
The Super Sex System

The MC gets reincarnated in a fantasy world, with an awesome system which will get him all the women he wants. Everything is possible in the novel, the MC will have no restrictions at all. He will do as he pleases. As long as my fantasy stretches I'll try to write. If you have a suggestion or an improvement please let me hear 'm. The image isn't mine, so send me a message if you want it down.

Sweacer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
82 Chs


After the battle, I could see both Brett and Salem walking towards me.

"Drake congratulations on winning that battle, you were amazing."

"Yes, Drake you are a monster having 4 affinities. You are a heaven-defying genius."

"Thanks, guys."

"What did the principal say to you just now?"

"I have to go meet her in her office, probably something about me using 4 elements."

"The Principal really looks scary sometimes, even though she is incredibly hot I wonder which man will be able to conquer her."

Haha, that'll be me. But of course, I wouldn't tell them that.

"We won't hold you up any longer, don't want her getting mad. See you later."

"Bye guys."

Taking my leave I departed in the direction of the Principals office. When I arrived she was waiting for me in front of the door.

"Get in."

It seems she is a bit angry. After sitting down on a chair she sat down opposite of me.

"So when were you planning on telling me about your quadruple-affinity? You know the consequences this brings?"

"I'm sorry I didn't want to cause any trouble."

"Not causing any trouble? Then what did you do just now? About now every powerhouse on the continent will probably already know about a 12-year-old who can use 4 different types of elements."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Are you stupid? Of course, it's a bad thing. Do you think our enemies will let us slowly nurture you into a heaven-defying mage? No, they won't. At the very least assassination, squads will be sent to take your head."

I gulped. I definitely didn't plan this through. I knew that revealing my abilities would cause some people to act, but I was capable of repelling their attacks. But when it comes to powerhouses scattered over the continents who don't want the human kingdom to acquire a strong mage, I would die not even knowing what hit me.

Looking at me getting scared a small grin appeared on her face.

"Haha, I'm sorry you don't worry that much about it. Yes, having quadruple-affinity is really rare, it's not something people like that will try to assassinate you for. The thing you have to worry the most about is probably the noble families. If a family is able to entice you in joining them it will be a huge power-up for them. They will probably try to approach you and try and have you join their family. Some organizations in the capital will do the same."

"So there won't be any assassination attempts?"

"No, I only wanted to scare you a bit. It isn't smart to reveal so much if you don't have to power yet to protect yourself. So you have to be wary of that in the future. I'll also take care of some stuff so you can go on with your daily life without worrying."

"Thank you miss Principal."

Luckily my showcase of power won't be the cause of an early death. But still next time I really need to think things through. Right now it will hopefully end well with the help of the principal, but the next time I need to make sure that I can protect myself and my women without relying on others.

Still, I have to be wary of noble families. If I reject them they might make my life difficult, but I'll think about that when the time comes. When I'm in academy grounds nobody will be able to approach me so I won't have to worry about that for now.

Taking my leave from the Principal's office I didn't leave the building yet. There are no classes today, but I still have to meet someone. I'm quite curious about Angelica's reaction, so I moved towards her office where she will probably be right now.

I knocked on her door and after getting approval I went inside.

"Hi, Miss. Angelica." I said with a smile on my face.

She got my meaning and a small blush appeared on her face, remembering the deal we made.

"I won the tournament, so now you have to agree to become my woman."

After sighing once she gave me a reply.

"Yes you did win the tournament and I'm really proud of you, but I just can't become your woman, Drake. It's not appropriate for a teacher and a student not to mention our age difference."

I made my face have an expression of being shocked and said to her: "But we made a deal I win the tournament and you will become my woman."

"Yes I know Drake, but I can't honor it."

"Then why did you accept it when we were in the storage room?"

"I didn't think you would be able to win."

"So you just played with me?" Tears started to dwell in my eyes. Fake tears, of course, I already expected something like this to happen.

"I thought you were an honest and kind woman, but I guess I'm wrong. You are just a really mean woman. If you want to play like this fine by me I'll drop it. Don't bother coming to me when you change your mind. I also won't be coming to your class anymore. I'll just focus on training my other elements."

I stood up from the chair and threw some of the papers laying on the desk to the ground. In the very brief time she was distracted from the ruckus I quickly put some pills into her drink. They immediately vanished upon coming in contact with it.

Afterward, I left the room and went home, not caring about Angelica calling my name. I thought to myself let's see how long she is able to hold out before coming to me.

One of the pills I threw inside the drink is one I already used before. The aphrodisiac potion. It will make her incredibly horny and only masturbating will not make it's effect disappear. No, she needed to get fucked to make it go away. Of course, I couldn't let her walk around like that. Wouldn't want another man to do it. No, I would be the one. This was the reason for the other pill.

It would make sure that whenever Angelica gets horny and gets the thought of having sex the pleasure she is feeling will immediately disappear. Returning when she is not thinking about it anymore.

This will happen continuously. It was a really cruel Angelica would get incredibly horny. Masturbating wouldn't help a lot and when she would get the thought of having sex it would immediately disappear. There is one case where it won't disappear and only grows stronger instead.

That is when she thinks of me. It really is an amazing potion. In combination with the aphrodisiac potion, it's effect is amazing. In no time Angelica will seek me out and at that time she will become mine. Once she has the taste of sex with me there is no escaping it. Thinking about this I happily went home.