
The Super Sex System

The MC gets reincarnated in a fantasy world, with an awesome system which will get him all the women he wants. Everything is possible in the novel, the MC will have no restrictions at all. He will do as he pleases. As long as my fantasy stretches I'll try to write. If you have a suggestion or an improvement please let me hear 'm. The image isn't mine, so send me a message if you want it down.

Sweacer · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Making Angelica feel good

Before Angelica could even think about what was going to happen next I already arrived in front of her face. Not giving her a single second to pull away I planted my lips onto hers. Her very juicy lips. It tasted amazing.

Angelica was in shock as she didn't expect this to happen at all right now. Yes, she had become my woman, but she would have never guessed that I would already turn it into a physical one.

Because she didn't really know what was happening to her right now, she tried to pull away. Naturally, I didn't let her. I put my arms around her neck restraining her head from moving backward. Meanwhile, my tongue was prying into her mouth. Her teeth are blocking the way in, so I had to make do with the space I got.

After some time Angelica didn't try to pull away anymore. She accepted the kiss and started to even kiss me back ever so slightly. I could notice this was probably her first kiss as she was moving very clumsy. Not that it matters to me, it's actually quite cute seeing a very beautiful woman clumsily kissing me.

After some time she separated her teeth ready to have her mouth fully explored by my tongue. Which I did to the best of my abilities. I coiled around her tongue with mine and started to really play with it more and more. After about half a minute Angelica started to become much more relaxed. She even started to try and kiss me back some more. Her tongue started to play with mine as well. After I tested the waters for some more I began kissing her deeper. It started out as an awkward first kiss for Angelica, but right now it's ending up with a very hot long nice deep kiss.

I pulled back and looked at her face. It was really beautiful even more so when I saw it so close to me. Her face was filled with lust. Seems the kiss has made her body very horny.

"You liked the kiss?"

"Mmm, it was incredible. It was my first, but I'm happy it was with you."

"Haha, I'll take lot's of other firsts as well."

She immediately knew what I meant and her face flushed even redder than it already was. But she was just a bit shy, she didn't refuse me. So I took this as her go-ahead sign and I moved in again. We started kissing again, Angelica definitely learned from the previous kiss. It didn't feel as clumsy anymore and she was moving much more in comparison with our previous kiss. Seems like she is a quick learner.

My hands didn't embrace her as I did just now. Instead, they moved a bit more down until they rested on two big mountains. Angelica startled a bit, but soon accepted it and continued with the kiss leaving me to do whatever I wanted.

My hands didn't remain idle and started to knead these big breasts of her. They feel amazing, her breasts are a bit smaller than Marie's and Sabrina's, but still really big nonetheless. It's just that those two have some huge balloons.

After about a minute passed I stopped the kiss and started taking off her clothes that covered the top of her body. She didn't reject and let me take off her clothes. After taking off a shirt only a bra covered up her tits. Making quick work of taking it off, her big breasts were revealed to me. I could finally see her breasts laying bare in front of me.

Not able to hold myself I pushed her back so she would lie on top of the bed and I cupped one breast with my left hand while my mouth started sucking on her nice pink nipple located on her other breast. I started licking and sucking that nice nipple of her while my hand was groping her other breast. I could already hear small moans coming out of Angelica's mouth.

So I knew that what I was doing definitely pleased her. Her body has been very horny these last few days due to my potion and the sexual pheromone aura, so it was really difficult for me to let her feel good. Continuing my attacks on her breasts the moans coming from Angelica started to become louder.

It didn't take long after I started playing with her breasts that I could hear her yelling: "I'm Cumming!!!"

It surprised me a bit because it was really quick, but I soon realized that her body is incredibly sensitive right now. Before I'm done with her the number of orgasms she'll have will reach a staggering amount.

Angelica lost the power in her body for a bit, in which I stopped playing with her wonderful breasts and I move even lower. I took off her pants and the very cute panties she was wearing. After taking off her panties I could finally honey pot. It was overflowing with juices. Even her panties are incredibly soaked in her love juices.

Not giving Angelica I started playing with her pussy. One hand started playing with her clit. Pinching and twirling it around. This made an incredible wave of pleasure run through Angelica's body. She even reached her second orgasm so soon after her first one.

The other hand started fingering her slit. First just playing a bit with her pussy, but I soon couldn't resist the temptation and I inserted a finger in her overflowing pussy. It feels really amazing, it's just o warm and juicy inside her pussy that I immediately started playing more and more with it.

All the meanwhile Angelica was just moaning it out like crazy. She didn't have the ability to do anything else but shout words like YES or MORE. The number of orgasms she has had are increasing really fast. When one finishes there is already a new one coming. It really drained a lot of her energy. So the only thing she could do was just lying on the bed leaving me to my devices.

For the last push, I inserted three fingers a bit inside, just the tips though I don't want to go to deep right now. That will come later with me using another body part of mine. I also started to pinching her clip and pulling it a little bit. I didn't hurt her instead it made her receive another orgasm. One even bigger than the last few ones.

When she came to again after being drowned in lust I was staring at her with a wide grin.

"So my Angelica how does it feel?"

"A-ma-zing." She yelled out with a very satisfied look on her face.

"Ready to finally have your cherry popped, by your lover."

"Yes Drake, please fuck me. Please be gentle with me it's my first time."

"Don't worry I'll make you reach heaven with my dick."

Not saying anything else I moved and spread her nice long legs apart. I moved up until my dick was only centimeters away from her pussy.

"Here I go." And I gently pushed it inside.