
The Super Sex System

The MC gets reincarnated in a fantasy world, with an awesome system which will get him all the women he wants. Everything is possible in the novel, the MC will have no restrictions at all. He will do as he pleases. As long as my fantasy stretches I'll try to write. If you have a suggestion or an improvement please let me hear 'm. The image isn't mine, so send me a message if you want it down.

Sweacer · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Getting Susan and Marie's reward

A few days have passed since I had sex with Marie. Since then we have been doing it everyday. It is a bit hard sometimes to do it unnoticed as my two sisters are still living in the house. I don't want them to know that we've been doing it every time we get the chance.

Every night after going to bed I sneak into Marie's bedroom and after doing it for a few times I fall nicely asleep on top of her body using her breasts as my pillow. We even have done it a few times in broad daylight when both Chelsea and Sabrina were out of the house.

Since our first night Marie has totally become mine. She doesn't even think anymore that what we are doing is wrong. The only thing she thinks about is how good she feels when doing it. Marie has become a really perverted woman.

After browsing through the shop and thinking these last few days I have finally made up a plan as to how I will subdue the new woman living next door to us.

When they first came to our door to introduce themselves I got that her name was Susan and her husbands name was John. The reason that they moved here was that they wanted to live a nice quiet life away from the busy capital.

Of course I immediately knew that this was some bullshit story as I heard Susan going on and on about how they had to come live in this crappy town. Not that I really cared about their reason.

I asked Marie when we were just done doing our night activities "why don't you invite John and Susan over to have dinner together?"

She immediately became suspicious of me "Oh I don't believe that you just want to have dinner with them. You have an ulterior motive don't you? Am I already not good enough for you? Do you want to throw me away so soon to get a new woman?"

Even though she said these things I knew she was joking, but I could still sense some kind of jealousy "don't worry you'll always be my woman. There will never come a time when I will throw you away. But that doesn't mean that you'll be my only woman. There will probably be lot's of women after some time has passed. But you have to know I will always have you by my side."

"Hmmm, well I already knew that I would be unable to satisfy you by myself so I already prepared myself for the time you got more women, but I didn't know that it would be this soon. Don't worry I'll invite them over for dinner and help you get Susan, but you have to promise me that you will never abandon me no matter how many beautiful women you get."

"I promise you, you will always have a place by my side."

After I said this a big smile came on Marie's face and she started to begin caress my body again, ready to go for another round of sex.

The day after Marie came up to me and said that both Susan and John would be coming over for dinner tonight. "Well done my woman, maybe I'll give you a good reward tonight" and when I said this I grabbed her butt hard and started to massage it nicely.

"Stop it not now Chelsea and Sabrina are still home." But as she said this I saw a red tint on her face. She was clearly raring to go even though we did it al lot last night. What a perverted woman.

Right now I bought 2 items in the shop. One was the [Impotence potion] clearly ment for John. I don't really know the guy and have nothing against him, but to make my plan work I had to give him this potion.

The second one was a new one. It was quite a potion.

[Aphrodisiac potion - active skill - 125 SP - Potion that will greatly arouse a woman. With masturbation you can settle the symptoms for a small bit, but without receiving semen the effects will never disappear.]

Because of my regular sex with Marie my SP increased greatly, but after buying these two potions I was nearly broke again. Well when both Marie and Susan would spent their night time with me I knew my points would increase like never before.

My plan was quite simple. During dinner I would activate my pheromone aura and get Susan to get aware of me. Maybe even touch her to increase the effects. Then after dinner I would give the aphrodisiac potion to Susan and the Impotence potion to John. With that she couldn't undo the effects of the potion with John and had to find another sexual partner. And at this time she would think of me, of how she felt when I was around.

It was a simple plan, but if it would truly work is the question. If everything went okay I would be fucking her in a few days.

Evening arrived and right now we were sitting at the dinner table with the 6 of us. I arranged the seating so I would sit next to Marie so my aura would be at it's strongest. And after sitting next to her for quite some time I could see that her face had a tint of red and that she was sneaking some glances at me.

I was smiling inside me as I knew that she was getting a bit aroused and that she would unconscious know that I was the reason of it. After dinner we drank a cup of tea together. But well the cups of John and Susan had something extra in it. Luckily all the potions were colorless and odorless. So they didn't have a clue that both their lives were about to be changed.

When both of them finished the cup I could already visibly see that Susan was now getting really hot. The potion in addition to my aura would greatly arouse a woman. So without doing anything further it ended and they went both home.

In bed at the same night I was doing Marie yet again. Right now we were doing it doggy style and Marie had troubles keeping in her moans. Then suddenly she shrieked out for a small bit before rapidly covering her mouth with one of her hands. Then she looked at me and threw me a look.

I had put a bit of lotion in her ass after which I inserted a small anal bead. It was the first time for Marie to experience getting something in her ass, so she didn't really know what to do or say.

Knowing how perverted this woman has become I knew that soon she would enjoy it having something up in her ass.

"This is your reward for your good work today, nice small anal beads in your ass." Saying this I inserted the second bead.

"Stop it feels weird having something pushed in my ass."

"Don't worry you'll come to love it soon enough." And I pushed a third one in. Because they were still small anal beads they went in without much pressure. For me it was really fun, fucking one hole and playing with the other at the same time. I pushed the fourth and fifth in almost immediately after one another and because of it Marie came like crazy.

After we were done having sex Marie reached out to the beads and tried to take them out. But I quickly stopped her "no Marie let's have them stay in there this night. They are your reward after all, you can't just take 'm out."

"But it feels really weird having them in my ass, it's uncomfortable. Please take them out."

But after comforting her for a bit I had her agree that the five small beads would stay in her ass. Even though she still disliked it, but would do it because I wanted her to and that made her happy.

My reasons for having them staying inside her were quite simple. I found it really hot sleeping next to a woman who still had something up her ass. Even though they were quite small for now I would keep training her asshole so it could hold way bigger things. So beginning the training with having 5 small beads inside her while sleeping.

Then a few days passed again and Marie has been sleeping with beads up her ass for all these days. Unfortunately I couldn't convince her to have them staying inside during the day, but I knew that once she came to like anal stuff that would happen by itself.

*Knock knock knock*

Someone was knocking on the door and I had a feeling of who it might be and with what reason she came.

Time to have fun again with another man's wife.

Sweacercreators' thoughts