
The Summoner's Adventure!

Disclaimer: League of Legends are owned by their respective creators. Not me, lol.

Hide_on_Webnovel · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

'System Interface!'

[Command Acknowledged!]

A semi-transparent monitor appeared in front of Anthony. It displayed all his [Stats]. There were also the two remaining functions, [Loot] and [Store].

'System, what can you do?'

[The System's main function is to summon the souls of the Champions of Runethera and integrate them with the host. You will learn their abilities and skills once you integrate with them. You will also get the equipment needed to perform those abilities and skills.]

Holy Shitte! If that was really the case, then Anthony who has played League for 6 months knew just how powerful the Champions

[The System's Vision has been activated!]

'What is this System's Vision?'

[The host can now see the Statistics of every creature.]

'Oh, as expected of the Summoner System!' Anthony looked up and saw the green HP Bar and empty Mana Bar.

[Integrated Champions: 0]

Level: 1 (50/280)

HP: 100/100 (+100 per lvl)| Health Regen: 0.01 (plus 0.01 per lvl)

Mana: 0

Skill Points: 1(+1 per lvl)]

[ATTACK- Attack Damage: 30(+3 per lvl) | Attack Speed: 0.40| Critical Hit Chance: 0]

[DEFENSE- Armor: 10(+3 per lvl) | Magic Resist:10(+1 per lvl)]

[ABILITY- Ability Power: 0 | Cooldown Reduction: 0%]

[Others- Movement Speed: 100]

[SKILLS/ABILITIES- Skill Points: 1]

What the hell is these stats?! Am I really this weak?!

His stats were indeed as weak as shit. As someone who played League of Legends for half a year, his stats were not even close to 10 percent of a single Champion.

'System, does that mean I can also get stronger by training and not just Leveling Up and Killing monsters?'


'Haha, Cool! Now let's visit the [Store]!'




Anthony clicked on the Champions.

God Tier: 41,600 Blue Essence

S Tier: 20,800 Blue Essence

A Tier: 10,400 Blue Essence

B Tier: 5,200 Blue Essence

C Tier: 2,600 Blue Essence

D Tier: 1,800 Blue Essence

E Tier: 900 Blue Essence

'What is this?! So Expensive?! How exactly are they ranked?'

[They have been ranked Lorewise!]

Anthony tapped on the God Tier.



Aurelion Sol



Each of the costs 41,600 Blue Essence and right now, Anthony only had 1000. He could only curse in his heart and just tapped on E Tier.

Ezreal, Caitlyn, Vi, Jinx, Gragas, Jhin, Draven

Lucian, Annie, Twitch, Vayne, Graves, Twisted Fate, Gang Plank, Miss Fortune, Ekko, Shaco, Blitzcrank, Corki, Heimerdinger, Ziggs, Teemo, Singed, Jayce, Viktor, and Rumble.

"Well, fuck. Why are they so cheap here when they are actually expensive in the game? So they are actually weak in real life."

D Tier.

Kha'zix, Rengar, Nidalee, Tryndamere, Cassiopea, Elise, Katarina, Kayne, Quinn, Siver, Riven, Taliyah, Nunu and Willump, Skarner, Trundle, Xin Zhao, Camille, Alistar, Dr. Mundo, Kog'Maw, Gnar, Urgot, Orianna, Zac, Pyke, Sona, Warwick, and Zilean.

C Tier.

Swain, Darius, Irelia, Karma, LeBlanc, Shyvana, Jarvan IV, Poppy, Galio, Sion, Master Yi, Wukong, Zed, Shen, Yasuo, Akali, Kennen, Xayah, Rakan, Garen, Talon, Sylas, Lee Sin, Sejuani, Ashe, Olaf, Fiora, Udyr, Lux, Tristana, and Kled.

B Tier.

Vel'Koz, Kai'Sa, Illaoi, Yorick, Karthus, Thresh, Hecarim, Kalista, Neeko, Syndra, Veigar, Rek'Sai, Nami, Zyra, Fizz, Ahri, and Lulu.

Tier A.

Lissandra, Mordekaiser, Cho'Gath, Amumu, Maokai, Ivern, Janna, Nautilus, Braum, Malphite, Kassadin, and Malzahar.

Tier S.

