
The Super Sex System

The MC gets reincarnated in a fantasy world, with an awesome system which will get him all the women he wants. Everything is possible in the novel, the MC will have no restrictions at all. He will do as he pleases. As long as my fantasy stretches I'll try to write. If you have a suggestion or an improvement please let me hear 'm. The image isn't mine, so send me a message if you want it down.

Sweacer · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Angelica's increasing pleasure

After my amusing fire-class had ended I was done for the week. Most students spend their time sparring or learning about magic in some other way like reading books. All of this because they aren't allowed to leave the school's grounds at the weekends.

Luckily this didn't matter to me at all. I just went through the teleportation portal and nobody would even know I'm gone. Of course, I can't let myself be recognized while I'm not in at the school's grounds, but I can just spend my time at home. Enough to do here.

In this weekend our new sleeping roster would kick-off. On Saturday I'll sleep only with Marie and Sunday will be Susan's turn. I regard any of my women the same and I don't really play favorites. But even then Marie will probably be on top of my list if I needed to make one. She is just extremely sexy and she has been by my side for the longest. This created a sort of special connection between us.

The other's have already picked up on this. So even though I don't ask them or tell them to do it they usually back-up to let Marie go first. For example, Marie's pregnancy wish. Susan has already told me that she wishes to have a child as well, but only after Marie has become pregnant. And that Marie can have the first time sleeping one on one with me during the weekend.

Just like this, there are all small kinds of examples where my women let Marie go first. It seems like everyone is starting to see Marie as the queen of the harem. Right, that probably won't make a lot of difference, but once many more women start to become mine I will need someone to keep them in check when I'm not there. Marie is the perfect person to take that role, so I don't interfere in the women's decision to let Marie have first preference for some things.

Saturday night came and it was a bit different like usual. The other nights five women are lying on the bed ready to be ravished. Right now I'm alone with Marie in the bedroom. Even though the number of women is different the pleasure of having sex didn't diminish at all. It's nice to fuck five women in a single night. But having only one partner for the night gives it a kind of tenderness. So I really enjoyed having some lovely sex with Marie.

We did it multiple times before deciding to just cuddle and fall asleep peacefully. The next night was entirely the same other than instead of Marie it was Susan. Susan works a lot during the week and is usually a bit tired in the evening. So she always falls asleep quicker than the other girls, but tonight it was different.

I made the most of our time together to enjoy some hot sex with her. We did it multiple times and when she was starting to get tired I just upped my game and gave her a lot of pleasure. Susan seemed to really enjoy our one on one session as normally she doesn't taste the same amount of pleasure the other girls do. This night was totally different for her.

Having sex with me doesn't only give them a huge amount of pleasure it's even good for their bodies and spirits. With the effect of my Celestial dick, women I sleep with become stronger physically and mentally. The more we do it the stronger they get. So even though right now Susan is a bit fatigued at night in some time this will hopefully get less and less as her body gets filled up with my semen.

If my abilities start to level and get stronger the effects they have on my women will also heavily increase. I hope in the future that my women are strong enough to protect themselves if I'm not around for a bit. I don't want to come home and see them all in injuries. So I will try to protect them to the best of my abilities. Which includes strengthening them, so they are able to protect themselves.

After the weekend ended school started again just the same. I went to all my classes both Monday and Tuesday. This includes the fire class. Monday was an exact repeat of last Friday where Angelica gets turned on more and more just from looking or having thoughts of me.

Tuesday was even better than the previous two times. She was practically staring at me with pure lust and love in her eyes. She tried to control herself, but it just wasn't possible for her. The pleasure coursing through her body was just too much and that it was because of her feelings towards a twelve-year-old student of hers didn't help at all.

The other students in the class also noticed that something was wrong with their teacher and asked her if she was sick or something. She replied saying that it was nothing, so they dropped it. They just thought she had just gotten a fever or anything else, nobody would guess that the situation she was in is entirely different.

She even had to excuse herself in the middle of her class just to experience a huge orgasm in the bathroom. She came back after cleaning herself up to teach us because about 20 minutes were still left. At first, she acted like normal, because cumming made her body relax for a while. But with me in the area, it wasn't possible at all for her to control her urges any longer and just after class had ended she experienced another incredible orgasm.

All I did in this time-frame was looking straight into her eyes whenever she looked at me. I also activated the sexual pheromone aura to increase the pleasure even more. The pleasure coursing through her body was just incredible. A normal woman would already be overtaken with lust, finding a man and pull him into a bed or whatever else is closest.

Angelica's willpower is really exceptional, not even giving in with a body over-riddled with pleasure. This made me respect her even more. Of course, it also increased me wanting to conquer her. After class ended I happily went home thinking about how Angelica would act next time. But when Wednesday arrived Angelica wasn't in class and a replacement would take over for today. Seems like things are gonna start to happen now.