
The Summer of My First Love

“What about you? Do you like someone?” he mimicked my question. “Hey, I asked first!” I protested. “You first,” he said. No, you go first!” I countered. “Ladies first,” he continued. I pinched his arm and gave him a sharp look. He held up his hand and moved to face me. We laughed. “You,” he said. “No, you go first!’ I said almost shouting. “You,” he repeated. “Nina, I like you.” Sparks flew when a 17-year-old New Yorker Justine met a 15-year-old farm girl Nina on a hot summer day. What followed was a summer of delicious firsts: first love, first kiss, first sip of alcohol, and the inevitable first heartbreak. A summer filled with all the beautiful moments we’ve dreamed of—watching sunsets, dancing in the rain, counting stars, and playing games all night. It was a summer of forging friendships and building bonds that were unbreakable. Then something happened and it was not summer anymore. And we grew up.

Nam_namaxX · Urban
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32 Chs

Helen's Summer

The woman was Maria Helena Rodriquez, daughter and only surviving child of Grandpa Anton, sister of Alexis and Justine's recently deceased father. She got worried when she couldn't contact her family after the devastating earthquake. She booked the first available flight. She was on her connecting airport when she was finally able to contact Grandpa Anton. She decided to go on with the trip because she figured it was time for her to visit after many years of living abroad.

She told Alexis and I over breakfast that she used to live on the farm until her teenage years when she and her brother were shipped to New York to study and live. She said the White House was where their old house stood. She missed their old house she said but she helped design the White House.

"I haven't thought of this but now that you mentioned it, why did Grandpa shipped you to New York? What did you and Dad do?" Alexis asked.

Aunt Helen (she asked me to call her that) looked at Granda. He nodded to her.

"Your Dad was kidnapped when he was your age." Grandpa Anton said, pain creeping to his face. The memory it seemed still hurt him. "Your Grandma and I decided that the best way to protect your Dad and your Aunt was to make them live far away from us. It was the most difficult decision we have had to make but at that time it was what was best for all of us."

Alexis and I were quite shocked by this revelation.

"I've strengthened my personal and business security since then but I didn't have the heart to relocate you again. By that time, New York is already your home." Grandpa added.

"Awww, Grandpa. It must be hard on you." Alexis said. Aunt Helen went to Grandpa Anton and hugged him.

"It wasn't that hard really. I get to visit you once in while. It only got hard when your Grandmomma passed away. I missed her so bad when I visited you. She adored you and Justine so much." Grandpa added.

"Awwww, Grandpa… I'd like to say I can move here but you know It wouldn't be the truth. I still want to live and study in New York. Is that okay?" Alexis asked.

"Of course, Alex. New York is your home. It didn't occur to me to ask you to live here. I will support you wherever you're happy." Grandpa said. It was Alexis's turn to hug Grandpa. "But please do visit me more regularly, okay. I'm getting old and I don't enjoy travelling as much as I did before." He added.

"I promise to come home every year Grandpa. I'm loving it here too. I've got some friends now and a princess too." Alexis said, teasing me. I made face to him. He laughed.

"So Nina is your princess, huh?" Aunt Helen said. For some reason, I blushed.

"Yes, but she's Justine's girlfriend. And he's jealous because I claimed her as my princess first and he can't move on." Alexis said.

"Alexis!" I reprimanded him. I couldn't believe he was bad mouthing Justine.

Grandpa and Aunt Helen laughed. It was evident they were used to Alexis' whining. We continued to eat our breakfast. Alexis animatedly updated his aunt of what he and his brother had been doing in the farm so far. He also narrated the scary episode in the earthquake where he got separated from us. He showed him pictures of Justine in the evacuation area. I didn't even know that Justine was sending pictures of him to his brother. 'That was sweet of him,' I thought. I caught Aunt Helen eyeing me.

I excused myself from the Rodriquezes. I also asked Auntie Anita's permission for me to check on our house. She told me to be back before dusk. I borrowed Justine's ATV and drove home.

I felt melancholic at home. It was not because I missed my father. I was used to him being away on extension works. It was Aunt Helen who made me feel this way. I suddenly missed my mother. I was feeling a certain sadness wondering how it would feel to have one. Aunt Helen did not strike me as motherly but she exuded a certain aura that I can't pinpoint. She also made me feel nervous. Like I wanted to impress her. I dismissed these thoughts in my head. I busied myself cleaning our house so I could go back ASAP and not worry Auntie Anita.

I found Aunt Helen dressed in sportswear in the living room. She looked like she stepped out of a fashion magazine. Her glorious hair was on a pony tail. She was wearing a barely there make-up. Her face was radiant. Not a trace of jet lag. She carried her lithe figure confidently. I found myself saying in my head, 'I want to be like her when I grow up.' I smiled to myself. I found her smiling back at me. I blushed that she caught me staring at her. She appraised me from head to foot. I felt uncomfortable and nervous but I tried to keep my cool.

"Would you care to accompany me for a hike, Nina? I want to shake off this jet lag." She requested.

"I'll just get my bag, Aunt." I said, avoiding her eyes.

I hurried to fill my small backpack with the provisions we might need and an emergency kit. After the earthquake, you can't make me go far without it.

We set out to hike. On our way, I was surprised at how much she remembered about the farm. She would ask certain people and inquire how they were doing. I gathered from what she told me that she grew up with my father. She told me I was the spitting image of my mother so I concluded that she knew my mom too. I couldn't remember her though.

"Ah, you were two years old when I last saw you. 13 years!!! I didn't know I was away that long. Hmnnn. I really miss the farm. You know I got a scolding from Aunt Anita? I even miss that old woman's sermon" She laughed.

I laughed with her. I could imagine Auntie Anita's face while she scolded Aunt Helen. I was impressed how the Rodriquezes really regarded Auntie Anita as a family and not as an employee.

"You are family too, Nina. You and your father." I was creeped out by how she, like her nephew Justine, could read my mind. 'Does it run in the family?' I wondered.

We talked more about the common people we know on the farm. She asked me about my father. I told her what my father was mostly busy with: work, of course. She said that my father had not changed at all. He was still a workaholic, she said. But she also said how thankful she was that my father was the manager of the farm. According to her, this afforded Grandpa precious vacations to be with them in New York.

"Don't you resent the farm, Nina? Like it is maybe taking your time with your father?" she asked.

"Hmnnn... The farm people are my family. So I don't really feel abandoned when my father is away. Auntie Anita and the rest of the household staff take care of me. Plus I am Grandpa's favorite." I felt embarrassed by the last line. I thought I was overstepping my relationship with the head of the clan.

Aunt Helen laughed. "You are as adorable as they say you are. No wonder Justine got smitten by you. It runs in the family, I guess."

I looked at her confused. 'What do you mean?' This question must be written all over my face because she again laughed merrily. "Oh, your father was my first love." she nonchalantly declared. My jaw dropped.

Hello. Thank you for sticking with the story this far. May I request for some love by adding the story in your library and sparing it some of your power stones.

Like you, I am as excited on how the story will unfold.

Keep safe, my dear readers. And please hug a love one today. Say I love you and thank you more often.

I heart you.

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