
The Summer of My First Love

“What about you? Do you like someone?” he mimicked my question. “Hey, I asked first!” I protested. “You first,” he said. No, you go first!” I countered. “Ladies first,” he continued. I pinched his arm and gave him a sharp look. He held up his hand and moved to face me. We laughed. “You,” he said. “No, you go first!’ I said almost shouting. “You,” he repeated. “Nina, I like you.” Sparks flew when a 17-year-old New Yorker Justine met a 15-year-old farm girl Nina on a hot summer day. What followed was a summer of delicious firsts: first love, first kiss, first sip of alcohol, and the inevitable first heartbreak. A summer filled with all the beautiful moments we’ve dreamed of—watching sunsets, dancing in the rain, counting stars, and playing games all night. It was a summer of forging friendships and building bonds that were unbreakable. Then something happened and it was not summer anymore. And we grew up.

Nam_namaxX · Urban
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32 Chs

Summer Coven

Sooner than we had expected, the novelty of two teen-agers being girlfriend/boyfriend wore off on the people around us. They pretty much left us on our own except for some adults who were unofficially assigned to look out for us. I felt as though there was always someone checking in on us but in a non-obtrusive way. I appreciated that very much and was really thankful that I had the luck of growing up with such a loving environment.

But being teen-agers, we liked to test the limit of the adults' magnanimity. We often stole kisses when we thought no one was looking. We lingered on corridors and at the mansion's garden to hug and kiss. We held hands under the table. We often napped in our headquarters lying side by side. Alexis would playfully lie between us. Justine tolerated him better now. But I still caught his face with flashes of darkness when Alexis does what he does. I was proud of how my boyfriend was handling himself. I would often pat his back and tell him: "Thank you for being such a sport. For being such a grown up!"

I was doing my part too. I was conscious not to encourage Alexis' physical sweetness towards me. I always tell myself that I have a boyfriend now so I must behave accordingly. Though I must admit I really didn't know how to because it was my first time to have one. But I thought like Justine, I was doing well too!

We lazily lounged in our headquarters which Karlo proceeded to name after him. It was now called Karlo's Coven. He nominated and appointed himself as our gang's leader. Justine and I were so in-loved to protest. Melody I suspected was too smitten to Karlo to say no. Alexis was game with it and the rest of the gang happily agreed. So we became Karlo's Coven. We had fun designing our logo and coat of arms. Karlo even managed to have someone carve our logo to a piece of wood. The wood craft hangs proudly in our headquarters' door.

We are eight in the coven. Karlo Villanueva was the self appointed leader. He was like a brother to me. We grew up together on the farm. I'd trust Karlo with my life. Melody Jimeno was my best friend since grade school. She was the only one in our gang who lived in the main town. Her parents became friends with our parents too so they let her stay with us from time to time. Victor Collado was the son of the motor pool supervisor. Like her father, he was very good at fixing machines. He was our handyman. Via dela Cruz was Auntie Anita's granddaughter while Marion Tolentino was Auntie Aida's daughter. Both of these girls spent their summer vacation at the White House. Grandpa Anton often said that us three girls bring the sunshine to the mansion. He let us run around the house. He bought us toys and placed candies and cookies all over the house. The White House was our wonderland. We kind of adopted Karlo and Victor who would often tag along with their fathers for some meetings in the mansion so they were left to our care. Then came the two New Yorkers - Justine and Alexis.

We were having a blast playing pictionary when there was a commotion in the mansion. We heard several vehicles parked. A number of people entered the house. I heard my father's voice instructing the household staff to get the dining room ready for lunch. The gang came out of our coven to check what was happening.

I saw familiar faces. They were officers of BioFeeds, the farm's biggest feed supplier. Once in a while the officers of the farm's partner companies do field visits and Grandpa Anton prepares a feast for them in the White House. There was someone from the group that was openly staring at us. 'Or is he staring at me? He looked somewhat familiar.'

Granda Anton motioned us to go near him. He introduced the company officers to his grandsons and us. One of the endearing qualities of Grandpa Anton was his being very inclusive. He did not look down on young people. He always had a way of making us feel important.

The CEO of the company, Mr. Frederick Huang, introduced a young man. He turned out to be his son Gary. Grandpa Anton requested us to let Gary join us. It was a luncheon meeting after all. So we let the adults be themselves. We trooped to the kitchen to have our own lunch. Karlo escorted Gary. Alexis also attended to our guest young man.

The food in the kitchen was served buffet style so we lined up to get our lunch. Justine excused himself and said he'd check our headquarters. Justine was like our safety officer. He always checked our hang-out for gadgets that needed to be turned-off or trash that needed to be thrown out. Also when we go out in the outdoors, he always checks if we brought a first-aid kit, if we had extra battery packs for cell phones, if we had umbrellas or raincoats. He said he learned it from me.

I got 2 plates to get food for Justine and I. I saw Gary walking towards me.

"Hi Eva." Gary greeted me. I was so surprised to be called by my other name. My full name is Evanina. I am called Nina by my family and friends. Eva was what they called me in school. I didn't remember ever meeting Gary there. My confusion was maybe written in my face because he added: "We've met in the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) two years ago"

"Ah, yes! I remember now. We were partners in one of the workshops. I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you. You wore braces then, right?" I said, remembering.

"Yeah, you can say that again. Did I look that terrible?" He asked.

"No. I didn't mean it that way." I said defending myself.

Gary laughed. "I know what you mean. It was so nice to see you again."

I filled up the two plates and was balancing them in my hands looking for a place to sit.

"Do you need help?" Gary asked. I shook my head. "Can you eat all that?" he asked. I didn't know if he was teasing me or just genuinely curious.

"What if I can? Is that a problem?" I said defensively.

"Of course not!" He said, Then in a low voice, he added, "I like girls who love to eat."

'Whoa, is he flirting with me?' For a second, I didn't know how to react. "These are actually for me and…"

"Her boyfriend." Justine filled in. I didn't notice he got back. He took the plates from me and went to sit down with Karlo's Coven. There was a moment of tension in the air. 'Or did I just imagine it?'

Justine pulled out a chair for me. As soon as I sat down, he kissed me on my forehead and said, "Thanks, baby."

I smiled at him sweetly. Alexis made face and the rest of the gang rolled their eyes.