
The Super Sex System

The MC gets reincarnated in a fantasy world, with an awesome system which will get him all the women he wants. Everything is possible in the novel, the MC will have no restrictions at all. He will do as he pleases. As long as my fantasy stretches I'll try to write. If you have a suggestion or an improvement please let me hear 'm. The image isn't mine, so send me a message if you want it down.

Sweacer · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Day out with Marie

After the tournament ended I have a couple of days off, until school would start again on Monday. There isn't a lot for me to do other than train right now. I still can only train in the 4-elements magic and the basic body strengthening technique. There hasn't appeared any other available training technique in the system store.

Perhaps I have to complete some quests or just grow older until they would become available. Apart from the major quest that I still have to complete and that will take quite some time, the system hasn't given me any other quests.

So I don't have any goal right now to complete, other than finishing the major quest. But the major quest takes time as every woman who is a part of it isn't an easy target. Angelica will probably be the first one I conquer and hopefully, this will happen not long from now.

I have already made contact with Emily and Alison and can start building up my relationship with them. Bianca the wind teacher and the Principal, on the other hand, will be quite difficult for now. I can't have any decent conversation with them so I will keep them for last if nothing out of the ordinary happens.

Because I have a few days off now I decided to take Marie out for today. She doesn't come out of the house a lot and when she does it's usually for getting groceries. The others are all out today and even Alesia had some family business to attend to. Even though she has a fiancee I'm not really worried. Alesia doesn't like him, so them being together has a 0% chance of happening.

And like that, I took Marie out on a day. When I asked her she was ecstatic and immediately went to change into a cute outfit.

The effects of my Celestial dick are impressive, to say the least. Even though her age is almost hitting 40 she definitely doesn't look it. Her skin is still really fair and she has retained her youthful looks. Her breasts are still perky and show no signs of sagging. All of this because of one of my abilities. It's really amazing. Just because she has received lots of my semen her entire body is still radiating with youth-fullness.

"So how do you feel living in the capital."

"It's really amazing, there is a huge difference between living here and the village we came from."

"I'm happy, you're happy."

"Well, to be honest, it wouldn't matter to me where we live as long as you are there with me."

And like that, we just walked around talking with each other. At lunchtime, we sat down in a small restaurant and ordered some lunch.

"So what can I get this mother and son?" Asked the waitress. I immediately got a sour face. Even though it is true that Marie is my mother. But I never recognized her as such. Pretty logical as we have sex every night.

But while I got a bit pissed off at the waitress. Marie decided to mess with me a little bit.

"This mother will have the salad." Marie definitely knows I don't look people calling us mother and son, so she decided to mess with me a little bit. Naturally, I wouldn't let this slide.

After the waitress left I looked towards Marie who acted like nothing was wrong.

"Mother and son huh?"

"Oh, you don't want people calling us that. Did I anger my cute son?" Even though I know she is joking it still angered me quite a bit.

"Does a normal mother let her son put a vibrator in her ass and pussy before heading out?" As I said this a small grin appeared on my face and I took out a remote control.

"Wait, Drake, I was only messing around a bit, please don't activate them here."

"I think it's the perfect place to activate it. A mother? You are a woman. My woman. Never forget that."

*Bzzz Bzzzz Bzzzz*

I activated the vibrators.

"Ahh" Marie already started to moan softly. She definitely is a pervert. Her legs were already trembling.

"Please Drake, I admit I'm your woman, not a mother. Please turn them off."

"Nope the food is coming please keep in your moans otherwise other people are gonna think something is wrong."

I took a carefree attitude and continued like nothing was off. I ate my food silently while enjoying the squirming Marie. She was trying to eat her food, but it's quite hard when vibrators in your ass and pussy are going about like crazy.

After eating we headed out again. Marie could barely walk as she was getting really sensitive.

"Please, I've learned my lesson. I can't hold on much longer."

"I'll decide when you've learned your lesson." I was really enjoying this situation, so how could I let it end easy.

With Marie's sensitive body she should have already cummed multiple times, but using my ability I didn't let her. So she was just getting hornier and hornier without the ability to scream it out or even have an orgasm.

It was about time to end her suffering. I stopped walking and Marie could see where we had arrived. An inn. Walking inside she got us a room with trouble. She could barely talk with all the pleasure coursing through her body.

The innkeeper gave her a weird look but gave us the key to the room afterward. We walked to the end of a hallway before heading into our room.

"You can take off your clothes now, but don't take out the vibrators."

We both got undressed. Her panties were soaked in love juices. Definitely, an amazing feat to gush out that much. Marie lay down on the bed and I started to play with her body.

One hand took care of her breasts while my other grabbed the vibrator in her pussy and started to take it out before pushing it in again. Marie couldn't do anything now. Totally left to my devices.

"Please let me cum it's too much."

"Oh, you think you deserve to cum? If you really want to cum it's about time you shout out our real relationship don't you think?"

And without any hesitation, she started telling me: "you're my lover, my darling, my everything. I won't ever think differently."

Happy with what she said I pushed the vibrator nice and deep inside her and let her have an orgasm.


Marie came like crazy, it's definitely a huge orgasm. Her face was just filled with pleasure as love juices squirted out like crazy.

After a bit, her orgasm ended and she collapsed on the bed. I took the vibrator out of her pussy and aimed my dick at it.

"You've had your fun, now it's time to pleasure me don't you think."

Marie's eyes lit up as strength came back into her body.

"Yes, honey fuck me like crazy."

And I did. We both fucked like animals. The entire day which was planned to have some fun and relax in the capital ended up like usual, having sex. Not that it matters, having sex is my favorite activity.