Xerath, Aatrox, Azir, Jax, Kayle, Morgana, Leona, Diana, Ryze, Volibear, Anivia, Brand, Nasus, Taric, Pantheon, Vladimir, Renekton, and Varus.

'I can only afford to summon E Tiers right now. If there are really demons out there, then Vayne should be the best. She seems to be a hunter of the Dark. Unfortunately, she is a woman, then the next would be... Ezreal?

Anthony tapped on the image of Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer.



"Oh, there is actually lore?" Anthony read it.

A dashing adventurer, unknowingly gifted in the magical arts, Ezreal raids long-lost catacombs, tangles with ancient curses, and overcomes seemingly impossible odds with ease. His courage and bravado knowing no bounds, he prefers to improvise his way out of any situation, relying partially on his wits, but mostly on his mystical Shuriman gauntlet, which he uses to unleash devastating arcane blasts. One thing is for sure—whenever Ezreal is around, trouble isn't too far behind. Or ahead. Probably everywhere.

So Ezreal is basically a young man armed with Ne'Zuk's Gauntlet which he found when he raided the tomb of Ne'Zuk.

Anthony read the Lores of other E Tiered Champions, but he found that only Ezreal suited him.

Okay, Summon!

[Champion: Ezreal! Summoning Complete! Initiating Soul Integration!

Progress: 1%]

Suddenly, excruciating pain assaulted Anthony's head as he nearly screamed in pain. It was like he was hit with a hammer but the pain was internal.

Anthony began to sweat as foreign memories entered his brain. It was the memories and experience of Colt "Ezreal" Hallam. However, there were no memories other than his experience and knowledge about exploration and the use of Ne'Zuk's Gauntlet.

"Argh." Anthony writhed in pain and felt like banging his head on the wall.

[Progress: 50%!]

Anthony finally released a breath when he felt his headache subside. However, when the progress reached 51%, a pain suddenly wracked his body.

"Arrrgg! Fuckk!!"

He heard his bones cracks and tendons stretch as it readjusted to a completely new physique. Slowly, the bones popped here and there and slight distortion could be seen on his face and muscles.

"Arrkkk!" At this moment, he just wanted to faint and not experience the pain any longer.

After 10 minutes of him twisting and turning on the bed, the pain finally subsided. However, the well-made bed was ruined and was wet with sweat. Fortunately, his bladder was empty.

[Soul Integration Complete.]

[You have learned Mana.]

[You have learned Passive Skill: Rising Spell Force, Mystic Shot(Locked), Essence Flux(Locked), Arcane Shift(Locked), and Trueshot Barrage(Only Unlockable at level 6).]

[You have received Ezreal's weapon. You can unlock it in the [Loot].]

Anthony sat up. He panted hard with tired eyes.

At this moment, something changed in Anthony.

Although he was mentally tired, he could feel a newfound strength coursing through his body. It felt familiar yet not at the same time.

"So this is Mana? F*ck! Incredible!" Although he experienced pain that he would never want to go through again, it still got Anthony excited.

'System Interface!'

The 18 inches monitor appeared and the [Loot] now had a notification dot on the icon's upper right corner.

However, he noticed some changes in his [Stats].

[Integrated Champions: 0 -> 1]

Level: 1 (50/280)

HP: 100/100 -> 300/300 | HP Regen: 4(+0.06)

Mana: 0-> 375 | MP Regen: 8.5(+0.6)

Skill Points: 1]

[ATTACK- Attack Damage: 30->50 | Attack Speed: 0.40-> 0.60| Critical Strike: 0]

[DEFENSE- Armor: 10->20(+3.5) | Magic Resist: 10->20(+0.5)]

[AGILITY- Movement Speed: 100->300]

[ABILITY- Ability Power: 0 | Cooldown Reduction: 0%]

[Skills/Spells: Rising Spell Force, Mystic Shot(Locked), Essence Flux(Locked), Arcane Shift(Locked), Trueshot Barrage(Only Unlockable at Level 6)]

Anthony tapped on the Mystic Shot Icon.

[Use 1 Skill Point to Unlock?]


[Mystic Shot(Level 1) - Cost: 28 Mana | Cooldown: 5.5 sec. Fire a bolt of energy in a line, dealing 20 physical damage(+120% attack damage)(+15% ability power) physical damage and applies on-hit effects. If it strikes an enemy unit, all cooldowns will be reduced by 1.5 sec.

