
The Super Sex System

The MC gets reincarnated in a fantasy world, with an awesome system which will get him all the women he wants. Everything is possible in the novel, the MC will have no restrictions at all. He will do as he pleases. As long as my fantasy stretches I'll try to write. If you have a suggestion or an improvement please let me hear 'm. The image isn't mine, so send me a message if you want it down.

Sweacer · Fantasy
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82 Chs

first weeks in school

Right now I'm walking towards my dorm with Brett. These last few days he opened up to me and we started chatting more regularly. He was living in the same dorm I was, so we always walked to and from school together.

Brett is the son of a very successful merchant. This is the reason even those noble's will let him alone. His father has quite some power in the capital as he is one of the richest men in it.

When chatting with him I suddenly recognized someone. "Hey Salem, I see you passed the tryouts as well huh."

Salem was also walking home after his classes when he heard me calling. "Hey Drake, yea I passed but only barely. Not like you who skipped four years in one go. Everyone is talking about you. Even my halfbrother is leaving me alone for now as he is scared of your power."

"Hehe, it's nothing. It's good he is leaving you alone. If he dares do something to you just come ask for my help, we are friends. Ah right let me introduce you, this is Brett, my classmate. Brett this is Salem I met him at the tryouts."

After this Salem and Brett got acquainted as well. Right now only the two of them are my friends. Most other people just ignore me, not that I care about it. There are only a few commoner people who act normal towards me, so I got a good impression on them.

"Oh yeah, Salem what is your affinity?"

"I have a dark magic attribute. It's a bit rarer than the 4 elements. I guess this is the reason I got in and father paid for tuition."

After this, we chatted for a bit before everyone returned to their rooms to self-study. When I stood in front of my door to unlock it, my neighbor came out of the door next to mine. As I didn't yet introduce me to my neighbor I decided to do this now. But as fate would have it, I'm already acquainted with her.

"Hi, how was your cleaning duty?"

She looked at me and immediately a small wrinkle appeared on her forehead. "Why do you have to become my neighbor. I will make sure you will pay, remember that."

"Getting angry that much isn't good for your skin. If you lose your pretty face to wrinkles you'll have nothing going for you anymore." Saying this I looked down at her small breasts again. Since she was close by and I wanted to see her reaction I activated the sexual pheromone aura.

"Hmmph, a great beauty like me won't lose her beauty for a very long time."

Did this girl just call herself a great beauty? How much confidence in yourself must one have to say this? She showed a small reaction to the aura. I could see her face getting a small blush on and her legs started wiggling a bit.

"Well, to be honest, you are quite cute, but not yet at the level of a great beauty." I decided to compliment her a bit as I really found her cute, especially now that she was getting aroused.

"Say how about we bury the hatchet and become friends instead. I don't want to quarrel with you every day."

"Become friends? Me with someone like you, you must have been birthed by a crazy woman."

This got me really angry as the woman who birthed me was one I loved dearly even though I didn't see her as my mother. So I walked towards her, grabbed both of her arms and pushed her up to the wall. Holding her hands above her head. Alesia was struggling but there is no way she could get out of my grip.

"I don't care if you insult me, but some people are off-limits for you. Seeing as you don't want to be friends we'll be enemies instead. If you act against me I'll make your life hell."

After saying this I let her go and walked into my room, leaving behind a stunned Alesia. One reason was my outburst, but the other really left her stunned. Why was she getting aroused when I touched her.

With my aura still active, when I touched her its effect became much heavier. So she definitely felt it. The guy she hates turns her one? What the hell is up with that. No, it must be something else she could never like a commoner.

And like this, a few weeks passed.

Brett, Salem and I are now good buddies and I hang out with some other classmates as well. The thing that surprised me the most is that my exp for the 4 elements magic is rising like crazy. It seems like going to the academy was a really great choice.

I haven't made a move on any woman yet. Though I am getting closer to Angelica. But this was only because of my fire magic. Right now I'm already the strongest fire mage in year five and no-one dared to challenge me to a dual. Only upperclassmen have the means to fight against me.

Angelica really didn't discriminate between backgrounds, but she definitely liked the students with more power and talent. So she and I are on good ground right now. Of course, there is no feeling of love whatsoever, but that will come later.

It was the opposite with Bianca my wind magic teacher. Even though I was really versed in wind magic as well and was like the fire class the strongest of the wind class, she still doesn't like me at all. I tried coming closer to her a few times in the form of asking guidance, but she just gave me some quick answers and shooed me off. This one will prove to be difficult to conquer.

In these few weeks, I had no contact with the principal whatsoever. I'll need a lot more power for her to recognize me.

I did see my last two targets. The student council president is a very successful woman. Not only is she from a high-class noble family, but she is also quite versed in magic as well. Her looks are otherworldly as well. She has long straight black hair and a noble aura always hangs around her whatever she does. Her breasts are also big and her butt is also nice and perky. She is definitely one high-class woman. Conquering her will be a challenge.

The last one was a bit different from the student council president. She is the number one student mage of the school currently. She also has a dual affinity with lightning and fire magic. She has tons of firepower in her arsenal. But even though her magic is really destructive her personality isn't.

She is always cheerful and friendly with everyone noble or commoner. Her looks are definitely top class as well. She has nice long milk chocolate hair on top of her beautiful face. Her curves are like the president nice and supple. Definitely a top-class woman as well, but probably more approachable than the president.

Whenever I see Alesia in the dorms or the school I activate my aura and start to quarrel with her. Making her stay around me long enough for her to get aroused. And when I see she starts feeling it I leave.

I decided to make her my first target. She lives next door to me so she is easy to come across. The other reason is that Angelica Flamery is her cousin. So when Alesia is mine, it will be hopefully easier to get Angelica as well.

I still have to act with caution. Alesia is the successor of the Flamery family and her father and grandfather are very powerful people. If they notice a commoner making moves on the little special girl, I'm most likely dead.

In a few days, our excursion to the woods just outside the capital will begin. Every fifth-year student will go to the woods and battle actual monsters. This is the first time for everyone to battle a real enemy so they all are really nervous.

Of course, strong teachers would accompany us to safeguard, but they will only interject when a powerful monster appears.

Let's see what fun things will happen in the woods.