
The SuperKids

Seven teens, different world, superpowers, and so many questions without answers. How will the teens deal with the new world after they are in a horrible plane crash? Will they ever be able to go home or are they stuck in this different place forever?

DerpyCharmader1 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Saving Matsuno

"Hold up, I am coming." Vincent said as he started running after me.

"I found him," I said pointing towards a white cheetah and then I turned to him and started to whisper, "It is fine Matsuno, everything will be fine, someone is coming to help." I started to get debris off of him.

"Okay, let's get this off of him," Vincent pointed to a big beam that was laying across Matsuno, "He will be able to crawl out after we get it off."

"Okay," I grabbed the beam with Vincent and tried to pull it off of Matsuno, but it was hard so I said, "We need more people to help us, can you go get the other people? THey might be enough to lift the beam." He nodded and ran off to get the others, then I looked at Matsuno, "It will be okay, he is getting more people to help." I started to pet the fur on his head, when Vincent came back with everyone, minus Daisy and one of the black haired guys.

"Okay, now we need for everyone to grab this beam and lift up and then Matsuno can crawl out."

"Sounds good." One of the other girls, her name was Helen, replied to Vincent. We finally managed to get the beam off of Matsuno and he crawled out from under it. Matsuno ran and pounced on me.

"Okay, Okay. Hello Matsuno, how are you?" He licked my face as I said that, "looks like you're fine."

"Let's get back to the other two and find out where we are," Vincent said as he turned to walk back to the hill.

"Wanna race Matsuno? I bet I can beat you." Matsuno started to run really fast, but I caught up to him in a heartbeat and we made it to the hill in just a few seconds.

"How did you get here so fast?" Daisy said in the snob-like voice that she always has.

"Magic, of course, what else could it be?" I said sarcastically, then I turned to the black haired dude, who's name is Ezra, "This is Matsuno, and my name is Nozomu."

"Hello Nozomu, Hello Matsuno."

"You said that you had a cheetah, not a snow leopard." Daisy chimed in.

"He is a Cheetah, he is just albino, that's all. He has a hard time seeing though."

"So he is a blind white cheetah? Great, just another burden on us." Daisy said under her breath.

"Okay, first off Matsuno is not a burden, and second off, he is hungry right now, so I wouldn't say anything to offend any of us." I said to Daisy.

"How did you hear me, I said that under my breath."