talking to socks." I was almost giving up when Wendy started snoring and I got pissed off and the socks mysteriously moved from the floor towards her mouth. I was seated in my bed. As Wendy was struggling to get up I lay down in bed pretending to be fast asleep. She called out my name several times and I pretended not to hear her. " So I need to get angry for my psychokinesis to work," I thought to myself.

After hours and hours of struggling I finally fell asleep. It was just a few hours before the sun began sending its rays across the atmosphere. The sleep that comes after you wake up at night is the greatest enemy of progress I tell you. I was always the early riser in that house, after the crows of course, but that day I overslept. I didn't even hear my annoying sister wake up. The first thing I saw when I shot my eyes open almost freaked me out to death. Everything in the house was floating in the air, including the bed I was in. I was sure I wasn't doing it. If it was me then I didn't know how I was doing it. Immediately I heard a knock on the door. It was grandma.

"Junior, breakfast is ready. Get up before it gets too cold."

"I'll be down in a minute," I replied with a shaky voice. What if she opened the door and found everything as it was. How would I explain that? I know she would start praying that the house is tormented, you just know Catholics. By good luck she left. I didn't even know what to do. I tried hitting my head to make it stop but it just wouldn't. I jumped off the bed that was midway in the air and knelt down to pray. Grandma was back at the door and she was really pushing it inwards wanting to get inside. I didn't know what to do. My adrenaline had risen to the maximum. Confused, I just headed to the door. Maybe the room was tormented. Maybe grandma's prayers would help. The moment I opened the door everything fell back to the ground as if they all had a drop attack or the force of gravity in the room became stronger. Grandma heard the noises it made and started yelling at me for playing in the house. She said she wanted neither of her things destroyed.


Koyala was furious. He just didn't know what to do with him. How could he just betray his friends, everyone that put their trust in him.

"Why did you do it brother? We were not serving you well."

Kran had been sent to keep an eye on Sam. Maya didn't trust him, she said something about him was odd. She didn't know why but she felt it. So she had his suit bugged. She followed him to Sam's. He stayed there for a short while then teleported to Myozola, in the abandoned building. Maya followed him there. "I knew something was off with you," she whispered to herself. He was telling the soldiers about a mission. About where they would strike next.

Maya could just believe it. She teleported back to the headquarters as she waited for Koyala to come back. He had gone to Mikri, to attack a station there and release some hostages. The mission was a success but the number of soldiers was twice what they expected. Maya got him to teleport back to Myozola to break the news to him. He knew how he would react and the consequences. He had to be out in the open. When angry his eyes could release lasers that could kill anyone instantly or, he could release ultrasound sounds from his wails enough to destroy a whole camp of soldiers. Maya broke the news to him. He was furious; he yelled out till he brought down the whole building. Maya barely escaped uninjured.

"Where is he,"he asked, with rage full in his voice.

"Easen up fast, then we can go. Please."