
The Summer of My First Love

“What about you? Do you like someone?” he mimicked my question. “Hey, I asked first!” I protested. “You first,” he said. No, you go first!” I countered. “Ladies first,” he continued. I pinched his arm and gave him a sharp look. He held up his hand and moved to face me. We laughed. “You,” he said. “No, you go first!’ I said almost shouting. “You,” he repeated. “Nina, I like you.” Sparks flew when a 17-year-old New Yorker Justine met a 15-year-old farm girl Nina on a hot summer day. What followed was a summer of delicious firsts: first love, first kiss, first sip of alcohol, and the inevitable first heartbreak. A summer filled with all the beautiful moments we’ve dreamed of—watching sunsets, dancing in the rain, counting stars, and playing games all night. It was a summer of forging friendships and building bonds that were unbreakable. Then something happened and it was not summer anymore. And we grew up.

Nam_namaxX · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter 32

Summer Rain Makes Me Feel Fine

There were more instances where Justine and I tested the limits of how far we could go without crossing the line. We surrendered to the whims of young love as Grandpa so mischievously described it. One time I caught Justine wearing just a pair of blue tattered jeans. He was blow drying his hair in front of a big mirror. I took a stool and made him sit on it. I took over drying his hair. I deliberately brushed my body against his back ever so lightly. I combed his hair with my fingers, slowly tugging at some strands occasionally. From behind, I caressed his neck and massaged his shoulders. I ran my fingers from his chest down to his navel. He caught my hand and kissed my palm tenderly while he looked at me in the mirror intently. Our eyes locked. He licked his lips seductively and bit his lower lip. I groaned.

"Break, porn stars!" Melody barged in.

"Hey, don't you know how to knock???" Justine said, irritated.

"Hey no closed-door policy, remember? Auntie Anita!!!" Melody shouted. I went to her and covered her mouth before she attracted the real boss of the household. "Come to the HQ, we'll have a meeting." She commanded. I tossed a shirt to Justine. He put it on still irritated. I took his hand and gently pulled him to get out of the room.

"You go ahead." He said. I looked at him, puzzled. He pointed to a bulge in his groin. I put my hands in my mouth. I hit him on his shoulder several times while I laughed.

"You're unbelievable!" I said. It was not the first time it happened, but I was still scandalized each time. Justine tried to catch my hands, but I dashed out of the room.

I was still laughing when I entered Karlo's Coven. The gang was already there, and they shushed me with their dagger looks. Melody and Alexis were leading the meeting. They managed to get a white board and they scribbled assignments and persons responsible. I was in-charged of physical arrangement and decoration. Justine came in as my task was announced so I picked him to be in my committee.

"Roll your eyes all you want but he's mine!" I declared. Justine obediently went to my side. The boys snickered at him. He just shrugged his shoulders. 'Good boy!'

It was previously agreed in many discussions that the theme would be a barn party. The challenge was to keep the expense to a bare minimum. We do not want to burden Grandpa Anton with the cost of the party. He had done enough for us this summer. This would be our treat to the two boys. Alexis volunteered to shoulder the expense, but we declined his generous offer. That did not stop him from buying some stuffs anyway. He turned over to me the things he bought from the city when he tagged along to bring Aunt Helen to the airport weeks ago. We drafted the program next. We all agreed that the formalities should not be longer than one hour so we would have more time to party. We deliberated on who would be given a chance to talk, who would be given special numbers. The boys wanted a slot for a presentation. Not to be outdone, the girls said that they would prepare something too. We came out with a good program and were proud of ourselves when Melody printed a copy. It made my heart sank though. It made the departure of Justine and Alexis more real. Five more days…

I brushed these sad thoughts in my mind. I grabbed a pen and some papers and started to do a list on what to prepare and where to source out the needed material. Justine created an album in his iPad and downloaded all the images he could find as our pegs. We chose styles that are adaptable to the resources that we had. From time to time we would show the gang our choices and they would offer suggestions on where to source materials or possible alternatives. But a certain sadness kept knocking in my head and in my heart. It was suffocating me. I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I collected myself by washing my face. I took several deep breathes. I told myself that I had expected this, that I was preparing for this moment. ��Ajaja! Fighting Nina!'

When I went back to the headquarters, everybody was unusually quiet. Justine took my hand as I sat down beside him on the floor. All eyes were with Victor.

"As I was saying Nina, I'd like to say something because I don't think I can say it in our party." He began. "Justine and Alexis, I wished you had come in a better circumstance and not because you lost your parents." He made a deep sigh and paused. "But they say everything happens for a reason. I hope that by being with us you were at least comforted, and your sadness lessened a bit. Thank you for being such good friends despite you being Don Anton's grandsons. I mean I would have understood if you were a bit arrogant, but you were not. Well, most of the times not!" He added lengthily. We all laughed.

"Hey, make up your mind! Are we or are we not?" Alexis demanded.

"Okay! You're my kind of arrogant." Victor conceded. Alexis was pleased. Victor continued, "Really, thank you so much. You added a different flavor to our summer vacation!"

"The rich summer kind!" Seconded Karlo. Justine laughed. He knew Karlo was just teasing. Although there was a ring of truth in it and the gang acknowledged it silently.

Victor suddenly went up to Justine and hugged him saying, "I'll miss you, bro." He also went to Alexis and did the same. They hugged for a long time. Melody, Karlo, Marion and Via joined in the group hug. Justine just looked on. The air was heavy in the room. The hug was broken when they were distracted by the heavy rain that suddenly poured, beating on the windows.

"Who wants hot chocolate?" I asked cheerily. All said they want one.

I hurried to the kitchen. I had not reached it yet when tears just fell from my eyes. I could not make them stop. A sob was also starting to surface. I did not want the gang to see me like this. I ran in the rain. I looked back when I was a safe distance from the mansion. Justine stood by the window of our headquarters looking at me. His face was full of longing. I could tell he was breathing heavily. The others must have become curious of what he was looking at and crowded the window. I could see the delight in their faces and raced out of the room. My guess was to join me. They were soon rushing out of the house, laughing. Except for Justine. He just stood there by the window looking at me. I held his gaze back and let the rain washed away my tears.

Don't you wish that summer vacation can just go on forever? You do when you are in-love. Here's to remembering those delicious summer memories --- of eating mangoes and watermelons, halo-halo, popcilcles and ice cream. Of swimming until your skin burn crisps, of stolen kisses and embraces. Of movie nights and game nights. Here's to our forever summer memories

{The pandemic practically cancelled our summer plans but I hope you managed to still create lasting memories while quarantined in your homes. Keep safe and healthy please.

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I purple you all (I borrowed this from my ARMY nieces)!}

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