
The Super Sex System

The MC gets reincarnated in a fantasy world, with an awesome system which will get him all the women he wants. Everything is possible in the novel, the MC will have no restrictions at all. He will do as he pleases. As long as my fantasy stretches I'll try to write. If you have a suggestion or an improvement please let me hear 'm. The image isn't mine, so send me a message if you want it down.

Sweacer · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Nice time with cousins

It didn't take long for Alesia to take off all of her clothes. Angelica could only stare at this younger cousin of her's who happily took of her clothes very quick for a guy she had sex with the night before.

Angelica was really dazed for a bit and didn't really move. I'll just leave her to think for a bit and start off with Alesia. With Angelica's newfound perversity it probably won't take long for her pussy to get wet just by seeing my dick pounding another woman.

So I started to have some fun with Alesia's body. Her breasts are quite some sizes smaller than those of Angelica, but I still played with them. Alesia's dam had already opened as love juices started to come out of her pussy.

Having lot's of sex every night made her, just like any other women of mine, a pervert. I just continued fingering her pussy for a while before deciding to start fucking her.

I had her lay on her back with her legs spread wide open. Her pussy ready to receive my dick. I entered her pussy without a hitch. It's really nice, wet and tight, so pounding Alesia feels amazing.

My hands were pinching both of her nipples, which caused Alesia to receive even more pleasure. Moans were already coming out of her mouth like crazy. Her face filled with pleasure as she looked very hot.

On our side, Angelica was looking at Alesia with a surprised yet a bit jealous expression. She found it really weird that this normally very uptight and not a commoner loving cousin of her's was having such a face. A face filled with love and pleasure. She just knew that Alesia was feeling immense pleasure right now, pleasure she also started to crave for.

The night before had awakened the lust inside her body. She started to crave for my dick, wanting to have it pound her.

I could see the expression on Angelica's face, the expression of wanting to receive the dick. A funny idea popped into my head when I saw the longing face on Angelica's body.

"You want it as well don't you?"

Angelica didn't reply, but just shyly nodded her head. She was still a bit nervous because of Alesia.

"How about you kiss Alesia and make her cum. After giving her a good kiss I'll pound you as well."

"What? I can't we ar-." Before finishing her sentence Alesia intervened.

"Cousin just kiss me. I don't care. I know you want to have Drake's rod inside you as well."

Angelica was now even more confused. Alesia was even asking her to kiss her, just what happened to the girl she grew up with.

"Stop thinking so much and just do it. I guarantee you'll like it."

Angelica still doubted a bit but eventually moved in closer to Alesia. Both of their faces are now only centimeters apart. With Angelica still not sure of what she would do. I was still pounding hard on Alesia so her face was just filled with pleasure, while moans kept escaping out of her mouth.

But then suddenly Alesia grabbed Angelica's face, pulled it closer to her and began kissing her cousin. Angelica was really shocked that Alesia would take initiative like this, but didn't try and pull back. She just stayed in place allowing her cousin's tongue to roam inside her mouth.

As I saw the cousins starting up their kiss I slowed down the pace of fucking Alesia and moved one of my hands to Angelica's lower region, which was in range. I started fingering Angelica, which pleasured her greatly.

The kissing of Angelica and Alesia was a bit uneasy at first, as Angelica wasn't really able to know what to do in the situation. But once her pussy started to get a bit attention and pleasure started to take over her body, she slowly started kissing Alesia back.

At first, both of them just playing with each other's tongue slowly. But as a bit of time passed the tempo increased and both started exploring each other mouths more and more. They definitely put up a great show for me.

I don't know why, but if I witness an immoral act, for example, mother on daughter, it ignites the lust in my body allowing me to have way more pleasure. Both giving it and receiving it.

So seeing these cousins making out fired me up and my dick increased a bit in size as I started pounding Alesia harder. The tempo of my fingers ravaging Angelica increased as well. Both women were still kissing each other, but it was getting harder for both of them as their lower bodies were getting fucked and fingered.

Not soon after I approached my limit and I came inside Alesia. At the same time, both of the women came as well. Their mouths parted and looking into each other's eyes they made a nice last shriek of pleasure before collapsing onto each other.

I filled Alesia's womb up completely and only after that I pulled out of her. As I saw the semen I just released leaking outside of Alesia's pussy I gave myself an imaginary pat on the back. The amount was really amazing, not average at all.

After resting for a bit I could see Angelica looking at me with lusting eyes. The eyes of someone who wants to have a dick inside her. And in this case, only my dick would do the trick.

"Well, a deal is a deal. You did a good job making out with your cousin, so I'll reward your pussy. Come here and spread your legs for me."

Unlike before Angelica didn't hesitate and immediately spread open her legs ready to receive my manhood. Kissing her cousin and getting fingered had already made her extremely wet, so no further foreplay wasn't needed.

"Seems like you get more honest with yourself when you are filled with pleasure."

Angelica didn't reply, but only cutely averted her gaze. Knowing that what I said was completely true. I didn't dally around any longer and inserted my dick inside her. Just entering slowly inside her caused moans coming out of her mouth.

After reaching her deepest parts, I slowly pulled back again. And like that, I just fucked her, very very slowly. At first, Angelica was still moaning, but right now she is just looking at me. Looking at me like she wanted it harder and faster. Of course, I knew this as well, but I wanted her to take initiative.

I didn't need to wait long for Angelica started talking: "Please Drake I want it faster." She said with a soft tone, still new to speaking dirty kind of words.

"Haha, I was waiting for you."

And without wait, I increased my speed several times faster. I started fucking Angelica for real now. Pounding her like crazy. Angelica started to moan again, with a very satisfied look on her face.

At this moment Alesia came to again and looked at what was happening. Even though it was probably weird for her as she saw her cousin getting pounded with a very happy expression on her face.

When Alesia's gaze went over her cousin's body it stopped at a point where two mountains were located. I could see a jealous expression appearing in her eyes. Alesia never liked that her breasts were very small even though I repeatedly say it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I tell her it's the opposite even. I like playing with those nice small tits of her. Still, whenever we all sleep together she keeps looking at Marie and Sabrina with jealous gazes.

"Why don't you play with them if you like to look at them so much."

Angelica didn't really know what I meant as she was too busy moaning it out loud, but Alesia didn't really doubt. She went over to Angelica and started playing with her breasts.

"W-wait Alesia what AAH are you, AH doing AH?" Angelica said between her moans.

"Hmmpf, I'm gonna punish you for having such massive tits."

And she started kneading both breasts together, causing Angelica to moan even more. Angelica couldn't try to stop her cousin as she simply didn't have the breath to say words, so she could only let Alesia do whatever she wanted with her body.

And Alesia did. She enjoyed playing with Angelica's breasts a lot. She softly twisted and turned the nipples before pulling on them gently. She even took a nipple inside her mouth and began playing with it with her tongue. All the while Angelica's pleasure was increasing more and more.

I liked what I saw, so I started pounding Angelica even harder. Not giving her a single moment of rest. And like that, I thrust a few last times before releasing my sperm inside her. Angelica came at the same time and had an amazing last moan before collapsing.

After pulling back out again I was once again surprised as the amount leaking out of her wasn't any less than what had leaked out of Alesia. Seems like my dick and semen are getting better and better.

I lied down next to an exhausted and gave her a soft kiss. All the while Alesia couldn't stop at all. She just was enjoying herself so much in these breasts of her cousin that she didn't see what was happening around her at all.

So I just rested next to Angelica for a bit looking at Alesia playing with her cousin's breasts, very much enjoying the moment.