
The Sun King

The war of the Gods and Demons have been going on since the dawn of time. The two side always seek to overthrow the other. The mortals races plead with the Gods, who they so praise and the Demon, who they so fear to put an end to their eternal war. All mortal races cries were invain saved be two of them. The two that were not was the humans and dragons. Human praise Azathoth and dragon praise Io and this was their response they were given "I will come to put an end to this so called eternal war." Thus the The Sun King descended to the mortal plane.

4of7jkids · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The truth behind the empire.

Narrator: Light and dark. Good and evil. Order and Choas. It was stated that there need be opposition in all thing because with out one the other can not exist yea someone broke this system. An ancient group of begins begain to bring about their desire. They are know as the Dream Weavers. This group worships Azathoth, one of many forms of The Sun King and they seek to bring an end to Null and the Shadow King for their crimes which was stealing Azathoth divinity, destroying the balance in this system and their plains which is to destroy the faith in is name. For without his divinity he can never answer the calls and pleads of his people. Without the system he can never retake his divinity and challenge Null and The Shadow King for his throne. This is why this group moves when it heard that Azathoth was born again 14 year ago to set up for his arrival and it is know that this group head is the Crimson emporer Augustus himself. This is the real reason that the emperor seeks to meet him. Crimson empire attacks the other human nations and conquered them to bring them under them to give more power to the Azathoth and his name. The royal and noble lines of these nations were not wipedout was for one reason the bloodlines descend for Azathoth himself or to be more precise his power of creation. The bloodlines were ordained to be ruling bloodlines until they are no long required to rule or protect the people. It is stated that the time where they no long needed is almost upon this world for Azathoth shall rain. For he shall rull all realms this is so what the Dream Weavers believe but this is infact right for it is time his rule which shall be over all. For all is created equal In his site.

Narrator:On fourth day to the capital city. They can see a massive monsner which size is almost as big as a city. This monster was know as king of destruction and mythical beasts, divine beast level threat, a Behemoth.

Justin: Behemoth, this going to be fun.

Gernal Fire:There no way we can fight a Behemoth and so close to the city at that.

Justin:Then I guess I just fight it alone.

Rose:I help to.



Race:Fallen Divine Beast

Ability: Future sight (Can see small glimpses of the Future) Divine creation lv.4(Can make things with it limit) Alchemy(Uses this incoducttion with Divine creation or can uses without. No matter what uses mana to create suff) Sharpend claws (Can make most metal and stone substance reduce to ineffective status) True form(Once heath hit 0 true form will be released 2.5 time stats)

Emotion:anger and joy.



Mana: 500000




magical defense:30000

Justin data

Race: Dragonkin/Human

ability:Learning max(any ability, skill, or magic is used in his presence he can learn to uses), Stat growth boost max, Xp boost max, Mana drain decrease max mana 1/10. stat suppression, Chaos surge,chaos ring(physical Damage is done back to the attacker) Dark void(magic damage is done back to the attacker) Life steal(Half of all damage done is come back as health) Darken day (Light magic has no effect on him)living wall(Take neutral damage aginst all attacks and can not take crit hits)Unbreakable will(immune for negative stat changes)Preemptive strike(Always strikes first) Pierce(All damage break through sheilds) Heavy push(Physical damage increases by weight)True state(take form of a dragon all stats increase 800% but enter a state were is magic and skills are unstable and can fail)Necromancer set:Unnatural life( Can not die unless all undead that are summon are dead) Vengeanful sprits(Uses the power of the spirts that seek vengeance against the living) Unnatural act(instills the fear of death in others) Death goddess's calls(When the 5 liches are killed the goddess of Death is summoned)


Emotion:hope and love




Mana: 90000000(4)




magical defense:200000(10)

Battle start.

Justin uses alter fate. Fate is not writen in stone renuring Future Sight ineffective. Behemoth uses charge it build up for an attack. Rose uses lv.10 half. Behemoth get heath drop in cut in half Hp:2500000 Behemoth Justin uses double cast. lv.10 Divine barrier. Cast a barrier that can redericks all attack for one turn.

cast 4 time cast a type of cast need to be done one turn prior. This allow use to attack 4 times. Behemoth uses lv10 shatter. Hit barrier Hp:50000 Rose uses black hole an attack that devours everthing Hp0 True Form Hp1000000

Justin cast lv.10 half Hp 500000 Justin casts lv.10 create hope hp 0 battle won

lv gain 75

item gain:magic stone(1) Divine level, Divne king's soul stone(Soul stone born from one will into consecrated form. Can be used in place of human or intelligence life. Durning the forming of mana, spells or alchemy.)Mass amounts of Divine beast fur, meat claws, teeth, bones and organs.

Justin data

Race: Dragonkin/Human

ability:Learning max(any ability, skill, or magic is used in his presence he can learn to uses), Stat growth boost max, Xp boost max, Mana drain decrease max mana 1/10. stat suppression, Chaos surge,chaos ring(physical Damage is done back to the attacker) Dark void(magic damage is done back to the attacker) Life steal(Half of all damage done is come back as health) Darken day (Light magic has no effect on him)living wall(Take neutral damage aginst all attacks and can not take crit hits)Unbreakable will(immune for negative stat changes)Preemptive strike(Always strikes first) Pierce(All damage break through sheilds) Heavy push(Physical damage increases by weight)True state(take form of a dragon all stats increase 800% but enter a state were is magic and skills are unstable and can fail)Necromancer set:Unnatural life( Can not die unless all undead that are summon are dead) Vengeanful sprits(Uses the power of the spirts that seek vengeance against the living) Unnatural act(instills the fear of death in others) Death goddess's calls(When the 5 liches are killed the goddess of Death is summoned) Beast king set of skills Future sight (Can see small glimpses of the Future) Divine creation lv.4(Can make things with it limit) Alchemy(Uses this incoducttion with Divine creation or can uses without. No matter what uses mana to create suff) Sharpend claws (Can make most metal and stone substance reduce to ineffective status) True form(Once heath hit 0 true form will be released 2.5 time stats)


Emotion:hope and love








magical defense:1200000(10)

Gernal Fire: I need a break. How in all of Gods did you do that.

Justin:Like this.

When he said that sky itself was dark as if it was night

Rose:(In a wisper)Sidenote do not get on his bad side ever

Justin:What was that?

Rose:Nothing my love