
The Summoner’s Legacy

nokiaeee · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 000: Prologue

In the beginning, there was nothing but darkness and chaos. But out of the void, a powerful force emerged - summoning magic.

Summoning magic was a gift from the gods, a power that allowed humans to call forth creatures from other dimensions to do their bidding. With summoning magic, humans could control the elements, summon powerful beasts, and even bend the laws of time and space.

But as with any great power, summoning magic came with a price. Those who wielded it were often hunted and feared, and the magic itself was shrouded in mystery and danger.

Despite the risks, there were always those who sought to harness the power of summoning magic. These brave souls were known as summoners, and they dedicated their lives to unlocking the secrets of the summoning world.

Over time, the art of summoning magic evolved and grew more complex. New incantations were discovered, new creatures were summoned, and new dimensions were explored.

But with this growth came new dangers. Some summoners became greedy and sought to control the creatures they summoned for their own gain. Others delved too deeply into the magic and were consumed by its power.

And so, summoning magic became a double-edged sword - a powerful tool that could be used for good or evil, depending on the wielder.

But despite the risks, there were always those who were willing to take up the mantle of summoner, to explore the mysteries of the summoning world and unlock the true potential of summoning magic.

This is the story of one such summoner - Joon Seo - and the legacy he would create. Through his journey, we will discover the true power of summoning magic, the dangers that come with it, and the sacrifices that must be made to wield it.