
The Sun, the Moon and the Star

After getting married secretly to her boss, Laura realized she'd imposed a great danger on herself and her unborn babies. Knowing she had to escape from Mrs Chadwick's wrath, Laura went through the woods. What happens when nature calls and her babies had to be delivered in the woods which was possessed by a faun. Find out in this fascinating story.

folashade_emoruwa · History
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14 Chs

Lucinda listened......

Episode 14

Lucinda listened to Crystal with rapt attention while in their ride to school.

"I've been trying to catch up with studies but... Hmmmph.. I don't know think I can"

"Oh come on you can" Lucinda answered and smiled.

"You really look beautiful Crystal" she complimented

"Of course I know that but I'm not as beautiful as you are" she giggled.

"Can I ask you something Lucie?" Crystal asked suddenly.

"Of course!" Lucinda answered fidgeting with her hands.

"Can we be best friends forever?" She asked, looking into her eyes.

"I'm sorry if I'm asking too much but I've always wanted a sister my whole life" she stated.

Lucinda held her hands and caressed it slowly.

"I hardly meet people who are nice to me..... I want to be your best friend forever"

The two friends both shared a hug. Crystal brought out her phone as they disengaged from the hug and took pictures of theboth smiling.

Soon, they got to school. " You don't have to be scared of anyone, she dare not touch you" Crystal assured. The two girls alighted from the vehicle and walked towards their class hand in hand. Lucinda watched as they strolled past Cassy and her crew who watched in awe.

"Looks like she's the newbie at Royals High"

"Heard her father is really rich"

"She's beautiful" Rosy complimented absentmindedly.

"Cassy is more beautiful" Natasha objected.

"Yeah! " they all agreed. To them, no girl was considered to be more beautiful than the face of Royals High.

Crystal and Lucinda walked past them ignoring them completely.

'Cassy had better stayed off their tracks' Crystal thought as they settled in the class.

"Alright, it's a staring competition" Lucinda said which made the two girls laughed.

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Crystal stood at the corridor admiring the school environment. She was waiting for Lucinda to show her round the school.

"Hey" someone called.

Crystal turned to see Cassy. She had learnt that she was also the face of Royals High.

"Hi" she waved.

"I'm Cassy, the face of Royals High"

'Like seriously?' Crystal rolled her eyes.

"Yeah I know right" she answered.

"Can we go out sometime, maybe after school? "

"Thanks for the kind gesture but I have to decline your offer"

Cassy smiled to hide her embarrassment. She needed to convince the new girl to be part of her crew at all cost.

"No offense but just like everyone, I keep wondering what you've got to do with a low life!"

"A low life you say.....but she's got things that you can never ever dream of" Crystal smirked.

Cassy stood thunderstruck by her words. She hadn't expected the new girl to defend Lucinda easily.

"I'll love to be excused right now because I've got something important to do!" Crystal stated and smiled sweetly at Lucinda who walked towards them.

"Hi beautiful girlfriend" Crystal beamed and held Lucinda hands. Cassy watched in anger as Lucinda blushed hard. Everything about the girl seems to annoy her.

"Come on Lucie, come show me around" she stated and drew her hands.

Cassy wondered why Crystal had chosen to be friends with a low life like Lucinda. The classy rich kids were known to always make friends with themselves.

She stared into space like a rainbeaten cat. All she ever wanted was to be Ryan's girlfriend and also remain the face if Royals High forever. She smiled craftily as she thought of a plan.

Cassy entered into the class looking remorseful as ever. She heaved a sigh when she saw him alone. She moved closer and sat beside him. Shane looked up, surprised to see the girl who had emabarrased him at the love feast. He had tried comforting her when Ryan walked out on her but she ended up taking out her frustration on him.

"I'm sorry for what happened the other day. Trust me, I didn't mean that way" she explained fidgeting with her hands.

"It's fine" Shane beamed and and stared into her face. He'd always loved her.

"Hey.. Uhmm.. There's something I want you to know... Can we take a walk to the school garden?" He asked. He had been trying to make his intentions known for a very long time but she'd been blind to his motives.

"Of... Of course" Cassy stared at him, half surprised her plans were working faster than she'd expected.

The two stood and walked towards the school garden. While at the garden, Shane mustered enough courage to hold her hands.

"Look, I don't know what you think about me but I think you're the most beautiful and I've always loved you"

Cassy stared at him with a teary eye. She wished badly that this confession would come from Ryan.

"I love you Cassy, will you be my girlfriend"

Gosh! He was asking her out. She knew she had to act up and make him feel he was accepted.

"Uhmm.. Yes I'll be your girlfriend"

Shane beamed excitedly.This was a dream come true He had always dreamt of making her his girl.

"Thank you!!" He muttered and pulled her into a hug. Cassy looked at him and gave him one of her best smiles. The news would be all over the school very soon and that was exactly what she wanted..

Ryan had better watch his back!

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Crystal waved as Lucinda alighted from the car. She'd decided to always pick her before going to school and also drop her off at home.

She had been excited all day because she would be meeting up with her boyfriend Austin. She'd decided to give him a surprise visit. Austin had asked her out while she was in grade three and they we're known to be the best couple at her previous school.

She'd had issues at her previous school and had to relocate with her family.

Fortunately for her, Austin had convinced his Parents to have him relocate to the same city with her. Crystal smiled as she remembered the beautiful moments they'd shared together. Austin would definitely be surprised to see her show up with many gifts. She hopped out of the car as soon as she got to his home.

His parents had been out of the country just like hers. Crystal hurried across the porch and rung the bell. She waited in silence for a response but got none.

She rang the bell a second time. She was beginning to blame herself for not calling him before showing up, when she heard a light footfall near the door. She braced up herself as the clicked open.

Crystal opened her mouth absentmindedly, totally surprised to see a blonde girl of about her age in a scanty dress.

'Who the hell is this Bitch?'

"Babe who's that?"

That was Austin's voice. Crystal's hand flew to her mouth as her fears were confirmed.

"Crystal?" Austin called in utter surprise. He hadn't expected her to show up that evening.

"It's not what you think"

"Who the hell is she?" The blonde girl queried.

"Oh!" Crystal muttered as tears filled her eyes. She was deeply hurt but wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

"I hate you!!" She screamed and ran to the car.

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Lucinda walked through the road slowly. She'd had a hectic day at school because Crystal had refused to show up. She bit her lip slowly wondering what could have made her stay back. She had tried calling her repeatedly but her phone was switched off.

Lucinda walked into the mansion, she had been given access because of Crystal. A maid led her into the lounge where she stood waiting for her friend.

"She has been indoor for days and refused to open up for anyone"

"Why is that?" Lucinda found herself asking.

"I think she's heartbroken"


Each explanation made her more curious. Crystal had described her relationship like a perfect one. Then why was she heartbroken all of a sudden?

"Can you take me to her room please?"

"Sure, this way" the maid answered and led her up the stairs.

Soon, they were at the front of her door.

"Someone is here to see you"

"Go away!!!" Crystal yelled.

"Best friend?" Lucinda knocked gently.

"It's Lucinda" everywhere was suddenly quiet.

She heard the lock click and standing right in front of her was someone who looked like Crystal but certainly not her.