Anthony finally tapped on the [Loot] and there were the 100 Gold Coins that he stored earlier, the Silver Token, given to him by the Silver Knights, and his new Hextech Chest and a Key.

Bellow his belongings were the Items that he got from opening the chest earlier.

He tapped on the Hextech Chest.



Ne'Zuk's Gauntlet!

Equip Ne'Zuk's Gauntlet and Trinity Force!

Instantly, a gleaming bronze gauntlet, with a crystalline matrix at its center was magically put on his left hand. Anthony could feel a mysterious connection between him and the Gauntlet, calling for his mana to release its power.

The gauntlet fitted perfectly in his hand like it was solely designed for him.

It wasn't just that, Anthony also felt a sudden increase in power.


+25 attack damage

+40% attack speed

+20% cooldown reduction

+250 health

+5% movement speed

+250 mana


UNIQUE – RAGE: Basic attacks (on-hit) grant +20 flat movement speed for 2 seconds. Killing a unit grants +60 flat movement speed instead. Bonus movement speed is halved on ranged champions.

UNIQUE – SPELLBLADE: After using an ability, your next basic attack within 10 seconds deals 200% base AD bonus physical damage on-hit (1.5-second cooldown).

Again his [Stats] changed. When he looked at his stats, there was now a new stat.

[Equipped Items: Trinity Force.]

Anthony had the urge to fire a Mystic Shot, but he did not dare as he could destroy the house. Anthony returned to the Gauntlet back to his [Loot], fixed himself, and went down.

Because of his ten minutes ordeal earlier, he felt quite tired and hungry.

"Aunty, I would like to order your best food!" Anthony ordered after looking at the menu.

'Holy sheet! To think they would actually be strong! Just who is this couple?!' exclaimed Anthony in his head. He was shocked and could not help but stare at the HP Bar of Brock and his wife.


Level: 72

HP: 24,973/24,973

MP: 788/788


Level: 67

HP: 5,678/5,678

MP: 11,768/11,768

Although the System's Vision only showed the basic stats, even retards would know that this ordinary-looking couple is powerful! If it wasn't for the other two customers eating, he would have thought the system was having a malfunction.


Level: 9

HP: 1689/1689

MP: 100/100



HP: 1326/1326

MP: 234/234

"Here you go, young man." Aunt Lisa served the dish. Anthony could smell the fragrance as the beautifully plated food reached his table.

"The Blue Rock Inn Special! Have a taste!" Aunt Lisa declared proudly.

"Thanks for the food!"

Spoon after spoon, and fork after fork, Anthony blissfully finished his meal.

"Ah! That was so good!" Somehow, it reminded him of his mother's cooking and he finally remembered that he was not home anymore.

"Boss, I am kinda new in the Capital, do you know where I can buy a map?" Anthony asked. As of now, he did not really know anything about this world. So he would have to go somewhere like a Library, to read about this world. After he cannot possibly just go out and kill some creeps to level up, right?

"Oh, I was wondering why I have never seen you before! I have never seen clothes like yours, its design is quite unique! If you're looking for a map, I have one here! Of course, you will have to pay! Hahaha!" Brock laughed and took out a wide piece of parchment from behind the counter. "80 Silver Coins and you can take it! Don't haggle with the price, this is the most detailed map you would ever find in the Capital!"

"What?! So expensive?!" Anthony was shocked. 80 Silver Coins! That was enough money to feed him for months!

"What? You can't afford it? And here I thought I finally got a rich customer! Chee!" Brock pretended to grumble while pretending to put back the map.

"Okay! Okay! Give it to me!" 'Fucking old man!'

Brock grinned. Anthony grinned, however, he wanted to raise his middle finger and screw the old man.

"Here, deduct my rent and meal, please." Anthony tapped a Gold Coin on the counter.

Although Brock did not even blink, the two having a meal on the farthest table raised their eyebrows and eyed Anthony.

Just then, a loud scream followed by a loud neigh echoed, startling everyone in the inn.

'Holy! I forgot about Tempest!' Anthony dashed to the exit to find a shocking scene!

The tiers are from Tiermaker.

If you are interested in reading the Lore, please search it up on the internet.

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